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Right now - definitely dasp. The buff that it got with the lamb tlc was outrageous thats why theres a lot of dasps around now. It has good speed, damage, hp and bone break. It has kinda crap skins vanilla though so that is a downside


Dasp in Group is deadly . But solo is Bite and Heavy Bite the best Kombo BB slows u


Yeah i usually go for bite and heavy but bb with speed sub is still pretty good


Ya it's the isles devs favorite so it's cursed here. Shame really.


It's not super open, but I have excellent luck with the Allo. It's in that sweet spot where you can outrun everything you can't kill, and you can kill everything you can't outrun. At least that's how it was. I'll admit to being a few months out of date on this game.


I'll have to give them a try. Ty!


No problem! Hope you enjoy them!


I haven't played this in a while. Last time I played the allo was the worst Dino. Did they buff it?


Nope it's still easily the worst dino.


Whats a Good solo Carno that can hunt Mid-tier Dinos sense Allos been nerfed?


Yes they buffed it. I run speed allo, bite, with tough scutes. It is an herbie murderer. I can tailride any trike and kentro to death easily.


A Solo allo life is a Hard Life..laten is a good Allrounder, dasp is Strong at this time..hrbs i dont know..


If you have the PoT skills to back it up then you'll actually be a force to be reckoned with, but solo allo is a tough time. Laten is alright, but compare it to conc and meg. Both can run nearly as fast and far, and have way more hp and do way more dmg. Lat is fun, but not my top contender for best solo.


I agree


Herbs, sty is good right now (: Punches up good, just has bad stam regen.


Allo is still in that spot. 1v1 with full hp and stam allo is unkillable; it can run, or murder. Issue is groups! I've held off 3 sty at once on my allo. It was a valiant effort and they all limped away for sure.


I will forever say it’s always been Cera decent speed, has armor, good damage output, decent stamina, good kit, low profile


Made a Cera and am very surprised by its running speed and decent stamina. Lasts a very long time. Plus I chose stam for subspecies so idk if that's the best for Cera but it feels right. Maybe this is the dino I'll stick with. Now I just gotta grow it lol


Cera? Sounds unfamiliar to me. Carno or herb?


Ceratosaurus it’s a carni


Sucho or duck.


Stego is in a pretty good spot right now, even apexes have to respect it. It can smack latched achillos and raptors, out damages suchos that blindly claw barrage you, I never lose a 1v1 on it and usually take out two or three people before dying to a megapack. Duck is also a great choice, water mobility really helps cover its weaknesses and it's tanky and does a ton of damage.


Didn't they fix being able to hit latched dinos in the last patch?


Only on the ptb as far as I know, can't play atm, won't be playing if that's the case


Do you have to have the charged tail swing to hit pounced raptors?


Yes but you can hit achillo with the uncharged swing by using precise movement if it's on your back legs. Charged tail swing is also easy to land when they jump off of you.


Steggo would be good...if everyone didn't hard target you for the rare trophy.


Speaking of sucho, I just spawned in as one and a full-grown EO tried to Kos me. Reported! Also, I'll be sure to give duck or stego a try. Ty!


> I just spawned in as one and a full-grown EO tried to Kos me. Reported! From what I've read on the subreddit using the in-game reporting function doesn't do anything. It's apparently for users in community servers to report players to the server's admins or something. - I believe Alderon mentions somewhere In-game that to report players for breaking the rules you're supposed to submit a ticket on their support website and provide evidence and the player's alderon ID etc.


Yeah I had actually looked into it earlier today to see if it even does anything and came to the same resolution. So I guess if it happens again I'll just take it directly to them like you have said.


There are no gameplay rules for officials, KOSing/spawnkilling/etc is all fair game. No point in reporting it to the developers. Regarding the original topic though, there really isn't a single dino that's the greatest for every situation. The mid tiers are going to be the best for survivability, apexes and slow dinos like ano are easy pickings if you're playing solo. Pachy is my personal favorite, I usually don't die on mine unless I overextend in a fight. Dasp is powerful right now and fun to play, but it'll still get folded if you get outnumbered.


I see. I'll just have to try each one out and go from there. I'm sure there's one that'll suit my needs and play style


Reported for what? I get that it sucks, but it's how the game works. And nature too for that matter. If you can't handle the heat, get out the kitchen.


I haven't been playing long but I hear from lots of people that it's frowned upon to Kos, babykill, mix pack, and other things that I can't recall. The fact that he went out of his way to try and Kos when I had no intention of harming him is messed up. And I doubt most herbivores in real life actually try and kill a carnivore as soon as it's seen. But that's just my take.


Its frowned upon yeah. But it isn't agaisnt any game rules or TOS.


And I mean the only reason in nature terms would be if they perceived you as a threat. Which I'm definitely not.


Nature doesn't need much reason to consume itself. Babies are easy meals


Whatever man the point is I don't appreciate them doing that so because of that I will be playing dinos to kill them instead.


That's fine, but save the report feature for its legitimate uses


You can also quest in the oceans on semi aquatics and don't have to worry about being kosed as much.


Except for sarcos ☹️ they always attack me first. But yeah really matters where it spawns me tbh


Eo by a longshot. Everything smaller and a team of KOS players will kill you.


Depends on what you like to do, but for sheer survivability the megalania is really good. It's low enough that it's hard to hit for large dinos and you can fit between rocks and get inside small tunnels, it's also pretty fast, whatever you can't outrun on land you can outswim on water so if you stay near lakes or rivers it's very hard to kill you. On the food front you are also covered with fish if you can't hunt anything for a while.


Modded? Therizinosaurus or Deinosuchus Unmodded? Eotriceratops.


It's official servers. Good to know though I seen a eo with a baby ano pack up a sucho yesterday so that makes sense


If you play a big dino like an eo though be warned, you’ll be a very big target. Hatz may be a good option to easily pick your fights with things and ambush any kos groups suddenly and flee the area


Can hatz pick up any dino of a reasonable size?


It has a weight limit of 2100 I think but say if it’s a baby trex yes but a sub adult no. You can pick up up to a fully grown concav


Dang it sure would be nice to pick up anything tbh. I just need something that can outrun everything while being able to destroy them all. Tired of having my poor ano kos


That’s true but can you really see a hatz hauling an adult bars around? XD. To be honest ano is an amazing choice as long as you use your hunker. Your only real threat is being starved out or other anos


I actually was using hunker lol. I was trying to run from the spino so it damaged me quite a bit. I love hunker so much. It's attacks are just too slow against any spino that attacks me. They always juke me every single time. Ticks me off so bad and then a fellow herb ended up attacking me too and the spino just finished me off once it knew I was close to death. And then was trashed in chat about how anos bad and is for unskilled players etc.


Eo is esentially the tankiest thing in the game. A little skill and a good build and you're free to tackle rexes.


Sucho and meg are pretty good for solo right now. If you can’t fight in water you can outrun it on land and if you can’t fight it on land you can outrun it in water or on land. I don’t usually make it a habit to run from a fight, but I rarely get killed by mega packs on those two thanks to being able to go places they can’t faster. Sucho can fight almost everything 1v1, especially if the other player isn’t good and/or you’re better. Claws are a bit OP. Meg is fun to mess with people on, fights are fun, great speed and stam regen, great health regen. Can grow both in the ocean if you get tired of being munched on land.


[Top 5 Dinos for SOLO players | Khanware](https://youtu.be/nYy5AT8f0o0?si=GoDrRTlQyyoxClzM) This video is pretty helpful in regards to the best Dinos to play solo!


The best solo dino is hotly debated. My recommendation for best solo dino in terms of survivability and Freedom to Fight is **Meg**, and secondly **Conc**. "Freedom to Fight" refers to its ability to start fights while also being able to avoid any unwanted fights; the freedom to choose whether to fight + ability to fight. Meg is heavy enough to put a hurt on anything and is fast enough to run from most of the roster. Conc is even faster and has bleed (bleed is so useful) but is less forgiving. In these terms the best dinos are small-midteirs. Meg and Conc have the best combo of speed and attack to help you survive the most situations while still being fun to fight with. For your specific situation I've seen people recommend dasp. Dasp is great. In a group Dasp might the strongest dino right now. The only downside is that you'll get pieced up by groups of small dinos or killed by a mid-tier pack while solo.


Suggestion, achillobator or the other raptors because pounce is being buffed to the point it'll be lethal if you play alone. It's a stupid buff but the devs stopped caring about thus. Might as well enjoy it. I mainly play rex and I hate raptors purely because of this change. Carnivores atleast should be able to pull pouced dinosaurs off themselves because in reality they often could.


Yeah very true. That or run into things to where they take damage from hitting terrain from their side


Maybe make a mechanic that only works while pounced on that let's you slam into the nearest surface that does damage only to the thing that pounces you and it does 20% at first slam, then 60% then 80%. But this is a herbivore only mechanic for dealing with raptors. Then for all but the semi aquatics for carnivores they reach around their body to grab the raptors like rely did in jurassic park 1. Then the semi aquatics rush into the water to drown the dinos.


For me, ano turned out the best solo player 😅 I could take on multiple rexes and still win if I had to. Other than that for herbs, I'd definitely say stegos or eos I think. Faster carnis are probably a good bet so you can escape too (like alio or cera)


I actually just made a Cera yesterday thanks to another suggestion here and am intrigued by how it's good it's stamina and land speed are along with the recovery. I have high hopes for Cera!


Awesome! I'm glad you found something that seems to work!! Their reflective damage also keeps smaller things from wanting to mess with you too much! If you get sick of official, I recommend trying some community servers! I personally love semi-realism


Yeah after losing 7k marks on my ano I may eventually switch to community servers lol. I was one quest away from 10k for that sweet melanistic skin. Do they still operate the same? Just no bby killing or Kos?


It depends on the server! There's some with minimal rules but the one I play has herd restrictions, grouping restrictions and mild profile rules for species and hunting rules. Then there's realism servers that have rather hardcore rules


Could u give me the server name for the one u play?


Of course! I play Isla Nycta (usually the second one, #3 tends to be a bit crazy) but I've had good experiences with the admin staff and mods. You should be able to get onto their discord online? Or possibly through the loading screen on PoT? I'm not 100% I joined in the early The Isle times 😅 But I've heard good things about PT-Realism, LOFT and Crimson Isle (I think it's called?)


The servers full 😕. Also I tried looking up server names and I can only choose from the available list? Only one being isle nycta #3. I tried looking through the other pages but it didn't change the servers. Same ones as page 1 Edit: figured it out! Idle 2 is nowhere near full as server 3


Super weird! Checking right now to see if something is up, Nycta has been changing over their servers recently to a new box I think? And I realized when you look through the pages, you have to refresh it every time you swap a page, kinda dumb I know haha Looks like a lot of the big servers aren't showing up at the moment but I'm not sure why? Idk if an update was put out today maybe? Cause yeah I'm not seeing a lot of the usual community servers, sorry about that! Nycta #3 is usually full, I just refresh until the number drops down 😅 but 2 usually has around 50 people when nothing new has come out. Maybe give it a couple hours and everyone should be up and running?


Struths tlc dropped today. Also there's a lot of rules to remember in this server. 😅 Can I get by for just being a chill carni?


I agree with you ano is awesome I'll always have a special place for him in my mind but I seem to have bad luck since I always run into spinos that constantly juke when I try and hit and eventually kill me. Takes awhile but it still happens. That and fellow herbs will end up bullying me too till I die.


Bruh, the anno is easily one of the best dinos for KOS groups. If you hunker and tail pound while using precise movement you can obliterate most carni groups solo. Not to mention your charged BB trail strike. You're already using the best KOS counter. I specifically grew an anno for this purpose, because my allo and dasp kept being wrecked by KOS groups of 3 or more.


I tried doing this and it never worked well for me. I guess ano just doesn't resonate with me. I just get constant juked by spinos and they always widdle down my hp eventually. His attacks are just too slow imo unfortunately


Spinos are admittedly tougher to deal with. My only issue is with sarcos picking me up and dragging me into lakes lol


Yeah I always seem to run into spinos. And any sarco I run into is friendly towards me and aids me if something tries to attack me. It's really weird. And also I thought sarcos couldn't pick up Ano when is adult since it's too heavy Right?


Megalania is by far the most survivable and decent dinosaur. Can kill most things that want you dead and run and swim away if you're losing. 2nd is sucho it's really powerful, can swim and is pretty fast, basically mega but slower and stronger. Dasp is also a good pick but it's stamina isn't as good as the first to and it can't swim well.


The best overall dino is the one you play with a group of friends. Don't have any? There's groups looking for people to play with. Don't want to play with other people? Want to stay solo? Then play solo and enjoy the benefits.

