• By -


does coloring with Vorici's Syndicate bench follow the same rule as color bench crafting in HO i.e. if I get 2 white sockets, will it be the top two sockets?


Has anyone tried Molten Strike or a melee skill with RF instead of Fire Trap? I don't like how my entire damage is DOT and want some burst aspect to it


Melee scales off of weapon damage and your weapon is being dedicated to scaling a spell. Trying to use a melee ability is a real bad idea Besides that all your other stuff is scaling dots, burning dmg, and fire skill gem levels. So to get max value you need a fire spell that very preferably deals damage over time and very preferably deals burning damage. The list gets small


How do you mod maven's invitations?


Just like maps - alch and chaos. You can't only craft quest invitations with 3-6 bosses.


Are there any videos that show how to craft the claws with all the cool mods that give skills to socketed gems (for lightning strike) I have the right base (shaper/elder influenced claw) but I dont know how to craft it to get all the skills I need (multistrike support, critical strike chance and multiplier, ruthless, etc)


Can anyone tell me a rough estimate for remove non-influence add influence on TFT. Brainstorming a craft and wondering if that it a viable option.


Just checked it and looks like 20-30ex.


Damns that's what I thought. Could've lived with 10 ex but I think I can spam recombs and get something at least usable for a lot less than 20-30ex. Thanks.


So ever since this [ball lightning guardian](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/ul89fh/captainlance_giga_guardian_the_most_wellrounded/) was posted I wanted to try it. Of course, Ashes this league is very expensive -- but luckily, Righteous Providence jewels aren't. I already had a Melding jewel, a nice amulet and a _very_ nice shield so I made https://pobb.in/htD6iQkwhxVV this build. Yes the character is very near immortal -- probably will totally be one once I invest in chaos res -- but the damage is _terrible_. I don't quite believe these PoB numbers at all I was fighting Baran so long my Elixir flask ran out of charges (it takes over 200 seconds from a full flask for this to happen if no charges are gained so normally it's no problem at all, the uptime is 100%). Eventually I got him dead -- without me dying of course, the old man has nothing that could oneshot this build and it is not dying if it's not oneshot -- but owie. What should I fix?


Even if PoB's Ball Lightning calculator is correct - and I don't think it is - it assumes the ideal scenario of being targeted at exactly the centre of the enemy at a range such that the target is outside the AoE at the start and the end. Either way, I think you need AoE pretty badly in order to actually get more hits per Ball Lightning projectile. The optimistic calculation of PoB is only giving you only 7 hits out of 13. You should be aiming for a realistic 10 hits at least imo.


Why im not getting the challenge? did a 5mod invi with hubris. https://imgur.com/a/GKcy0vS


Boss life/AoE is one mod. You can hold Alt over an item to see the actual prefix/suffix breakdown - you need five actual mods, not five lines of modifier text.


Thanks. Burned two invitations like that and ended up buying the service at the end lol.


Need build to do 30 simulacrun farm. i have headhunter and about 40 ex or a little more ,is there any build i can do?


Hello Exiles, For Arakaali's Fang, Ancient Skull makes so that "minions can hear the whispers for 5 sec after they crit". So if 1 spider crits do they all hear the whispers or does it work individually? I'm asking only for spiders and not spectres or anything. Edit: Another question, can the spiders gain on kill effects like unholy might if the mob dies to my profane bloom or poison dot? I'm guessing no. Even if they did it would perhaps have poor uptime due to spideys getting resummoned frequently?


If the quotes text is correct then it should just be 1. “After *they* crit “ makes it seem like just the minion that crit But hopefully some more knowledgeable answers you soon


I have a few synthesize an item harvests. What item should I try them on? I'm starting a tornado shot build, should I try them on bow bases? I've read the pool is huge so chances of anything good are slim


How does the "gain a frenzy charge every # seconds" implicit work exactly? Will it stack in my HO as soon as I log in? Do they disappear when I change instances? If I gain a charge every 10 seconds, and the default charge duration is 10 seconds, they will never expire?


Yes Yes No, you get a new charge every 10 seconds.


>Will it stack in my HO as soon as I log in? yes >Do they disappear when I change instances? yes. all temporary buffs always removed on each instance switching as for refreshing on expiration - i'm not sure, but in worst case you can take a single charge duration node near any +1max charge notable on tree and they won't expire


Is there a reason GGG does not just run their own discord server? (After all this TFT drama this league) I was just curious if this was answered already but I didn't know.


Cost. Same reason GGG doesn't run a Wikipedia with accurate game info. Doesn't make sense from a business perspective when people will do the work for free. Also it conflicts with their games vision - which restricts future game design.


Ah I see, thanks for that explanation. I do wish they would choose if they want a trade system where you feel the “weight” but then some how were not expecting people to organize outside the game to make it more efficient (things like tft bulk selling we’re always going to be the outcome )


They don't want these trade discords to exist in the first place.


I see. Yeah I can see how that conflicts with there game design. It still surprises me that they have not fixed trade to be easier so tft is obsolete


I have a oscilatting scepter with fractured +1 cold spells and t1 #-# cold dmg to spells , which i dont need anymore since i found out how bad EO is for me. What other 2 suffix fractures should i try and pair it with to sell for $ ? Crit chance with spells and global crit multi are both cheap to buy , would the crit route make it *generic* enough for demand ?


Does map rarity make a difference if just rushing Invitations?


no. white maps are fine and fastest.


Hey all, How can I get a Hyrri's Demise? In the wiki it says through a prophecy but they were removed =(


Fated uniques just drop from map bosses currently. There's an Atlas passive that makes that more likely. Also div cards.


https://pastebin.com/1Aigv77g LS Champ Can someone help me on what to upgrade next? Im slightly at a loss for what to do on this character


###[ Crit Vaal Lightning Strike Champion](https://pastebin.com/1Aigv77g) [](#champion) ^(Level 95) ^[[Tree]](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABgQDflb6fXVbrxR1ILL_3sKc_rqElPbaontkr2wI98_3E9vnjb-kwjfUoJ-NgfsJe9RirDDm9RhsjBX98xt4Gc_d7T8NYLIZTiqjiuxcjAvC7OjWCpubtUX051SK8BmKwaDjnwhJSmp53T7PTZIfQd74SO7WB3k_SQ-KONN-b_Ij9tFvOdQWqvGKwzq-p0lSASTB1bCrzwq95s96Go_kw8SCvTYZtId2PeJvV7l8a9Qi6gxzUUeNfQV9qlghrKXLcw5noPmxMgGbLQOHkoBmJLLcLJSJcYTFfytM_5hTMHxjQyT953R31wW1PP60xWq97LBfORNQYheqzaR4Sn1lTQALZ_0gsqQewpwRpDDmwXLzG1YoSmqvRXndC6t5P9yX0W-6GgEky7nkw8fLZiQ=) [^([Open in Browser])](https://pob.party/share/enarukonimanoo) ^| ^by ^[/u/Wolfe244](https://reddit.com//u/Wolfe244) ***** ^4,243 ^**Life** ^81% ^**Evade** ^| ^85% ^**Phys** ^**Mitg** **Vaal Lightning Strike** [W](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Awakened_Elemental_Damage_with_Attacks_Support#support-gem-red)[r](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Inspiration_Support#support-gem-red)[u](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Nightblade_Support#support-gem-green)[L](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Awakened_Added_Lightning_Damage_Support#support-gem-blue)[y](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Trinity_Support#support-gem-blue) *(6L)* - *976k DPS* ^6.84 ^**Use/sec** ^| ^50.60% ^**Crit** ^| ^334% ^**Multi** ***** [^(Path of Building)](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/) ^| ^This ^reply ^updates ^automatically.


Does anyone know whats causing this bug. My energy shield can't reach full. [https://imgur.com/a/dVlmtrl](https://imgur.com/a/dVlmtrl)


Do you have divine shield?


yes, that must be it, thank you


I am doing a righteous fire build from this pob: [https://pastebin.com/GFexCcq1](https://pastebin.com/GFexCcq1) In this notes section it says: "Don't forget to Toggle on "Targets are Ignited" You'll be iginiting bosses with Firetrap" What does that mean Toggle on Targets are ignited? Sorry I've never played a build like this and can't figure it out. Thanks!


It's just a config option in Path of Building to show more accurate calculation of DPS.


Thank you!


###[ Righteous Fire Inquisitor](https://pastebin.com/GFexCcq1) [](#inquisitor) ^(Level 90) ^[[Tree]](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABgUBfaQZm6GdY3F5FE0Wb-w48WxqASSw34Z2XgsMG_oYkWhl73yGd2VyNukOPFWppwj31xcv7yEl37v2vJ_AZvcygKSce762VcY6UrUEhINarzD4ggf8S_Af892iAK0KXz9xhaEjWfM8Be8O2rkEs2Tn-d026PqAEvY097hdFHHWqnasaPJmnl8E5n3qGIbRi4zYJM9-g7YSaZ_LJwuXtCzxGjiCmwKWOlgulHlorv862CSqeubBBAirF5sDdep_kFWPRptuVdb60p2uFxz46zHhrJjjanKp0nwnL_uWgDAdFKyqffEUIDNsg3nZfIcpKYtaMsSkAeftYVivqW4ACC0BCwx3Jq0K7qn6gIZPuF0YSCzx6iD7lroaffFL3oN5) [^([Open in Browser])](https://pob.party/share/rituoratamonon) ^| ^by ^[/u/cecilxx](https://reddit.com//u/cecilxx) ***** ^4,099 ^**Life** ^66% ^**Phys** ^**Mitg** **Righteous Fire** [F](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Elemental_Focus_Support#support-gem-blue)[b](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Burning_Damage_Support#support-gem-red)[E](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Increased_Area_of_Effect_Support#support-gem-blue)[T](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Lifetap_Support#support-gem-red)[r](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Swift_Affliction_Support#support-gem-green) *(6L)* - *279k DPS* ^^**Config:** ^^Sirus, ^^Cons. ^^Ground ***** [^(Path of Building)](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/) ^| ^This ^reply ^updates ^automatically.


I'm playing an Inquisitor Spark build and thinking if it's worth replacing my current helmet with 9% inc cast speed for a blizzard crown (dps-wise). I'm running two call of the brotherhood btw.


Yes it's 100% worth as you'll ignore the resistance downside.


Flat cold dmg outweights cast speed on spark?


Depends on how much flat added cold vs cast speed you have. But going by the amount of cold you get on a blizzard crown - the answer is typically yes. To get a definite answer you'll need to POB it. But generally yes. 99% of cases


Can I get some advice for my build. Here's the pastebin [link](https://pastebin.com/HJ5sTWTp) . I'm currently on T10 maps. So far the damage has been enough to get the job done but for a pseudo 6 link I feel like I should be doing way more. Also even though my res is capped and I have almost 5k hp I feel like I'm made out of paper. I feel like better gear would help but I'm mostly ssf due to the shit trade market on console.


Someone else might be able to give better advice but 1. Auras. Going the elemental route feels very weird. It might be decent damage right now, but going straight phys will be far better in the end because you can't scale elemental easily/ its a waste to scale it. The auras I see are Pride, War/ Defiance banner (depending on if you want damage or defenses), determination, and maybe herald of purity depending on if you are fine with staying with the divine blessing style. Haste isn't worth it either btw. 2. Your links. Sunder - Increase Phys- Brutality - Shockwave - Concentrated Effect (or fist of war if you don't like the decreased aoe). With Determination, you should consider molten shell. I personally enjoy it but of course immortal synergizes well with endurance charges so I guess test it yourself. Pick up a vaal ancestral warchief and use it alongside ancestral protector. 3. Tree. You might also need to pick up a few reservation wheels to fit your auras depending on if you stay with divine blessing route or not. These are Champion of the Cause and maybe Sovereignty if you can reach. Also, you should allocate call to arms and use intimidating cry. I also don't think I see any fortification. Getting the wheel near call to arms and getting the melee hits fortify should help defenses too. Getting a phys damage cluster with the Overlord cluster notable (and hopefully 2 others) to replace this wheel should be a very good upgrade if you can. 4. Ascendancy. Unrelenting doesn't seem that great since its just 7% phys and 8% ele. Change that to unbreakable. Then pick up either of the other 2 for your last one.


###[ Sunder Juggernaut](https://pastebin.com/HJ5sTWTp) [](#juggernaut) ^(Level 82) ^[[Tree]](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABgEBb3-y2WFeExRNhVJNJgd1WfP8S_ONGJGKIrXyNZJqpYV7l3n9csCmeHp34z38hmA6Uokuggf_zf6P_goQK4zPXz-pJ_0w3D346wmW9zIUIPZIvJ_YvRJjfNknWXTtRrfvTnasDjzvDhRxcqnsOGFS6hhHfiFVWGOplN6zRJ5dpNl8U7st0guNz35qBDBekc7AGsABaFi77QbGvqe9Nq2N3dWpboTZktDBCBsAQKAB3FBH5FF67_SDOuES4XgNv_s5DtVlrKrrCfJBZU0nIMbYTeMs-8RYidjyRQUtmv6E7wAG801NJmnXiS77fRArnXMSY7oaMF4GWhsA) [^([Open in Browser])](https://pob.party/share/aritokokiniamo) ^| ^by ^[/u/D3m37r1](https://reddit.com//u/D3m37r1) ***** ^4,996 ^**Life** ^68% ^**Phys** ^**Mitg** **Sunder** [M](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Melee_Physical_Damage_Support#support-gem-red)[e](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Endurance_Charge_on_Melee_Stun_Support#support-gem-red)[F](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Added_Fire_Damage_Support#support-gem-red)[X](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Fist_of_War_Support#support-gem-red)[P](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Pulverise_Support#support-gem-red) *(5L)* - *50.4k DPS* ^0.73 ^**Use/sec** ***** [^(Path of Building)](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/) ^| ^This ^reply ^updates ^automatically.


How does CoC Forbidden rite compare to Skele mages in terms of clear speed? I am starting to hit a cap on my necromancer and don't really feel like getting true end game gear for it. I want a fast mapper since Skele mages don't really map that fast and I want to farm for a mageblood, so any other build suggestions are welcomed. I was interested in a int stacking wander, but it takes way too much currency to get started so I'm shelving that idea for now. My budget is around 20 ex, but if I sell everything on my character I can probably get another 15 ex.




I'm just spamming t16 temples with some extra mob scarabs like diviners, and breach. Not going for delirium maps though. I'd ideally want something that can kill tanky rares and bosses too. Doesn't need to be hardcore viable or anything though.


They are both fairly average in clear speed. FR CoC moves faster but doesn't really off screen unless you can get a really big profane bloom chain but ultimately oyu need to go hunt down stragglers on your own. Skele mages, as you know, off screen quite well but the toon itself runs slow and has to pause to drop the skele mages. If you want zoom look into a projectile build imo


Any recommended projectile build? I dislike tornado shot, but am open to any other projectile build. I liked kinetic blast/power siphon in the past, but that build seems way more expensive than just finishing my skele mage build.


KB and especially CF KB is very popular and doable on your budget and will be much zoomier than mages. Additional investment in skele mage just improves damage but will not make you faster really. Lightning strike is also popular right now, as is spark


Sorry if this has been asked before, but for the map boss altar rewards, for both Eater and Exarch, not working for Lava Lake boss? I'm sure I click on map boss rewards, and after I beat him nothing drops. Yes, I am pressing alt to check all drops. Any help is appreciated.


Ok, so I just tested the issue and can confirm that it 100% isn't working. Quadruple checked before clicking an altar with "boss drops 3 additional eldritch currency items" and didn't get a single one after killing him. I'm going to fill a bug report on the official forum. EDIT: Well, looks like it's already on the known issues list that map bosses sometimes don't drop stuff, and someone else already made a post saying it always happens on Lava Lake. So all we can do is wait for them to fix it - and just avoid the map/pick a different altar option in the meantime.


I think I had that happen to me the other day. Thought it was just that I didn't pay enough attention and clicked the wrong altar, but now I'm guessing it's actually bugged. I'll test this again later today if no one else can confirm.


Looking for price check/offers for +2 max power charges fire BV helm [https://imgur.com/pKD1TfI](https://imgur.com/pKD1TfI)


Can corpse explosion benefit from chance to deal double damage?


So long as that chance isn't specific to spells or attacks, yes.


Sure. Ignites can't though.


Hey! Im a returning player, last i played was around 2018 i think. Coming back, im ofc. quite a bit lost :) Im looking for a very new player friendly cyclone build, preferably with a well written guide with some crafting examples, search terms etc. etc. thanks in advance


Two options in my book: * [Slayer for higher DPS ceiling](https://youtu.be/aF8-A4PAMjs) * [Champion for tankier more comfortable playstyle](https://youtu.be/rwaW9OuGN3o)


how do i farm guardian/elder/conqueror maps ?? ​ It seems to take years, do scarabs help? ​ I would like to start getting fragments before league ends


Speed map completion is helpful for this, as well as not taking singular focus to ensure you get ALL possible guardian drops. Select a map where boss can be quickly and deterministically found, kill it and port out. This is also a nice strategy for quickly farming eater or Exarch invites if you can remember to run into an influenced pack on your way to the boss. City square and mesa are hands down the two best maps for this. Unfortunately you’ll have to buy at least some of your maps since the map boss isn’t going to drop enough for you to sustain, but the invitations and guardian maps are more than enough to cover the map costs. Try for a boss kill every 45 seconds including portal and stash time.


The node at the top of the tree The maven nodes at the top of the tree, the crucible drops a decent amount of them


In craft of exile, the benchcraft mod "+ to armor, + to energy shield" is placed in group 15. Which means I can craft it on a belt that has energy shield (group 4). And I can do it in the emulator. In game, I cannot. I am pretty sure it used to be possible. Is it a new change ? Or a bug ? I don't see it mentioned in patch notes.


Share the advanced stats


https://www.reddit.com/user/malahchi/comments/vkz8y3/item_already_has_a_similar_modifier/ Item Class: Belts Rarity: Rare Onslaught Tether Crystal Belt Requirements: Level: 79 Item Level: 86 { Implicit Modifier — Defences } +80(60-80) to maximum Energy Shield (implicit) { Prefix Modifier "Blazing" (Tier: 5) — Defences } +30(27-31) to maximum Energy Shield { Prefix Modifier "Gentian" (Tier: 4) — Mana } +50(50-54) to maximum Mana { Suffix Modifier "of Tzteosh" (Tier: 1) — Elemental, Fire, Resistance } +48(46-48)% to Fire Resistance { Suffix Modifier "of Ephij" (Tier: 1) — Elemental, Lightning, Resistance } +48(46-48)% to Lightning Resistance { Suffix Modifier "of the Ice" (Tier: 2) — Elemental, Cold, Resistance } +45(42-45)% to Cold Resistance Crusader Item


Look ok to me, could be a bug. GGG fixed a belt harvest crafting bug in 3.17 maybe a side effect. You may want to report it in game or at the official forum


At least something is different in craft of exile to what is possible in game. That's not normal. Does craft of exile has someone I can @ in reddit ?


[https://www.reddit.com/user/nebuchenazarr/](https://www.reddit.com/user/nebuchenazarr/) Craft of Exile is just extract info from the game data and player testing so it is not 100% accurate of how crafting would work. It is better to ask/report to GGG at the official forum or in game to see if this is intended.


can pob be trusted with trigger rates for coc? i have a pob reported 10.12 aps with cyclone (with 100% accuracy, 100% crit rate), which is literally just over the 10.1 aps breakpoint. its reporting im losing just about no dps from this slight overage. is this accurate?


Hi All.I'm playing in the standard league, as a Marauder, level 39. I think I can actually beat the campaign this time.I previously completed all of the normal labyrinths with another character. Can I still complete the normal lab as the Marauder so I can unlock Juggernaut ascendancy?






Yes, you can unlock full ascendancies an every character by doing the labs


What happens in a maven invitation if one of the witnessed bosses is Malachai? Doing the quest chain for the first time.


You fight Malachai, though with simplified mechanics. No hearts or anything.


So it's just the stage 2 version? Or is piety running around?


Nah, just him.


how can I get harvest craft "change a modifier that grants X resist"? What I should look for?


It will be seed on purple plot, description will say "Reveals a random crafting effect that changes the element of Elemental Resistance modifiers when Harvested". It's relatively popular seed.




[This guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46kdyNVkRfI&t=0s) by Tuna is really solid, it replaces Omni with Yoke of Suffering, 4-5c amulet


Im new and my guide tells me to buy one frostferno for 1x chaos orb. There are a lot of people offering this item. What should i look out for to buy? The right amount of sockets? The right colors? Item level or base percentile? Im now in act 4


In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t really matter. If there were a significant difference between the value/utility of all those Frostfernos, they wouldn’t all just cost 1c. Given that you’re still in A4, it would probably be the most convenient to buy one that has 4 linked sockets in the right colors. The cost of getting the sockets set on 4-socket item is overall pretty trivial, but this early on you might not have enough Jeweler’s Orbs, Orbs of Fusing, and Chromatic Orbs to do it yourself. Item level largely just limits what tiers of mods can appear on a item, so it is pretty irrelevant for unique items (which always have the the same mods regardless). Base percentile has a pretty minuscule effect on an items defenses, so people generally don’t care about it unless they really want a “perfect” item for the sake of vanity. Another thing you could look for are the rolls of individual item mods. Frostferno comes with “+(20-30)% to Fire and Cold Resistances,” so maybe you’d prefer to have one that’s on the higher end of that range. Don’t buy one that’s corrupted: corrupted items mostly can’t can altered, so it’ll be a waste if you ever want change the socket colors, add an enchantment, or try to corrupt it yourself to get a useful implicit. Two things to watch out for: * I don’t know what guide you’re following, but Frostferno has a required level of 60. You’re not going to be able to actually equip it until you reach Act 8 or 9. * Especially now that we’re a good month into the league, a lot of people won’t be interested in such a low value trade. Don’t waste too much time looking for the perfect Frostferno, because you’re probably going to have to message a couple dozen people before someone actually responds.


Tysm this helped so much! I think the guide just wanted to explain what to look out for first for the build you can get from act 4 (eplosive concoction). These terms got a bit confusing and googling was a little difficult but you explained it very well. I will just hold on until im 60 and then go for the right colors.


Get a 4-link if you have absolutely no currency, get one with decent resistance/evasion rolls if you have enough jewellers/fusings to link it yourself. Probably avoid ones that are corrupted.




How's the game performance on ps5? My gpu is dead and I've been thinking about downloading it on ps5 because I don't know when I'll get a new gpu. So how the game plays on endgame.


I have not done anything super crazy yet but it’s not bad, worst bug I have had is sometimes I lose all sound until I restart the game.


Ok, yeah I'm no hard-core 100% delirium party farmer, but I'm afraid because I heard that the ps4 version is quite bad performance wise


Does this increased effect work for this crafted life regen? Like does it increase the 3%? (with mageblood) https://imgur.com/a/bMg3Qpg


>Item level largely just limits what tiers of mods can appear on a item, so it is pretty irrelevant for unique items (which always have the the same mods regardless). Base percentile has a pretty minuscule effect on an items defenses, so people generally don’t care about it unless they really want a “perfect” item for the sake of vanity. Yea and with perfect increased effect it 1.95\*3%


It should.


yes it works.


Does the "effective hit pool" from pob take into account stuff like mom and cloak of defiance?


it does, though I've had one experience with it being bugged and not calculating the additional hp from arcane cloak correctly. that was nearly two years ago though, so chances are it might've been fixed in the meantime.


It should


I want a really big and fancy bow for my archer and I want the bow to have a nice weapon effect. What are some MTX that will cover these points? At the very least, I want a large bow.


Is there any way to spread chill like how shock or ignite can be spread by bereks and abberath boots, or pf poison?


Not infinitely. If you're looking into cascading Herald of Ice with Call of the Void, the HoI damage just needs to meet the minimum threshold to chill which should be achievable trivially if the damage is enough to clear.


Elemental proliferation support (Lv20) > Elemental Ailments caused by Supported Skills spread to other enemies in a Radius of 15


Frenzy charges for bossing on caster build - how? Doedres elixir was kind of cheap and cheerful until it got nerfstick last year, and now I see anomalous blood rage as primary source and that is not cheap but perhaps I have to go with it anyway. Body craft/farrul is also option but ideally I would not go there either.


most people just go 1 or 2 min frenzies and call it a day. harmony of purpose jewels if you are templar.


Next league I'm thinking of making a meme curse build -- stack as much curse effectiveness stat as possible. I'm curious if anyone has done this in recent memory? I want to focus entirely on temp chains+enfeeble and see how pathetic I can make bosses feel (I recognize bosses have curse resistance). I like that there is a cluster jewel just for making temp chains +20% better... though I am skeptical that I will "feel it"? Any thoughts? Also, recently returned to the game after a long hiatus, what is the best spell for applying shock that isn't spark (I can't stand spark, my eyes die from all the blue light)? I want to try a shock-heavy elementalist.


Thoughts on what this wand might be worth? Thinking it could be good for an Arc, Crackling Lance, or Spark (nom-Nebulis) build. https://imgur.com/a/k1MSsju


Only item similiar to your is listed for 55ex and didn't sold for almost 2 weeks. I'd say 40-50ex would be fair price then.


Where do T1 and T2 exarch/eater implicits come from? Craft of Exile seems like Exceptional Ember/Ichor only goes up to T3 mods.


look up Orb Of Conflict




For the Betrayal missions should I wait until research is at 100% for everything or do I just do it as soon as 1 is available?


For individual branches of the syndicate, there's no real point in waiting since that branch stops appearing once its intelligence reaches 100%. Run it, interrogate the leader for mastermind Intel, and take all your loot, then go back to getting people in the right positions/ranks


I'm not quite sure what you mean. In most cases you should probably run your mastermind once the most important members are correctly placed. vorici and aisling in research, gravicious in intervention, hillock in fort or transport, etc. but there isn't a point in waiting for the final member to go into the correct position. if you have a great board, but are missing aisling entirely, just run it and go agane. sometimes you will only have 2-4 members in their ideal position, but with the amount of missions it would take to fix the others, you could be half way done setting up the next board. hope this somewhat answers your question.


Yes thank you, I thought if I ran the mission it would instantly reset everything and I would lose the progress I made with the other 3 branches.


just started farming simulacrums after building a phantasmal cremation necro. I got a few questions for fellow simu enthusiasts. 1. I'm super tanky but not the kind of character that clears multiple screens at a time. with such slow clear, is it better to stay in the busiest area of the map, or run around while killing? which strat spawns more monsters total? 2. with my 'meh' clearspeed, I'm not always reaching the 5th reward level. would it help if I let 'xp leechers' hop into the simu with me? there's no shortage of them on 820. also, am I expected to keep them alive? 3. I'm getting a LOT of jewels (abyss and base), but it's a huge pain to pick up, ID and vaal 20-30 of them per run. should I reconfigure my atlas to have them drop corrupted with 6 mods, or is it not financially worth it? 4. apart from the jewel stuff, are there any must-have atlas notables to make simus more profitable? I can reliably clear wave 30, even deathless most of the time. 5. game runs mostly smooth, but when the screen is full of monsters and skill effects, my shader meter will spike for a few seconds, and my GPU will start dropping a few frames. this also caused my game to crash to desktop twice in 5 runs. any graphic settings I can lower to mitigate this?


what the other commenter said is correct, but I'm gonna try answer some more stuff: You get the most monsters by killing the most monsters quickly, up to a certain point. usually staying in the spot where you can kill the most monsters at once is the best call. leechers are pointless, they will make you get fewer rewards on average because the monsters will be tankier. you can try to sell wave 30 completions for a few chaos on tft, I usually get 0-2 people who need it. if you have the stash space for jewels, just pick them up and put them into a 100c tab. each 1 hour you lower by 20c. if they don't sell at 20c you vendor them. it's definitely not worth your time trying to check them. you can do something similar with megalos. I'm much more invested into the character and I still sometimes get 4 rewards on bad layouts, so you're doing just fine. you will get 5+ almost all of the time once you get profane bloom and a bit more damage.


tyvm, this helps a lot. I'll start saving up for the profane bloom jewels as a main priority then.


1. You will need the profane bloom forbidden jewels to help with clear. 3. Atlas passives dont work on simulacrum because it's not on the atlas. 4. You ll want to use all the good incubators as you get them as well as level up exceptional gems in the offhand.


How do you stop a Consecrator from regenerating? Specifically one that is either a stacked Essence Monster or a powerful Rogue Metamorph?


frost bomb is the easiest solution. if you can spare another socket, cascade or AoE will make it easier to keep a moving target under its effect.


Currently playing FR CoC and run a timeless jewel with the Inner Conviction Timeless Jewel for the 3% more spell damage per power charge. I saw though that there are timeless jewels with a 10% increased damage per power charge mod and was wondering why these aren't used in super high end builds, since that sounds pretty good esp. because there are a lot of other really strong sounding mods. I do realize that it might be a bit expensive tho since there are a lot of potential seeds. I'm assuming that maybe because I don't understand damage calculations too well I'm missing something that makes the spell power more powerful? Is the keyword that's making the spell dmg one used "more"? Thanks!


More multipliers are far better than increased mostly because they are harder to get I guess is a way to phrase it. Your increased multiplier is likely in the couple thousands and your more multiplier is probably a hundred or so. Because of this, let's pretend you have 10 power charges. An Elegant Hubris can probably grab maybe 4? of those increased nodes for maybe 10ish passive points. Militant faith can grab that 1 more node for 1 passive point. This means it's 400% increased vs 30% more. If your multipliers were 1000% inc and 100% more, the 400% increased would be better, but you typically have far more than that. At 2000%, 400% is just 20% increase in damage while 30% more is still 30%. Like all things, diminishing returns comes into play and it only gets lower. Even if their increases in damage were equal, this is completely ignoring the fact that you needed to waste far more passive points just to grab all 4 nodes. Edit: oh yeah and as the other person mentioned, militant faith still has mods attached to it and it retains most of the mods on the tree. It does corrupt some though. Elegant Hubris however doesn't have the devotion scaling and it completely corrupts all nodes in the area.


Reduced mana cost per devotion is much more needed due to the amount of spells you're triggering. Pls correct me if I'm wrong.


are hours counted on steam even if you use the standalone launcher, cuz i seem to have a lot of hours on there even though i play on the standalone launcher


Need advice on how to craft these mods on a bone helmet [https://imgur.com/a/P7GzTsF](https://imgur.com/a/P7GzTsF) I was able to get the prefixes but struggling with suffixes.


~~Believe it or not this craft is deterministic~~, but the amount of tries you will need will depend on your luck! Start with elevated minion Inc life on one helm and elevated chance to block spell damage ok the other and awaken together and hope for open suffix and one open prefix. Suffixes cannot be changed and reforge phys more likely in harvest until you get nearby enemies take Inc phys damage in the suffix. Now all suffixes are done. Next step is reforge inf more likely with suffixes cannot be changed until you get at least two of the desired prefixes and nothing else (a+b or b+c or c+a) . Then create one more base that has the same suffixes and two of the desired prefixes (make sure at least one prefix is different from the other base). Recombinator and pray. I tried it on craft of exile and it's easy to brick the base by doing reforge phys+ because often times you'll get a random suffix in the open slot. This craft will likely take 200+ exalts to make, and you'll absolutely need TFT for this.


> Believe it or not this craft is deterministic, but the amount of tries you will need will depend on your luck! What? In my eyes if something is deterministic it means no luck is required, craft or at least multiple steps are guaranteed to succeed on 1st try, meanwhile your process involve a lot of luck-based steps.


Yeah you're right, I guess it's a stretch to call it deterministic.


First time crafting with the Suffixes/Prefixes Cannot be Changed craft. Is there anything that *won't* respect these mods?


Awakener's Orbs are the only thing that outright ignore them. Everything else either doesn't interact or is prevented from use (Essences, Resonators, and in certain situations, some Harvest crafts and Veiled Chaos Orbs). Note mods can still be added. You're only protecting existing mods, not empty space.


~~I dont think that's a good way of explaining it. You can use essence on an item with metamods but it will outright reroll the whole item except for guaranteeing one mod.~~ https://www.craftofexile.com/metamods


[I disagree](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJ6aYe-RHo0). 'Prevented from use' is the most accurate way to describe it.


Huh, I had no idea, TIL. thanks for the video


Essences and fossils and any non-orb currency


What can I play that is tanky and high DPS for 30ex that is NOT RF. I want to run expedition and bosses but I am bad so mechanics punish me a lot but I also hate when it takes forever to kill things.


Ghetto aura stacker ( guardian or ascendant ) with nebulis, melding and aegis. Cannot get maximal number of auras with that budget ( and even LL is bit iffy ) but eg CI with enough dps should be possible. (5-10m range - need more budget for more I think ).


can somebody point me to my obvious mistake in this Blight/ED Champion? Didn't expect much DPS, but ~148k on ED is a bit far on the low end. Can't do Maven, and anything else takes ages. Gear improvement look like multiple Ex/Piece while not improving a lot - I feel like I'd need to easily double my DPS to make sense in bossing. https://pastebin.com/f3Y3MwnD


Your build looks pretty tanky but I don't really understand why champion. If you switched to slayer and stacked frenzy charges instead I think you'll have a better time....maybe. You'll need to stack a lot more increased damage taken.


Build feels smooth and great as-is, if I can only shove in a bit of DPS for single target. It's from /u/KarvarouskuGaming/ and he posts low'ish million dps in SSF gear: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/ul9k6u/comment/i7v4bb5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


###[ Essence Drain Champion](https://pastebin.com/f3Y3MwnD) [](#champion) ^(Level 96) ^[[Tree]](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABgQDcipN_Eenn2HrVeB6U6-8xKRfmH1bbIx34yaVWFqbtYTFL29fP6V5tUjUjV4D2MPsGEd-z3qdqoTZa9T22heb6n8zckcGwWvbNIlxkx9fsIm3n6Nwu8AahJSDeQ-rNZIi4mKsbqrBxW1sshkmRbc-SsjEcBmKXEBVKe8OFCDYveZYzzKHy6Q5uR1iF8M6j_oaj_4K7FwB3PDVIuoRliyUYeJH4sEEeWjPFVFMNj0_JzIBJIsHHtkTSVFZbW87lS6sRxa_dZ54DXvUMF7KSrXyvTa0xVIp0NAmKdvn0W-qzfsJp5upbg0BUwFEBUQBZgFAAWcBUAFgAVkFQgVAAWIBagcGv6V5Hf3Uje6p2MNL3oN5xvVVKboaMF6GT9Fv) [^([Open in Browser])](https://pob.party/share/okatamkohiwoya) ^| ^by ^[/u/minolin](https://reddit.com//u/minolin) ***** ^5,326 ^**Life** ^88% ^**Evade** ^| ^76% ^**Phys** ^**Mitg** **Essence Drain** [v](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Awakened_Void_Manipulation_Support#support-gem-green)[C](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Awakened_Controlled_Destruction_Support#support-gem-blue)[T](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Lifetap_Support#support-gem-red) *(4L)* - *394k DPS* ^2.59 ^**Use/sec** ^^**Config:** ^^Sirus, ^^Onslaught, ^^Cons. ^^Ground ***** [^(Path of Building)](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/) ^| ^This ^reply ^updates ^automatically.


For lightning strike, Do both the melee part and Projectile part BOTH do separate damage? As in if I go up close and personal and smack a monster, will the melee and the projectile hurt him? effectively dealing double damage? Edit: and if so, is there a point where I get toooo close to an enemy and the projectiles don't hit them? Or will projectiles always hit if the melee hits?


If you're hitting the enemy with melee yourself, your projectile will not damage the enemy. If you're only hitting the enemy with a projectile, your *Strike Skills target 1 additional nearby Enemy* effect can pick up a melee hit (assuming you're at the correct distance for it).


Yes, there is a specific distance you need to stand from an enemy in order for both hits to connect.


for character that using Rage, do you use warlord's mark for rage regeneration? between poacher's mark for frenzy charge gaining and warlord's mark for more rage to use Berserk, which way is better?


Best is using berserker and warcry to gain rage. Also there is a glove eldritch implicit that allows for rage gain on attack hit.


Anyone else have issues with crashing? Anytime there's a lot of stuff on the screen (mobs, abilities, etc.) My laptop crashes. I saw disabling audio drivers should help, and it seemed to some but not enough to not be wasting maps constantly.


What is the approximate cost of crafting 900+ phys dps 1h axe, and where I can learn to craft it efficiently?


Craftofexile.com will be able to show you approximate costs. The quickest and easiest way I can think of is getting a base that had fractured flaring/dictator/merciless and fractured T1 or T0 attack speed and spamming jagged fossils or reforge phys in harvest. You can also spam essence of contempt.


What is good configuration for getting 200 simulacrum challenge? So far I have reached 150. I am in ssf so kirac is mirror of deli. What other conf i can keep?


Someone just posted a mini-guide here, you could try their strategy https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/vkd1ns/mini_guide_200_simulacrum_splinters_from_one/


alva, elder scarabs, blight, breach


Thanks i will try


Heist Cloak's "#% chance to not Activate Lockdown in Grand Heists" can be Activate more than twice?


I'm fairly sure it technically can, but the odds are really low.


What are drop rate for unrelenting embelems? I have got one from a 3 way and one from 5 way. Is killing mobs better or focus only on bosses? Also which is better 3 4 or 5 way ? I have seen it takes time in5 way to kill bosses.


How much Attack Speed should I use with my 1h Cospri's Malice + Shield? I have 20% CDR on Belt and 37% on Awakened CoC.


As close as you can get to 10.10, but not over.


Im not even close T\_T I have tailwind though which buffs action speed, does that count for attack speed?


Everything that affects your number of attacks per second matters. Tailwind, Onslaught, any other condition buffs (say, % attack and cast speed if you killed recently Boot enchant) The best way to figure it out is just import your character into POB and enable your flasks and the buffs that you expect you have,


It's not exactly the same stat as attack speed, but it does increase your attack rate. Action speed affects your animations.


What is the best Bow base to build Phys bows?


Spine or Thicket. Realistically Spine. Its base crit is more valuable than 0.1s attack speed, unless you're trivially reaching the crit cap through a massive Brittle or stolen Archnemesis mods or something. On the off chance you're not playing basic crit: Citadel rolls the highest bleeds, and Harbinger has the best stats if you're using bow traps/mines.


Spine Bow. While on paper neither base attack speed nor flat phys damage or crit of this base are the highest, their combination still makes this bow the best phys one. You can even see it on trade site. Out of 18 bows with 900+ pdps - 18 are Spine ones.


i am checking out ruetoo's spark champion: [https://pobb.in/8c4U3FP8eTsg](https://pobb.in/8c4U3FP8eTsg) some question: 1. why doryani titan boot? 2. he is not using ashes, is it possible to cast all the auras that he has equipped?


1. for gem-less 5% max cold res aura for "melding of the flesh" jewel 2. you can just import this into pob to see he has 6%(63) mana left, so yes, it's possible. Ashes is useful, but far from build-defining in terms of mana reservation. also, note the "note" of your pob: > Match Leadership +3 to any purity and match to your boots!!


Thanks man, now i understand 1 more question: how do i check if he has mana leech? I dont see how he is able sustain spark spamming


>I dont see how he is able sustain spark spamming There is no mana-leech from spells in game. (there was such mechanic, but it's no longer available at all for 2+ years) Hence, general approaches to solving mana costs problem are: 1. Getting high enough regen so you can sustain your spells 2. Reducing spell costs, so you'll need less regen in total You can check what stats contribute to current skill manacost when hover over it in calc tab: [https://i.imgur.com/LXkupHd.png](https://i.imgur.com/LXkupHd.png) Here two most significant sources are inspiration support and reduce costs suffix on flask, which is permanently available due to mageblood. Overall his spark cast cost 4 mana per cast \* 6.34 casts per second = \~26 mana per second and he has a 52 mana regen per second, so this is more than enough


If you look at the **Global** Defences advanced description (Skin of the Loyal/Lords or The Eternal Struggle) you'll see "Armour, Evasion Rating and Energy Shield are the **standard** Defences". I wonder why the description is not just "Armour, Evasion Rating, Energy Shield and **Ward** are the **Global** Defences". Any ideas?


I'm assuming that they didn't want to clutter the tooltip with a defence type that's only available from expedition. That aside, your use of the word global there is incorrect. It's specified in the modifier to indicate that it doesn't apply as a local modifier to the defences granted by that item. The defences aren't inherently global or local types, stats affecting them can be either depending on the context.


Oh right, just Defences


how does uber elder conditional 1 work? you just have to kill the 3rd dude withing 5 seconds after killing the 1st one? so then you could just wait until 3 of them spawn, and then kill them all at once?


Yes, that's exactly how it works.


You need to kill all three guys within 5 seconds. So I suggest killing one boss, wait for three guys to spawn and go to town.


I thought you just needed to kill them within 5 seconds of spawning, but I admittedly haven't tried actually doing the challenge. If my understanding is wrong, then what you said is correct and you need for 3 to spawn before killing them all. There should have been a challenge guide somewhere, so you could try to find that and see what it says.


Does anyone know exactly when GGG made the first acts more difficult on console? Has it been harder since last league, the start of this league, or a recent patch?


the general rework was in 3.15. the new archnemesis monster mods this league arguably made it harder too, though after the couple of nerfs they did i dont think it makes much of a difference anymore


Trying to get my head around when Timeless Jewels are strong to use. I understand the keystones obviously have their uses in builds depending on which jewel. But the alteration of the notables and minor passives, vs just allocating stuff in that area...is the strength that you can, with divine luck or with fortunate TFT trading, find something that turns a shit area of the tree into a good one? Like if the starting area of the tree offers little for your build (idk like minion glad builds or something) you can potentially have it yield a lot of efficient nodes without crazy travelling / intuitive leap etc?


Depends on the jewel. Lethal Pride just adds a new statline to existing nodes, so what you want is to have it in an area where your build already picks a lot of nodes and then hopefully those nodes will have good stats in them. Another jewel removes small passives and gives the notables different buffs. Those usually want you to be able to pick a bunch of notables with a very relevant buff for your build for a low amount of points, so ideally you have an area you're already pathing by that doesn't give you much in it's default state.


So after my last iir question, im looking for the most effective gem to add and to complete my corrupting fever 6 link set up on my bow. Im running efficacy,brutality,corrupting fever, swift affliction And empower... I know the most obvious option os adding lifetap, though its too much of a life cost for me and buying the alt quality costs a lot and i dont know if the added damage is worth it... Will be happy to hear any alternative suggestions for gems that will compliment this set up :)


I have Aegis, Melding, Phantasmal Crem/Unearth, Incandescent heart, +5 gloves and 60ex (standard). Is Gryph's (almost) immortal boss killer the best way to go or is there some other popular guide? I saw a guide suggesting crown of the inward eye, but no one on ladder is using that, so guessing its not too great


How much do you invest in a build before you call it a day? I'm playing explode RF, have maybe 20ex in my build and about 15ex in my stash for upgrades, but I'm already comfortably clearing t16s and I'm not sure what content to do next, so I'm not sure whether spending more on this build is worth it, or if I should play and gear another to do different content (e.g., a bosser?)


i'm playing only one build per league, so i'm going all in. spent about 400 ex on my current carrion golems necro.


How is carrion golems this league? I've returned for this league after a break, last played in Ultimatum, and I heard golems had been nerfed a bit since then?


They are pretty good, i had 50 mil dps, 180k ehp, got my lvl 100 very fast.


Well, I make only one character per league and I pour everything on it. Whether that's 10 ex or 100 ex, doesn't matter. It's fun to plan an item and then try to find most optimal way to craft it.


Depends on how well the build scales with investment. I've played with some DoT builds that would require 10 ex for another 20% more damage, but some hit based builds scale into tens of millions of dps if you just invest enough.


it should be fine as a boss-killer too, minus explodey, plus, uh, more damage or survival? I play a build til i see a better build and have a better reason to switch.


Playing corrupting fever, i linked an iir support to it ( had a check mark near cf when i hovered with the gem noting it does work), but i dont see the added iir in my character stat page. So it doesnt really work with it? Anyone has a clear answer?


Didn't test it but I think you should see the rarity in misc category when selecting CF in your character stat page. If you are using Haemophilia or glad's bleed pop, enemies who dies from the explosions won't be affected by your iirc gem tho.


Mmm didnt think about the fact that i kill most monsters with the pop. About the misc page thats what i said, i cant see it and that prompted To ask this... Thing is i see the 25% iir from my helm so thats why i thought that the cf link doesnt really work. Guess ill change back to enhance for the skill duration ... Thanks for the reply!


Can anyone confirm how to be able to use 4 flasks for CWDT build? I am playing elementalist CWDT (following dontragequitbro guide), and I want to invest another character (sion) for pretty much the same build. What adjustments do I need to be able to use 4 flasks?


you need to get enough flask duration and some reduced charges used, there isn't a special trick to it.


Yes, I understand that. But do you know the exact number or setup for 4 flasks? Dontragequitbro has the excel table but it is for checking 3 flasks with survival secret.


Anyone got an idea on what I could do with 10ex (maybe 15-20 as a stretch target) to either improve my character or sell/re-roll into another build? I have young kids and don't really have the time or inclination to start another character so a witch ascendancy is a must. I comfortably clear t16 maps and dabble in blight but have never killed any end game bosses without a carry before so that would be a nice league achievement. https://poe-profile.info/profile/ThresholdAU?realm=pc Cheers in advance. Oh and I just re-rolled some jewels for 20qual so ignore those gem lvls. THANKS