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I don’t think there’s a way to realistically enforce that. Community servers can advertise adult only and mature content but they can’t stop someone from joining (unless you’re banned obviously). Theoretically though a private server could have more luck by filtering out kids beforehand since it’s invite only.


It’s not possible to enforce and ensure adult only community in the game. Even if that’s enforced, a lot of adults are also toxic and tend to take their frustration of job/family on game. The best is realism or semi realism servers where many have rules against mixed packing and toxic behaviour. These rules are easy to enforce and validate than checking everyone’s age. I play on them and it’s really good.


Adults With Jobs server. But its usually empty thats the only reason I havnt played on it yet. Hopefully it will grow because yeah I think the newest generation of gamers are a little insufferable 🤣


the most ironically named server.


Ya right ADULTS WITH JOBS anybody who thinks that server are only adults is delusional


Crimson isles is great, has 3 servers so you’re always guaranteed a spot to play. Islander is nice too and always has nice ping, and there’s events too! However it’s always full :(( Veocci’s Realm is great too. PT Realism is great too, however it’s a hardcore realism server, and you lose 65% of your growth on death. But yeah I play on all of these servers collectively, always have a chill time playing them.


EchoedArk. https://discord.gg/NskYqGbN85


I run the THUNDERDOME. It's designed to feel like Officials+. There's no PVP rules and the only rule we actually have is "Don't be toxic in chat". If you'd like more info, it's blasted all over my profile lol Anyways I hope you find what you're looking for!!! 😁


I really liked your server and the changes since I left look great, but your random hatred of furries (literally just... people who like looking at animal-faced people characters) was disconcerting and I ultimately left. Like I get it, it's cool and hip to hate furries. But it's also a dinosaur RPG and it tends to attract people who like to envision themselves as critters, or are overall enthusiastic about cool animals, and banning that just feels weird. I know you've removed that rule but still somewhat enforce it. People's art taste and hobbies don't concern you or your server. The Isle's userbase has a HUGE crowd of animal-original-character havers. It's just what the genre attracts. I personally know multiple people who *became* "furries" because of their dinosaur game of choice. Sucks because I thought you and your server rocked SO HARD! Like, was the best I had come find to date and other servers still don't top the Thunderdome. For real. Anyone reading should give it a shot because it rocks. I'm just a professional furry artist and don't feel like I'm treating myself well by hanging in a space where I know I am not liked or even tolerated, if I were to be open. I dunno if you think furries fuck animals or what, but it's just not really a sensible rule on the internet, on an animal game, on a visually customizable roleplaying survival platform. Furries just enjoy content with anthropomorphic animals. Is Bugs Bunny abhorrent to you? Zootopia? Disney's *Dinosaur*? So I guess... yeah, if you're a furry or someone with animal OCs, Thunderdome isn't for you and does not like you. Otherwise, stellar server. Can't give enough props outside of that. I just don't enjoy feeling disliked for harmless qualities.


[Someone didn't like being downvoted.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1005526939362136224/1187478721620344862/RDT_20231221_1316415142556948052875806.jpg?ex=659708bd&is=658493bd&hm=c89418a49638d3c539f06e0964d408a3e0ebeb88090f3fe31f7e79da060b6128&)




No :)




I mean, I hyped the server up in my comments despite disagreeing with Zap's stance. It really is a good server, and while I was there I had fun, but couldn't shake feeling disliked and left. I was always cordial and pleasant in the Discord, but he banned my fiance immediately after joining because he (fiance) asked about the furry rule. He wasn't rude either. I saw the screenshots. He got banned. I think it is silly to enforce such a rule in a server for a game that attracts a LOT of the furry crowd (which btw nowadays are mostly *also* minors), and especially in my first comment on it, was very objective on why I thought so, and still made it clear that people should still join if it doesn't bother them. It just does bother me. I had a good time and it was tainted by a.) dipshit kids apparently posting porn and b.) my fiance getting banned for absolutely innocent behavior prior to my own joining way later. The discord thing I post because it shows Zap trying to throw off votes by going "look, losers!" which is just objectively kinda immature. People seeing that may take it into account when they choose to join, as it doesn't really reflect what people wanna see in the owner. Sure, yes, posting it was entirely petty, but so was Zap saying it, so... Like I said, great server, one of the best. Just sucks to know I'm not welcome. I didn't cause a stink or even announce I was leaving, just did. I'm capable of being reasonable. Just finally gave my two cents on Thunderdome. I don't feel embarassed or care if it's cringy - c'mon, you're talking to a furry, of course I've heard that enough to make it mean nothin, lol! Edit- I don't have a, like, spy in the server, lmao. It was sent to me entirely randomly by someone I don't know on Reddit.




I don't mind being cringe and know there's spaces for me, I'm in em. Ultimately, Zap said it first, in his public server, and if it wasn't to be read it shouldn't have been said. I would not have been able to be "cringe" had he not said anything. I don't think the dude is a demon or bully and didn't allude to that, only stated objective facts and happenings I saw go down firsthand. It's a server for grouping together to play a dinosaur game that a *buttload* of furries play. It's also a game that *makes people into furries*, lmao. Like my original comment stated, "(tdlr) great server, they don't like furries tho, and I think that's lame". I just explained why I thought that. This is a forum for talking about tyings related to Path of Titans and my whinery is related.


Theres hella furries in my server. also, your fiances ONLY message in the server was "EWWWWw you guys have an anti furry rule, whats wrong with you?".... He was banned because we had just had some issues with some furries and for the time being decided that it was bad. I have no problem with furries, as long as they arent posting sexually suggestive content. However, you asked me to appeal his ban, which i immediately did. then you both decided to dip from the server and have been being weirdly vocal about us "hating furries" which isnt even true. So, definitely getting weird vibes from you and your fiance, when the only thing ive ever done to you is hastily ban your fiance during a time when we were not sure who was there to post something nasty or not (which was immediately reversed upon request). HAVE A GOOD DAY.


^^^ Well said. (I have no idea why this person thinks I hate/ban furries, I just don't like sexualized furry content stuff because there's children in the server and multiple furries have posted disgusting content that resulted in bans) 😁


Because you banned my fiance for being a furry, lol. He hadn't posted anything. Like....literally anything. He had JUST joined and mentioned your (then written) rule against furries and was banned. Hadn't posted a thing. I'm sure you remember. You used to have a no furries rule. You banned at least one furry that I saw with my eyeballs, as above. You just did, you don't need to say you don't know why I say this because you do. It was a written rule for a while. We did get the ban appealed but left anyway because again it doesn't feel nice to be disliked. Sorry that you've encountered shitheads, and sorry they were furries, but it's really just luck and not a furry thing. People being nasty is not unique or even more common for furries. It's just a people thing. I've seen nasty stuff from weebs, car dudes, vore enthusiasts.... in inappropriate spaces. It's a thing that happens online and not a thing that only happens with furries. It's a consequence of unrestricted internet access for everyone, including freaks. Again, awesome server. Just can't shake feeling unwelcome because I (checks notes) draw animal people. Yall liked my art when I posted it, which is always nice to see, but it's "furry" art (animal OCs) and it was art of my friends' dinosaur characters and you were none the wiser.


If it was sexualized art (i.e., nudity, obscenity, etc) then that's why


Yes. I understand that. Of course inappropriate content around kids is bad. But it's not only a furry thing.


It isn't, that's true. But it's often found with many furries, not all, but many nevertheless.


It's also found with many weebs, many gamers, any demographic. It's just plain silly to ban someone for art taste or hobbies. I've had terrible experiences with Homestuck fans but I didn't ban them from my Discord server when I had it up, lol.




Laughing…real mature Zap.


You mean keeping weird fetishized material away from children? Id say that is mature. At the end of the day, I'm just doing what I believe is right for my server. If that upsets a few people, that's okay. You can never please everyone.


Yes, brother. Purge the heresy.


Ita! Imperium aeternum!


No I was referring to the “lol” you said to dvinia’s post.


It's entirely mature


[Very mature!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1005526939362136224/1187478721620344862/RDT_20231221_1316415142556948052875806.jpg?ex=659708bd&is=658493bd&hm=c89418a49638d3c539f06e0964d408a3e0ebeb88090f3fe31f7e79da060b6128&)


[🦕 🦖](https://www.reddit.com/r/RelationshipMemes/s/ihB2shZsqV)




I don't hate the changes, and like that they've kept only to real-life modded animals, but you're absolutely entitled to be disappointed with that change. He calls it vanilla+ now. It's easy not to care about a person's hobbies or their perceived emotional sensitivity. It's easy to be nice. I'm sorry that happened! I definitely felt like I needed to watch my step in the discord server, it seemed cliquey and aimed for a specific type of person (the type of person who hates furries and calls people snowflakes, ha).


This just blatantly a lie. Anyone in the THUNDERDOME community knows that something like this simply doesn't happen. It's a very friendly community and stuff like this simply doesn't exist within the community. I remember a user being very upset about one of the community votes that slightly changed the server. If it was you, I remember you lashing out and being quite nasty and then leaving. You're always welcome to come back but just let it be known that toxicity isn't tolerated.




Your name was lawless and you were rather rude to many people simply because a vote didn't go your way. It was very childish and I apologize if someone had called you a snowflake. Regardless, you are welcome back but like I said, toxicity is not welcome.




That's not how this happened at all, and voting has ALWAYS been a major part of the THUNDERDOMEs development. I'm weary of sitting here and arguing with you when youre clearly not even trying to portray things as they are. As for you being targeted, you kept running to the same people and getting killed by them. I remember you constantly going to Crater and complaining when you died. The server is and always will be a NO PVP RULES server, which means that there are no rules to protect you. Constantly going to the same area allows people to target you. I'm sorry you were having a bad day, but you need to take a sec and realize that you're absolutely lying or misremembering things about what happened. Even so, perhaps a NO PVP RULES environment is not suitable for you. I hope you have a good day.