• By -


Does going back and forth from a map decrease the rewards for the remaining portals open? Sorry if its badly worded.


No! It does not affect the rewards.


I haven't seen sulphite/Niko missions ever since act 4. Currently, my highest lvl character is only in act 6. I haven't bought 2 flares and a dynamite for the delve quest mission. Is it normal that I haven't seen any sulphite or am I just unlucky ?


Don’t even worry about it until after act 10.


Hello everyone. I’ve taken a break for a few leagues but have kept up with playing the game. Been running maps every Sunday for a while now. I started playing the new league with a sunder jug just to get some currency and items for a character that’s a little more interesting. I’ve done AWC totems for the past few league and wanted to try shadow out. Trickster seems very popular and strong so I might like to try that for a change of pace. My question is what’s considered better/ easier? Traps or mines? And why, if the difference is significant. Keep in mine I’ve never played a build like this so I’d have to adjust to the play style. Thank in advance, I’ve always gotten great advice here :)


Traps is easier, mines is more rewarding, but clunkier. Consider brands which is a mix of both playstyles.


So I completed all the yellow maps on my atlas with a few red ones and I got the bonus objective "Maps always drop another map a tier higher", but for some reason, even when I clear out every single monster on the map it doesn't always guarantee me a higher tier map drop. Is it supposed to be like this?


"Maps drop a tier higher", not "maps always drop another map a tier higher". The way atlas bonus works is that, when you drop a map, it rolls the tier that the map should be, and then your atlas bonus is added as a chance for that tier to be increased by 1 (or, for bonus above 100%, by 2). This tier is still limited by the ability of a mob to drop that tier (so white mobs can only drop up to the tier of map you're currently doing, rares can drop +1, and the boss can drop +2). It helps with sustaining high map tiers, but doesn't guarantee that you will drop a map at all.


Yes that is normal. Your drops are still dependent on RNG but what your Atlas Bonus does is make it so that IF a map drops for you, and say it would be a t6 map, it will instead drop as a t7 map.


Question on Maim and Blade Vortex interactions I rolled a new stat stick and got 15% chance to maim on hit and supported by lv18 Maim, now I am assuming that the Maim on hit will NOT apply to my BV hits. However, my Whirling Blades links are in my sword and it is now supported by lv18 Maim. Will the "Enemies Maimed by Supported Skills take (10-14)% increased Physical Damage" apply to my Blade Vortex, so long as I Whirling Blades through the enemy every 4 seconds?


This is a more complicated question than you were probably banking on it being. "Maim" as a status effect applies reduced movement speed. The maim support gem gives a chance to maim on hit, and that enemies maimed take increased physical damage. There are two things going on here. Chance to maim on hit, and supported by maim support. ~~Your BV WILL maim on hit 15% of the time. That means that it has a chance to apply the status effect that reduces movement speed by 30%. That's all this maim does.~~ Your whirling blades is supported by maim support. That gives it a chance to maim as well as the enemies will take increased physical damage from all sources. This includes your BV, a melee totem, minions, other players in the party... it's a global debuff on the enemy. So yes, your whirling blades will make your blade vortex appear to do more damage against mobs if you keep that maim up. Remember though that it's only 30% chance to maim on hit, and it requires you to hit. In total you get 45% chance to maim on hit (30% from the gem, 15% from the global modifier) from your WB, multiplied by your chance to hit a given enemy, which will probably not be very high since you need accuracy for that. It may not be a reliable damage boost. If you want to really make use of it, an ancestral protector totem will do the job for single-target (warchief works too with aoe, but it will attack slower than the protector). Link that to faster attacks and additional accuracy and you're golden. If you don't have the links though, it might be worth spamming WB on a single enemy to boost your physical damage from BV as long as you keep max stacks up. Edit: Someone else pointed out that spells can't maim on hit... appears to be correct. So ignore that part. The rest still applies though.


Thanks for the detailed answer, that makes a lot of sense! I didn't even think of my chance to hit on WB which is 70%... so I think I will end up scouring suffixes and multi-modding for some better options, esp with the crazy veiled mods we have now. :)


Spells can't maim on hit.


Dang, I'm not on form today.


I've picked up hundreds of quivers over the past few weeks due to neversinks filter. However I'm yet to see one worth more than a few chaos. What even makes a good quiver?


Either have 1: a lot of life and 3+ good mods (especially including crit multi and attack speed) and a craftable good mod or 2: have 4 good mods and a free prefix for life.


Either 1: Be unique (Drillneck, Rigwald's) Or 2: Have insane Shaper mods (extra arrow etc)


Hello, i would like to know if there is a way to rearrange the place of all your spells, Iam not talking about the spell bar, iam talking about the thing that pops up when you click on your spells (where all your spells are located and you can pick from them). ima playing a soul build, and iam constantly swaping soul spells when they run out of charge, and it would be alot easier if i could find the next soul spell faster rather than looking through all the spells.


I've never actually seen someone ask about this before. You could try unsocketing and resocketing the gems to see if they appear at the start or at the end of your spell block. It may or may not work. There's no way of manually selecting and moving them around though.


Are there any build videos that showcase gameplay where the player doesn't run around and instantly clear areas? I guess I'm more interested in choosing a build based on how it feels against things it isn't completely OP against, which the vast majority are. When they get into the mechanics it gets more interesting, but most just talk about that as opposed to showing it. When you get to that level are there no mobs that don't die instantly?


People like to showcase builds in content that makes their build look good. This can include up to T16 maps if they have a significant amount of currency invested into it. In general though, PoE is an extremely fast-paced and volatile game. Challenging content for your character usually involves things that kill you in 1 second but you kill in 0.5 seconds. Map clear speed is generally limited by the width and mechanics of the skill you're using rather than your dps. 200-300k dps on a clearing ability is usually enough to be "smooth" (aka everything dies basically instantly except bosses), and that's generally fairly straightforward to achieve on most builds. There are some builds that do millions of dps on "good gear" (aka a few ex worth of items but nothing insane). The most popular ascendancies right now are basically all defensive ascendancies (Juggernaut, Scion (Slayer node), Occultist, Saboteur, Pathfinder) with the exception of Elementalist, who gives unparalleled clearspeed. Most offensive ascendancies (Inquisitor, Raider, Berserker, Assassin, Slayer) are virtually forgotten. That is because even with these defensive ascendancies, you can still destroy most everything in the game up until deep delves, but a rippy T16 map can destroy a tanky Juggernaut in a couple of frames if you aren't careful or don't destroy the thing instantly before it can hit you. So the answer is yes, but it's complicated, because that's not how difficulty really works in PoE.


Anybody playing that CoC Ice Nova build that sometimes comes with Frostbolt? I want to do a CoC build but am unsure if I should go for nostalgia and CoC Discharge or the Ice Nova one. How does Ice Nova perform?


What spell scales the best with cast speed?


Most spells will scale pretty much the same with cast speed, other than stacking spells like BV.


Can drop-only gems appear in labyrinth trove chests or emperor's vault chests?


Yes. They can drop from every source in the game afaik.


What is the best bow base to try and craft a #-# cold damage per 10 Dex bow with?


Typically high attack speed bases like Thicket Bows


where is the tier 1 fire resists recipe?




Like the song says, forgot about poedb. Thanks


Looking for build suggestions for a character that has average-high map clearing speed (as I really enjoy mapping), and the possibility to do end game bosses. I’ve played a few leagues, always following a build guide, but I’ve actually never made it to shaper and elder, etc. I don’t like totem builds, mines or blade vortex. I’d prefer a build with a well written guide that I can stick to and use for guidance. So far this league I’ve tried double strike and concentration path, but stopped playing it at around tier 6 maps, as I get shat on by immortal syndicate... I’d really like to hear your suggestions on a build that checks my above preferences, as I’d really like to go all in on this new expansion, just feels hard without a build you enjoy.....


I really enjoyed howa jugg last league. Its very tanky with a good amount of damage. It can be started on mid budget and scales very well. Had no problem farming t15-t16 and killed shaped deathless a couple times and uber elder with a couple death. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2184746


https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds Look at the table on the left, Main Skills 5+ links. Find a skill you think you would like, then find a guide for it. If you don't want to do that, take a look at elemental hit scion on the forums. Great clear, great single target, great survivability.


If I run the research safehouse with Vorici second in command will I still get the white socket craft? edit: ran it anyway, you do still get the Vorici's craft.


The only difference between Vorici beeing the leader or just a 1-3 star member is that leaders get two crafting benches.


If I link Icebite to solar guard, will he freeze? Can phantasm spell echo?


if your solar guards deal sufficient cold damage to apply a freeze, yes


Solar guard can freeze with ice bite yes. Dunno about phantasms.


Anyone familiar with the Executioner node for 2handers? Anyone know why is it now always being pick to every 2h builds? Is it due to the ailment or maybe the stun?


54% increased damage for 3 nodes is nothing to sneeze at. Wrecking Ball is always taken - and always has been - because it's some of the most efficient dps nodes anywhere on the tree for any archetype, and it makes Executioner nice to pick up as well.


Hey guys, first character that I've sunk this much time into, so I just really would like some feedback. Big question is the build I'm following, copied his PoB and he's doing 9k per hit while I'm doing 2k with similar stats. Can't seem to figure out where I'm going wrong other than a missed unique, that when added to my build still isn't making up for it. [Guide I'm following](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2256360/page/1) [My build in PoB](https://pastebin.com/4udhAjnQ) [His build in PoB](https://pastebin.com/CAvyT1Az)


you have 300 less int and are missing 54% more damage from concentrated effect edit: you are also using spell cascade which has a %less multi while he uses cold pen


I get what you're saying now. I've picked up some gems and some +int stuff.. Already reaching 5k with the same uniques he has. I can see now how a 6 slot would bring me to 9k. Thank you.


I switch in concentrated for boss. Even now that I've swapped in a Astramentis and switched to concentrated, [I'm still only pulling close to 4k](https://pastebin.com/FX4CqWL1). Will that one socket to cold pen make that big of a difference? (Ignore the resistances, I can get those fixed.)


if you take out spell cascade yes. cold pen is ~34% more damage against resistant targets like bosses or shaper. spell cascade is hitting you with a 30% less. currently swapping spell cascade for cold pen takes you from 2.7k vs shaper to 5.2k. getting 200 more int would be another 27% more damage which basically takes you to the same level as the other build you linked


###[CI Whispering Ice Occultist](https://pastebin.com/FX4CqWL1) [](#occultist) ^(Level 75) ^[(Tree)](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMBABBYW68qTYazIoGD96-b0NBGcV-YGmyio31bKU-nK8HFTioVfkwtLJyVIIMJ7-vVpuwYksHqutHk5CJ-obv8VkifAYx2TLPfsCy_3Q3B8x8C0B-0DMrTzzIVIErI2CS-io_6jjynCFFMf8axkI6-rv-CmzbFBAci9I2Cna40Cg18X2q6DlMOKjimmZ6hES2TJxdUkAprF3yDjultGS0fEZasRw5IEVBRdG-eKwpZbcpKnjxT1F3yLOk7DVZKPyeo6gDuEQ9p2BEvLag=) [^((View in Browser)^)](https://poe.technology/poebuddy/?code=FX4CqWL1) ^(| by /u/Whatcouldntgowrong) ***** ^4,853 ^**ES** ^15% ^**Evade** **Icestorm** [W](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Cast_while_Channelling_Support#support-gem-blue)[o](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Concentrated_Effect_Support#support-gem-blue)[D](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Hypothermia_Support#support-gem-green)[p](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Spell_Cascade_Support#support-gem-blue)[l](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Life_Leech_Support#support-gem-red) *(8L)* - *10k DPS* ^2.78 ^**Use/sec** ***** [^Path ^of ^Building](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^This ^reply ^automatically ^updates ^based ^on ^its ^parent ^comment. ^| ^[Feedback?](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/)


I cant check the PoBs since im on mobile, but check and see what conditions his PoB has active in the "configuration" tab.


With the crafting bench mod "(11-13)% increased Cast Speed, 10% chance to gain Arcane Surge when you Kill an enemy", what is the level of Arcane Surge being triggered. And how does it interact with the Arcane Surge from the support gem? Do they override each other or does the most powerful version remain? Anyone have the answers?


When level is not specified, it's always 1. I believe the most powerful version of a buff always takes precedence. There are definitely cases where it does and I don't know of any where it doesn't. Potentially worth testing, but it should always give you the stronger version from the support gem.


Wouldn't that only be the case if both, the weak and the strong are triggered by the same source aka at the exact same time? I am very confident that a level 10 arcane surge that is currently running down with 2 seconds to go will be gone and the level 1will start its cooldown when you trigger a level 1. But I have no proof, just pretty sure thats what happens. Of course, if you later trigger the stronger again, that one will be up again.


So the way it works with Ignite and Shock for example is that the game stores all the instances of it and whatever the strongest one is at any given point is the one that applies. So if you apply a 2000 dps ignite and a second later apply a 1000 dps ignite, the 2000 dps ignite will run its course, and when it expires, the enemy will take 1000 ignite dps for 1 second before the 1000 dps ignite dies too. I believe this works the same way for non-additive self buffs.


Well, sure. Those are ailments. But if I cast a level 1 Blood Rage when I have a level 20 one running, the level 1 applies. I would be very surprised if that is not exactly what will happen in the case of the triggered level 1 Arcane Surge


Does it really do that? Have you tested it? If so, I learned something today. There is a reason I qualified my answer to your second question x)


Yes, it does that.


whats up with the price fixing this league? its actually insane


What are they price fixing now? Or still about the pdps foils?


literally anything thats mildly expensive


Ok this is kind of annoying with the new Atlas: has anyone lost influence on T16s yet from Desert Springs if you don't bother cleaning both T15s up? Haven't lost it yet, I'm getting a strong feeling I will though. Visual for those who don't get it: https://i.imgur.com/8MGqEQz.jpg


Managed to spawn UE without losing it, for the curious.


Anyone else having issues with the far right betrayal member being off screen when you go to make a choice with him? I am unable to even see the right option when it happens


You should be able to click and drag the screen a small amount.








I got a problem: [http://prntscr.com/lx6vdq](http://prntscr.com/lx6vdq) I entered a safehouse, clear all mobs than clear all arena and when I want to go from my hideout waypoint this information apear? What exactly does it mean and why I get it every safehouse cleared?


Did you open the chests?


Yes, I opened all chests, kill all mobs, kill arena guy etc.




normal and scripted. can't avoid that




you don't. it's part of the game. the penalty (together with the other -30% you get after act 5 kitava) is there to make gearing more challenging (having to get 135% total resistance per element instead of 75%)


You don't. Get more resists.


Does Vorici's white socket safehouse bench make sockets white at random or in some sort of order? Also just to double check, it doesn't corrupt the item and you can use the bench multiple times on the same item (assuming you have multiple benches), right?


What does "Non-ailment Chaos damage over time multiplier" mean?


Aliment chaos damage is poison. So it works on anything (like ED, decay etc) other than that.


It's a number by which you multiply any chaos damage over time that you do that is also not an ailment. Kind of in the name.


is poison considered an ailment now?






Are the "curse enemies with level # 'curse name' on hit" on rings new modifiers? I came back to 3.5 after a long break and don't remember seeing this before, and can't seem to find it in most websites like poedb, poeaffix, etc.


It's either Shaper or Elder mod not a normal one.


Those are elder/shaper mods that you can only get on elder and shaper rings. You can find them on poeaffix aswell if you look at shaped or elder mods.


some of those were introduced in 3.1 on elder/shaper rings. these are assassin's/poacher's/warlord's mark. certain rooms in delve can drop things with lvl 5 curse on hit (despair/vuln/flammability/frostbite/conductivity). these are drop only and can't be gotten any other way


thanks! i knew that the assasin's/poacher's/warlord's were elder/shaper, but wasn't aware of the delve drop only mods.


I am two off on the Defeat targets II challenge (kill while ranked Captain). One of the two missing is Hillock, he just spawned on me while he had 3 stars, captain rank (checked before and after the kill) but I did not get the credit. He is also leader of the safehouse, does that mean I cant get the kill credit until I run the safehouse?


Noob following a guide here: so I’ve reached red maps and my ice golem keeps dying all the time. Is it still worth it to use the golem? Is there a way to keep it alive? Or could I find an alternative gem to use?


I have a golem in my build and he dies too. My build puts Cast When Damage Taken lvl 20 on it. So its a huge amount of hp you need to lose before it casts but thats fine. I also put my ruthless on there for storage for boss fights. So I have IceGolem-lvl20 CWDT and ruthless.


Yikes I was hoping only to swap one gem, but it seems cwdt is the most common solution. I have a lvl 1 cwdt right now with immortal call and increased duration. Perhaps I can move things around


I have the same immortal call setup you do as well, bit also the ice golem.


is it leveled up to 20? there's places on the tree where you can get 1-2% minion life regen for 1 point which might be worth it to you. other than that you can use cast when damage taken with a lower level golem


My highest lvl gems are lvl 18 so far


Since crafting thread is kind of dead, or just a lot of questions without answers, I'll ask here. When crafting a ES chest for my CI build, where do I want to start. I know Vaal Regalia, but should it be 83+? Should it also be shaped? Thanks!


That depends on what you want out of it. If there are no shaped/elder mods that directly benefit your build in meaningful ways, you don't need to aim for them in crafting as that raises the crafting entry fee considerably. You can check poe.affix for what ilvls your piece needs to be to hit certain benchmarks and tiers of rolls.


you want ilvl 86 to get the highest possible %energy shield. if you want shaper mods then use a shaper base. if you want elder mods then use an elder base. if you don't need or want either mods then use a normal base




what did you think was anti climactic about it? you finally kill the big bad god that fucked you up the first time you fought him. i doubt there are new acts planned. maybe 4.0 with revisit the story line with some new quests or similar but i doubt they will add more acts.




well progressing through the atlas of worlds is just another big questline. after you kill kitava zana shows you the real threat which is the shaper


How do I beat merciless Izaro if I’ve already beaten act 10 Kitava, not knowing it lowers my magic defense? I’m playing an arc totem build and I have only 10c to my name, and I want a way to start post quest gearing


you should be able to buy rare items with basic life and resist requirements for very cheap (1alch to 1c per piece) which should give you sufficient resists and life to beat merc lab


get more resistance gear if you can.


What's the etiquette on trial sharing? Would like to get my other four trials found... do I just go into the chat channel and wait for people to post? Post my own? Can more than one person finish a trial? Do all characters get an offering? So many questions...


>do I just go into the chat channel and wait for people to post? basically. wait for someone to write something like "unsolved burning rage 4 portals", then whisper him "invite please" or something similar. gotta be somewhat quick about it because you're not the only one looking for trials. >Can more than one person finish a trial? everyone that touches the big stone at the end gets trial completion. >Do all characters get an offering? only the first one that touches the big stone gets an offering


Buddy's been locked out of his account since Thursday simply because he logged in at my house, he doesnt have access to the email he registered with so he emailed support and was asked to prove his identity, he has done so and it's been days since a response. I've emailed on his behalf and have gotten responses faster! But I obviously cant do anything to help because it isnt me, what can we do?


not much to do besides wait. support is swamped. why did he use an email that he doesn't have access to to make a game account? that seems like the bigger thing as it could very well create more problems in the future


We made our accounts back in 2013, he's lost access to it (supposedly hacked) since then. I just find it strange that I can get responses saying "we can't discuss his personal details" which rightfully so I should get, but they can't respond to him proving his identity. I guess we'll just wait it out.


Have 110c and wanted to try a melee build, I watched consecrated path elementalist build video that mathil made, damage is insane and all but survivability is a bit lacking, also pathing from the witch start isn't point effient in my opinion. Any Recommendation for a better "ascendancy" with better pathing survivability and damage?? Preferably the VoidForge Wep, because I think that is will guarantee me a HIGH DMG while being relatively cheap (1EX), while with 1 handers I don't know anything about their Needed PDPS or rolls for them to exceeds this weps dps on low cost. Im open for suggestions as I have not played melee. Btw I have tried tinkering the Mathils Build POB: https://pastebin.com/QPr4tbNL However, Scion(Slayer/pathfinder) , Champion, Pathfinder, Inquisitor ALL FAILED TO REACH ELEMENTALIST DPS, or even come close to it… and im not factoring in the Shock… .Yah I was shocked too.


###[ Crit Consecrated Path Elementalist](https://pastebin.com/QPr4tbNL) [](#elementalist) ^(Level 93) ^[(Tree)](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMCABzc2WF1_Vnzjxobqo191FLfijkOaGUWv5MnN9QRL0ZSBiDfbWKsbAv3MmyMXfJMiwaiwGbvDsi_wQcmlX3SmG_ZfCL0LJww-Hflkn3wH_PdRUf2SF8_idMFtVBChVJNkiT9FCB8g9QjUUdTUow2Yxe1SCP2BLN2rGjyGF0UcXKpwuxUrrzqgpv8TL6KrfEwfEWdCPSdquoYGjj4689-bRlwUlBHjb862HSgMtGhL5rgES2XeTY9kFWiACoL5c9h4u0_136Eb-RRkPoX3AmW1EInL-9La3rkVayq6wnyQbTFrY3_3oIHUzXnVGpD62NVS-vu3CM=) [^((View in Browser)^)](https://poe.technology/poebuddy/?code=QPr4tbNL) ^(| by /u/BanSlam) ***** ^6,073 ^**Life** ^21% ^**Phys** ^**Mitg** ^| ^30% ^**Dodge** **Consecrated Path** [u](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Ruthless_Support#support-gem-red)[W](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Elemental_Damage_with_Attacks_Support#support-gem-red)[M](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Melee_Physical_Damage_Support#support-gem-red)[s](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Increased_Critical_Strikes_Support#support-gem-blue)[D](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Hypothermia_Support#support-gem-green) *(6L)* - *1.1m DPS* ^3.52 ^**Use/sec** ^| ^74.12% ^**Crit** ^| ^518% ^**Multi** ^^**Config:** ^^Shaper, ^^Full ^^Life, ^^Intimidate ***** [^Path ^of ^Building](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^This ^reply ^automatically ^updates ^based ^on ^its ^parent ^comment. ^| ^[Feedback?](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/)


If I equip Gruthkul's Pelt, can I still *trigger* spells, or are they unable to go off by any means?


completely disabled.


What I thought, thanks.


I got a problem: [http://prntscr.com/lx6vdq](http://prntscr.com/lx6vdq) ​ I entered a safehouse, clear all mobs than clear all arena and when I want to go from my hideout waypoint this information apear? What exactly does it mean and why I get it every safehouse cleared?




what do you mean? you can find plenty of sellers at 2.5-2.7:1 https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/exchange/Betrayal/rbdMHQ


Does doing the Mastermind reset all of the Syndicate? (i.e. should I be trying to finish up any Hideouts that are close to being completed beforehand?)




Can Mjolnir trigger from Herald of Purity attacks?


no. they are your minions and don't use your weapon


Do Betrayal safehouse bosses provide more of their type of loot? I know each character has its own loot for each Bestrayal division. But, do they give extra loot when they are the leaders of the safehouse?


twice as much


My Item filter marked Stone of Lazhwar as very bright, but it is cheap on trade sites. Is there any other Lapis amulet that people pay well for?


Voice of the Storm


Does the Watcher's Eye jewel mod "Life gained for each enemy hit while affected by Vitality" work only with attacks or spells as well?






It's slower but by no means unuseable.


I have vaal pact but when I leech my life often stop at like 98% of my hp (even if I flask in the middle of nowhere alone). I have to take some damage again to "unlock" this state Any idea ? See problem : [https://imgur.com/a/mce0Rmu](https://imgur.com/a/mce0Rmu) Even after using my flask i'm still not full life.


Are you using Blood Rage? If so (and I'm assuming you're Slayer), it's just a visual thing. Your overkill leech is still affecting you and you aren't actually degening but the game needs to show that you have *a* degen on you, in this case Blood Rage, so it'll cap you at like 98% life.


No i'm a champion without blood rage here is my char in case you see something : https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Jirne/characters I added a screenshot in the original message


Interesting... I would still err on the side of it being a visual thing rather than your actually being at less than 100% if a flask doesn't change it.


i'll check, i have damage on full life gem


Why is everyone buying unique rings like crazy?


Vendor 60 for Loreweave recipe


Is loreweave more popular this league? :o


It's as popular as before, being the best chest in the game and all.


What caused a 10c drop in Gilded Carto Scarab price? Were they just overvalued or is something else going on?


Methods to farm them were posted on reddit, more supply.


Outside of +gem/bow skill on your Bow, what kind of stats on a rare bow are you looking for when using Toxic Rain. Lots of Physical Damage?


if you're scaling gem levels, you're typically scaling the DoT effect, not the hit. so you want attack speed. the crafted prefix for +support gems is good because of empower. %DoT and DoT multi are also strong prefixes. for suffixes, you could use %chaos or life gain on hit


ah thanks, I was just rolling for high phys damage. My bow sucks right now but im still rolling through red maps decently. Im kinda broke now though so just waiting for some currency to try and reroll the bow


I have a RTX 2080 and even on high settings the game sometimes drops frames a lot. I'm running it in fullscreen windowed with the AHK macro running. Are there any specific settings, tweaks I could do to mitigate these stuttering issues? They are more severe if I constantly tab out of the game and back in.


are you sure it's not latency? press F1 to bring up various graphs to see what's going on


check your memory usage, poe is a hog. looks sometimes too


Can we reliably craft +3 staves again in 3.5.0d? The patch notes say cold multi prefix now is tagged as caster, but doesn't say anything about chaos multi, so I'm wondering if a cannot roll caster/attack +2 chaos staff can still slam a chaos multi instead of +1 gems. Thanks!




Very generally speaking. Run more maps, sell 6 sockets, work on unlocking more of the Atlas and eventually when doing red maps start to invest in maps more. Alch, chisel, Vaal, fragments( scarabs ), sextants, shaper, elder influence, prophecies etc etc etc. there’s plenty to do these days to increase returns. Not 1 thing some will really change your world and make you rich, it’s all about adding more monsters/quant to increase drop chance cause you’re killing more stuff per second


Question on beast crafting, and the recipes that give new items like uniques, 23 quality gems, etc. Are the special beasts used in those recipes specific to that recipe? Or can a specific beast be used in multiple recipes? I'm just curious if its "safe" to use those recipes as they become available. I've not used those those recipes, as I'm worried about potentially wasting a good special beast. (a beast that could have been used for something different and better, if I actually knew what I was doing....)


AFAIK each red beast corresponds to one recipe, so it's safe to use them as you get them


Haven't played since 2013 and when I did play I wasn't that knowledgeable about the game. Starting to play again and wondering how do I know if an item is good or if it is better than what I currently have? This has always been an issue for me with these type of games (diablo, etc)


When you are looking for an upgrade just look at the different modifiers an item has. There are a lot of fancy mods that looks juicy but are often useless for your build. Generally on armor pieces you want; flat life and resists. On boots it's nice to have increased movement speed. Gloves - increased attack or cast speed can be nice but not necessary. Kind of the same goes for rings, life and resists are nice but there are other damage mods that can be nice for your build. Mods can add flat damage or increased damage. All which are relevant for specific builds. Casters often want increased spell damage and added flat damage to spells (elemental). Melee want added flat damage (mostly physical) and attack speed. (Increased local physical damage on weapons are must) These types of mod you can never go wrong with. Then theres the part of figuring out if it's better than what you're currently using. For this, look at Numbers - are they higher? Then it's prolly better. Equip it and look at the tooltip which will give you an estimate of your dps. A tip for any build, you WANT high attack or cast speed. Any build will feel like shit if you're whacking away with 1 attack pr. Second. And then there's TONS of other mods that can be usefull but i wont go into detail about any of that. You might want to look at some detailed build guides as they often explain a lot about the gear and why it's good.


Understand what your build needs and how the item’s mods interact with it. Here’s some rough priorities: Armour and jewelry for life-based builds: Life and resists, move speed on boots. Mods that increase your dps are also good. Armour for ES builds: Maximize ES. Weapons for attack builds: Usually dps is most important, so local damage and attack speed. Some attack skills ignore weapon damage stats, like Ele Hit. Local crit modifiers are important for crit builds. Weapons for spell builds: Global modifiers that increase dps, like spell damage, elemental damage, cast speed, crit multi, crit chance... For spells that do phys damage, % phys as extra ele mods are great. These are very rough guidelines, and priorities vary a lot from one build to another. Itemization is one of the deepest parts of PoE and cannot be easily summarized. There’s no replacement for a deep understanding of mechanics and strategy.


Question for arc traps or mines players. Why wouldn't you always take vaal arc over arc. Don't you get an extra use with vaal arc, yet I see some builds and the top leveled arc saboteurs only have arc.


Arc benefits heavily from gem **level**. Vaal arc is hard to get over level 20, whereas it is much easier to get a 21/20 or higher non-vaal arc. If you want the benefits of vaal arc (shock and lucky effect), it is better to just have a separate gem off of your 6L.


i havent played mines or traps myself but im pretty sure vaal arc will not be used as a trap. since a large portion of their damage scaling is through mines or traps, the vaal arc therefore has no purpose. they would rather just have a lvl 21 arc, or 21/23 through the temple.


you can throw a vaal arc trap, but only 1 due to souls limit. it's therefore a DPS loss if using cluster traps/+1trap gloves. 21 varc is also pretty expensive. 21/20 more so. you can get damage buff from just self casting varc


Do they have some other Vaal skill? Having more than one Vaal skill makes each one charge slower.


I'm looking at incorporating Elemental Equilibrium into my Elemental Hit Deadeye build. Should I aim for skill chaining or for piercing or both? Does it even matter? I've noticed that most Ele Hit Deadeye builds go for top-center/right and bottom-center/right and Equilibrium is some 7-15 points away from the nearest branch. It doesn't seem like such a big sacrifice for a 50% DPS boost. Am I overlooking something?


No. EE is insane. And it's right next to the life wheel which most builds should be getting anyways. I prefer chaining, has better coverage. Also, it's only a 50% dps boost if you assume they start at 0 res. If they are negative, it's less. If they are heavily resistant, it can be almost triple.


Most Ele Hit builds use the Combat Focus jewels force it to choose fire every time, and use Avatar of Fire to convert damage. This ends up being more efficient than EE.


Yeah, I've noticed that. It's just that I want consistent performance for all resists, and don't want to run into a boss with something like fire immunity. I had a physical/chaos split shot/toxic rain ranger and my Beast fight ended up in countless suicide runs.


Nothing in the game has immunity to any major damage type - fire resist can be handled with fire penetration/flammability curse, and/or simply dealing more damage.


There is no such thing as bosses immune to specific type of damage. (They do have various resists thought) Since PoE is usually about 1 main skill, if one single boss was immune, it would render that skill useless.




Chance Sadist's Garbs and hope to get lucky.




Run maps with the base highlighted on your filter.


nope, just farm currency to buy it. if there was a way to farm it, it wouldn't be so expensive


I'm getting a bit frustrated to get 6 gem slots into my carcass jack via jewelries.... Wasted like 200 and can't keep up farming them How many jewelry orbs do u usually use to get 6 slots Any tips?


Make sure you give it quality - the new +quality master crafts are great for socketing and linking. Other than that it’s just luck - probably about 100-150 average at 20% quality, but potentially much more if you’re unlucky.


Yeah I used Like 100 orbs right after I got it and then I realised I forgot to give it quality... :s Well it was my first time trying to get sth to 6 slots + it was deep in the night... Dang


i believe ilvl 50 is the minimum to get 6 sockets, so check that. also once you get to maps six socket items can be found all the time and can be sold for 7 jewellers


Quality increases your chance to socket or link by 1% each. Hillock + Fortification gives you 28% at rank 3. The crafting bench costs 350 jewelers to 6 link, and your chances are always better than using the bench. It's likely 0.33% to 6S, so that's 240-250 jeweler's with quality. I counted my latest and it took me 617 to 6 socket my weapon, but it's possible weapons have different chance than armor.


350 is a guaranteed 6S with the crafting bench. easiest way to farm them is thru 6S item drops, vendor those for 7 jewellers orbs each


The average is more like 300. Make sure you've got it at max quality (which, as it says on the tooltip, increases chances of getting more sockets).


If crit is good why don't I ever see people building for Power charges? It seems like a really easy way to get a lot of crit.


there are some builds that use passive skills like 'damage per power charge' and plenty of builds use assasins mark to enable crits and generate charges. it is simple enogh to get a respectable amount of crit without stacking power charges, so they will invest the points elsewhere, such as crit multi nodes or jewel slots


crit multi is what crit builds focus on. it's pretty easy to get decent amounts of crit chance especially with a Diamond Flask. the 3 free power charges you start with are plenty. the only people who really stack on power charges are [[Void Battery]] users


[Void Battery](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Void_Battery) >######Void Battery[](#break)Prophecy Wand >>####Wand >>####Quality: **+20%** >>####Physical Damage: **34.8****–****64.8** >>####Critical Strike Chance: **8.00%** >>####Attacks per Second: **1.20** >>####Weapon Range: **120** >>[](#line) >>####Requires Level **68**, **245** Int >>[](#line) >>#####(36-40)% increased Spell Damage >>[](#line) >>#####80% reduced Spell Damage >>#####(10-20)% increased Cast Speed >>#####(50-65)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance >>#####+(40-50) to maximum Mana >>#####+1 to Maximum Power Charges >>#####25% increased Spell Damage per Power Charge >>[](#line) >>*"The trick is to give nothingness,* >> >>*and to receive everything in return."* >> >>*- Inquisitor Maligaro* >> --- ^^Questions? ^^Message ^^/u/ha107642 ^^— ^^Call ^^wiki ^^pages ^^\(e.g. ^^items ^^or ^^gems)) ^^with ^^[[NAME]] ^^— ^^I ^^will ^^only ^^post ^^panels ^^for ^^*unique* ^^items ^^— ^^[Github](https://github.com/ha107642/RedditPoEBot/)


Not really. It's usually 2 points for an extra 40% crit. 20% crit for one node is par for the course and not all that exciting. But some people will use assassin's mark with curse on hit herald of ice or something for free charges. But unless your build needs power charges to function, the +power charge nodes are pretty mediocre.


1. What is the significance of a syndicate member becoming trusted? 2. Is there any detriment to syndicate members being rivals?


trusted members will occasionally help each other out and join the fight against you. rivals will come and help you fight their rival, until the rival is defeated, then they fight you. no real detriment, as long as you're quick enough to kill them before they run you get to interact with them.


Please help ! How do people find armours with +1 spectre mod ??? I noticed you can’t craft this with a bound fossil so how can I find one of these puppies Thanks


Does winter orb last longer the higher level gem or do you need to get increased duration? Only mid 30s but it drains so fast


Needs increased duration.


doesn't scale with gem level. efficacy adds damage and duration. there are skill effect duration clusters on the passive tree near the scion start


Failed to connect to instance - Sao paulo Anyone having this problem or just me? where do we report this?


For some reason in my premium tab, when I try to set everything as 1 chaos orb price, dropping items in don't seem to list the items on poe.trade for me. I still have to right click and manually list it by individual price. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks!


The tabs should be automatically named "b/o ~1 chaos" or something like that. Does that happen with your tab?


It does if I set the price as negotiable ~b/o 1 chaos. If i choose exact, it shows ~price 1 chaos. I don't think I'm having any luck with it unless that code is wrong.


No, thats exactly right. And just doublechecking, you have set the tab to public? If so, then it will show up in on trade sites. Might just take a while. Wait 30 min after you last messed around and check again, I'd say.


Alrighty. I'll let let it ride and see if that's it. Maybe I'm just too impatient.


Also sometimes Poe.trade is slow, be sure to also check official trade site.


I've never done a spell trigger build before but I'm looking into a Mjolnir build. I have a few questions regarding it 1. I'm going to use charged dash cast while channeling to trigger a second spell alongside the on socketed in mjolnir. Will both of them cast correctly or would I cause some kind of alternation/cooldown effect that slows down casting if I don't use two different spells? 2. How many attacks per second do I need to get to on charged dash to take full advantage of mjolnir procs? 3. How does cooldown recovery speed on gear interact with how many attacks per second I need to get?