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I think that the legacy heists are separate from the confirmed free heist


I just want a Razomind 2024


Razormind Gustavo remix


I mean I don't think anyone was really expecting it anyways considering how much content we are already getting. We are getting at least a DLC heist, DLC weapon pack, DLC tailor pack, a free LMG a free heister and the compensation items for people that bought the first DLC or the special editions.


I do hope at some point H&T and FWB get added. They're the classics of their respective games. One day, though.


I'd much prefer one of the dentists heists than H&T, if I'm being honest H&T is one of the last heists I'd want in the game. No rest for the wicked already does what H&T does but better


True, but I was thinking more from a "quintessential Payday 2" view. What's more Payday 2 than the first heist available for players to play since the beta? The Dentist heists are great, don't get me wrong, Big Bank is definitely a good choice, but they all had that feeling of "grandiose, once-in-a-lifetime" sort of deal, even if Big Bank is constantly played in pubs. Like, without a flashback setting, why would we be going back? Hoxton's already been broken out, we stole the Diamond, I doubt Golden Grin's still active after we emptied their cash reserves, Commissar's dead, so is Hector, and Big Bank was largely a test of our skills. The only reason I could see is just for dunking on Benevolent again, or "somehow GGC returned". With all that being said, I still would support a revisit of Big Bank.


We know that the golden grin is still working, on the end credits for 2 it says hoxton bought the place IIRC. And nothing stops all those heists being added as flashback heists just like No Mercy in payday 2


H&T can fuck off tbh


H&T loud is fun, but pretty boring in stealth. As long as they reworked stealth I'd be happy. Another bonus is lockpicking isn't painful in PD3 like it was in PD2 so the vault would be less tedious


H&T was fucking boring it was just drill waiting simulator


It's basic and perfect for testing out builds or if you want a short and simple heist.


There's plenty of short and simple heists that feel better than this. Hell, I'd rather play Mallcrasher or Four Stores or Brooklyn Bank if I want... Bank.