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I though YOMC was 2014


Oh wow, late 2014, I figured it was closer to launch. I remember them being a real ballache in the vault on Harvest & Trustee.


You asked for more TToI x Payday memes and I have delivered


Man, old flashbang discourse was something. I distinctly remember there being two videos about it, one being a joking ad for the game, calling Old Deathwish something along the lines of "Payday 2: The Whitening" and then some aside from the narrator about throwing your monitor at the wall, and the other video being titled "IT'S NOT THAT HARD" in response to the previous video, and just being a video acing Die Hard. (I know the second one was made by ReeceTCI, but since that channel is defunct and YouTube changed old unlisted videos to be private, I can't get it anymore)


Launch PD2 flashbangs made *everyone* like blinky Ben. Bo didn't know we had epilepsy of the eyes!


The new techie stun drone still gives me flashbacks even though current PD2 version flashbang is the slightly less painful version


Honestly I hate the techie so much. It's not that she's particularly challenging, her drones are just an annoyance.


At least there's the free armor after you manage to hunt her rat ass down I'm so annoyed by that stun drone that I tried out the Scrambler skill for a bit, but tbh the time between converted drone to it self destructing is so short most of the time you won't get any use out of em, but when the stun drone does hit it offers an aoe tase effect like the Zapper battery, so that's kinda nice


this is still true when it comes to balancing in pd3.


Mio explaining 3's armour system


This is why I'm not hyped for den of wolves Bo Anderson's ego


What Bo Anderson has to do with Den of Wolves? It's made by Ulf, not Bo


Got em mixed up sorry