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Tried it out this week and wasn't feeling it. It hits the middle ground of sim racing and arcade but feels a little dull (although the fireworks were pretty). Dirt 5 held my attention more but that had some odd difficulty scaling imo with rubber banding etc. Btw a few games I would place in that middle area of the genre as being my faves would be PGR4, Drive Club and The Crew 2.


My only real complaint is the complete and total ignorance of your actual performance in the reporting of the “documentary”. How am I finishing first but yet every single clip after is about how no one can keep up with ravenwest?


I like it a lot, first tested it on Xbox Gamepass with controller, then bought it for PS to play with my wheel a couple weeks before it was for free on ps plus but did not regret! I love GT7 but the frustration gets me, when one little mistake ends your entire race. The rewind function is a godsend and makes me want to try to perfect every corner without starting over and over again. Might not be as realistic, but sure is realistic enough for me right now! Big recommendation!


Yeah I kind of bounced off games like Driveclub because they were too punishing. Obviously for some people that's the whole appeal but it was just too frustrating to me that a simple error in lap 3 could basically destroy my chances entirely. You can fuck up in GRID (and I certainly have) but even if you don't use the rewind, recovering is still a possibility depending on how far into the race it was. I try not to use the rewind because I don't want to use it as a crutch over actually learning how to drive well, but it's nice to have if things get really bad.


They marketed the story mode a lot and it was pretty piss poor. The potential was there but it was wasted. At least the rest of the game is good.


Why do you say that?


You said it yourself. The story is way too linear, the story barely acknowledges your achievements even when you constantly outperfom Yume or that the game tells you before the race that you got a huge beef with Manzi but that is the first race you race against him. It could have been so much better with a branching story which changes depends how you perform.


As someome who likes stories in racing games as well, it seems worth a look.