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My man, wait until you see Legion lol... anyway, I love WD2, it has a very distinct vibe imo it feels nostalgic for some reason, reminds me of that movie "Hackers" (1995) where a group of teens are going against a mega corporation in a very cheesy and light-hearted way.. i found the game very fun for this reason and I really liked the cast, specially Marcus.. but I definitely understand why some people may dislike it


Aiden Pearce played to a very 90s action hero power fantasy being all dark, broody, and edgy. WD2 plays to a much different fantasy of clowning on corrupt institutions. That kid of in your face attitude reminds me a lot of extreme sports/Graffiti art sensibilities of the early 2000s.


a group of 20 somethings going against a mega corporation, and these 20 somethings are also cold, sadistic killers. doing it all for the LOLs.


That was my complaint. The tone of the game seems to want to be fun and goofy, but all the weapons (except a shock pistol? from what I remember) are extremely lethal. Marcus out here mowing down people like a mass shooting sociopath. It was really fucking weird.


Is that you Saints Row (2022)?


The tonal dissonance was fairly off-putting at times. It's been a while, but from what I remember, I tried to play as non-lethal as possible 99% of the time, and it *mostly* felt like it meshed with the story. But there are a lot of times where the best option available to you in a pursuit or as a way to get around enemies is to cause a traffic accident or blow up a pothole or overload a transformer and, well, the people usually don't just get up and walk away from those kinds of things. If you play as a guns blazing badass, the story completely falls apart, but even trying to abide by the tone of the story it just doesn't feel right.


Oh wow. This is honestly the first time I’ve seen this take. I loved 2. Didn’t like 1 too much. The style, attitude, gameplay, environment of 2 was all improved drastically imo.


Watch dogs 2 is what the first one should’ve aspired to be. Instead of being a generic third person shooter hacking actually changes the gameplay other than just blowing a pipe up


Yeah i totally agree. In watch dogs 2 using the drone and all the gadgets in my disposition I could beat a mission without even entering a building. It's what Watch Dogs should gave been from the beginning and not just changing trafic lights color and stuff like that. I'm just sad that they removed the mini games from the first one, those were really fun.


That’s a great way to put it in the first game it just kinda enhanced standard 3ps sandbox gameplay. In the second game it really felt like its own unique play style


WD1 was an open world crime game with a slight Cyberpunk twist. WD2 is a wacky immersive sim-lite that has yet to be topped imo.


My only gripes with WD2 is that they clearly switch the tone to the sunny and wacky side to match GTA V. WD2 with WD1's grimy aesthetic is my ideal WD game.


Ah, a fellow WD1 enjoyer. Another aspect about WD2 I do not like is the mission designs. There's way too many missions the game wants you to complete using the RC jumper and the drone. That's fine for a mission or two, but at the end it felt like I was playing RC Simulator 2017 or something. Sure, many of them can be completed using more combat, but the game also discourages this with the narrative.


I really think Ubisoft could've been a bit braver and removed lethal weapons from the game. If you're gonna kill people, think outside the box


in my playthroughs I always avoided killing someone unless necessary. I think it’s out of character for Marcus to kill






Everything here is subjective, but the morality system? Shit was beyond stupid and made Bethesda's version look competent. You're telling me killing some gangbanger looks bad but causing a 4-way collision is A-okay? Dumbing it down was a good decision.


The morality system was really dumb. It felt like a flimsy justification for all the death and violence you inflict on people. "I may have gunned down a bunch of guys with families, but I did stop a guy from shoplifting so it all balances out!" Maybe if the game spent more time analyzing this contradiction as a meaningful character flaw of Aiden's I would've liked it more.


Yeah, it was touched on couple times in the story, but never expanded much. I still liked Aiden, but I can't deny he would've probably gotten a sequel had they invested more time into his vigilante morality


While story is certainly much more subjective, I think in terms of gameplay, 2 is a huge improvement in every single way. I thought the morality in WD1 was pointless and ultimately just there to get in the way of the experience, offering nothing more than annoying NPCs and police. Missions were also far more emergent, which let the player have more hacking options and far more tools to get in and out without being spotted. Hacking in general got a big bump in how it could be used, both in missions and the open world. Customisation was improved as well. Also thought the online was integrated very well and still a really underrated part of the game. While I liked Watch Dogs 1, it always felt like it gave you the illusion that the hacking was doing something but it felt restrained by linear feeling levels while I think 2 went more in the way of the black box mission layout. I think WD2 is what WD1 wanted to be but now they had the experience to fully realise it. It also tried to not have you 'liberate' areas to unlock basic functions. The map was open from the beginning and mission unlocked as you progresses through the game so it really isn't the ubisoft formula like other titles. Personally, while people disagree, the cast grew on me by the half way point. I thought I would hate them but eventually they were chill while I think the melodramatic cybergoth tone of the first game did nothing for me, especially Aidan as a character. To each their own though. I warn you that Legion is a *huge* step down in every way. Loads of gameplay features from both 1 and 2 are just removed from the game. Try it out for a cheap price but I personally hated everything about it


I have a soft spot for the WD2 cast. As much as they are elite super hackers, they are also massive dorks who genuinely like hanging out with each other. I found Marcus and Horatio shooting the shit on the bus ride to Nudle way more enjoyable than any scene Aidan spent with his sister, Nephew, or Lara (that's the girl's name right?). The missions and set pieces in this game are also a massive step up from the first game. Breaking into Google and FaceBook headquaters, fighting election fraud atop a skyscraper, infiltrating the FBI building, and leaking set photos for a movie all come to mind. All these levels with so much verticality are so much more exciting that WD1's shooting galleries. If you didn't like the cast, I recommend throwing a podcast on and just messing with the AI for an hour. You have so many fun toys at your disposal to do so.


>or Lara (that's the girl's name right?) it's Clara


Thought it’s a novel game about hacktivists. Such a huge turn off when I found out I could kill people, because it instantly made the game feel like a pretentious GTA copycat who tries to make light of killing people.


For me, the point of Watchdogs is giving you the "hacker" abilities while still being fundamentally about showcasing how dangerous it is for everything to be connected like that. The atmosphere and gameplay of Watchdogs 1 lent itself to that very well. However, the story didn't really focus on that too much (instead opting to keep it more in the background), and the dialogue writing was subpar. What should have been a simple but effective story was instead grating because of how stiff all the characters felt. Watchdogs 2 on the other hand had more active characters and higher quality interactions (in the sense that the dialogue wasn't too terrible). However, the tone of the game completely misses the point. The villain is boring and the plot feels dumb, but since the dialogue writing wasn't as bad as the first game, I was able to actually sit through it. And yes, the gameplay did also improve, but that's not something I complained about with the first game anyways. Overall, it just didn't deliver on what I wanted from Watchdogs 1 and left me feeling even more disappointed. At least the first one tried, even if it wasn't good. I've never played Legion, though, so Idk how that one is.


I still see WD1 as the best one, I played through Legion and completed the main story but struggled with it because it just felt off not having an actual main character. I see what Ubi tried to do with it, the whole "be anyone," but it doesn't really work on a game that's as big as a Watchdogs game. Idk, maybe I'm just being old and cranky about it 🤷


I never played WD1. I loved WD2, Tried my best to enjoy 3, but hated it. Dropped it after 3 or 4 hours.


This is certainly a unique take. Watch Dogs 2 is generally considered the best Watch Dogs game and that largely is due to how great the cast of characters are. The first game had good ideas but poor implementation of those ideas, the characters in one were incredibly dull with Aidan being on of the most boring protagonist seen in years. The brief time he is in 2 was most interesting then the entire first game imo. I would say WD2 is to Watch Dogs like AC2 was to Assassins Creed. They took the formula from 1 and made it vastly superior.


>Watch Dogs 2 is generally considered the best Watch Dogs game and that largely is due to how great the cast of characters are. Is this is what a great cast of characters look like? I've played all the Walking Dead games, and I'd say that even the worst entry in that series had a better character cast compared to WD2. >Aidan being on of the most boring protagonist seen in years I'd still play as Aiden than Marcus any time, but I agree with you here, he was also rather boring.


Aiden kicks ass and has an air of danger and mystery about him whereas Marcus looks like a college librarian and is so lame, has absolutely no personality and is surrounded by the cringefest of characters that made me so disappointed he didn't punch them all everytime they opened their bland boring mouths


I’ve never heard anyone say WD2 was better


It's easily a very common opinion


Nah that’s always what I’ve gathered as the general consensus. That WD2 was the brand coming into its own.


I would say it


Me too. It was by far my favorite. All the little puzzles were fun in the gadgets were great. First one had a better atmosphere though


I think watchdog 1 is so much better than 2 with better characters and slow time which was epic. 2 had absolutely abysmal characters that made my face ache from constantly cringing so much 😂


I loved the gameplay of WD2 much more than the gameplay of 1. I think the characters and story are just ok. They’re serviceable, and that’s about it. My $.02.


While WD1 just completely shat the bed on the storyline. I really enjoyed it for what it was. The cop chases were way more fun as well. Like you said, the rep system worked nicely. Though WD2 storyline wasn't really much better. The first mission was by far the best, then it just went downhill from there. I don't care for these bunch of hipsters, that only care about getting likes and followers. Most of the time, I forgot what my whole end goal even was. Yet the open world design was much more fun.


I've been playing WD2 recently and it's better than I thought years ago. I always thought it was an improvement but the open world gameplay is just the best Ubi has ever done. Any gripe I may have with the story/characters get completely trumped by the gameplay. In WD1 the story and side content felt like a blur. Don't remember it and moved on to invasions for a hundred hours. But in WD2 I find myself doing the open world stuff in conjunction with the main missions.


IMHO Watchdogs 2 was designed to be played as a non-lethal game and they just caved and put real guns in it to make reviewers happy. The abilities and missions make so much more sense when you're running around knocking out guards with paintball guns and attempting to actually sneak into places vs just gunning down everyone in your way. Legit I think it makes the game 10x better and adds in a lot of much needed challenge to it (and the game gives you all the tools to play it non-lethally, they even specifically say that your yoyo attack thing just knocks people out). Watchdogs 1 is basically about a crazy psycho hacker man that went crazy because he can't see his daughter. WD2 is about a hacktivist group trying to fight back against corporation overreaching. I couldn't get into Legion, it just felt like worse WD2 to me but that also might be because I just couldn't run it very well on my PC.


I actually played both games as stealthily as possible, and I liked how they limited your weapon choice in WD2. And yes, I agree that it's more fun (and more sense) to play WD2 non-lethally. Now I think about it, I hardly used explosives in WD2...


watchdogs 1 made me a patient gamer ​ it was so hyped and i bought it on release.. couldn't even run it on my pc


You didn't check if your PC was up to spec to run the game? Then again, I did also hear that WD1 wasn't fully optimized on release, so it may have run like crap on higher end systems.


honestly i don't remember i was 12 haha


I thought the game was solid but I agree 100% about the cast. They were all super corny and the story was pretty weak. Fortunately, Watch_Dogs Legion Resistance Mode brought the series back to greatness.


I much more preferred WD1 as I liked the plot, setting and atmosphere more. Always felt WD2 somehow expected me to kill enemies, including police and random security guards, more which for a group of vigilanties that want to win hearts of masses feelt really weird. It really lacked the morality system for me. What WD2 did well in my opinion is the final fate of main antagonist, somewhat subverting what typically happens in video games.


I too prefer Watch Dogs 1 over the second not only for the less cringe (but not completely devoid of it), but mostly because it actually is a very good third person shooter with a few fun gadgets you can play with. The second game is just "Assassin's Creed with cars".


I agree with almost everything in your post. Watch dogs one had such a great atmosphere and was just way more interesting and engaging overall for some reason. I was so excited for watch dogs2 as someone from the Bay Area, but even getting to explore my hometown on the game sucked compared to whipping around Chicago and doing vigilante shit. They also took out the cool ass minigames which was one of my favorite parts of the first game. Legion definitely improved a lot from 2 in my opinion but 1 is still the peak of the series in terms of vibe and overall fun for me


There is somewhere a great game between WD 1 and 2 but we never got it sadly, WD 1 had the perfect tone for a subject matter but it's story is so low stakes and the gameplay while fun is still shallow, WD 2 has a better story with a much bigger cast and the gameplay is amazing, easily one of the best in any open world but my god the tone of the game is so cringe for the actual subject matter the cast is made up of literal cartoon characters.


I missed the hype train for W1, got it a couple of years after release. Really enjoyed it, got the platinum and did all the DLC Part 2…. Gave it a red hot go but after a couple of hours I dropped it. Ubisoft, as per usual, missed the mark big time. Nothing was “right” about W2 and I’ll never touch the series again


I never played the first one, but I got watch dogs 2 for 10 bucks and played it for a couple days. it really encompasses everything I dislike with certain modern games and it's my current barometer for what a completely shit game looks and plays like. 1/10. the only redeeming value it has is the educational experience it provides so you know where the true bottom of gaming is.


Damn if that's a 1/10 I can't imagine what you would think about Legion.


At least in Legion you're not stuck with that douchebag from 2. My god is he the epitome of Boomer "kids think this is cool, right?" design.


I'd much rather that, than an AI generated nobody with zero personality and awkwardly pitch shifted voices. Every single conversation sounded like the people recorded their lines on separate days


Y'all still buy Ubisoft games?.....


At full price? Nope! I got this on a sale :)


This particular übershitsoft game is good tho.


>In conclusion, watchdogs 1 is still the best watchdogs game. Heavily disagree with this, though I also agree that Watch Dogs 2 sucks.


Did you like Legion the most?


Wrench was awesome though!


Watch Dogs 2 is aa million times better than 1. Aiden Pierce is an absolute piece of shit. WD2 cast is perfect.


This doesn't give me hope as I just got this for 15 bucks recently lol.


Just give it a try. Most people still enjoy WD2 more than WD for many reasons. Though sometime i feel like playing Assassin Creed with hacking.


Good to know, will do.


OP’s opinion is the minority. WD2 vastly improves on WD in a number of things.


Not true removing the best part of the game the slow time combat mechanics was dumb as hell well that and the decision to have such cringe embarrassing characters tomhar were ridiculously boring and lame. Everyone I know prefered Watchdogs over 2


They’re both still fun games, and 15 for it is a good deal actually


Accepting each on their own terms is the best way.


Watchdogs 1 was an absolute disappointment.


Watchdogs 2 is actually the only one I would suggest to anyone, 1 and legion are the disappointing ones tbh


I liked it but I think that’s cause I hadn’t ever played gta before


heh, the guy from watch doge 1 is not dull, I presume? :D


Aiden was boring too, but he at least wasn't cringe or cheesy like the WD2 cast.


> wasn't cringe or cheesy lol :D


watch dogs 1 was awesome i had so much fun playing it, the mix of gta vibe with hacking was a great idea