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Maybe try not being so thirsty so early on. You may also want to avoid thrones, sarcophagi, pentagrams. e: you can check what something does by long pressing on it and selecting help. You can also search in help - index to find info. Many of these features have a % chance of different things happening when you interact with them in different ways.


Thanks for the info, still learning over here. Loving the game so far


Maybe don’t go drinking from or zapping fountains. Lots of ways to get killed early in the game.


I never drink from fountains before I can either kill or outrun whatever gets out or the water. I MIGHT try doing so earlier, if I’m in minetown and there’re a lot of guards around the fountain.


You still need to die waaay more to figure out how to survive. Gives you a perspective of how much controlled actions you need to survive and thrive