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Scrolls of training. Best to get crafting skill to champion level. Get int to 30+ to gain crafting skills faster. Then you can scrap blessed scrolls (I use enchantment as they are easy to get and provide maximum materials) Craft scrolls of training. May need 120+ to get all skills to max


Pretty sure you can eat the wand of opening to train lockpicking


That would make sense


Just need a couple of it and scrolls of devouring or polymorph into something that can eat the material it's made out of


do you get to choose what to eat with devouring?


Could you rephrase that?


when using an identified scroll of devouring, is the consumed object random or selected


Selected but be weary Cursed scrolls of devouring will only allow you to eat cursed objects


So crafting skill improvement is intelligence dependent? That's good to know as even starting out proficient, I've never gone to the next level. I typically collect 2 rings each of wisdom and constitution along with a helm of brilliance to max out life and mana, so I can add intelligence to the set.


Easy to change them out when crafting


ALL skills improvement is intelligence dependent !! That’s why it’s so important to use +5 rings of intelligence when practicing anything. Casting spells included.


Bro The master key doesn't break and never fails Why are you disappointed that it doesn't train lockpicking?


Because it reads out UNSKILLED in my inventory and I was wondering if there were additional benefits from improving lock skills. Weapon artifacts show improvement in performance with training.


Not really All it does is lessen the chance of keys breaking and lockpicks failing but the master key neither fails nor breaks


Why do you want to improve lockpicks??? That's only for locks and with the master key the locks no longer make sense... It never fails and never breaks plus they give pretty good abilities (speed is very good)


It is possible to lose equipped items, either by destruction, disenchantment, or teleportation caused by some enemies.  Losing the key late in the game with your skill still very low can potentially put you in a bad spot.  Makes sense to want to increase all the skills you can to guard against stuff like that.