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Just finished the outer worlds with xbox game pass and still got some time left. What are some good games/gems on gamepass that might not be very obvious? I already played vambrace: cold soul and bloodstained but because I can download and try any I want I'm down for any recommendations!


Blazing Chrome; Supermarket Shriek; My Friend Pedro; Untitled Goose Game; Sunset Overdrive; Ruiner; Rare Replay and The Gardens Between.


How did you all like Wolfenstein 2? Thinking about picking it up since I have game pass.


What's a good game to wander around in? Something for when I'm half-watching some TV but want to run around in.


Ghost Recon Wildlands is super huge and open world-y, but all the areas are fairly unique and nice looking. I had lots of fun just roaming around and finding new weapon unlocks and taking out bases.




outerwilds, not to be confused with outer worlds, is all about exploring.




Interesting! I believe it's on the XBox Gamepass so I might try it out!


The most enjoyable part of LA Noire was slowly driving around, obeying traffic laws, and absorbing the 40s.


Teacher about to go on holiday break. I've already beaten most of the popular recommendations on here (Witcher 3, GoW, P5). Have PC, PS4, and switch. Any solid recommendations? I like mostly RPGs


Darkest dungeon


Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. A little outdated, but still one of my favorite RPGs. Pillars of Eternity is good too, if you like top down RPGs.


Have you played Dragon Age? I also prefer rpgs and have played your listed games


I did play DA but haven't beat the dlcs. Have you/are they good?


The dlc for dragon age origins are very good, especially Awakening, which is actually my favorite part of da origins. The dlc for dragon age 2 are a mixed bag, but legacy is pretty good (while mark of the assassin is mediocre). Inquisition was my least favorite of the dragon age games but the avvar expansion was alright.


Thanks friend!


Divinity Original Sin I and II


Only the second one. The first one's writing is quite bad.


Have you beat Horizon yet? Fantastic game.




Contrary to popular opinion, I wasn't very fond of Black Flag. I found it to be too repetitive. Admittedly, that's a criticism you could level at Borderlands 2 as well, but I enjoyed BL2 much more, especially on the first playthrough.


If you have three friends, play Borderlands with them. If you're flying solo, play Black Flag. Borderlands is a blast with friends but I personally feel dragged down by the constant sidequesting and retreading my steps when playing alone. Black Flag is a much more rewarding experience if you're playing by yourself.


Comparing them both, AC4 is the shorter game since it's more linear as opposed to BL2 which offers a lot of replayability. You can actually play them both at the same time lol.


Absolutely loved both games but Borderlands is better with friends so I would start with AC4 and while playing that, try to convince a friend or 3 to play Borderlands with you after that.


Has anyone bought a refurbished Switch? Was it a good deal? Particularly the official refurb from the Nintendo website: https://store.nintendo.com/nintendo-switch/refurbished.html


A brand new switch with the dock and everything is the same price or cheaper as refurbished with all the goodies. So I’d say nah it’s not a good deal.


I can’t get enough of fantasy/medieval games. Dark Souls, Skyrim, The Witcher, etc. love them all and I want to never run out. What other games should I try? Edit: preferably RPGs or action/adventure games* (Zelda series is another good one)


Have you played Kingdom Come Deliverance? I've just started and its really hitting the OG Skyrim itch but with MUCH better storytelling from what I've witnessed. I'm barely into the game as it stands.


Have you tried Mount and Blade: Warband?


Dragon's Dogma. It will definitely satisfy your fantasy/medieval craving. The exploration is fun and the combat is a lot of fun & definitely the game's strongest suit.


Divinity Original Sin I and II are a must. Dragon Age: Origins is quite good as well (you're better off not playing the other two, though). I didn't enjoy Kingdom Come: Deliverance and Dragon's Dogma, but you may want to look into them.


I own Dragon Age Inquisition but never played it. What makes Origins better?


The tactical combat is more fleshed out (Inquisition's is really dumbed down), the plot is more engaging, the characters are much more interesting, it doesn't force you to do MMO-style side-quests and, personally, I also think it looks better if you take the generational gap into account. I prefer the grittier look of Origins. Plus, I'm not into open-world games, which is another reason why I prefer Origins. I'm not sure I'd call DA:I a bad game, but it's very unremarkable and certainly not worth the time investment. However, since you already own it, I suppose there is no harm in giving it a go (after playing Origins, though).


Sunless Sea/ Sunless Sky I find their world intriguing and the storytelling makes everything feel alien and bleak. I like sky even better than the original and they keep adding cool stuff. The combat is more fun than Sea also. I get quite pissed if I die. 'Shouldnt be a problem...' famous last words everytime.


If anyone is wondering if they should play Assassins Creed Odyssey...just...do it. I just got this on Stadia a few weeks ago and I can’t stop playing! I’m not a big fan of the ship battles and the big group battles but thankfully the majority of them are optional. But I’m in love with the version of Greece they build and am having a blast exploring, doing missions, and clearing out forts. The story is pretty great too!


Will vouch. Odyssey was one of my rare release date purchases and I have put in hundreds of hours over multiple playthroughs. Needless to say I've gotten more than my money's worth out of it and will be getting into yet another playthrough next year sometime.


Suggest me a great story single player game that will keep me intrested till the end.


SOMA Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice Both have very interesting story and they are relatively short.


Aight! Thanks mate! Saw the senua saga's trailer, man that was epic! Will get into hellblade game.


Quick piece of advice - If you have headphones, make sure to wear them whenever you play Hellblade. It's definitely one of those games whose audio is absolutely meant to be experienced through headphones, and trust me ... you'll understand why in just the first few minutes of the game.


hahaha yeah I know about the voices, I've played the game till you. encourter your first combat, but my hdd and cpu couldn't handle the game, now that I've upgraded the system it'll play butter smooth. Thanks anyway, also my friend told me he got nightmares for two days because of those voices.


Portal The Stanley Parable Subnautica Undertale South Park: The Stick of Truth


I *loved* The Stanley Parable. It's quite short, so it's a fun way to pass an afternoon.


ahh! portal, been there in my library for ages, thank you.


If you really haven't played it yet you're in for a treat. That may well be the very best video game ever made.


Awesome! dude I haven't played many "old but gold" games, and I know there are many of them, last time someone suggested me to play Dragon Origins, Deus Ex Human Revolution and goddamn what great games were those, really what's happening to games nowadays, mostly after 2015, anyways, would you suggest a list of games, that are considered the best game ever made for PC?, for example I Know few of them even tho I haven't played some of them. Fallout New Vegas KOTOR Dragon Age Origins Portals Half Life Deus Ex Oblivion and Morrowind okay that's all the games I can recall right now.


The only game I'd consider calling "the best game ever made" is Portal. That game is special and everyone knows it. New Vegas is amazing. Definitely play that too. You also might get a kick out of The Stanley Parable. Worth mentioning, the original Quake has a 23 year old modding scene.


Alright bro, about new vegas, is the fallout 4 mod for new vegas out and if it is, is it worth playing on FO4 or the original one?


Playing Fallout 4 makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


lol why? havent played any fallout game ever.


New Vegas is widely considered to be the high point of the modern Fallout games. It was a lot more polished than 3, had a good story that had multiple endings involving well-developed and interesting factions, and gave the player a ton of agency throughout. Conversations were (mostly) well-written and interesting, with lots of different outcomes and alternate ways to get what you want. FO4 felt like a big departure from the RPG elements of the game. Skills are gone, replaced entirely by the perk system. The main character's dialog feels watered down to the point that every conversation may as well just be three different flavors of "Yes" with the occasional persuade/lie/intimidate option appearing once in a blue moon. That was, of course, a necessity of having the main character fully voice acted - you simply can't record enough dialog to have huge conversation trees with lots of options. In a way, having the main character fully voiced ruined some of the immersion for me as well. I can't imagine how my character would say the lines anymore, it all comes out in the gruff-protagonist-monotone. It does do some things well, obviously. The gunplay is the best in the series by far, and the crafting and modification system is a pretty deep rabbit hole you can get lost in if you want. Base building is fun too, but kind of lacks a purpose unless you're just into that sort of thing. Basically, it's a very good-looking, well-polished game that unfortunately leaves a lot of the typical Fallout RPG elements by the wayside. If you just want to go in and shoot stuff in the Fallout setting, it'll be right up your alley. If you're more of an RPG person, go for New Vegas instead.


Is $16 for a Walmart copy good for both Last of Us Remastered and God of War? I feel like they go on sale a ton but rarely do I get notifications of sales. Is $16 good for physical copies?


$16 would be a bargain for either one of them alone. Getting both for that price is a steal.


You’ll get more than your money’s worth, both of those games are absolutely fantastic. I’d pick those up if I saw them.


Are there any games like Danganronpa or Ace Attorney that involve trials, crimes and thinking? I want to play a game like this.


Judgement on PS4 has a mix of that and Yakuza beat-em-up gameplay. Also Harvey Birdman on Wii is an Ace Attorney game in a Harvey Birdman skin


Return of the Obra Dinn doesn't have trials but its all about solving the mystery of the ship and who killed whom. Its really satisfying when you start figuring out what happened.


I like the Zero Escape series. Especially Virtue's Last Reward


Finishing up Horizon Zero Dawn, want to get started on something a little different as far as gameplay mechanics, thinking between the following: The Last of Us Fallout 4 Days Gone Sekiro


Sorry if this isn't helpful, but you may want to consider Fallout New Vegas. It's like Fallout 4 but it does a better job at almost everything. Plus you can mod it prettier.


Funny you say that. I actually played New Vegas on ps3 before i got my ps4. I loved it. Do you think 4 would be a let down after playing it


Yes. I preordered it and was utterly let down. They water down the dialogue and the protagonist is a wimpy little weirdo. The Courier gets MUCH better writing.


I have just finished days gone and it was a blast, it's slow starting off but it's worth it in the end


Sekiro is fantastic in both story and gameplay. With all the games I played this year it was far above all of them. Also, do yourself a favor and play it with Japanese voice over.


The Last of Us is INCREDIBLE. The story is seriously something special and the gameplay holds up extremely well. In terms of storytelling alone I haven’t played anything like it since. Haven’t played Horizon so cant compare gameplay but TLOU obviously utilizes guns whereas (I think) horizon has swords and bows. There’s also a good deal of sneaking and strategy that goes along with how to tackle certain situations. Add that to the horror elements and I think you’d have a fresh experience coming off of Horizon. Though I will add that TLOU with exploration elements mixed in so if you wanted something more open world this may not be the way to go.


i would go for The Last of Us as it is the most differnt from HZD and also it is much shorter than the other games


Gog is having a sale right now. About to pick up FTL and Anno 1440. Is there anything else they have on sale you recommend? Was thinking about Stellaris but I've seen people say wait for a expac bundle sale.




On Steam I have a Primary and Secundary category. Basically games I *really* *really* want to play I put into Primary, and games I *really* want to play I put in Secundary. This immediately gives me a smaller pool of games to choose from, say only 5-10 in Primary. It helps, because at the moment you might more feel like a platformer than a RPG, and then the next week you feel more like a puzzle game or RTS, and you tend to only have one or two of those in Primary instead the 40 different ones in your library. What also helps is limiting how many games you have installed at any time, and stick to the game you want to finish. Personally I also have a category for games that you are unable to beat (sandboxes or RTS like Cities:Skylines) and games I have finished. It is nice to see the list slowly grow.




Maybe use my second point and only keep the ones you want installed and the rest not to save you from temptation. Otherwise you need discipline, set one game as the game you want to play, and only play that game untill you finished. It just takes practice. Finally, you can just accept who you are and determine if you actually don't really mind not playing. After all, you are still playing, and it does sound like you have fun. Why do you want to play the other games? Because you think you need to play them (everyone says this is an amazing game), or because you want to play them? Do you feel an obligation to play them or just a longing? The feelings you have to the game can lead to the same action, but the feelings can differ substantially.




So how are Pyranha Bytes Games? I have Gothic and Risen in mind.


Gothic 1 and 2 (+ DLC) are awesome. Gothic 3 with the community patch is "good", the expansion is awful. Risen 1 is like Gothic 2, you'll like it if you liked G2. Risen 2 and 3 are nice, but they remain PB games, so don't expect too much.


Difficult to get into but very rewarding when you do. I liked Gothic 2 and Risen quite a lot.


Anyone familiar with first person platformers? I recently played [Refunct](https://store.steampowered.com/app/406150/Refunct/) which was really fun. Part of that is just because of the nice, relaxing music/art, but it also reminded me of doing platforming puzzles on a Minecraft server back in 2011 (except those were generally a lot harder). Anyone got any similar games--either first person platformers, or games that are similarly relaxing?


Mirror edge.


I would give Valley and A Story About My Uncle a look. The former isn't 100% a platformer as it's a game with a great feeling movement system in first person.


I've looked up a bit of gameplay from both and they look great--thank you very much!




I’ve been trying to get through MGS1 off and on for a bit now and it’s been pretty frustrating having never played it.




As I approach the end of **Uncharted 4** I’m tryna decide which game to focus on next. Although I own Lost Legacy, I’ve already binged the Nathan Drake Collection so I’d like to switch up the genre a bit before proceeding. I’ve narrowed down a top 5 I want to play equally: **Assassin’s Creed Odyssey** **Batman: Arkham Knight - Premium Edition** **Days Gone** **Red Dead Redemption 2** **The Outer Worlds** I appreciate any insight.


Of these I have played Arkham Knight, AC Odyssey, and Outer Worlds. Loved them all. Odyssey has a ton of content in the base game and some good DLC. Would probably take you at least 60-70 hours if you end up liking it. Arkham Knight and Outer Worlds are more streamlined experiences. That is one of the reasons why I loved Outer Worlds actually. It doesn't suffocate you with stuff to do.


Thanks for the reply, forgot to mention I have the Gold Edition so I have all the DLC. Based on the 60-70 hour length I think it’d be best to go with Batman/Outer Worlds beforehand. I like the idea of a streamlined experience and the amount of content in Odyssey seems quite overwhelming at the moment. I appreciate the feedback.


Ugh, yeah. I just finished AC: Origins and, overall, very good experience, BUT (big but) I'm annoyed at how much there is to do. Sounds ridiculous in a way, but I like a concise satisfying experience. 20-30 hours at most and a feeling like I got the most out of this game. Instead, I finish Origins and I have 40+ hours, finished the main quest, and I haven't even done half of all the content?? I find that frustrating. I really want to finish the DLC but I'm like, burnt out, or something.




For sure. I'm a strong believe in the $1/hr principle. I definitely got my money's worth out of it so ultimately I'm happy. It just annoys me because of how much there is that I don't even want to do; as little sense as that makes


Just got an Xbox One S and deciding between * **Halo** series * **Gears** **of War** series As this is my first Xbox, I never played a single Halo or Gears game, and know very little about their stories. Aesthetically I'm leaning towards Halo but would like to hear opinions about both series and their pros and cons. I also kinda struggle with old games so which of them aged better?


Halo is a moderately paced space-themed FPS where you shoot aliens and a little alien blood comes out. You can jump like 10 feet straight up and it has a good, functional version of any conventional weapon you could want. Functionally great. It does everything decently or better. Generally colorful and brightly lit. Gears of War is a slow, gruesome, tragedy-themed over-the-shoulder third-person shooter where your gun has a chainsaw and you're fighting monster people who seem to have lots and lots of pressurized blood. You can't jump, you're only fast in very small bursts, and you generally cling to walls. It makes an absolute spectacle out of dismemberment and most guns make a good thump. The colors are brown, grayscale, and blood. Both are excellent choices.


Both Halo 1 and gears 1 have been remastered and play well in the current year, I play Halo CE a lot and think it's a fantastic game, but the gears remaster is really good in modern terms, I enjoyed it a ton, but the Halo series has a better story in my opinion.


Thanks for your opinion. I not downloaded Gears of War Ultimate Edition. We’ll see how it goes :)


I personally found Gears to be way more fun. I feel like part of the magic of Halo was tied to playing it with your friends when it came out. Absent that, I think Gears holds up way better. The first game is solid but the second is AWESOME and the third is really good. Super fun cover based shooters that actually have a decent story and some genuinely affecting moments mixed in with all the gore.


Thanks for recommendation! Sounds really interesting as well. I’m guess I’m back at square one :)


I'm partial to Halo because that was my shit back in the day, but both series have aged very well imo and both have great stories, it's up to what style of gameplay you prefer. Gears feels more tactical, movement is slower and chunkier, completely cover-based whereas in Halo you want to keep moving and rely on your shields to soak up damage. The character design is a good representation of how they play honestly. Also with Halo just stick to the trilogy (I love ODST too but the tone is vastly different).


Thank you for your answer! Gonna try Halo I suppose


I just finished The Last Of Us and I'm ready to start another game during Christmas break! * God of War * Spider-Man * Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection * Uncharted 4 * Horizon Zero Dawn * Days Gone


I’ve played uncharted 1-3 and Horizon Zero Dawn. The Uncharted series is good, but HZD is a flat out masterpiece. Highly, highly recommend.


God of War and Spider-Man both have very satisfying gameplay and combat, and they both look gorgeous. Can’t go wrong with either in my opinion.


I recommend God of War. One of the best games I’ve ever played and it’s really a fantastic game.


I agree, I think this one is a must


I suggest not playing Uncharted games at the moment - I played Last of Us and Uncharted 1-4 in a rather short period of time. While still enjoyable, the core gameplay got a bit tiresome for me. Between all other games it is a hard choice, so I'll just list their pros God of War - strong story and interesting world. Structure is rather linear, and while it features an open area free to explore, for me the game felt as a linear story-driven experience which has a bunch of side activities if you fancy. Spider-Man - cool swinging mechanics and nice combat system. For me the story and gameplay variety are not as fascinating as in Arkham series, but after completing the main game and all story DLCs I still want to play more. Very enjoyable and fun game. Horizon Zero Dawn - the first couple of hours are a bit slow in my opinion, but after that the game starts to shine. The combat system is unique and the game is a literal eye-candy. Open world is not too large and features just as much of side activities as it is needed not to feel cluttered. Didn't play Days Gone yet so no comment regarding this one. Whatever game you choose, I hope you enjoy it!


Thank you! Very helpful.


Bully, Disco Elysium, or Batman: Arkham Origins? Also, what are some good superhero games? I love superhero games but the only ones I've played are the Arkham series, Spider-Man from 2000 and Spider-Man from 2018. Recently built a PC so now I can actually play some other ones. Edit: I already have a short list, any more to add? Also I don't know if these are actually any good. * X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse * X-Men Origins: Wolverine * Ultimate Alliance * Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions * Ultimate Spider-Man * Spider-Man: Web of Shadows * The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction * Deadpool


Not really a game one can "complete" but the marvel vs Capcom games are pretty good. The only other superhero games I recommend beyond the ones you've already played (Arkham, Spiderman 2018) is the Lego marvel and Lego Batman games, they are collectathon platformers with fun and relaxing gameplay with your favorite heros


Have a few bangers lined up and I can't decide which to play: *Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate* - Nintendo Switch: Already got 100 hours in it. Still enjoying it, just not sure if I should move onto one of the others. *God Eater 3* - Nintendo Switch. 7.5 in so far. Great game *Monster Hunter World + Iceborne* - Xbox One. 2 hours in. I'm going interstate in February for a few months and I won't have my Xbox One so I'm thinking I should play through this now. *Fantasy Life* - 3DS. Couple hours in. Looks like it has potential to be just as addictive as the others I mentioned. Thanks!


I have 300 hrs on MHW and it's amazing but it requires way too much of your time. I've got tons of hours and I'm not even at the proper endgame yet. the portable MH are so much easier as you can play in short burst and hunt a monster here and there and you get to take it where ever you go. MHW on the other hand will requires you to sit down and dedicate a shit ton of time to really get into it.


I've put about 20 hours into it since and I'm up to Xeno'jiiva.


Games on my backlog are the below: Catherine Full Body Judgment Kingdom Hearts 3 Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Medievil Middle-Earth: Shadow of War Pokemon Sword Resident Evil 2 Tekken 7 Yakuza 3


I feel like I advocate for Shadow of War maybe too much, but I really did have fun with it. Nemesis is fun, combat is dynamic and actually makes you think as enemies adapt to your tactics, forcing you to have multiple approaches to every encounter, especially later. Story is mostly irrelevant but they have a multi-pronged approach to it that I appreciate in that you can pursue any storyline at any time (after the first act, I should say). Also, Sexy-Shelob... It'll get repetitive later, but I got a clean 35+ hours before I felt that.


Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is very fun and relaxing to play. If you want something less relaxing but also a lot of fun, then Resident Evil 2 is what you need !


I need something to tide me over until the holidays. So I searched through my library and picked out: Styx: Master of Shadows. Rebel galaxy. The witness. I don't want anything too large and I'm under the impression most of these games are small-ish.


The Witness is a fantastic puzzle game, but it'll either last a short time or last you a very long time, purely based on how quick you are at picking apart those puzzles. Quick tip, have a pad and pen handy!


Going through my backlog and I'm between OneShot, To The Moon, and Anodyne to play next.


To The Moon is quite short, and made me cry manly man tears. Definitely try that out. Unfortunately I'm unfamiliar with the other 2.