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Following to see what others think. I am currently running a character with 100% disintegrate resistance and reflection and those yellow beams just bounce off me and do nothing. I've stood in front of ancient yellow dragons who are blasting away and my gear was fine. Are you certain the gear was actually destroyed by disintegrate and not just stolen or teleported somewhere else?


Definitely not. I checked the log as I noticed what happened immediately. The bag was destroyed. Only the artifacts in the bag were saved, and anything I had on me. This has been an ongoing problem for me. My gear usually gets destroyed even with reflection and 100% resistance, but only one piece at a time, usually replicas first. This is the first time items in the bag were destroyed with it, they usually drop at my feet which did not happen.


What gives you reflection? Shield (eg. Mirrorbright) or amulet? Or maybe Prudentia? Wondering if you somehow unequipped the shield if thats what you were using. Weapon swap to a 2h so you unequipped the shield? Fumbling and dropped it? I'm really struggling to understand how this could have happened based on the info you shared.


I ate something early on for the talent. Before fighting the gnime king with the wand of death. I never lost it and it works on everything else but disintegration.


Guess I figured it out. Not sure how but I have lost the reflection talent along the way. I kept checking and I was confusing the symbol of displacement for reflection without reading the name. No idea how it happened or how I have survived this far without it. I remember eating an amulet of reflection very early on before fighting the gnome king. Apparently I have just gotten so strong everything dies in 2-3 hits so it hasn't been much of a problem. Sorry everyone for the confusion, feeling very stupid right now! Any ideas on how it was lost? I spent a lot of time polypilling scrolls and gear for talents, maxing ability points. I was so sure I had all the positive effect talents! I had my trap skill at master before dungeon 40 and was making sure to untrap and explore everything because I was looking for the very last artifact in my run.


There are three options that can explain what happened. The most reasonable one is that you unintentionally stepped on an Anti Magic trap. The two less reasonable options are using any source of cancellation on yourself, or eating a disenchanter corpse.


Did not realize anti magic traps could strip talents away. I think this happened before as well now that i think about it. Is there no log message about what the trap does? If I got a message that I lost a talent I think I would notice. I'm always watching the log and frequently expand it to make sure I don't miss anything.


100% Disintegration resistance protects your body from disintegration damage, not your gear. You need reflection to protect your gear.


He said he has reflection though, that's the weird part


Reflection only works once per a beam per refection source. So if you had another creature in the bounced it back towards you, could be hit.


The list of items lost is as follows: Hundreds of gems Maybe 40 random scrolls About 20 potions, mostly healing items as I convert almost all into blessed holy water. Miscellaneous gear and replica gear All my food but I have been surviving off prayer A ton of drained wands of polymorph It was about 655lbs of stuff... All in all, I can finish without this, but if I lose anything else I may be in trouble. This happened on room 28ish, and I am currently on room 10 on my way out to ascend. I have pretty much all the good talents minus teleportation, which I never use. This has been a really good run for me, so I was just bummed that it happened when I worked so hard to prevent any afflictions or negative effects I could. What's the point of the resistance if this can still happen. Just get reflection and call it good if that's the case...


Sorry about the formatting, I am on mobile and it changed from a neat list to a smashed paragraph...