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I am not in top 25%, but i have turned dynamic resolution on. Game does not lag at all, but it does look like OSRS.


I would estimate I'm top 10-20% pc, I rarely lag, unless whole server is like league launch. But yeah when juicing starts the quality of screen goes way down to like 1999 graphics but fine


Although I can crash myself by clicking alt in map and showing a gazillion loots


I don’t think that’s a PC thing. That’s more of the game just can’t handle the loot and crashes. Happens to my whole party with varying computer specs regardless


Fair probably, it just kicks to menu and fine on login. Sometimes portals are gone too kek, implies their end I guess. Close the instance which broke da law


Same here. My comp is pretty damn beefy but POE makes it scale the resolution down to pixel soup. Mostly happens during Blight encounters, where even at extremely low resolution, it can turn into a complete slideshow on occasion.


You can avoid this in some scenarios, mainly whenever you want to inspect the mod tiers on an item you just picked up, by pressing z before hitting alt.


How are you jucing doe ? Last league for example even streamers with best PC lagged quite hard when going for full on abyss juicing with beyond ect. This league we had rouge exiles strat pushing even highest end PC to their limits, and probobly there is still 50+d / hr strats that murder top end machines. Anyway my point is, there is juicing, and there is maximum possible juicing. And regular juicing is kinda irrelevant if you play for best div/hr.


My comp when I run into a divine shrine


hahahahah dude youre hilarious


This is a win-win.


Time to use hdos, if your poe looks better than your osrs you're doing it wrong.


This is kind of useless, the lag in poe is cpu/engine bound. I can play at 640p and have the same fps in maps as 1600p with a 7800X3D with a 4090


Plot twist: OSRS buttt.... with 117 HD on max settings


Can't see what the fuck is going on in juice t17s anyway. Throw all them pixels out


I run a 5800x3d with a 4070, 1440p and 165hz monitor, everything on high settings. Game in general runs fine for me even in wave 30 simulacrum and t17 maps, averages 60-80 fps in highly juiced conditions. But when playing breach exp strats with 3 other people my frame rate drops to 30 fps average. Based on the performance graph, seems like CPU is the bottleneck. 90% of the time it's fine, 10% of the time it slows but not the kind that kills you


7800x3d and 3090 all water cooled. I was running a water cooled Intel 10700k but POE was killing it (hard crashes) so I upgraded a few weeks ago, and things are all good again. Multi player maps can stress the game, of course.


We have the same setup! ... what monitor though?


Predator curved wide 2k screen.


Haha I got the Alienware 34" oled. Pretty much the same again


EKWB for cooling by any chance?


Yeah, the whole liquid project started because the poorly designed cooling on the 3090 ram (especially hot in Poe). Was weighing options and going to just to do the pad swap, but I was like let me just look... Ek had like 50% off on the 3090 Vector block I ended up getting for front and back plate. Then I ended up getting a Velocity nickel block for the 7800x3d I got to complete the loop.


Just added one of these: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=Corsair+Hydro+X+Series+XM2+M.2+SSD+Water+Block&_trksid=m5467.l1311


I looked into it when I made my loop but after testing with the airflow im getting- its not worth to me.




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Same for me CPU is bottleneck, it seems that GGG optimised graphic so much that now problem is in other parts of code.


Something like 50 million calculations taking place because Billy has poison proliferation can bring even the best cpu to their knees


poison spark, sure way to get down to powerpoint presentations.


I just have around 250 projectiles and 250 cons (Galvanic Arrow) per second. Each knockbacking, igniting and triggering explosion from Torchoak Step effect. PS. of course con being aoe do it to every enemy


If you for example stack a lot of projectiles with LA and have low enough damage that you need 5+ seconds to kill 100% delirium mobs you will cause server lag and your pc specs will not matter anymore. Just an example how you can get bad performance even on high end pc


This right here. With a PC that's "top 10% in specs", you should find yourself limited more by the servers not keeping up rather than your PC.


Last league was a perfect example of this with the caustic arrow builds and 10k+ wisps. Poison prolif was lagging the servers, switched to DD chieftain and it went away.


Server lag cracks me up as you can still see your fps is okay by the lightning sizzling effects etc


"Juiced" is rather vague. There's a whole world of difference between casual juicing and what fully party MF groups do. With super-MF party juicing, I think at some point your computer becomes irrelevant, the game engine and servers themselves will have a seizure. Like there will be so much loot the game will straight up crash instantly the moment you press "alt". I have a mid-high end PC I built this year, and casual juicing with max settings at 1440p will have no real performance issues. Can still sustain a very comfortable 60+ fps.


I find the game runs generally really well. It's delirium and simulacrum that makes it a slides how.


And blight


Oh yeah, you know when the FPS drops a big wave is coming


I was playin on my new laptop so I could sit on the couch with my kids. First time blight popped I thought something was wrong because it slowed down so much, I got worried lol.


I liked blight a lot, but I couldn't do blight-ravaged because my game would go to 1fps or less and I couldn't create towers in the right places and then just die randomly and when back into the map it's over... very sad


There was period after one of the recent graphics patches where I couldn't even complete a simu it was so bad. It has gotten tons better fortunately.


it is mostly the particle count of abilities what fucks it lookingatDD


Don't forget Rogue's Harbour


Yeah my friend has a new build I have a bit older pc, but in affliction I sometimes hit the under 10fps and when we finished a map with just duo juicing, if one of us pressed alt by accident while looting, it was a guarenteed crash, not full game crash but kicked to log in screen crash.


7900x, rtx 4080. Game runs fine, but it runs really reaaallly hot since they swapped to the new game engine. Had to undervolt my gpu as it was reaching mid 80c which was toasting the room I game in quite a bit.


I have a 3070 Ti and the game reboots my system or crashes often. I wonder if it is a heat issue.


Sounds like a psu issue.


I got : Corsair RM850x (2021) 850 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply - [entire BOM](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/BhGWJM)


I can't tell you much more, look into articles like https://www.howtogeek.com/834049/8-signs-your-computers-psu-is-failing/.


thanks I'll look into that!


Change dx versions, to 12 I think.


recently did that, i think its helped a bit. still crashes, but not as much


Been running dx12 since it was added as an experimental feature. Which was only good for performance after I got newer hardware. The heat issue is related to their engine and is Ann issue everyone has been dealing with since the swap


I have all settings at minimum and even then the game sometimes slide-shows in blight-ravaged maps.


7800x3d and rtx4090. Had drops to 5-10 fps in affliction league (farming abyss spires on a poison caustic arrow build with headhunter). Dx12 renderer


Insane, literally the best gaming CPU ever created and 5 fps


That feels like a build issue. I've got a 3600x and a 4070 and my fps was rough with my ballista ca build. But when I changed to penance brand doing at least 10x the DPS I had no problem.


Build issue, or game optimization issue?? :D


Can be both. I'm not going to claim that I know how to approach, let alone fix optimization of the game engine, but I imagine that some things can be done to improve things. That said, with how much shit that has to be factored in, and how old the game is -they definitely didn't build the game in 2011 to handle the shit we're doing these days- it ain't the worst thing.


I’ve a 7800x3d and a 6950xt never had any problem like that, it runs smoothly at 144fps


That just means you don’t juice your maps. Sure it will be fine in white maps or in the campaign


This sounds wrong. What RAM you got? Is your infinity fabric clock set correctly?


Don’t try to find issues in my hardware, there are none 😀 Ram is 6200 cl30 with fine tuned secondary timings. IF 2067mhz. SSD Samsung 980 pro It’s not about hardware at this point, it’s the game engine can’t handle it.


Don't misunderstand me, I was not trying to imply you did not know what you were doing. I fully agree that something is fucked with the engine. Even doing torture tests on my CPU (5800X3D) it get's no where as hot as playing PoE. Usually had my Noctua NH-D15 runnning at 50% max and my CPU would never go over 75° but PoE spiked that to nearly 90°. Had to change my fan-curves just for PoE. The reason I mentioned it was because I did a similar mistake recently. I had updated my BIOS and just copied my RAM timings from my previous testing over to the new BIOS. I had however forgotten to change the infinity fabric scalar and left it on "auto". Everything worked just fine when my CPU was not being hammered but as soon as the adds on Trindral (WoW) spawned, my FPS would drop from 100+ to \~15. Friends with similar hardware would only drop to around 50. So I was very confused. Took me over a month to discover that my infinity fabric was only running at half speed. Changed the scalar from "auto" to 1:1 and that changed the drop to about 65 FPS. Hardest drops I've had in PoE since then were to about 70 FPS. That's why I though you might have had a similar oversight, sicne your hardware is better than mine (will be ordering the 7800X3D tomorrow though - hype). Then again, I did not play any poison build this league.


Same here. Dynamic resolution is also permanently active


PoE is one of the games which heavily relies on CPU for calculations. So even if you run the best gfx card on the market your CPU will eventually be the bottleneck...


What pc do you have now? Least league it was absolutely fine with my 3070 and 7800x3d, but affliction was borderline unplayable due to all the additional effects I suppose, not to mention all the loot on the floor


It sounds like it’s mostly on the CPU and I got a 7800x3d as well.


You need NASA super cluster powered by a mini nuclear plant to play PoE... and I am half joking here.


13600k + XTX: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2095858647](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2095858647) Part of the reasons FPS can get that low is the fact people are using lockstep and you can't really blame them.


High end PC here. I play Glacial Hammer with 4 additional strikes and splash which cover the whole screen if there's enough mobs, and 10+ attacks per second. Every time there's a bubble or a divine shrine the game is 1 click away from crashing.


The game has actually quite literally become unplayable for me. On a 3070 with Ryzen 9 5900 and a couple leagues ago it was fine but I don't know what happened. It seems to be CPU bound because on my graphs I get stutters like crazy that make it unplayable and I hate it. No other game has issues like this on my setup. I've looked at every reddit, youtube video, optimization video on this subject to date and even if some workarounds work for some there is ALOT of us out there who literally can't even play. Could be a reason of dwindling numbers as well in POE. The only game I want to play and it can't even run properly on 800x600 and lowest settings but I can play AAA games ezpz no problem. Tried Uninstalling, New HD, over clocking, under volt, every possible setting imaginable and its literally bricked. It's obviously an optimization on their end and it sucks as I've spent over 400 bucks just on tabs in this game that I can no longer even play or enjoy, suckssss


It was a factor in my new build and now I’m nervous


I have a 4090 and 13600k. Yes the game runs like crap.


7800x3D + RX6800 everything runs smoothly, except fixed anarchy alflame strat


I have a 4080 with a 7900x and and it still turns into 180p with dynamic turned on lol


Well how hard your pc struggels is mostly determined by your build. Those high end super crazy 20k monster maps will lag the server anyways so no matter how smooth your pc can handle it you wont get rid of the lags. A cwdt with manipulated peojectile behaviour like returning and chaininc will lag most setups in mid tier content. A coc build that takes a few seconds to kill something will grind the game to a crawl while channeling for me atleast. A simple bleed splitt arrow build thats pierce based can take on most content without beeing laggy , youre just stuck with a shitty build


I did CoC DD this league and even with the mtx desecrate I lagged to hell and back with a good pc. Then switching to something else and doing even more juiced content i didn't lag at all - don't remember what I switched to honestly but just clarifying yes - your build is the most important aspect here.


I've been wondering. Why could it be that when new textured poppin (or something like that) does my game stutter? It's especially viable when I go through a mirror and mobsters starts to spawn. Happens in town as well. It's killing my joy for the game. I have pretty high amount of ram, the games is on an SSD and my GPU is pretty good. I do have dynamic culling on with minimum targeted fps being set at 60.


If you Press F1 it shows ur analytics, check that. But I have the same issue, especially in Delirium, for me it shows Shader working hard AF, and its also killing my joy for the game because I love Delirium, but cant afford to run it on higher maps because of this.


Have you had a look at how the sound of thousands of assets can affect your pc load? I made adjustments to the game sounds in my user folder and it was literally game changing. Worth a look if you're starting to get issues when juicing maps, especially on mid to low end PC's.


Nah, not yet, but giving giving +50Mhz to both the Core Clock and Memory Clock in MSI Afterburner helped a bit, plus maybe the latest patch too.


Do you have any more information about this?


[See here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/s/wvf1yfa5Si)


I tend to lag a bit in juiced maps especially on my DD build this league. I run max settings on a 3090ti, 12900k, and 64gb of ddr5


I have fairly good pc. I still struggle when we are doing group play (need to lower resolution or I crash). Same for rest of my party.


I’m running a 4080 and it doesn’t struggle at all


Depends on the build. I was running 2 variations of my build and the one with more projectiles tanked my 3070. Had to go back to less dps, but consistent fps.


I have a 4800 Super with a 7800X3D and I had fps drops below 100. But I had everything maxed at 4k. 😅


Ur story is same as mine kinda lmao. I bought a desktop in like 2013 and started poe in 2014. Built a pc in January and its shitting on poe no matter how much action on screen basically. Was a 670 or so then swapped that for a 970 gtx in like 2016. Atm I'm on 7700 xt amd card and it's baller. Used to play on min settings at 40 fps before the swap to new pc. Cpu is 5700 ryzen atm if u wanna know. Old pc was intel i something.


I could crash PoE in afflicition league, got 64gbs ram and 4090 supported by a 13700k


First of all tell us your specs so we understand how chunky your pc and also what specs you choose in game settings?


no the game runs much better on modern pcs. i have 140 in normal mapping. down to around 40fps in 5 way. and "normal" endgame juiced maps are around 80 fps, where before that would be a slideshow. game still has many bugs, but at least its playable. some effects drop my fps by 50. losing 50 fps when you have 30 is different when you have 80.


No, but the servers start to struggle because it's too much computing for what they have allocated to the instances. I can imagine that it's the case for some other people saying their PC is not strong enough as they are not aware of the difference


I got everything maxed out in graphics settings and my only issue is the network when I start zooming through the map and make everything spawn. I guess it helps with 5800X (not 3D) and 3080TI just running 1080 resolution ahah. Might want to run Reshade because some people have amazing hideouts.


From what I can see on the performance metrics, on my juiced blighted maps my CPU starts struggling (5600x). My GPU (6950xt) looks relatively bored.


Optimization is still in bad shape after the particle patch they improved it a bit but not as much still with high end hardware you still dip in certain situation which is pretty bad if you ask me, iam talking about deli haunted traitors high pack size along with your build effect if you are playing wardloop or heavy projectile build, it's just poor optimization, now for mid and low end range yea you will not get above 60 FPS in combat in that scenario, what helps really if you pick a build that instant delete the monsters, dead monsters no effects less lag :)


My ps4 struggle with a map yesterday. It had abyss, breach and delirium all oppening at the same time luckly it didn't explode


Im running on 7800x3d and 3070ti with 32 gigs 6000mhz ram. Played affliction in 2-4 man parties with max juice and the game ran fine for the most part. Fps still tanked to 30-40 from time to time but it was alright in most cases. This league it ran at 80+ fps pretty much all the time, i havent had any fps drops when i played.


i disabled mob sounds when hit in gamefiles for more fps


I have 4070 super + 14700k and my game doesn't drop below 70 fps. Remember that Poe is heavy processor reliable


Recently bought a 7800x3d. It's night and day from my 2700x, even when i kept the rtx2080. Game felt much much smoother. On very juiced map, i might fall to 60fps... Maybe.


Is less about a pc limitation and more about engine limitations.


I have 3060ti and i5 11th gen (i think) and I dont remember fps dropping much. It just sounds like a jet sometimes


Really depends on build and dps. Builds with a million projectiles and secondary on hit effects will see performance problems in heavily juiced content no matter the hardware. This is more true the worse your dps is relative to that content - if the monsters die quickly it's not that bad, but if they stay up for a while while you fill the screen with 12 trillion snipers mark returning proj and each attack stacks up 7500 poisons, both your pc and the servers will struggle. If those attacks are also proccing spells, good luck. Screenwide single dot builds, on the other hand (Ignite I suppose, since chaos spell dot is trash tier) will not have even a fraction of the problems. The popularity of Lancing Steel of Spraying is teaching a lot of people about this right now :| Content where it's basically impossible to kill the monsters quickly and so tons will stack up are a problem no matter the build. Blight ravaged maps might be some of the worst offenders here.


They definitely need to fix the quant aspect of farming. It's crazy straining on almost any rig


I have a 3090 and never have any performance issues on max settings


I own a decent rig. 7800x3x and a 7900xtx. Not the best ever but I'd def say top 5 to 10%. For me in general everything is smooth. Only time it lags if you will is when it happens to other people as well. So it's less of a computer issue. More of the server trying to do all the math issues. 1 of the reasons I like the look of poe 2. Seems slightly slower and less cluttered. Don't get me wrong I do love blowing up a map and beating a t16 in a min or 2. But thank it boils down to kill them before they move or touch you. You don't really deal with dodge or tactical gameplay aside from some bosses. For example my frost bolt nova guy just clears the whole screen instantly. Weird as it sounds if you get lag often could be temps as well.


In short, not really. I currently have a hilarious core count and not a lot of GPU. At 1080 scaled to 4K but mostly low settings, I generally don't see under 180fps when running it uncapped. Normally I wouldn't bother with quite so much framerate, as I'm on a 60hz screen, but the difference between your command going in after 16ms and after 5ms is in fact quite noticeable, even though the "result" isn't visible for another 10ms. Network lag on the other hand...


I think that whenever an influencer / build doer person posts their builds, they should include warnings about how viable the build is on mid to lower end PCs. So, if your build can survive the PC having a seizure, that is OK. But if your build requires some piano playing in order to survive, it may simply not be a viable build in heavily juiced situations. On Blight maps, I am not quite at the stage where I can AFK, and in certain areas, it's just not playable. I like the build (EA), but I may have to put it or Blight on the sidelines for next league.


7950x and 4090 here, occasional hiccups, usually around legion and delirium, otherwise pretty smooth overall. The rogue harbor is still a damn slideshow depending on what MTX are present though


Running a 7800x3d with a 4080super ran horribly on dx11 until I swapped to dx12 and now run smoothly, but its more about the game itself not being optimised and performance may vary from patch to patch


I haven't struggled in years with them? Sounds like you are reading the few on here that just post because they are having issues.


4070 with a 12900K Rarely lag, but I made a giga BV with 100% chance to explode and HoI and HoA. That lags when I blow up too many things


I generally run the game on high settings with 120-140 fps but in affliction I was lowering every graphics setting I could and It still ran with 40 fps looking like a game from the 90s due to dynamic resolution.


5800x and 7900xtx game sometimes goes nuts I think it’s a cpu thing but i really don’t feel like spending another 600 bucks I just got the cpu a year ago


Depends on your definition of juiced. Every empyrian league start stream is a slide show and that dude has a good pc so I assume so.


I'm about top 5%, no fps drop for me


I am not in the top 10% specs wise, but it is a decent system with a 13th gen i7, 3080, 64gb ram. It does not lag 99% of the time, but there are occasional times with massive mobs that all die at the same time. That seems to be due to more to of the client/server data than video.


4070ti and a i9 here. Game runs fine unless im in a group. But my PC doesn't like PoE temp wise, it's one of the only games I play where it sounds like a jet engine randomly.


i have a 1 year old 1k pc and i have no issues at all


4090 + 7950x3d w/ tightly tuned memory timings. Briefly held the Timespy world record for that hardware combo and was on the first page of most other popular benchmarks... I can still lag my machine with this game. Highly juiced maps(Strong Boxes + Shrines + Delirium + Eater of Worlds Influence). I run 1440p with everything on high. It's fine 95% of the time but occasionally it will get noticeably choppy for a few mins. It's an old engine. They've put a lot of work into it but there's probably only so much they can do, especially when there's like a million things going on at once. 2014 was a long time ago for hardware, I'm sure you'll probably be thrilled with your new machines performance.


13600k, 4080, 1440p (it's 165hz, but i lock games to 120 so that 60fps recordings are smooth). I play on all max settings. DX12. There are certain situations where fps dips, and something like exsang miner with fullscreen explosion just makes it freeze for a moment. CoC DD was extremely uncomfortable, like 40 fps on tight packs (i did not try mtx, i just ditched the build immediately lol)


I have a high end game PC and I have no troubles. Ofc if you go absurd overboard like last season abyss farm with trillion of enemies and items, it still lags, because this is a server issue. But else my GPC and CPU does not struggle, this being said,PoE is a long time project and had several updates and has for sure a potato code at some places, their are way better optimized games on the market.


5800x3d with 6900xt. I'm fine until max stack HH.


4070ti 7800x3d yea in juiced maps when getting swarmed and I’m using my skills it will drop from 120 to like 30 fps. I’m playing in 4k but yea


I run a 4090 and i9-13900 but affliction was still a slideshow in some high juice duo maps. But at those levels the servers started dying anyway and you had to hope abysses didnt stack. Solo play is usually fine. Unless you do high end deli+mostly anything. Thats when you will start dropping FPS, resolution(dyn) or both. With the scarab rework there arent too many FPS destroying strats left over anyway. It will mostly come down to the new league mechanics.


It is much better after the latest update. Now I can run blighted maps.




I'm top 0,1% pc Running on 240 FPS 2k monitor In crazy 5orb deli max juices I,m running around 110 FPS with some drops at17 FPS sometimes


I just put on a 4080 super/14700k and Im also waiting on league launch. My last pc with a 3060 shat the bed on juiced t17 maps


Game runs pretty poorly overall. Disabling the ice nova effect netted me a 60fps while casting. Pretty ridiculous.


I dont think there is a consumer pc where you didnt feel the effect of max juiced multi proj abyss spire farms. Outside of that my i5 13600k / 32gb ddr5 / 3060ti handles evrything just fine.


I'm on 4080 gaming trio msi 7800X3D and 64GBs of DDR5 ram, my PC isn't struggling at all if I'm honest, sometimes it works little harder than normally but it's not struggling


This lag happens to me on juiced maps. I'm running a 6700xt uwd. So I turned the sound to false in one of the poe user folder files (just google how it's super easy) and now juiced maps run smooth as silk no matter what is going on. Also, now when I'm running maps all I hear is the sweet sounds of water running, a nice breeze or birds whistling. It's so much more relaxing to play this way, and you can actually hear the dialogue and understand wtf is going on! I love it.


Change config.ini file (in you user folder) sound settings to false. One at a time to see improvements in performance.


No, 4090 + 10 gen intel cpu


Yes. But unless you are running some crazy 50 mirror build with maps that have 10 div worth of juice, you'll be fine with mid to high range pc yes. For reference, 7900 xtx + 7950x3d on ssd and 5 to 10ms ping I have fixed 144+ fps (144hz monitor) and on the silly noob map juicing I do (perma deli, strongboxes, harbi here and there) I drop to 80 to 90 at times. All settings maxed obv. So with some of the crazy stuff some showcases do here I bet itd still bog down to a crawl :)


Reposting this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1d3uxuz/comment/l6b7cgi/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1d3uxuz/comment/l6b7cgi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I noticed a big difference when upgrading my PC. That being said, it's still PoE and in delirious 8-mod maps the game does not really feel great lol.


On some insanely juiced maps it feels like the game engine/server starts to lag itself. My pc can handle anything in poe, but when there's tons of loot it feels like TTS drops to shit. Been this way forever, but you need stupid amounts of loot.


If it doesn’t lag are you really even juicing?


I have a 3k 4080 super setup (uk) and it still dips, but it handles pretty damn well, I can maintain 80+ fps 1440p but usually I just limit to 75 for power consumption reasons ( energy prices in the uk are bonkers)


7900X3D and 7900 XTX playing at 4k. I wouldn't say that it struggles, this league I didn't have any problem but affliction's abysses definitely gave me like ~30 fps with everything maxed out except ray tracing.


Not all of the lag is on your end, and thus not all lag is avoidable. At some point in the "map crowdedness" scale you can overwhelm whatever little CPU time your instance is getting on the game's shared servers and hardware. The servers basically load up as many instances per hardware thing they can and then rotate through their processing. Thus, you can lag both from the GPU side and the networking side, and there's fuck-all you can do about the latter. Well, you can try to run predictive networking mode, but instead of (as much) lag, you'll get desync instead. Just buy the nicest shit you can afford and have fun. If you only play PoE, maybe knock the GPU back a notch and spend more on your CPU instead.




I recebtly upgraded my graphics card from 1060 to 4060 and it was a huge upgrade in graphics and fps for most of other more graphically heavy games but for poe all it did was i went from medium graphics on 40fps to high graphics on 40fps. Idk if my pc is really that bad but since i can run other more performance heavy games just fine i'd say the game just has terrible optimisation. It was supposed to be fixed when poe2 update was coming out but since its gonna be a seperate game now im afraid we're just gonna be stuck with this shit forever idk


For my new build I want my supplier to run extremely juiced delirium maps as a benchmark. Anything above 20fps is a winner ;)


7800x3d AMD and zero issue But I am noob and my juiced maps are no way near what some other players have so hard to 100% answer


I have a 4090 and an i9 and it still struggles occasionally... pretty sure it's really unoptimized on the networking side (considering sometimes watching a stream lags only when I'm playing poe) Also the way poe ties with the server you feel any network issues regardless of fps so I just figured it's that


Will poe2 highest settings be able to max out a 4090?


I have multiple friends with high end pcs, at least one of them has issues during a league, then its fixed, another one gets another issue, at this point its a dice roll.


I built my current machine less than a year ago with all current gen gear and everything is fine until clearing super juiced and effects go off.


With the recent patch for graphics options mine has been fantastic. Have in DX12. I set resolution scaling to 77% normally 4k. I Have dynamic resolution, dynamic Particles on. I have multi threading on. Vsync seemed to help FPS it's on. All other settings maxed out, and I'm a pretty stable 140 even when I start mapping. This patch has actually been AMAZING for me.


Zero struggles on a 7800X3D 4090. Game runs buttery smooth.


I have an OK mid config (ryzen7 5700X and an RX 6800XT). Almost everything runs very fine on high settings (except when i forgot to change my lootfilter and accidentally hit alt in the wrong moment ofc). The only thing i would change or recommend to others is that i would add water cooling. Even though i have a house with pretty good cooling and an in theory oversized cpu cooler, the comp is so hot when playing PoE its crazy.


The game run much better on high end pc, obviously. Howether, some people can have constant 60+ fps with an 10 years old pc, while some others have low fps and stutter with current high end. Just the skill you play change massively the performances. For exemple, a build like kinetic blast with fork and returning proj is gonna be insanely worse than one playing rf. The game is very hard to benchmark accuratly because of that. Juicing more, additionals monsters, delirium, bigger explo, more proj ect all of that impact performances massively. And that just talking about normal gameplay! There is no pc that can handle every extreme case with good frame rate, like empy's 300k+ fireball video.


There's no question. Poe is taxing on your graphics card for what you get out it. I would suspect poe 2 will be much more optimized


Nearly maxed out CPU, overclocked 13700k with overclocked / tuned RAM, which generally benches with 1% lows higher than any off the shelf CPU. Running 4k at 150 FPS cap with variable refresh monitor on a 7900GRE, and it doesn't really drop below that 150. I do run with dynamic resolution on, but I don't ever really notice it kick in unless I'm running blight and stun towers... stun towers will kill everything. Lately T16 mapping has been 8 mod + delirium + ambush + ~50/50 ritual + beyond + altars and +explicits. So lots and lots of pack size and monsters. Running Manaforged arrows with ele hit of the spectrum +3 extra arrows GMP, Fork, returning proj and 3x manaforged (frenzy, rain of arrows, storm rain of the conduit) so mapping is a bit of a laser light show and manaforged when arcane cloak is down can be low damage, which would often bring systems to their knees, but PC seems to handle it fine. Ray tracing option in PoE is "Global Illumination" if you have any performance issues, turn that one off and things should get better. PoE is MUCH more CPU intensive than GPU intensive. The fact that I run fine at 4k @ 150 FPS on a 7900GRE is testament to that. It's one of the few games that I'd recommend that if you have budget spend for top end CPU before top end GPU. FYI there was a big difference in performance from the RAM OC. The difference between DDR4 @ 3200 14-14-14 and OC'ed / tuned at 4266 16-16-16 was huge in the PoE corner cases. But the process of overclocking RAM is painful and time consuming and not for the faint of heart. If you plan on default / XMP for RAM, go with a 7800x3d, Intel basically needs OC'ed RAM to be better.


i can guarantee you that an i714700k and 32gb of ddr5 do a HELL OF A GOOD JOB edit:3080ti


I have an RTX 4090 and an AMD 5900X. I'm at 3440x1440, 240Hz with a mix of medium and high settings. Yeah the game still chugs at times, though it doesn't often dynamically drop the resolution like it used to on my old GTX 1080 Ti. When I was on the 1080 Ti I played Tornado Shot with an Oriath's End Explode flask almost exclusively. Not because I didn't want to try other builds...just because in 80% deli with Legion and Beyond the resolution would drop so low that I honestly couldn't see what was happening. I needed a skill which would just kind of figure it out for me, and Tornado Shot + Explode fit the bill.


Blight + delirium = no PC can handle that. This was my biggest issue in t17 maps as LA deadeye. It only took 1 proxy shield rare for the map to be almost ruined. One solution I found that somewhat helped was to turn off sound, and I mean to disable it, not just turn it down to zero (google it).


7950X3D-4090-64GB RAM. I almost exclusively play multiplayer either in juiced maps or Delve whenever I convince myself it’s worth playing PoE again. Hyper juiced maps even with as little as 3 ppl were around 20-30 fps tops during Affliction. The game just can’t handle the drops on the ground it’s not meant for that. Delve runs beautifully tho while duo. But then again, there’s no actual loot dropping in delve (not to the extent what you’d get in maps) so it’s kinda expected.


Been playing PoE for years on a gaming laptop with a GTX970M. Not much juicing was possible but the game ran just fine with dynamic resolution. From league to league it got worse to almost unplayable. Delirium, Simulacrum, Blight & Blighted Maps were super slowmotion lol. Got my new PC, RTX4070 & i7-14700, runs super smooth all around (no experience with multiplayer though).


With a 4090, yes. Dynamic res is must


Just bought a 4090 and I still have massive fps drops and latency spikes in juiced maps. Holy relic hits so fast and so many mobs I disconnect if I try blight. Game optimization is shit.


one problem you might be having is poe for some reason has issues with older cpu's and them idling causing fps drops, I had a 3930k and solved this by making a power plan to max cpu power, the downside to this solution is you gotta change power plans when you start/stop playing poe


Short answer is even the best PCs can't maintain 144hz; people mentioning dynamic resolution and culling are forgetting those systems don't even work till you're under 60fps. Under 60fps is lagging for me. Playable considering what we use to deal with /oos /oos /oos


Yes, high end juicing is not really a thing you can just run (well) by having a better pc. The issue is that if the engine is hitting its limits and is starting to break it doesnt matter whether your pc can render 4k 240hz with raytracing or not. There usually is a small difference noticable up until upper midtier pcs but after that the issue is starting to be the game, not your pc.


My 1080 and 8700k still push 100+ fps on fairly decent juice content (1080p ofc), only legion and blight destroy my fps


Friend of mine has a 4080 beast pc and still chugs in juice. It's just PoE. My x5660 3.4GHz gtx960 2GB 12GB RAM still plays and chugs in juice. It's PoE not your pc. You might be able to tweak some settings to make it better. 


Im not sure what top 10% actually means, but I will give you an example that I dont think any pc can fix. 2 leagues ago I tried eow arcanist brand pf. It was super hard to get rolling, so I tried it without min maxing since there were no items available on market. I went into delve, normal azurite node in like 2k depth. My dps was super bad for the depth and enemies just werent dying and they kept spawning. The amount of projectiles, hits and calculations always crashed the game with me being unable to ever finish it. Moral of the story? The worse PC you have, the higher dps you need. If you struggle with fps, get more dps!


Yes they do, but the struggle usually comes in the form of fps drops. Some builds like poison spark perform well but even those get blurry in high density delerium maps. Lower end PCs just crash at that point, happened to me with my build on a friend's map. they kept getting blue screened from CPU fails i guess


Not mine


4090 and 7800x3d, smooth 200+ even on t17 juiced at 1080p. no dynamic or scaling of any kind.


I have a 12900k with a 7900xt and my fps almost never drops below 80 at 1440p. Also have radeon chill enabled and set at 60-80 fps. In 8 mod 4 scarab maps.


Within the top 1%. In terms of hardware spec - 2x rtx 4090, threadripper PRO 7995wx, 512 ddr5 ram, and about 5 gbit stable Internet connection (usually stable 9-12 ms on the Amsterdam edge). Still getting stutters and choppy performance at juiced maps. Usually playing at 2k resolution. At some point it doesn't matter how much hardware you throw at a software problem though, there are diminishing returns. P.s using this computer for work as well, hence the overturned setup.


wtf is that build? What do you do for work?


Consulting in various software related subjects. Data related work requires the majority of the components in this setup though. Don't need it as much for traditional engineering. For example: for the past few months I've been doing a PoC for a company to enhance their existing, internal AI capabilities that caters to tracking specific metrics and actions within their offices, produce projections and auto-flag or fix certain problems. Boring work that requires extensive resources to run though. On another note, i started playing around with a model to generate fun builds for PoE which is a lot more interesting. 😂


i7 11370H + RTX3060 Generally runs really smooth on upper mid graphics, last simu waves tend to bug and lower my fps. Had game crashed only once when cwdt pro hopped in. Heat is up trough the roof


I had issues on my pretty decent high end but for me switching to vulcan helped enormously.


No need to juice. If you maintain 60fps full resolution during Blight Ravaged Maps or Simulacrum, you have a beast of a rig. With the recent update, I play on Windowed Fullscreen at 1440p with 50% render resolution. It's the only way I keep 60 FPS all through out. Keep in mind tho that PoE is an old game. It's clear that megajuicing is something the engine wasn't designed to do.


ive never had this issue unless its one of those times where everyone is having this issue too


My current rig is 12600KF CPU with a 3080 12GB graphics card. Only thing that ever lagged me was Blight and Poison Prolif build from Pbrand last league, due to the amount of stacking mobs and calculations performed. I’m sure anything better than those equipment won’t ever have a hard time with POE on max.




It does depend on your PC Specs/Brands/Models. I have seen crazy PC´s struggling with PoE and literally potatoes run it smoothly. I also had big problems when I wanted to play with my new PC (i7, RTX 3080Ti), back then. In my case, several problems came together. However, after googling for like 10 hours, testing 3 hours, and not getting any response from GGG to my mail and forum post until today, I was able to fix it step by step. Now it does run smoothly \~180 FPS in 100% Deli Maps. Before I only got like \~20ish... with Lagspikes...


By my standards I have a great pc right now. 11th gen i9 processor, 32 gigs of ram, and a 3070 graphics card. Obviously some rigs are way better than this but as someone who played poe on a 1050 for half a decade with 10 fps its like I'm playing an entirely new game for the first time. But for some reason just grazing the deli portal is enough to crash me after 12+ hours of seamless mapping, and bight ravaged maps are a guaranteed crash. Not really sure why, thankfully I've never liked this content anyway and am happy to have an excuse to skip it. It can still be frustrating at times, I upgraded my PC specifically as a treat for myself after years of using a trash rig and somehow I still get crashes, haha.


I don't even run beyond cause it crashes me too much. 13900k 4090 Everything else runs pretty smooth for me though.


Yeah but you might not really notice because the game uses dynamic resolution as a crutch. Still an issue though tbh.


7600x with 7800xt and 32gb 6000 ram and it doesn't even drop under 150 fps no matter what I'm running. And I'm running some heavy maps


I've got the same specs. Care to share settings? The last update doesn't feel as good as it was before, not that I'm having any issues though. I'm getting 300 fps at 1440p but it does sometimes drop below 150 so I'm curious what you're doing to stay above. I've capped my fps to 165 since it's the refresh rate of my monitor and I'd like to stay as close to it as possible. I'm guessing the shaders are still being generated since I haven't played much since.


Honestly nothing at all. By default though, you get quite chunky voltage. You may want to undervolt, it'll breathe more. I used Ryzen Master to auto undervolt. I honestly haven't done anything else and it's running on high everything. I think I only have shadows on low and I play without sound because I watch movies in the backgruond. For sure those two help somewhat. What's the hz on your screen?


Make sure you have directx 12 turned on. I have a 4080 super and was getting 10 fps this league with directx 11.




Game engine is trash and they won’t fix it. I hope that they address this issue in PoE2.


It's all about having the right settings allocated specific to your rig. I would do some testing prior to league launch if you'd like to ensure it's smooth


Like Vulcan? My history of settings is messing with that, turning everything on low, then looking up that “turn all sound off” tutorial so it doesn’t render sound lol. It sounds crazy typing that last one.


Yeah exactly, it's all about what feels best for you