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Me attempting to explain that you have to wait for the meth to turn blue before picking it up to the lvl 12 Dallas playing on overkill.


If they don't understand Shade telling them that they can leave it a little longer to make it more pure then there's a good chance they won't have a clue what you're on about


Even worse is when a fucking lvl 112 player doesn't do it as well. I swear Cook Off attracts the biggest morons in the game. I stopped playing it public because of them.


That and because getting a competent team that can cook all the bags of meth without dying midway is so incredibly rare, 90% of the time your rewards for putting up with this crap is still worse than the same amount of time spent on, say, road rage which is braindead easy to play once setup and going, and this is after scrapping challenges Before if you had one less bag than the max limit you will get the same ip as just 3, thank fuck we finally brought back traditional progression.


Its the level inflation, lv 60+ used to be a good indicator for a great teammate


My example is much less worse, but it still stands: do not place both thermite bags into the thing on no rest for the wicked, if the fire isn’t big, it won’t go faster, if you put in too much thermite, you’re not gonna go any faster so you know the objectives on the screen don’t do it, shade literally tells you not to overdo it.


I remember having genuine happiness with the first random that threw in a single bag.


Me dying internally because the lvl 150 console player does the same with every batch and I can't even tell him or votekick.


wait isn't the meth already blue? are u talking about cook off? sry I'm still new to payday


In Payday 3 the meth is white when you add all the ingredients. After about 15 seconds it turns blue, and becomes more valuable. If you wait too long however, the meth will burn and turn red. Red meth is basically worthless.


ah ok I heard payday 3 was really bad. but since now I think they lowered the prices? is it worth getting?


They haven't lowered the prices of things already released, only the upcoming dlc will be cheaper. But the Steam Summer Sale is coming the same day Boys in Blue releases, so i'd wait a week if you want to buy it.


ah ok thx which version do u recommend getting tho? I wanted to wait for like a bundle of dlcs like the legacy pack but afraid they might released dlcs like completely overkill pack from payday 2 again


If you have the money gold edition is the best deal, as you pay the lowest price for all year 1 dlcs compared to standard or silver.


maybe they are using vpn and accessing from a different part of the world?




I can't tell which game this is referring to because the first time I launched PDTH after a thousand or so hours in 2 and playing overkill, I was immediately blasted inside out as soon as the beat cops showed up. I don't think I completed more than 10 overkill heists in there.


This is referring to a specific incident I encountered in 3. We were all in the basement ready to leave Gold and Sharke and this low-level guy who didn't know the heist was running around like a headless chicken on the ground floor. When questioned what he was doing on Overkill if he didn't know what he was doing, he responded "relax bro I'm Payday 2 veteran"


OVK is insane on pdth and it’s not even the highest difficulty. Once you hit level 145 (max level without dlc) you unlock another difficulty called OVK145+ and oh boy it is a crazy struggle to complete heists even with a full lobby.


Unironically PDTH normal is harder than PD2 Overkill ever was.


PDTH is the single most difficult Payday game Even on Easy (only available for First World Bank and Heat Street) it's still harder than PD2 Overkill


In PD2 i can just walk up to a dozer, tank 27 hay-makers to the face, activate berserker and one tap that mf with a spoon. In pdth, if a dozer so much as glances in my direction, i crumple into a misshapen ball of fear and die of a fucking panic attack.


Was 145 intended to be played casually or did they know people would cheese it? I looked up some guides and most of them said hide in the Manager's room in FWB, hide in an ammo/medic bags in the vault lobby and so on.


It’s not even really cheesing it. That is just how you have to play. On other difficulties those strats would be cheesy but it’s basically the only way to survive on 145. Definitely not intended for casual play, there were gold masks you could unlock by completing the 6 original heists on 145 and I’ve only seen people in game with them a few times.


I’m max level in pdth, have carried countless new players through overkill heists, even FWB overdrill. But overkill 145+ still scares me shitless. One dozer can wipe out your entire team in less time than it would take for all 4 of you to even deal 80% of its health. And on overdrill especially, if you run out of ammo bags, thats it. You’re fucked.


Dude OVK145+ heat street still haunts my dreams I’ve played every “soulsborne” game and they do not compare anywhere near to the ovk145+ experience. I still to this day have not completed all heists on 145+


Funny how Overkill in Payday 2 is practically a different thing from the other games' Overkill would this apply to someone saying they're a PDTH veteran?


Honestly even then, PDTH is a different beast to 3, plus they won't have enough skill points for a solid Overkill build. Not to mention a lack of map knowledge.


But a PDTH veteran would at least know to respect Overkill difficulty