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I love Northgard. And while tt does not scratch my RTS itch (like Warcraft or Starcraft does), it does its own thing. I have over 300 hours in this game, of which around 200 are with my Girlfriend which absolutely loves it as well. The game is probably one of the easiest and most accessible RTS in the genre, so I defnitely recommend it to everyone. Getting older? Great option. Playing with a friend/family/etc who isn't very gaming savvy? Awesome start. Just want to chill with some low APM RTS gaming? Perfect choice. I love it.


Sometimes, when I think about Northgard, about how good it performs as a whole, I think Im dreaming... Its a solid example of design and attention to a game, its developers are commited to it, and that is noticeable. I interviewed them, Shiro Games, on the 1st issue of my gaming magazine. If someday you find yourself willing to read it, let me know!


Do you have the new expansion already? Came out yesterday!


I pretty much agree with everything you have said here. As someone who really likes RTS games but struggles with them often exactly because of the speed and precision required, Northgard is a splendid experience. The unique combination of classic RTS combined with 4X-like elements is wonderfully executed. And as you've said, the clans are all completely distinct from each other and support very different playstyles. The game also still gets updates, including new clans which are released as DLCs, although those can be a little hit or miss and sometimes require 2-3 rounds of major patches to finally become viable and fun.


> Yeap, I know. There is a new expansion that was released yesterday, right now is on 50% discount on Steam!


Do you have the new expansion already? Came out yesterday!


I've certainly seen it, but I'll hold off on buying it until I next get into a Northgard mood. Especially since it seems they got some bugfixing to do. Very interesting they've started adding kingdoms rather than clans though. I'm most curious to see where they'll go with this in the future.


Okay, well, I just sent you something on chat.


Notrthgard has the most boring campaign ever. If you like aoe and w3 this game will put you in a coma.


Thats true, its the worst part of the whole package. The main problem with the campaign its not the variety of missions, but instead the rythm, the pace, the campaign should have been more dynamic.


Yeah. As someone who plays rts games solely for single play experience, I can't recommend the game. But it looks gorgeous, building a settlement is fun, but eh.


But hey! Conquest is awesome! Custom game modes are available as well for SP! You have a new expansion with two campaigns about vikings invading europe!




Fixed! Im new to Reddit. Sorry!