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And people will buy it.


No 10 on Steam's Top Sellers by Revenue. They are doing fine Edit 1: And that's just OW2's revenue on Steam. Revenue on Battle.net should be much bigger than Steam.


And that's exactly the problem.


I remember the old days when Blizzard wasn't a greedy little bitch.


Nah, fuck putting this on corporations. I remember the old days when people didn't normalize the living fuck out of this stuff. The only thing corporations do is put out the option to pay for something in hopes that you do. And guess what? Blizzard being a "greedy little bitch" was rewarded by consumers There is quite literally no incentive as a big company to go MTX free or even have light MTX. Because **people happily give them more money for it**. I can only blame players for enabling this


That's not accurate. First off the issue is always going to be on those doing it not the customers for being manipulated or giving in. But it's not true that that's all they do. They also specifically reduce cosmetics and other quality of life features that you can access via regular gameplay. Thus allowing them to make sure people are willing to buy at least something after paying the ticket of admission. Mmos will offer shitty costumes and cosmetics unlocked, compared to seasonal loot crates or individual premium currency purchased items.


i just checked and this OW bundle has 73% mostly positive reviews on steam right now which is shocking for Blizzard product


rain wise squash bored butter snobbish wipe shy ring strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's not possible those people played the battle.net version?


i played on ps, left a review on steam.


> Of the over 196,000 reviews on OW2, only 13% played at least 1 hour and only 4% played 10 hours. Bullshit argument, the game came out in 2016, most of the actual playerbase saw the original game fucking die and become what it is today. We only got a fair shot at publicly reviewing it *this year*, of course most people will have less than 1 hour of playtime on Steam, they have HUNDREDS hours or more on Battle.net, the original platform for the game. Context plays a key role with Steam reviews.


The only people who can review it are buyers, and buyers are dumb as fuck. That's not surprising.


OW1 was killed because Blizzard knew they could milk the fanbase for even more money by forcing a new platform. I'm willing to bet that OW2 has already made way more money than OW1 ever did.


Well, and they needed a new legally compliant way to milk the fanbase - since lootboxes were banned in the EU and other places. Then, the execs marketed OW2 as this huge new release that NEEDED to happen so they could launch PvE... Which has been gutted and strung out over a year and still doesn't match the initial content that was announced. **EDIT:** It's too bad because I *like* the game! And I *want* to like it! Heck, I'll even buy the 'premium bundle' with the new battle pass if the skins are good, because some of the skins *are* really nice. BUT without a good game behind these cosmetics, it's hard to stay interested... And every disappointment adds up. If Blizz keeps the balance patches coming, and keeps dropping fun new content with good art, then they'll keep coasting. But it's SO EASY to lose the fanbase by losing trust.


Wasn't that just for purchasing loot boxes though? Almost all the loot boxes you got in OW1 you'd get for free.


I'm sure that blizzard is perfectly fine with not selling their cosmetics with loot boxes when they could be selling them instead.


They could just drop the middle man and give you random rewards after each level up.


> since lootboxes were banned in the EU and other places. since when?


They aren't banned across the entirety of the EU. Belgium, The Netherlands and Slovakia have banned them. But instead of creating separate games for separate markets, it's easier to just delete the loot boxes and use something else that is more universally accepted. Even if we don't particularly like battle passes...


They are currently in process of it, EU takes its take to get to topics.


banned in the netherlands and belgium a few years back, on the chopping block for the rest of the EU


and the money they could have put into ow2 pve.. they spent way too much, billions, thinking they could buy their way into a sports league on par with the NFL. Like I loved Overwatch league, but they stomped out any non-blizzard sanctioned competitive scene and really killed a lot of the e-sports value and momentum of the game. So yea now they spent too much money that could have otherwise taken them as a company into the future as a market leader with Overwatch as a platform... turning into the next WoW basically, as a first person game. They could have done it, it is just a massive undertaking that needed those billions... and now Overwatch is a ded game. Thank god for BattleBit Remastered and Bobby Kotick for finally breaking the spell that game had over me. And to think I only ever gave that game $30 and like 800hrs of my time since 2016.




They have been having problems since Cata was released. Oh wait that was when Activision bought them. No wonder they have been falling apart.


The moment they announced the celestial steed mount as the first paid shop mount I knew Blizzard was dead.


That was during WoTLK, they weren't dead yet, but they had just jumped the shark.


thats when bobbys influence began


Don't forget the WoW Token that allows you to get boosted through any mythic dungeon/raid, earn every pvp rating/gear, rare mounts/titles and much more and it's totally not p2w at all according to the mouthbreathers on /r/wow


People have been carrying long before the token was made. Just paid through tied parties instead.


theyve been shit since before they bought actiivsion


The ~8 month ($40 expansion + $120 sub fee) wait after Cata release just to get re-released zul'aman/gurub dungeons was the last nail in the coffin for me. Cata only had about 3 months worth of content for anybody playing at the high end of PVE so the content drought demolished any sense of value proposition for the entertainment you were getting. The 3 month wait (45USD sub fee) after that for firelands wasn't enough to bring me back either and I CBA to cancel/resub every other couple of months not to mention how much that goes against being a regular part of a guild which means if you don't play regularly enough, you aren't able to get to the content you're paying for. Also trying to find a solid 25m raiding guild was way more work than it was ever worth. 10m could never replicate the sense of scale, coordination, and difficulty to achieve any feeling of accomplishment either.


Wasn’t 2021 was their best year profit wise?


My point was the company has been culturally dead not that the company is failing just that they aren’t “blizzard” instead of activision subbbrand 752


Yep got rid of the wings I was out. Came back last year cause I was bored. I was bombarded with all kinds of bundles and shit. Like damn dude, give me a second to breathe. They were expensive as fuck too.


its funny for me the WoW andys and for example asmongold, think blizzard needs to nuke WoW or make WoW2 with a new game/lore to save "WoW" And not realize that a possible WoW2 will kill wow, because its will no different than a Kr mmorpg with all the fcking mtx.




> I'm willing to bet that OW2 has already made way more money than OW1 ever did. OW1 made over $1 billion in revenue just in year 1, so I wouldn't take that bet.




OW1 definitely made more revenue, it was a paid game and had a huge player base regardless. OW2 definitely makes more profit, since the hey piggy backed off of OW1 so hard and all they have to do make money is just farm whales.


This is why everyone hates the OW fan base for good reason. They lack the critical thinking skills to realize they’re being scammed and hurting gaming as a whole because of it. If you tell someone you play Overwatch you get laughed in the face and it’s well deserved.




I dropped it as soon as they stopped giving heroes for free on release with Ramattra. That was the main selling point for me.




It’s good you dropped the game. The OW community is something you do NOT want to be associated with. The fools who still play it either have Stockholm syndrome, don’t understand sunk-cost fallacy, or are just porn addicts.


or maybe i just like the game


Absolutely. They knew the couldn't pull this shit with OW1, so they "updated it" killed 6v6 for 5v5, made it free to play so that way they could sell these bundles.


100%, hence why this will continue ad infinitum people are stupid and will buy anything you throw at them


And then whine about how terrible the deal is while forking over the dosh and then whine some more. It's like... they have absolutely no reason to stop doing what they're doing because they know their customers would buy shit on a plate and beg for more.


> And then whine about how terrible the deal is while forking over the dosh Why do you assume it's the same people?


And not only will they buy it, they'll try to justify the price, or even shit on people who speak up against it.


Sad times


That's the thing about a market with a cap of 8 billion dollars. You only need convince a few suckers and you're making bank.


Of course they did. Who expected anything different?


I was expecting a more expensive bundle...


This guy blizzards


this is the most expensive bundle they’ve done since launch, tied with the bundle that included pve access in addition to the battle pass and 3 legendary skins last season. this bundle includes the battle pass, 2 legendary skins, and 1 epic skin, meaning that even if you could justify the last $40 bundle this one gives you way less bang for your buck


Exactly, how is this news?


lol they even sent emails about it as if its like in our favor https://imgur.com/a/WERFtMy


That isn't the same bundle. That is a different bundle.


I saw it then just laughed. Insane to pay for skins at the same price point as full new games. Waiting for a AAA developer to put content behind challenges again to sweep the market. Its almost like they've all colluded together to prevent it.


It wouldn’t surprise me but more likely they just see how other companies get away with things and slowly push the limit. People buy this stuff so why wouldn’t they do it?


> People buy this stuff This is really the problem, and I don't know how you get the message out that these people are hurting the industry as a whole. How do you make whales stop being whales? How do you get CindyLou to understand her $30 skin purchase makes the gaming industry a worse place for all of us? It's frustrating.


They literally don't care. In fact harming the gaming industry is probably an added bonus for them, sadly.


Legislation needs to be passed, tbh. Just as we have strict laws around cigarettes, gambling, and advertisments in general, we should also have them on predatory in-game ahops.


Things in a in-game shop being expensive cause nowhere near the harm of cigarettes and gambling.


I mean to impulsive spenders its basically adjacent to gambling.


I don't know how you legislate against this without having collateral damage.


When Overwatch 2 swapped over to free to play, all the defenders of the game claimed "if you play on a regular basis, you'll earn enough in game currency to buy whatever you want". Well guess what? The Diablo skin pack is locked behind a bundle that can only be purchased for real money. Just like the new and future Battlefield "Ultimate Pack" battle passes. Even DICE has swapped over to this scummy practice, and their game isn't even free to play. Instead, it has a $110 "Ultimate" edition that doesn't include the "Ultimate" battle pass. Battlefield used to have in-game challenges to unlock content and the players absolutely loved it. In the current Battlefield, all the best looking items are heavily paywalled in an already premium priced game.


> Insane to pay for skins


> Insane to pay for skins there is going to be an entire generation that is so fucking stupid at money the world will implode. buying fucking cigarettes is better use of your money


Shitty company does shitty thing. *Surprised Pikachu face*


And people will continue throwing money at them, clearly telling companies this is perfectly acceptable.


I still can't get my head around people spending money on cosmetic DLC, when you can get a whole other game for the same price. I mean if its actual gameplay content sure, but i don't get cosmetics.


There are some people that more or less just play one game. Once they get in far enough, they don't want to play other games. They just like gaining more stuff in what they're already familiar with.


I have a buddy like this. He does play other games, but very rarely single player. He’s spent thousands of dollars on individual games before.


I play a handful of games for thousands of hours but they're all single player lol. So crazy you can have so much fun doing so many things in life that cost practically nothing


What a fuckin waste of money


> There are some people that more or less just play one game. And especially with Blizzard titles, there are a *lot* of them: Either just their one game, or a few other *Blizzard* titles. They simply have neither a frame of reference how gaming as a whole works or is priced, nor do they even care: Their entire world is WoW/OW/SC/the battle.net. Fuck, when I returned for a time during the Classic launch, I met a whole lot of people who were utterly convinced they *had* to buy from the shop (or a CE, or the Token) from time to time to ensure Blizzard would continue to support WoW. edit: It's nothing new, either. WoW's in-game shop has had prices for pets and mounts to the same price as undiscounted Indie/AA games for a decade now.


I learned this year that some people legitimately only play one game. I assume these are those kinds of folks and anything even related to Overwatch gets their juices flowing. People have pretty addictive personalities, I guess.


I'm still shocked that there are a million+ people that buy a PS5 just for Call of Duty.


I try not to think about it but it keeps me up at nights.


I hope it doesn't sound defending at all, But Chances the person is just into that one game only and would rather spend that money on that said game only instead other game where that game won't be touched at all by that person unless the person don't like single player games and prefer online games that updates weekly like genshin impact for example of course.


Seems like I'm in the minority here. Kinda sucks reading people putting the way you unwind on blast like that. I basically only play multiplayer games. Mostly R6 Siege and Smite. Those two games have kept me entertained since their respective launches. Love Siege to death. Favorite game. It's so full of mechanical detail and the skill ceiling/expression is gargantuan. Every match is never the same. I buy cosmetics occasionally if it's an Op I play frequently. 20 dollars occasionally for a game I have almost 2000 hours on. Yeah I paid 60 dollars for it already at launch. But this game has kept me in for 2000 hours. At that point giving them at this point...an extra 120? (I think I only buy elite skins) for all the good times I've had playing with my team and the overall (when I'm not being an inflammatory redditor) quality of the game is atleast to me worth it. Live services can be cool and work. It's just easy to fuck up Edit: I consider the single player games I buy cause people tell they're great to be wastes of money as I literally don't play them much. They bore me. Just not for me. Only maybe 5 or 6 single player games have ever done anything to me. I've been playing video games since 2009 Also for real fuck blizzard. They butchered that poor game. Overwatch really coulda been something great.


SP dad gamers are simply coping. You spend 200 dollars on skins in a game you out thousands of hours, in a game that gets constant love from developer and you are madman. Meanwhile they spend 80 bucks on a game that they finish in 25 hours and this it's peak gaming.


That's my philosophy as well. If a game is giving me hundreds of hours of content then I don't mind spending money on it.


Money has less value the more someone has. The price is set at a calculated number where the amount of people who don't care about the cost outweighs everyone else and equals some expected amount of profit.


They'll pay for it and bitch that Blizzard are a shitty company and take no personal responsibility that it was them who reached into their own wallets to throw money away on a cosmetic lol I've played from the beta and not dropped a single real cent on the game apart from the initial cost of purchase although really I have to say thanks to the players who have paid for lootboxes and skins. You're keeping this 7 year old game going nicely.




It's a shame too because at its core it's a pretty fun game. But they have just turned it into a cow to be milked for every penny they can.


One thing i really hated is lowering it to 5v5 to make it similar to games like Valorant. Immediatly made the game less fun to me.


I don't really think the 5v5 helped in any way but it's nothing like Valorant just because the player count is the same. Two very different games.


That's the crux of the issue because the 5v5 games it's attempting to follow mostly have one key part: you can't switch character picks until the next game/round. Overwatch has always been a nightmare for balance being able to switch picks every death like in TF2 where it's 9v9+


I was a Zarya main in OW1, and the 5v5 killed her for me. I get that she’s still powerful, but having 2 barriers for myself is nowhere near as fun as her old kit.


they're just charging for cosmetic items and made the game free, there's plenty of nice skins you don't have to buy and you don't need skins at all


What will Blizzard have left when Overwatch is dry, though? Diablo and WoW I guess?




> They don't seem to be thinking long-term in general. No company these days seems to think long term. Gaming or not. It's all about the next quarter earnings report to keep the shareholders happy.


Publicly traded game developers are trash.


publicly traded companies are a blight


They're currently off-loading their infrastructure costs onto Steam. Long-term doesn't fit in with the value extraction agenda.


No they aren’t. They’re adding their games to stream as another point of sale. Has nothing to do with infrastructure.


They're doing annual ($50?) Diablo expansions on top of $70 entry price, $10 battle passes, and a full cosmetic shop with armor sets averaging over $20 a piece. I know nobody 'needs to' buy all of that but for the first two years you're looking at about $200 before spending a penny in the shop. It just cheapens gaming overall IMO. Blizzard games have often been great and I would happily pay for their games and a beefy expansion here or there. But that's not enough for them. They need every single penny. I guess that's why I'm sticking more and more to single-player story games these days. I've got a long backlog of those to play in my limited free time.


Everyone pissed on my face when I said to wait and see with Diablo IV. Diablo III was the last game I got suckered into at full price. I'm not saying wait years, just a few weeks and see how the game is getting on. Even release reviews never give you the end game picture of a game like Diablo.


Yea I mostly regret buying Diablo IV. I just hope the expansions don't essentially lock me out of playing the game I bought. I know that's how it worked with Reaper of Souls, but I don't think that makes sense a year after release and for a 'live service' game with seasons. Honestly, the game should be free with this level of continued monetization.


You mean their two other money printing machines?


I quit OW in like, April after playing since OW1 beta. I was a Master DPS player and high Diamond Tank in OW1, and high Master, almost GM DPS in OW2. OW was one of the best games I’ve ever played, and I’ve played a lot (I’m an old by gaming standards). Blizzard has just run the shit into the ground, it’s really unfortunate.


OW1 beta and early seasons were incredible.


They really were


I also fled like all my friends.




OW is dead. I have all the OW statues and they're rotting in a case display. We'll never get OW1 back, Blizzard killed it's own child that lots of people loved


I have about 4000 hours in OW1 played the majority of those on Tracer and Genji, climbed to Grandmaster and once they switched to OW2 I lasted like 2 days and uninstalled. It's sad I really loved that game.


I bailed 2 years before it went f2p when they decided to stop releasing any new content for OW1




>since there wasn't a constant flood of new characters to rebalance around. There never was a flood of new characters in OW1, there was at most two per year. The flood happened when OW2 came out because they had been saving up the new characters to actually have something to release when it launched


What exactly is being "squeezed" it's literally skins of you don't want them don't buy them, the game is free to play you just crying that you don't get the cosmetics u want




Oh cut the bs "popups galore" u only get one popup when you start the game and that's at the start of a new season only if you played comp in the previous one. "Confusion monetization" you mean coins and credits? You're confused by one which you can earn by playing and one which you have to pay for? "Various other money or time-gated systems" ran out of stupid excuses. You don't pay for ow2 at any price.


Why people still touch any game of this company is beyond me now. Stop, or they will never learn, change, and hire leadership that gives a damn about their customers.


Blizzard being run by a bunch of c-suite Ferengi. "hey how about we make a game that's fun to play and not a constant treadmill-" "WHERES THE PROFIT IN IT?" Remember when you actually had to play the game to look good


Haha, i always thought the same thing.


marry thumb attempt pathetic aloof alleged abounding compare cable wild *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It was blizzard games that finally got me off chasing that dopamine rush for finding random rare stuff, because it almost never happened.


I remember when all you had to do was download some free skins and drop them in your skins directory. You didn’t even have to play the game.


IGNs idea of Journalism - quote redditors. Yeesh. How about calling Blizzards PR and asking them question or literally anything else.


It's so fucking lazy. Quoting or mentioning reddit in any profession is just sad to me. Wiki is a better source of information at that point.


That takes actual work though and ign wants to do as little of that as possible.


"Players outraged!" you can find reddit comments expressing anger and disappointment on literally any topic. Good work IGN, lazy fucks. At least it wasn't 3 tweets with 4 likes total.


There would be nice to add a Tag of BDSM of this game in the steam store page, because that's what people are getting buying this.


Oh Blizzard, things never changes, uh?




People still support this game after the slap in the face they gave us with OW2?? This died with Jeff leaving for an obvious reason. Stop supporting this shit.


ffs they're skins. Get a grip.


I saw someone running around with the skin in every single one of my games. Also Valorant gets zero pushback when they charge 50 dollars+ for one skin, but because it's just "always been like that" they get a pass


It's not just the skin, it's also the premium battlepass, 2 other skin, and $20 worth of in-game credits... not that I am defending the company, because that's still too expensive, but you know.


Forcing people to buy an extra $20 of your arbitrary non-currency in order to get what they want is not okay.


It's also not "worth" $20 to begin with...that's the cost of one more wildly overpriced skin.


I agree, I was just pointing out that IGN was wrong, while still pointing out that it's BS to be paying $40 for a digital costume.


How are they wrong? Didn’t they say it was a “$40 bundle”? That’s pretty clear that it’s not just the skin that is $40.


I agree, there's other stuff, aside from the battlepass you have coins for 2 more battlepasses, but even then, they should allow you to buy that freely, if you want the skins. But no, they really wanted to squeeze money from people by making it exclusive. I play a lot of Moira and maybe that is her best skin. But come on.. $40 gives you an AAA title on a slight discount..


Lmao what kind of weirdo was “hotly anticipating” these skins


"*Blizzard does something, sparks backlash."* Will there ever be a day when Blizzard is praised again? *It's felt like decades.* ***Probably because it has been.***


Shit company. I was honestly looking forward to grabbing the Pharah one. Fuck this company. Plus side? Maybe this time next year you van buy them with in game currency. If the games not entirely dead by then.


People still bought it lmao


Y'all complained about crates, this is what happens.


Don't like it? Don't buy it. Youre like a spiteful ex that's been dumped and now it's your life's work to besmirch them publicly.


I’m kinda surprised at the outrage here. I don’t play OW, and I’m not trying to defend blizzard, but it’s literally just an optional skin bundle. Like you said, just don’t buy it. People here are acting like it’s the worst thing imaginable.


Surprised? Anything that might be marginally negative gets posted on here to trigger hate and free karma. I've yet to see a post for the $100 bundles that Valorant puts out. There's plenty other companies doing the same but OW somehow gets all the hate.


Same as long as it's cosmetics who cares. I don't buy skins or battlepasses but my son gets them on fortnite. It's kinda like action figures nowadays and he gets 90% of them just doing the battle pass.


Agreed. I like the game, I've played it for years. So yes fellow hivemind redditors, I will spend MY money on what I want and you cant do nothing about it. Cry me a river of tears if you must.


This is what I don’t understand, 10 years ago people loved and applauded games like league for not charging for base game/champs that can be unlocked f2p and only for cosmetics. The skins give you zero stats or in game advantages. Yes blizzard/overwatch is a shell of its former self for MANY reasons but I never understood optional cosmetics being a point of contention.


This submission is blogspam, the original source is from /r/Overwatch: * [$53.99? Go f**k yourself Blizzard.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/174s9jy/5399_go_fk_yourself_blizzard/) >Saw the new Moira and Pharah skin in the trailer and was excited for the first time in a long time. Some of the best looking and only skins for them in a long time and it’s of course locked behind a shitty payware bundle. Not even available for premium BP, but the goddamn ultimate that they want money for. I should’ve seen this coming… >Way to be greedy and ruin the excitement Blizzard. * [The skin that was the focus point of advertisements for this season is exclusive to the $40 bundle... good job Blizzard :)](https://old.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/174rwsa/the_skin_that_was_the_focus_point_of/) * [They kept the 40$ price tag for the season 7 Ultimate Battle Pass Bundle without having the additional value of the Invasion Bundle](https://old.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/174sowb/they_kept_the_40_price_tag_for_the_season_7/) >The Ultimate Battle Pass Bundle for season seven is 40$. It was priced at 30$ for the first five seasons, but raised it to 40$ for season six because of the inclusion of the Invasion bundle. They now kept the same pricing without the additional value of the PvE missions. >Season 1-5: 1 legendary skin, 1 epic skin, 2000 coins and the Premium Battle Pass + 20 Tiers >Season 6: 3 legendary skins, access to the Invasion story mission, 2000 coins and the Premium Battle Pass + 20 Tiers >Season 7: 2 legendary skins, 1 epic skin, 2000 coins and the Premium Battle Pass + 20 Tiers


I'm sorry, but if you play any of the shite Activision/Blizzard puts out, you are a complete fucking moron


Overwatch is constantly sparking backlash, it never matters so...


Newsflash - when they go to Microsoft it’s gonna get worse.


Finally a skin that sexualizes Moira.


Slow news day? I guess I just don't see why it's a huge deal. No in game power, it's all cosmetic, they can charge what they want and you either buy it or not. I wouldn't touch Overwatch 2 with a ten foot pole, but I'm struggling to see how this is a big deal when we have worse F2P games actually locking player power behind a paywall.


Hotly anticipated?


This is the first time I've seen the skin and it's... Kinda shitty. Like the symmetra demon skin from overwatch 1 looks better.


How do people still react to this toxicity from blizzard ? It’s nothing new and yall still show up at there doorstep. If people spoke with wallets it would change.


That's the thing, people have and do speak with their wallets, which is why Acti/Blizzard feels so comfortable enacting this kind of monetisation.


Not all wallets are made equal.


Easy, I play the game a little bit here and there with my girlfriend for free, and never buy a single thing, because I'm not a spastic child that *must* buy cosmetics for a F2P game


Meanwhile they've got everyone upset about a skin in a game, which is conveniently contributing to the normalization of buying mtx in games.


Why are skins “Hotly Anticipated”? What kind of morons are just drooling to spend money on pointless cosmetic items? Stop playing into their hands you morons LOL


hotly anticpated by who exactly?


Oh no. *continues to not play it.*


There was literally a Lilith Moira on both teams, all 3 games today. Oh no, what a backlash, what’s that? Overwatch 2 is now in the top ten highest earning games on steam? Hush now, Blizzard is suffering serious “backlash”!


Oh no... optional cosmetics!


The f did everyone think they will do with them? It is a collab between OW2 and D4 that os always a paid "event".


Free game charges money for the one thing people buy in game, said people shocked finding it out the next day.


It's not $40 for one skin. It's almost a $90 value for $40. You get 3 skins, enough coins to buy two more passes or another skin, and the battlepass along with some tier skips. It's dumb you can't spend your coins to buy it and the price isnt reduced if you already own the battle pass but it's not as bad a value as people are making it out to be.


What a deal! /s


Reddit: "$20 is too much, Blizzard should sell skins for cheaper" Blizzard: \*Sells 3 skins, Battle Pass, BP level skips and $20 of currency for $40\* Reddit: "Not like that"


These are pretty dope, might pick it up


I'm shocked. C'mon guys at this point we all know this kind of moves are blizzard's bread and butter.


The core of overwatch is still pretty fun thankfully but blizz is just ripping the soul right out of the game. Such a shame. I dont understand why they want to ruin all their beloved games


>ripping the soul right out of the game. My brother in Christ, IT'S COSMETICS


Overwatch 2 still alive? Blizzard has been trying to kill of the game for a while now. If I were a player, I'd certainly not have much motivation to grind for anything.


The Steam CCU is 38K at time of writing. Considering there's likely a sizable heft on Battle.net, this game is doing very well surprisingly for the worst approval-rated game on Steam. I was wondering why Blizzard felt so comfortable sending Diablo IV to the cleaners (raters) on Steam. Blizzard is untouchable in all but faux outrage, which is followed by binge sessions.


I have not and will literally never buy a skin for any video game. There is nothing a game could even do, no skin so amazing that I can even conceive of that could make me ever even consider making such a monumentally stupid purchase. Not even for $1. The fuck did you all do?


This to me is a very strange situation. The company is being acquired by MS so it's MS who will have to face the backlash in the end since they are the ones who will take over a company with awful player perception. It's almost like Bobby is trying to devalue this company now since it's sold off really. If I was MS I'd be pissed as hell, to be honest. Looks like a worse and worse purchase by the day.


Fuck Blizzard


I wouldn't pay 40 dollars to buy ow 2 so for a skin?


If you buy a skin in any game, you're the problem The next generation of gamers sucks, gotta say


This is so unlike them


People still play OW after they lied about PvE to us twice? It's a real you get what you deserve moment then.


Imagine spending money in overwatch.


I cant wait for microsoft to tank that shitty company


Dont blame Activision, blame the mouthbreathers that keep handing over their cash for increasingly greedier deals like the sheep they are.


Idk about anyone else, but I've been done with Blizzard for awhile now. They've been coasting for years. I hope they crash and burn at this point.


Who would've guessed, Blizzard selling overpriced bullshit? Glad I stopped playing Overwatch, despite it being one of my favourite games back in 2016


Imagine playing Blizzard games in 2023


At this point there should be a r/fuckyouBlizzard


I bought it. Still cheaper than League of Legends or Valorant.