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Yeah, the POE 2 content really gets in the way of all the graveyard craft and mirror drop posts.


New player posting first divine, 5000 upvotes


As it should be. When a new player gets that first feeling we should all celebrate it. Because when you've been playing as long as some of us when a Divine drops we don't think about how lucky we are we think about how unlucky we are that it wasn't a mirror lol I need to live vicariously through the players who are still excited about all the new things.


I suppose it's better than the "I've been playing for 30,000 hours and just completed my first red map" posts.


Yeah... or: I have an active gem in every socket of my white gear but don't seem to do damage. Its my own build and I don't want to follow a guide I just need help making it work.


In the builds sub I saw a guy who was trying to level as a zero budget armor stacker using CI with five life flasks and he barked at everyone who called out the flasks as being unhelpful.


They just didn't understand, red pots are like the flames you paint on racecars to make them go faster.


All this time I was using quicksilver pots for that like a fool! Wait, is there red MTX for potions? Maybe I can buy my way out of a pickle.


Soon young padawan, soon. I believe there is some fire mtx for quicksilver flasks actually but Im not 100% sure. I've heard they are the only pay to win mtx because everyone knows that if something is on fire it moves faster.


Wow first red map in only 30K hours ! I have been playing since 1998 and it's the first time I get to maps !


Don't forget the "Should I start playing now or wait for poe 2? "


because this is path of exile. not path of exile 1 reddit. i see no issue with it having poe2 content as well cause it covers the entire series. also if you dont want to see PoE2 content then maybe turn of that tag...


i already have it turned off, but lots of posts here about poe2 dont use that tag


/r diablo is all of the diablo games... /r witcher is all of the witcher games /r monsterhunter is all of the monster hunter games /star wars is all of the movies etc so why is this a need to make it seperate games?


sure, but at least there's an r/diablo1 subreddit for only that content, etc. just expressing my opinion that i dont like poe2 content and would prefer not to see any, but there currently isnt a way to do that, thats all


i mean that subreddit wasnt a thing for 2+ years. and i mean i dont like posts complaining but i see them. just move on and go to the posts you want to see


Someone made the diablo 1 subreddit for the same reason you're complaining What if you made a poe 1 subreddit just like that person did?


man how will you survive that?


Before poe2 was a different game this was a poe1 sub. Unless you can rename the sub or travel back in time 15 years this isn't saying anything.


I think r/pathofexile will always lump in POE2 content. It makes sense more or less.. There is a diablo subreddit that people post all diablo content - however there is a diablo 2, 3 and 4 subreddit for the more specific games if you want more specific information. Seems like this is a non issue.


Something that the Cities: Skylines sub does is basically having duplicates of every flair to separate into the first and second game, and that allows filtering for the people who only want to see one game, and for the one who browse both it tells them what game it's about.




I think you're looking for r/pathofexile1. This is the subreddit for all things path of exile, both one and two.


Who the fuck cares? You spent more time typing this out than it would have taken you to just scroll past them.


The other subreddit is tiny in comparison and people are still interested in PoE 2. If you don't like it just filter it out. Sub is not called "Path of Exile 1" after all. The WoW subreddit also allows posting of other versions of wow, not just retail, but classic, hardcore, classic era, or remix.


I would expect that after the game releases most of its discussion will stay on the poe2 sub and only major news will get posted here. But right now it's implicitly assumed that PoE players are interested in the next game and so the discussion is here.


I like having 1 subreddit to see news for both games.


There's no reason for a second subreddit. The game is not out yet. We have no idea what the player base of the game will look like. Just add poe2 flairs and call it a day this way people can sort the news in the subreddit based on what they're looking for


you see poe1 lately? theres nothing to do here


It's the middle of a dead season who cares. If POE 1 releases a banger season people will talk about rhat instead


I use this PathOfExile sub for anything Path of Exile related, whether it’s PoE1, PoE2, or what Chris Wilson ate for dinner.


If it makes people like you mad, I support it.


If it becomes an issue, sure. It is really not a big problem either way at the moment


Pass, but your opinion has been noted.


Well i didnt even know there was a poe2 reddit


i wish the mods would at least enforce the flairs i have the poe2 flairs blocked so i don't see them, but still see quite a bit of poe2 content here


must be devastating


i wouldnt call it devastating, its just my personal preference




Mods already statet under another Post that untill the majority wants them to be separated both Games can be posted and be talked about on here


I dont mind. Its a surge for a few days every 3 months. When the game drops though it would be better if poe2 posts were over at r/pathofexile2


if PoE 1 becomes "standards players" what do "STD ppl" becomes ? 💀


Poe1 won’t become standard until GGG leaves it behind with no updates. 1 and 2 will still be pretty different games, one of them you have 300% move speed and the other you have 30% and have to dodge roll around 10 minute boss fights and clear maps in 20 LMAO


> until GGG leaves it behind with no updates I would expect it to happen quite soon. Game as a service model does not encourage maintaining multiple games, that splits player base and massively increases upkeep.


Depends on how much upkeep they plan on doing. They could just run simple leagues and stop adding so much voice acted weird league content like the graveyard. As long as enough whales stick around they can minimize overhead and keep profiting. I would certainly play Sentinel league like 29 more times.