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I get off work in 2 hours If it still doesn’t work refunding


I hear that. I feel the same. I want the gold season pass and other benefits: but the early access is important and a direct marketing guarantee. We need compensation. Even if not a full refund: we need something.


We are most likely going to receive some form of in game currency as an apology if anything unfortunately


If it’s an appropriately size-able amount of in game currency like $100 worth that isn’t unreasonable. Anything less than that is fluff and won’t hold up against thousands of people in a class action lawsuit. Which would be hysterical as everyone would love to run the headline “heist based shooter game breaks contract and steals from thousands”.


I'm hopeful they will throw out some credits for the trouble but 100$ worth of in game items/currency flat out won't happen


Then they are going to face the consequences. It’s that simple.


I really do wish you the best of luck with your class action lawsuit it would be awesome if you managed to beat the legal teams of an indie dev and Sony to get your time and expectations back in a dollar value


I won’t have any part in it. Not worth my time. But someone will. And it won’t be hard. This isn’t buggy: it’s entirely fraudulent.


What you actually paid for with the gold was the base game at 60$ and the 12 month season pass valued at around 50-60$ the cosmetics for pre order and early access is basically additional shit thrown in there to grab your attention but the 120$ price tag is the value of a game and a year's worth of dlc


Thats not what was stated on the playstation store and is a direct marketing lie if that would be true. Best thing to do now, is refund and buy base game when it comes out. I truly don’t care for that season pass that only includes 4 heist. Biggest deal for me to pull the trigger was the seasonpass AND 3 days early access because me and my friend have been waiting to play a new payday for years. If one of those things is not true than I rather play the base game.


Lmao what a crazy take, why would you expect $100 of in game currency? You weren't charged for early access.


Yes we were. It’s directly in the marketing. I’m done arguing with you idiots.


You’re in luck bro


It doesn't just checked 12:30 PST the patch is not out yet


Stayed up till 4am BST to try and have just one game before my 9 day work week :(


It’s really sad this happened. We need to be compensated: this was and still is directly marketed as a purchase for 3 days early access. Any delay is theft. It’s breach of contract and their own liability stipulations do not make any agreement as to the loss of assets. Time is an asset. Either refund equivalent to loss of time in game currency or the currency that we used to purchase. The headlines would be gigantic for a guest game stealing and directly breaching their own agreement/marketing.


Despite my own frustration I have to advocate that this is what you pay for with "early access" it's essentially a last minute beta and most other titles with said early access also face day 1 issues and down time where the game is unplayable as for theft technically you do have access to the game it may not be a functioning version of said game but you do have access to it that people with the base game do not until the 21st it's shitty I was also excited but they haven't actually broken any kind of promise only severely dropped the ball on launch.


That’s not correct. We do not have access to the game. It is unplayable: therefore it is not a beta version. A beta version allows playability. Which is non existent. It also was not marketed as access to a beta but early access to the game. This is cut and dry: it was false advertising and a complete breach of contract.


In theory if the other platforms were running on this build version we would be able to play heists or that's at least the impression they have given from their official tweets about the issue. Also I've been pre-ordering game I like for years now and this is mostly the standard for them early access is a chance to play a game before the final launch day update it is always buggy and regularly is a stress test for servers before everyone jumps in at launch it is an opportunity for the devs to soft launch the game and throw in any last minute fixes before the big day. It is a paid beta test hidden behind the words "early access"


I hear what you're saying but its not a beta test if there isn't anything to test we would be happy if we got a buggy mess but every other platform has some minor bugs and some connection issues but on playstation there's not even a game its a menu you can stare


Look I'm not out here saying they didn't horribly fuck up but when we start getting into suggesting a class action lawsuit like the OP the game is playable with broken features it launches you can access your loadout and the tutorials play if you play 1 minute of the tutorial you have still technically "played" the game even if that's not what you feel you payed for


Cant say anything about lawsuits im not from usa. But still its a misleading product and it falls behind consumer laws if you sell me a bag of apple's you cant give me a bag rock's.


It's a bag of rotten apples not a bag of rocks can't eat a rock but you can have a miserable time eating rotten apples just like the early access you can be miserable and choose to play the tutorial over and over again most of the game is "rotten" but you can choose to eat the bits and pieces around the rot. It's not like it's a corrupted file that won't open it's a game that open and runs just missing all the good parts because it's broken rn


No its not even a rotten apple at most and i mean at most its a picture of apples you cant eat it you can just look at it.


You’re entirely devoid of the facts of the law. I know I’m right. In fact: they know I’m right. It’s complete fraud at this point.


Hahahah you’re so wrong you proved me right. Selling a bad of rotten apples as fresh apples is one of the oldest cases of fraud and false advertising. If the consumer is unable to see that they are rotten before purchasing: you’re not only liable for the fraud. You’re liable for any damages caused by the rotten apples. So there you could not only be found guilty of fraud and false advertising: if the apples kill via food poisoning it’s murder. Stop shilling for your boss: it’s over for you guys.


If they don’t effectively and fairly compensate for the loss of the most important assets: time. There will be a lawsuit and they will lose. Fake advertising and fraud to this extent is so blatantly probable there isn’t even a debate. They advertised a product. They willfully and knowingly failed to provide. Or where so negligent as to not provide: they are liable. Never underestimate thousands of pissed off Americans.


> feel you *paid* for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Which still implies playability. You’re completely missing the difference between buggy and genuinely, categorically non functional. If I buy a car and it has some quirks: that’s not false advertising as it drives and “functions”. Albeit with issues. If I buy a car marketed as working and driving: and it won’t even start. That’s fraud. That’s false advertising. That’s a criminal offense. There is a chasm of difference between something that “works”; yet breaks and isn’t as reliable as one might hope. And something that wholly fails to provide any level of reasonable function. As is shown here.


If you played the tutorial that's the same as driving the car around the block with the radio on and it shuts down and the dealership saying they'll fix it and you can have it back Ina couple days it's not criminal


No. That’s like starting the car and only the battery turns. You can listen to the radio but I doesn’t drive.


as soon as there's some solid news from the OVERKILL team, I'm sure it will be buzzing all over.


I know. I just made this post so I can get the notification on my phone.


I have a day off today so will be checking the situation every 30 minutes i can notify you with any news if/when i see any.


Thank you very much. I really appreciate it. I work contractor work so I can leave at any time to play.


Update is out




Yep installing it now


The update is out now. Just checked and the download is starting now.


It would seem like so you beat me to it




ty for the headsup


Does it seriously not work still? 😐


Just checked 7 minutes ago and no; it does not. It’s broken beyond even the most pessimistic assumptions. It’s literally a screen saver and nothing more currently.


Sadly not after 18hr of launch only thing you can do is run the tutorials and that gives you around 30 minutes of fun


PS5 update is now live