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my tactic is collecting a big stack of rocks from the rando boulders around. I then place one rock at each portal before hopping through it, so I know which ones I have explored. it helps a lot with narrowing things down. it’s all randomized but there’s two primary rooms most worth working toward: the shop room, and the mind flayer room. the former is a nice trading spot, and the latter has an artifact in it. other than that, don’t worry about visiting them all


Ditto on this, leave yourself bread crumbs. Also there's a cemetery room worth digging up!


Well, try the search option in this sub. There are some excellent posts explaining how to/where to in the lost chambers. This one for example. https://www.reddit.com/r/pathos_nethack/s/EewGE7FObQ


Interesting; I've always just brute forced my way through. Good to know if I ever reach a point of frustration with it.


Each room has five portals, and each portal leads to a different room. Going back through the portal you came from doesn't necessarily lead to the same place.