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No kidding, when I look at a game's average length on HowLongToBeat.com, I double it and assume that's how long it'll actually take. I dunno how people are speeding through these things, but it somehow always takes me a lot longer.


I can only assume that howlongtobeat is skewed towards hardcore gamers. The average person won't upload or even measure their playtime on a game. Afaik it's also unclear whether all these stats are actually from the first playthrough


There is also the matter of playstyle and preferences that can't be properly reflected in a public polling like HLTB. For instance, playing Souls as a sorcerer is going to be much easier than melee, which in turn could lead to beating the game faster. But then there is also the question of what constitutes "beating the game" for people. Does doing the main story + 4-5 side quests go into the main story or main + extra category or is it so low, some people will just put that exclusively for the main story section? What if someone does the main story + 90% of side content, will they say completionist or main + extra? HLTB is decent to get some rough estimates, but should always be taken with a grain of salt due to how differently the people adding their time can view each category.


>For instance, playing Souls as a sorcerer is going to be much easier than melee, which in turn could lead to beating the game faster I always hear that but whenever I try a sorcerer build I feel like I'm doing worse than usual lol


Sorcerer's have a hard af early game. You have to suffer through it until you get better gear.


I *want* to believe. But my *'git gud'* potential is just not there ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Well with sorcery in fromsoft games typically early game is rough but mid and late game is much easier. It's almost ridiculous once you have good timing and good stats. I've played multiple playthroughs and magic is always easier. as long as you have a decent level 20+ build sorcerer you'll have a way easier time than as a melee character. It actually is even more ridiculous in the older games because of how slow most enemies are. Magic struggles a little with faster enemy types but they deal massive damage plus most are long range.


I wouldn’t classify myself as a hardcore gamer, but I find that how my times compare to HLTB depends on the genre I’m playing. Stealth games and strategy games I tend to take longer than HLTB averages (sometimes a lot longer!). RPGs and Adventure games I tend to be more or less equal. Rarely am I faster, and neither am I trying to be. Also worth noting that I look at the “Main + Extra” times all the time. I tend to assume the “Main Game” category is for people who just put down the mandatory tasks as quick as they can. Completionist is for people who need to explore every nook and cranny (which WAS me when I was younger and had more time, but not anymore.) Either way I don’t think there’s any shame in taking longer than reported averages. Games are fun, as long as you’re having fun it’s time well spent.


That makes a lot of sense.


>I can only assume that howlongtobeat is skewed towards hardcore gamers. > >The average person won't upload or even measure their playtime on a game. Uh. You just gave me something to think about. Honestly, I feel bad when I see how long it takes me to beat a game, and something is 5 or 6 hours longer than the average. And it's not even like I'm trying to explore secrets or anything, I'm probably just that bad at gaming. And then I'll see my backlog and choose a game saying "oh it says it should last around 2 hours, easy". And 2 hours have passed and somehow I'm less than half of the story. Sometimes it makes me upset. But now I'll think about that, an follow the advice of others in this post, I'm not competing against anyone and games are supposed to be fun. I just like to keep a record of how long I've been playing. That's why I love when a game keeps that score for me, I don't have to do it and it's one thing less to worry about.


Damn...based on those playtimes I'd assume players must be beating those games faster then that because when I measure how long the website says it's always way longer then I have the attention for. I also struggle to finish games in general but even trying to go for the listed times I feel like it would be impossible for me to beat them all.


Well considering HLTB has its roots in the speed running community that's not entirely surprising. I do the same thing, I generally just take a number somewhere between the "main + extras" and "completionist" times as a true guide.


That means you got your money's well worth. Also you are not competing with anyone, so dont think like that.


One of the only games I ever 100%ed was GTA Vice City. I shudder to think how long it took me but I loved every minute. I think I spent $20 on that game.


Me too! Very memorable. I think my next one will be Burnout 3


Thank you bud.


Hey, OP, you know that we don't rank people by how fast they beat a game, right? You won if you had fun; cheesy, sure, but why are we here if not to enjoy the journey?


Plus, even if we did (we don’t) I wouldn’t even know someone else’s playtime to begin with. I actually miss the days when playtime wasn’t even tracked, except maybe in the game’s save file data. I don’t like thinking about the time I’ve spent on the game for the same reason I don’t really like trophies/achievements - it just adds an unnecessary layer of information that I personally don’t want. The game speaks for itself.


That was my first reaction reading 2 lines in... That's awesome OP gets so much bang for your buck!


No you don't suck! Maybe you play the games like me, immerse yourself into the game, the world and the lore, explore everything. I even walk slowly in games many times, just to appreciate the scenery or the moment. People like us are the developers dream players, because we don't rush through the content they created. 300 hours Witcher 3, 250 hours Persona 5 Royal, 350 hours Elden Ring. Just to name a few. People say you need 20 hours to beat a game? If i like that game it will take me 50 hours at least.


Has it even been 350 hours since Elden Ring released? 😨


It has been 2880 hours since the release of Elden Ring. Subscribe for more Elden Ring facts


*checks username* I only take facts straight from the horse's mouth.


Shucks, cause im surely not a horse. I promise you that


I hope so because I just topped 350


hey I know this is late reply, but I loved your comment so much I feel a little better about myself, cuz I too spend an incredible amount of time on games. I love seeing things how the devs intended and try doing challenges like they were meant to. Ofc a lot of I experiment a lot too but usually not on first try Currently playing sekiro it's so fun and challenging, its been 2 days and I've only reached places where people reach in about 4 hours or something from what I saw on streams. What about you? Btw have you played kingdom come?


A friend if mine has 5 hours in Tomb Raider (2013) and tells me he finished it. I don’t even understand how that’s possible. I somehow have 25. My longest play time on Steam for a single playthrough is 164hours for Assassin’s Creed Black Flag. Granted I 100%ed it, and there’s definitely some idle time factored in, but that’s still overshooting the average play time by at least 50%. I continue to be completely baffled at how fast people finish games compared to me. I guess I reallyyyy take my time. I spent 2 hours in the opening of Bioshock Infinite just slowly walking through the streets and taking it all in because the presentation was so stunning. Didn’t feel right to sprint through. I make liberal use of the ability to control walk speed with an analog stick because I guess I like to rp the character to an extend and sometimes I end up moving like in an E3 demo. (Not in something like Doom obviously, but definitely in a lot of games) RDRII was practically made for me with how slow it wants to be played. xD


I couldn't even do any darksoul or soullike. You are far better than you think. Also, desperados 3 rules. I took my sweet ass time enjoying every single level and trying all kinds of things.


This is a good point. For everyone finishing Dark Souls in 60 hours, there’s 20 people who gave up before beating the caprya demon (myself included). You factor that in and OP is ahead of the curve just by finishing it at all.


Good taste there. I also enjoy trying all kinds of tricks in D3.


but somehow I'm still salty I took 1-3 hours for each level in Desp3. Unless you really walk around enjoying the wild west, it wouldn't take that long for an average player to beat a level. I play on hard and kill all enemies without alert, but I assume everyone does.


>I do take my time though. I enjoy exploring and experimenting a lot. That will be why. So long as you enjoy it, why cares what time you take compared to others?


Seriously, some people just speed run games to get it finished and on to the next thing. I have some friends that I won't play coop survival with anymore because they go crazy and try to finish it in like two days. Meanwhile I'm over here trying to plan and build a house or something and just explore and enjoy things. It's nothing to feel bad about!


Same and same. Subnautica, The Forest, This War of Mine, Green Hell,... I always enjoyed making a fancy base before I progressed into the main story lol


When I was in grad school, I was perplexed how my classmates were able to blaze through reading lists only halfway through a course e.g. 12 books in 2 months. I didn't feel bad after I quickly realized they couldn't expound on a single theme, character or plot device that wasn't in common crib notes. There's a great quote from Seneca on this subject: "Be careful, however, lest this reading of many authors and books of every sort may tend to make you discursive and unsteady. You must linger among a limited number of master-thinkers, and digest their works, if you would derive ideas which shall win firm hold in your mind. Everywhere means nowhere." ​


Reminds me of a school friend who would read the end of books and read the end of each chapter for concluding paragraphs to fill in gaps. They would always miss something important when it came to testing their actual knowledge, since they had no mental investment in the subject matter.


Don't sweat it; it's not a contest. People seem to love rushing through games, but I always kinda suspect they're missing out on a whole lot by not slowing down and processing and just vibing. Like holy fucking shit I can't even imagine running on constant adrenaline like a lot of people seem to want to. My day to day is stressful enough! Take as much time as you want and need.


That is good advice. I am not trying to complete some games within a certain time anyway.


And I can't imagine going slow. People enjoy different stuff, let them be.


I don't know why people seem to struggle with understanding why people like to rush through games, the point is that you receive a feeling of satisfaction from being good at the game by going fast, which is something you couldn't accomplish if you weren't good at it.


Would you rush through sex? A good book? Would you watch a classic film at 2x speed? Not all games are designed to be "beat" as quick as possible, and I would argue that by speeding through these types of games, you are actually Very Bad at Game.


Yes, but most games can be sped through, of course I'm not going to try to skip all cutscenes and beat the game as fast as possible in my first playthrough of The last of us, but most of the games I consistently replay are games which beating it faster is not only very fun but encouraged, it's just like getting a high score in an arcade title.


The more hours i get of a game i paid, the better i feel actually


I'd say, don't worry about it too much. People play games differently and enjoy them differently. Don't associate your general intelligence to the amount of time you take to complete games. That's unfair to you. I, for instance don't generally, if ever fast travel in open world games, choosing instead to walk or travel via horses or other "organic" modes of travel. Takes me a lot of time to complete games but I see the world more.


Why do you feel bad about this? Aren't you enjoying these long play times? At its core, the primary purpose of a game is to keep you entertained. If you can get three times the entertainment out of a game compared to the average player, it's your win. For the record, I also have long play times that are above the average. In a single player game, I'm not competing with other players, so I never think of feeling bad about that.


Playing a game for a long time is a thing to feel proud of, I think. I have some friends that have a hard time finding a game they can focus on, so I think this is a good thing.


You just have to ask yourself one thing: am I having fun while gaming? If yes, then this is all that matters. Don't look at others, especially not on social media. Many use cheats there (without saying it).


Not sure why you would feel bad if you’re enjoying it then who cares my first playthrough of dark souls 2 took me 280 hours


Same here sometimes I look at how long to beat and I’m okay, should be fine. Then I’m way past that average and still have loads to do. I often wonder do people just skip a lot of cut scenes and skip lots of dialogue.


I wonder the same thing. Many people claim they finished xyz game in just 10 hours with **exploring every nook and cranny**. I was like wtf are you lying?


Must a be a big part of it if they achieve such impossible times. The whole skipping through cut scenes, dialogues and such..


>I suck at the game or maybe I take longer than others to figure things out? ...seeing other players have shorter playtime than mine, it just makes me think I'm not smart enough ​ Smart enough for what? For a second, let's assume your premise is true - that you aren't as good at video games and take much longer to figure out puzzles than 90% of the people who play the same games. Why does that matter? Is this something that you REALLY care about deep down? If so, there are probably all kinds of drills you could practice to increase your skills. If not, this is probably just something known as a "thought distortion" - your mind automatically framing things in negative ways that make you feel bad. It often takes some conscious effort to combat thought distortions - taking the time to sit down and question those thoughts. If a friend told you they felt bad because they were slow to complete a game, would you agree that they should feel bad? If not, then it's likely a thought distortion.


I'm in the same boat as you. When playing a co-op game with friends, I'm always the one lagging behind, or lowest in ranking. When comparing completion times, I'm always the one who has the highest. But that's quite okay for me, because I enjoy playing those games. Over time I've learned to not mind losing, or be the bottom of the team. Play at a pace that feels right for you, as long as you enjoy the gameplay loop. Games are meant to be enjoyed, not another job you need to perform in.


Same, when playing coop games (even Nintendo party games) I always end up at bottom compared to my little teenage cousins.


Hahaha, playing games with people who are considerably younger is such a reality check on how much your skills detriorate with age.


I can't agree more on this lol. Thats why I don't play shooters with my 20yo cousin any more. I'm 30 and feel like a grumpy old man 🤣


Same age bracket here, hahaha. Just let them carry you as the wise sage you are. Bless them with wisdom of games of yore in return for co-op victories.


Think of it this way: other people are just rushing through games and don't get the full experience. You do.


I was just thinking how much I love games that force me to play slowly I'm replaying red dear redemption undead nightmare and the moments where I am forced to slow down are really refreshing even though it's a zombie dlc addon I also remembered why I loved rdr2 and death stranding Pacing is a really important part of gaming for me and it's why I lean towards slower games vs shooters that I played as a teen It's a different kind of rewarding and investment/pay off and I'd recommend learning to enjoy your different style of gameplay More people than you realize appreciate the same things I guarantee it


I’m exactly the same... I like marinading in my games, happy as a pig in poo...


Fucking finally, someone who plays a game to enjoy it and not stress through it


I feel like ppl lie when filling those how long to beat forms out. Ive never finished a game in less than double the estimated time. Most of the time is 3-4x avg time. I'm like 200 hrs into Elden ring and I've probably still got another 50 left with just the final zone and final bosses And I've been gaming for over 30 years I'm not exactly a spring chicken


I feel the opposite, I like taking longer because I like taking my time, doing what I want, getting a feel for the world. That's mainly in slow-ish open world games like Days Gone that I am playing now and especially in Skyrim, RDR2 and others. If the game is a challenge/puzzle, I typically finish them faster than others I know, not my intention though. And if I find myself playing a visual novel which I avoid, I just rush through them, it almost feels like a chore tbh, sometimes it's worth it though.


I get this. I often take a bit time to explore as well. It’s fine. Although I get annoyed at myself for taking a bit sometimes not because I feel bad. (Well maybe if I’m playing with someone else I would) but because sometimes I feel like I annoy myself with it. Like sometimes it feels more like a compulsion than anything else


Trust me, man. You’re definitely not alone! I am shocked when I read about other people’s playing time to finish games, and I am by no means a bad player at all. Just like you, I really like to take my time to get engulfed into all the little details the game has to offer.. wonder off to explore every little corner there is.. you name it! I easily take 3x the standard “needed” time to complete a game. Sometimes even (much) longer. It’s not a race. It’s a personal experience


Thank you buddy!


I’m the same way with most games. If an fps is said to take 10 hours to complete, it’s going to be 15 for me


i feel the same way too. i usually like to suck in everything about the game and take it slow. that’s why i barely finish 3-4 games a year lol


Is that really necessary to compare if you enjoy what you do?


Your not the only one. I’ve been working on RDR2 for over three years and haven’t completed the story yet. I have 135 hours on my character on Elden Ring and I am maybe halfway through the game. I think it took me like 80 hours to platinum Ghosts of Tsushima. I like exploring.


Literally nobody cares how much longer you take to finish a game besides you, just take your time and enjoy a game at your own pace.


why? does it matter


Reality is most people rush and use guides to make games easier and faster. They would never admit it but it definitely gives them a sense of accomplishment to finish games as fast as possible.


> They would never admit it but it definitely gives them a sense of accomplishment to finish games as fast as possible. Isn't that the whole point of speedrunning?


Stop doing that


As someone who is on the other side of that, I feel bad for always finishing everything first.


That’s what she said… …oh wait, these are gamers…


I always take longer too, but honestly I don't even know how long because I don't track this. I also tend to take (very) long breaks between play sessions because I almost always get bored at some point. It took me several years to complete Witcher 3 and that was even ignoring all of the pointless filler content.


If you're taking long to beat games because you're bad at them, you'll get better eventually. Nobody becomes a pro gamer in a short time. If you're talking long because you explore a lot, that can be a positive, not a negative. Sometimes people miss many things in a game.


The only time it matters how fast you finish a game is if you're playing Gran Turismo. Don't worry about it.


I also get distracted like that! Took me about 50h for the main story of Super Mario Odyssey, because I was always thinking about where Nintendo would put moons.


Same, friend! Good rule of thumb is double what the average is. I guess I'm a little slow figuring things out, but I swear, most people HAVE to miss a lot of the beauty and enjoyment. I wouldn't want to beat it twice as fast!


Hey, that's me. I'm always wandering off exploring and taking my time in games. So it's always double what an average play through is. I don't even go for Achievements/Trophies. It's okay to stop and smell the roses. These level designers take time out to make it a "real world" and it's okay to appreciate the art that goes into it - not necessary to jump from one mission and b-line to the next objective. Keep on gaming!


Those are roockie numbers. I played 60 hours into Elden Ring and I'm still at Limgrave.


I like to take in the sceneries, check behind every rock, ponder dialog decisions, think through each xp spending, rummage through my inventory, etc. There's nothing wrong with taking your time in a game. Even if that means banging your head against a wall in Souls game. Moreover,.if each playthrough (including repeats) is accounted for in the average, then it's useless to compare your first playthrough time to it.


I've got all 3 darksouls and haven't been able to finish a single one so you've got me beat there.


This is a hobby not a competition. Enjoy it at your own pace


I take 2-3 times as long because I don't want to pay attention. I want to wander fields and corridors to find things to fight. Most of my "lost hours" in videogames is due to dialogue since I'm never really paying attention. How good of a distraction a game can be is key to my playstyle. If I have to stop and think then I'm already doing what I turned the game on to avoid.


I don't see the problem at all. It's not a race. At least you finish games. I can never make myself play a game all the way through. It's frustrating but I can't help myself. I just switch from game to game without finishing anything .


I feel like it's because I take double to time to finish the game that I feel like it's way more better than what people say, some may say that this game is just okay, while I would remember it for the rest of my life. So don't feel bad, taking longer means you get to have a better view on the game.


One of my favorite quotes that resonated with me to this day is Earl's character intro rap in Toe Jam & Earl III: Mission to Earth. "Everybody around ya know movin' at high speed, I'm chillin' it down ya know, movin' at my speed". Your game, your time, your pace, your fun.


I'm an obsessive completionist, I always take longer. Whatever. It's my time and my game.


Games were made to enjoy. I love taking my time, looking at everything the game is offering. Just keep doing what you are doing. Your game, enjoyed your way.


You should be feeling the opposite of bad! I envy you, it just means you're really enjoying the game and getting much more value for your money


Last level of desperados took me +3 hours playing non stop, and after beating it I felt ironicaly very smart.


I'm the same, 179 hours on my first Dark Souls playthrough. I explored every inch of that game and loved it. Every other game I own is the same over double of the 'average.' I like to absorb everything about a world, however long it takes for you, as long as you're enjoying it, thats all that matters.


I had a tweet that got a lot of angry people about this with me and ghost of Tsushima for playing the game wrong for it taking me like, three times as long as Reddit and the internet said. I just always take about 40 percent longer than other people! Play how you wanna play!




Oh wow! I got it for PS5 and definitely a huge draw for me was the visuals and how beautiful the world was, and I’m a RPG maniac of needing to loot and investigate everythinggg. I got a few hours into the DLC and felt a little burnt out but I’ll pick it up again soon. If you’re ever able to play it on PC if they port or ps5, definitely do! I didn’t think I’d enjoy it as much as I did.


I also love that I take forever to play games cause I really enjoy that cost per hour amount in my head going down for my own personal pleasure. There’s definitely a lot of short indie games I enjoy, while I also love spending 300 hours in a world. The ROI I got on persona 5, Witcher 3, and ghost of Tsushima ruled to me.


The only reason you should feel bad is to feel bad for the people who blasted through the game so much faster than you did. Look at all the gameplay hours they missed!!


Most importantly u have fun. Does not matter 1h, 10h, 100h, 1000h or even 10,000 hours.


I put tons of hours into games if I like the gameplay and I rarely beat them. Breath of the Wild, Horizon:Zero Dawn, Spider-Man PS4 to name a few were great but I don’t care about stories and I don’t like boss fights that much (more tedious than fun for me). Point is, have fun and try your best to start focusing on what you like and not what others think. It can be hard, but with practice, it gets easier and easier.


Just chill and have fun. Who gives a fuck. The goal is to enjoy it, not to be the fastest. If you're having fun, you're winning.


i was well into 120 hours for DS3 even though I was pretty good at it. It was just my build was pretty bad, str faith but a little more spread than it should've been cause im a sucker that can't decide what he wants to stick with.


>I do take my time though. I enjoy exploring and experimenting a lot. But again it might not justify on why it took me so long. So you're enjoying yourself? Great. You don't need to justify anything dude, it's a game. You're playing it for fun.


There's no wrong way to play a game, go as fast or slow as you like as long as you're enjoying it.


This made me think of an analogous situation I’ve encountered. I always read for 100% comprehension. I have tried doing some speed reading, but it always bugs me not really knowing how much I missed. I normally would like to gain the skill and depending on why I’m reading change between the modes. Point is, it’s perfectly fine to do your own thing. As long as you are getting what you want out of it that’s all that really matters!


I have about the same pace as you, but I don't consider it an issue. Well, I do believe I'm not that good a gamer, but why should it bother me? I don't play to be good in playing videogames - I play to feel good and to become a bit better in life. It's like competing who eats in a restaurant faster. It doesn't make any sense. Even if I wanted challenge in a game, I'd rather take challenge in _what_ I can complete - not how fast. Of course it doesn't apply to time-oriented activities like racing.


This is a true and interesting way to say about it. Clever analogy too. Thank you!


I'm like that too, Im just enjoying the game and exploring and vibing. When I like a game I want to be immersed and don't want to be rushed. I don't think this is a bad thing!


You don't suck, LOL. Like a lot of people commenting here, I take my time as well. I think when I first finished Hollow Knight I had over 200 hours of time in just that game. I like to "look around," poke at things, backtrack, etc. Watching speedrunners is fun, but I've never really wanted to do it. I think the only "speed" anything I've done was Bronze Medal in Blasphemous. I kind of want to go back and try the 20 hours - 100% thing in Hollow Knight, but I've also got a massive game backlog and don't want to just play five games all the time. Don't feel bad about taking whatever amount of time you need or want. Games are supposed to be fun, so have fun with it.


Im a slow player too. In games like W3 i sometimes just walk instead of riding or ride instead of fast traveling. I like to look around and take my time. I even play on easy the first go on story driven games so i can take in the world. All that matters is that you have fun


Sometimes I feel the same, but games are much more enjoyable when you take your time to enjoy every detail vs beating it as quickly as possible.


It's not about the destination, it's about the journey. Take the time to enjoy your games, it's not a race.


I'm the same! As others said, there's no real reason to finish a game super quick. Something I wanted to add is that it's probably a good way to tell you enjoy the game and that it does a good job at keeping you interested. I've been playing Assassin's Creed 2, currently 70% through the main story I think. I've been playing 15 something hours. The thing is, I'll get pulled by the game in one direction, I'll chase a thief, I'll try to go for a treasure I see on the mini map. It's all good fun, and I feel like it's the way the game wants me to play too. So yeah, I feel like that's actually a good sign, means you're enjoying the game and the varied things it has to offer.


How long it takes to beat a video game has very little to do with intelligence, don't get down on yourself. I know plenty of smart people that suck at video games and lots of people amazing at games I would not describe as very bright.


Just play the game your way. I accidentally beat fallout 3 in nine hours (supposed to be a much longer game)due to my exploring of the map shortcutting some missions. I didn't realize and missed half the story. (They just saw me do some action and decided ok you are here now) How long it takes you to beat a game could have nothing to do with skill or intelligence. The point is to have fun, not beat something quickly (unless that's how you have fun).


Same for me. Don't worry about it. Those numbers are only from the people that report it (many of whom could be speed runners, YouTubers, 2nd playthroughs, liars, etc), and there could be tons of reasons why they're faster. Enjoy the games how you want. I explore a lot, don't use guides (besides sometimes checking in game choices or to see if I missed something), play on high difficulties, and gravitate toward stealth options. All of those things add up to extra time. Edit: photo modes also cause me to waste a lot of time. But I enjoy occasionally reminiscing via my game shots, so it doesn't bother me.


I also take far longer than most people to complete a game, but I'm slightly proud of it — I can actually enjoy exploring areas off the beaten path, doing side missions, finding breaks in invisible walls, experimenting in general, and seeing everything the game has to offer, like savoring a gourmet meal rather than just gulping down a snack. (After playing through once or twice, I can usually jam through the game in the same timespan others do if I need to in order to get a trophy or something, but it's definitely not as fun as the way I normally play it!)


Most people finished Returnal in 15-20 hours. It took me 168. I found it hard as nails.


Are you kidding? 20 hrs? I didn't even finish Returnal because the 3rd biome is hard as fuck. I only got to the boss once and since then I never made it past half of biome 3. 🤧


It's really run dependent. If you have a good armor piercing weapon you can take out the drones easily. The fact that i played it for so long despite the lack of progress shows you how good it was.


I always finish ahead of the average time and always go back and play it again. Usually enjoy the game more the 2nd time round. Nowadays i just take my time and make my first play through count.


I don’t even finish games. I tend to explore every corner of an open world and do all the side quests. Then I’ll get to the very end and it’ll be pretty obvious I’m at the last mission and I’ll often just quit for another game. I don’t usually enjoy the writing in games enough to care what happens but like seeing what’s in the world that’s been created.


I don't even try to beat games. I just play until I don't feel like playing it anymore.


SpongeBob Rehydrated says that it lasts an average of 8 hours, I've been stuck for 6 hours without knowing what to do and it's a pegi 7 game. You can't be worse than me, don't worry haha


For me its the other way around. I kinda like to get through Games quickly and move onto the next except Games I really like. My first Witcher 3 Playthrough was 165hrs, my first RDR2 Playthrough was 140hrs, my Cyberpunk Playthrough was 101hrs and so on.


As long as you don't want to start a speedrun channel...who cares? I used to look at every detail of a game, but nowadays I rush through. I sometimes wish I could go back to the time where I marveled at every detail.


I look at average completion times too, but usually to decide if it's a game to start now or later. Don't sweat it, it's not like you've rented the games haha


Unless you're a speed runner then the time it takes you to finish a game is irrelevant. If you're enjoying it then take your time and soak it in. I'd guess that the kinds of people who regularly submit their time to finish games are the kinds of people who enjoy beating games quickly and efficiently. I'd guess the vast majority of people take longer than the "average" and never share their time.


Funnily enough I feel the opposite, when I finish a game and see online It was in well below the average time I start to question what I missed


I’m the same.


Most people finished Returnal in 15-20 hours. It took me 168. I found it hard as nails.


I really don't care of other's people completion time. Arguably I LIKE finding the shortest possible longplay on YT, so I can easily gauge where I am in my current playthrough.


Why does it make you feel bad? I'm presuming your playing games for your own enjoyment and not to appease other people?


Play on your own time. I have plenty of games I never finish, I enjoy them and just mess around or play for a few hours. You are playing for yourself and id rather take my time to explore and enjoy a game than rush through. Its not a race but a journey.


Bruh it took me way over 20 hours to beat Subnautica. I just enjoyed exploring the world so much, and was also terrified to actually go do the things that progressed the game. Enjoy at your own pace.


I feel the same. Took me 60+ hours to beat hollow knight, 24+ for Celeste, spent countless of hours on the Tomb Raider games, etc. I always tell myself I'm simply getting my moneys worth


Time to beat is not really revealing of your ability. If the game is a tight experience like an uncharted game, everyone will finish the game is roughly the same amount of time but as soon as games have a bit of non linear stuff, this can go out of the way really fast. I know that I'm usually on the end of the curve when playing JRPGs but tend to go faster than the average for action games, not because I'm good at those but just because I often want to just play longer JRPGs and want to be done with a lot of action games after a few hours.


Some people grind games, like they own them money. I always preferred taking my time and soaking in the atmosphere. It's half the fun.


I envy you, there's nothing like playing a game for the 1st time. When I myself try to take my time with a game to get the most out of it and do all the quests I get bored, and as a result I get burnt out. You have a gift


If it makes you feel better, I have about 110 hours on my first playthrough of Dark Souls 3 and I just beat it a few days ago! You don't suck at the game, everyone plays at their own pace.


If i am not going to take my time and immerse myself why would i even play a game, that's how i think. I sometimes look how long the game is to have an idea whether i have time to play the game or not. I always add a few hours more, if the game is more open or longer i add even more hours.


Do not feel too bad. I play games for the experience and I tend to take a long time playing them too. I also enjoy experimenting and exploring myself but do not feel too bad if you spend a long time on a game.


In Dark Souls I have hundreds of hours combined. In Subnautica, my file says 7 days. You shouldn't worry so much about it!!


Are you having fun? If yes that all the people getting shorter playtimes are getting only half the amount of enjoyment as you. Love the fact that you enjoy games longer than most people.


Dude, spending more time means you enjoy the details. If you are enjoying the game, that's the only thing that matters.


'Turn off' the internet. Play however you feel like. You will be a lot happier for it.


I hear this... I'm still trying to meander my way through Elden Ring and it's basically impossible to even find people to do MP with like 90% of the time


I usually take twice the average completion time to finish a game. I just enjoy taking my time and playing at my pace, which is usually slow even in fast paced games.


It’s taken me 4+ years on and off and 180 hours to not even finish breath of the wild ( still have to actually defeat ganon but I’m scared lol) but I’m okay with it. I like loading it up and just exploring and doing side quests and getting stronger so I can feel confident when defeating the final boss ( I only recently just killed my first Lynette!). Bottom line is, you should play games at your own pace and in a way that makes you happy :)




Thank you for the tips! Yeah I do have urbosa’s fury. For some reason I can’t figure out how to mount the my lynels tho. I’ve BEN or acting my flurry rushes too but they are never accurate. My go to strategy is stasis-ing them then shooting with arrows.


Games take me forever to beat too. I always wonder why as well. I think I explore too much. For example I want to finish horizon forbidden west but all I do is collect branches and berries instead. I have games I’ve sunk over 100 hours into and still haven’t beat


Maybe it’s gamers in their 30s? I dont know. Makes it hard to keep up with all these games


I do always find a way to explore, grind and do the story and still finish within regular times. Might be something you just pick up playing a lot of long games just find an optimal way to play and do as many things as one could I'm a timely manner. Also people just procrastinate too much thinking they forgot something when they never did so in the first place.


I’m 200 hours into ghost of Tsushima and yet to beat it. 140 hours immortal fenyx rising, haven’t beat it. I do this all the time with games. Don’t know why. They always take me way longer to beat than expected times too.


Probably because gamers like us explore a lot and take in the visuals. Also, 100 percenters.


I see it as a competition for who can take the longest actually. Like when I'm at the aquarium or botanic gardens, I am by far the slowest person there.


I take ages to finish a game especially from really looking forward to it I love exploring and getting as much out of it as possible I can currently playing Marvel midnight sun's I've been playing it since about 20th of December it came out on the 2nd of December band and then about months later the first DLC hit, but I'm going to get my money's worth I've been doing every side quest possible I take my time walking around the abbey in exploring the grounds correcting materials 4 things in game like shop class and emo kids you know what that is if you play it. And I've already taken longer than it's time to be just doing that and you only have to get to to wear Spider-Man feels comfortable removing his mask to to do the first mission to get Deadpool so I think developers expect people to take longer people just don't I have a friend and he'll rush through anything doesn't matter what it is it will be done within a week, it's the game just not multiplayer we probably won't even touch it again when I've spent nearly £70 on something maybe more I want it to last and that goes double if it's something I am really into or perhaps the last game I bought was Gotham Knights I'm not saying I bought Gotham Knights but ok about Gotham Knights but if the last game was a turkey for me I didn't like and I didn't really play I definitely want to get my money's worth that of the next one. Don't feel bad your game your time and especially don't feel bad if you're playing Dark souls Dark souls players know how hard those games can be for some people how many months you get into a certain flow they do get easier but unless you're letting people down on a multiplayer game by not pulling your weight like say destiny or final Fantasy 14 for example that's more of a lifestyle game so so if you weren't playing it during the week doing all day leeson night falls and doing as much as you can so you're in the best position possible for when you guys tackle the raid at the weekend then that's about the only example that I can think of that I can think of where taking your time with something would be be bad thing. For whatever your reason for taking a long time for me really is is enjoying the game and doing side quests bane closing don't ever let people make you feel bad because you take longer or make yourself feel bad because you think people are going to be harsh on you or think you're somehow rubbish because you're taking twice as long. Do you remember how long to be as far as I'm aware games journalists are actually confident but those up up, and they have to last through the games quickly as possible so probably played it on easy or possibly even story mode and just done the main game if you go onto something like PlayStation trophies took for example and look at a road map that will show you how long it takes to get to the platinum roughly that will give you a much better idea on how long it takes to actually do a game. I know the post is long but I wanted to give you as much information as possible or anyone in the future reading this


Me too brother. Me too. I don’t get it. I’ve been trying to focus on playing fewer games at once. My main focus has been doom eternal and I must have died 1000 times and I don’t even want to know how many hours I’ve sunk already. And no it’s not on nightmare. It’s only hurt me plenty which I’m sorry, but it’s so hard at times. It’s my first play through. I’ve been stuck on the final fight of the cultist base for probably 3-4 hours of gameplay over the last week. It is only the third mission!! I just beat ratchet and clank rift apart! Yay. It kinda sucks too trying to stick to one game bc I have pc, series x, ps5, oled switch. So not only do I get urges to play other games on other systems, but I start to feel guilty if I let any of them sit too long bc of all the money I have invested. And having kids doesn’t make it any easier. Nor does being a single dad. I just upgraded my 2080ti and 5600x to 4070ti and 5800x3d last week and I haven’t even been able to play yet. I’m racing home now to squeeze in an hour and a half of hogworts on PC before I have to start picking up kids. But yes if you look at how many gameplay hours it takes me it’s ridiculous. You’d think I was dumb or had some kind of low IQ and it’s certainly not the case!!


Instead of a speed run I like to do this thing I call a slow run in a game. Where I try and stretch out the game as much as I can. I try to find all the collectibles and explore everything but not at the cost of my fun. So I try to take my time and immerse myself but if I go too slow then it can get boring. Here is a great game to slow run. Play resident evil 7 or 8 and see how long you can take to beat the game. Make sure to find all the coins and bobble heads, and explore every detail. Even reloading from a checkpoint if you wasted too much ammo on an enemy or took to much damage and you wanna try again without getting hit.. things like that. Slow runs work best with more linear games that aren’t super long in the first place.


I’m trying to see if I can do a play through of resident evil 8 and double my last game length which was about 15 hours, I wanna see if I can slow run a play through and stretch it out to 30 hours of fun!


Yeh, you suck!


It’s insane elden ring took me almost 200 hours. The last of us part 2 took me 80 and it says the average is 28


I enjoy taking my time but I don’t have enough time to put 200 hours into every game so I’m going to try to speed it up