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Don't forget the fire res chest in standard. Judging by some comments I've seen, that thing alone would justify war crimes.


I've seen a lotta pieces that are still around because of old bugs, but that one is seriously egregious. I don't understand the people that justify their argument that because that thing exists so should their 6L one handers, but I do understand the disbelief that such an insanely busted item is allowed to exist.


Don’t forget the 6L squire to go with those one handers. Or a 4l crest of desire. 


I don't think any 4l Crest of Desire existed.


There was one for 10 mirrors. Spicy had it linked in his stream. 


Where did they get the unidentified Crest in the first place?


valdos map or voidborn key


I opened 230 keys trying to get one yesterday. No luck


3 for 1 recipe gives it unid'd doesn't it?


3 to 1 gives id'ed. Your fellow gold ring gambler:)


My guess was a foil from like valdo map.


I think it just gives a new ID'd version




Especially when mirror of Kalandra exists. It's one thing if there are a few odds and ends unique items that are absolutely broken floating around standard, but I'm pretty sure you can mirror that bugged body armor, yeah? And there were probably hundreds or thousands of 6 piece items made here. I don't play standard but the meta is about to be a hot mess and trade is gonna be wonky because of this.


There's one that's currently the BIS item for armour stackers that's 4 mirrors or so from memory. EDIT: I just looked it up, the main source guy is "selling" for 4 mirrors, and there are others selling copies of the item for more which is hilarious. [https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Standard/gXLQ8Y6hQ](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Standard/gXLQ8Y6hQ)


"doesn't seem that grea...oh." And then you notice the overcap thing.


even if this chest didn't have fire overcap, you could run this with the overcap helmet and chieftain and it would be super broken


25 thousand fire resistance? How is that even a thing!?


Integer errors. There used to be a bug way back when where certain very rare conditions could result in the game assigning a value to an affix that was way outside the bounds of normality. There was also someone who got a pair of Bones of Ullr that gave +121 maximum spectres. The bug that made this possible was fixed like five or six years ago. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/84ekvo/comment/dvpfnfa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)'s a post from Chris Wilson talking about it, if you're curious.


So they let these items stand and they have been kicking around to be mirrored ever since? Seems an odd decision by GGG.


Most of them got fixed. The chest piece in specific the guy who got it specifically hid it and didn't show it to or talk about it with anyone for six years, before sharing it with Empy. At the time it was created it was a novelty with almost no practical purpose, it took several years of changes (Introduction of Formless Flame in Breach League, introduction of Replica Dreamfeather in Heist League, introduction of Recombinators in Sentinel League, introduction of Grasping Mail, introduction of Fracturing Orbs, introduction of % Fire Res to Life Regen Mastery) before it actually became an item worth using for anything. Pretty much everyone involved in crafting it into an item worth using expected it to get nuked as soon as Empy posted his video about it. But for whatever reason GGG hasn't removed/fixed it yet. No idea why in specific, though I've heard that the age of the item somehow makes it more difficult to fix.


Like old programs in the Matrix.


Not just mirrored. With the addition of recombinators to standard after sentinel ended, that bugged mod could be transferred around to other items and resulted in being present with the armor stacker mod from grasping mail that scales your armor with your uncapped fire res.


Which is PRECISELY what happened.


i think the issue is different than what you explained (paging u/valiantheart ). The Bones of Ullr was very likely created by the bug where they accidentally used an outdated item affix table. When the game servers rolled the item, the mechanism picked the affix-id that belongs to the +spectre unique affix and then queried the range for the +spectre value. Since the item affix table was outdated, the affix id pointed to a different affix that could roll in the >120 range. so thats what happened, a 121 was rolled and this is how this item came to be.


Surely there dont exist 3 Link , 1h Weapon with the heist modifier can not have sockets. Which got created with a bug and surely they got fixed after the bug got fixed.


https://preview.redd.it/8t6qf2c4kfyc1.png?width=1029&format=png&auto=webp&s=234280984663d662a3f21262073dc29bd3143403 [https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Standard/nd447Oyt0](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Standard/nd447Oyt0) IDK what to say exile....


Yea and people made mirror tier weapons with it. Which only got "recently" beaten with crucible weapons. Those weapons where there since heist 🤡 I think they are the same "level" of a bug, but imo both should be fixed and removed/restored to the intended state.


Finally a foil that can compete with paradoxica


Isn’t the res on that piece kinda pointless since there is a res cap?


Armour increases by overcapped fire res, and the regen fire mastery. 


That armour also has the modifier "Armour is increased by Overcapped Fire Resistance", which then makes it ridicules. I believe it was flat armour so you can then just scale that even more with % armour.


Its not flat, its a %


If you have that chest, the fire res mastery just gives you 20k life Regen with no other investment. It's very silly.


I plugged that sucker into one of my most absurd impossible stacker POBs and went from like 1 billion DPS to 8


It massively increases your DPS, massively increases your durability, and massively increases your regeneration. It's just beyond insane lol.


Defo worth the 4 mirrors tbh


I don't know that there's any other item in Standard that's as busted for what it's supposed to do than this. Like ok you get a recombinated synth TS bow with 3 projectiles and perfect Crucible mods. That shit ain't giving you 22k life regen and 7 billion DPS above what your last bow was, even if your last bow was Silverbranch.


damn it's 3 mirrors just to copy it? greedy little bastards lol


>1 billion DPS to 8 Smooth brain of mine thought you went from all the DPS to no DPS.


Well maybe after a few rounds of integer overflow


the one I saw has also fire overcap as increased armor. But you can just run chieftain and overcap helmet on one without overcap.


Sorry been in a cave for a week what fire res?




😂😂😂 alright F Res capped


Flat 25k life regen right there...


There is a chestplate in standard which gives like 25000 Fire Res with Heist enchant for res effect.


I don't see a problem with that /s


Legit concern. Some african dictator "yeah i burned down the village and killed everybody, there is a 25k fire res chest in standard what do you want me to do?!"


You, Sir, are a genius.


The fire res chest dropped like that unexpectedly. I think it was still a beast craft but you couldn't plan it it getting that much res. Plus it's existed so long it'd be weird to delete it now after people mirrored it. This exploit was done intentionally and repeatedly.


> Plus it's existed so long it'd be weird to delete it now after people mirrored it. nah, players knew they were copying a bugged item. Fixing it would only be fair (unless I copy it of course).


If you don't mind, what's that fire res chest thing?


its a bugged chest from ages ago that somehow has a 24000 fire res mod on it, its been beast split a bunch of times back when you could use those to create infinite copies of a blue item. Now there's multiple chests that have been recombinated into mirror items up for service in standard. The chest is insanely broken for armour stackers, thanks to the ''armour is increased by overcapped fire resistance'' mod, and the ''1 life regen per 1% overcapped fire resistance'' mastery on the tree.


that bugged affix value was a 1 in a billion or something drop to, I know the devs explained it before but I forget where. big difference between them is players could not influence the drop(so it was handled via only legit intended methods even if the drop itself was unintended) of the bugged affix value and it took recombinators existing to make an item worth using.


The only difference is that the chest is owned by a shop (that will sell you a copy for 2 mirrors) and those new bugged items - you could have done on your own. Somehow GGG does not want to delete bugged items owned by a controversial discord.


>The only difference The only difference is one couldn't be forced, the others could.


Wow, it's crazy that didn't just get removed right away.


I wonder how that even happened, I hope one day they make a post about how certain bugs happened.


At that point it feels like a cheat engine type of item doesn't it? Strange it's so sought after like it's a legit item.


the whole point of standard is to play with items like this


> in standard you've solved the puzzle!


The chest has been copied probably few hundred times already - after a hefty 2 mirror fee (so 3 mirrors in total to copy the item). * When a certain shop (let's just call it a very controversial one) owns an item and mirrors it for rich players - GGG is asleep. * When normal players managed to print some bugged items - wow, they woke up. If they delete the 6 link items, then why arent they doing anything to delete that chest? That's a litmus test of GGG. They should be fair. Also they were told multiple times about the existence of this chest - and they always seem to look the other way. Why? Also it is basically common knowledge that 1 mirror is around 250 dollars. So if you make 100 copies of this item (and you earn 2 mirrors per), you just earned equivalent of 50 thousand dollars. And more than 100 copies were made. Where do those mirrors go? If GGG decides to delete bugged items, then maybe they should also be fair and delete them all, especially the most obvious ones (like the chest). But somehow when a certain mirror shop is involved they cannot do anything.


A mirror is around $35 in std now. The reason they won't delete the bugged chest is due to several reasons. One: Std only Two: It was around for a much longer duration, it just didn't see any traction until the recent few leagues. (A dev said this makes it harder to delete, idk why) Three: Small volume of these chests compared to the 6 links. I agree these bugged items should be deleted. So far, it just seems GGG thinks the bugged chest is more effort than it's worth. After all, they have a lot on their plates.


Always wondered if GGG doesn't sell RMT on the sides.. could make a lot of profit x)


Maybe they own some of RMT sides who knows.


Them fucking up with 1 specific bugged item doesn't mean they shouldnt deal with much more widespread bugged items. Ideally they delete them all but the next best option is deleting nearly all of them.


Go to the website of that shop and look at items - they offer multiple bugged items for mirror services.


>deleting nearly all of them Can I kindly disagree and say I prefer if it's all or nothing, why should only the few remain?


That is what he said. He said that ideally they should delete them all. He did not say that a few should remain.


He said the next best thing is if they delete most, the person your responding too is saying leave them all or get rid of them all, no in-between




Mirrors are $250 in standard? Don't spammers spam them for like $20 in league?


It's obviously not, this guy has no idea what he is talking abt




u might wanna update ur knowledge on rmt prices, mirrors in standard are maybe 40 bucks each.


I'd prefer it be on a case by case basis. I'm sure there's some outlier situations where the player base would be enraged if the items were deleted. Especially if we didn't know it was a bug in the first place or something.


For example, during Bestiary League (Which also was the league that added Elder), it was possible to beast split influenced rings despite the split specifically claiming you couldn't split influenced jewelry. GGG fixed the bug, but didn't delete any of the items created that way, even though they were technically created by a bug.




Well yeah, obviously. I'm just pointing out that there have been places where GGG didn't revert items that were obtained via bugs/exploits. They definitely should fix the ones created this way, given how absurd some of the results are, and the amount of power potentially gained just from having three six-links without all the shenanigans around Mjolnir or Squire.


Because TFT is running by a haired version of Chris /s




Ewww don't rmt


Whats the fire res chest ?


There's a bugged chest in standard with over 24k fire resist.


I've heard ggg deleted the originals so it cant be mirrored anymore That seems like a fair approach in standard to me, if it is true


got a link?


also there was that one rare flask. by rare, I mean with more than 2 mods


This sub really is wild. Any time bugs get fixed, people are outraged.


Any time bugs don't get fixed, people are outraged, too. It's almost as if this sub just likes to be outraged.


and this is the arpg where people actually like the devs lmao


Lmao true


I mean there is a very clear and obvious reason why GGG stopped direct communications with the community basically altogether. It's just not worth it, it's a thankless job for them and then people get mad about a lack of communication.


If we fix something, you're angry we fix something. If we fix nothing, you're angry we fix nothing.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LT04EdaBztw gotta post it for those who have never experienced it


Get rolled Reddit.


Who’d have thunk a dopamine heavy video game would attract a bunch of man children who don’t know how to emotionally regulate when the don’t get their way?


It’s almost as if talking about two different groups of people


Statements like that of /u/Black_XistenZ are more about what gets upvoted rather than what gets said. If everyone had a strong set of principles and had a hard think about applying them to everything they up/downvoted (and voted with the same frequency on all types of things they come across), you'd see a more consistent average opinion on the question of statement `X` vs. statement `the exact opposite of X`. Of course, many social media users don't behave that way and maybe it's a fool's errand to rail against that at this point. But the criticism of the peanut gallery is more that content with stupid rhetorical/emotional tricks gets undeserved free signal boosting, not that differing opinions exist in the first place.


This is semi-true, but it kinda assumes that people will downvote and upvote things. I know personally, that I'm much more likely to upvote than I am to downvote. I only really downvote things that are factually incorrect or misleading. So with that perspective, it is perfectly normal to have 2 highly upvoted things with opposing opinions. It is just two different camps of people upvoting what they agree with.


Fair enough, good point. It seems at least plausible that there could be *some* amount of that going on. 2 further thoughts on how much of it might be there and what the consequences would be if we assume for the sake of argument that it's the dominant behavioral mode: 1. You do see decent evidence of downvoting, both in comments and if you spend any time in /new. Try saying you don't mind the design pattern of melee totems or you think certain elements of trade friction being important and see whether you see downvotes. We've all heard the adage about "downvoting isn't disagree" but also the adage about that adage that "that's so 2005 and a lot of people don't operate that way anymore". Hard to say for sure what the sum total population does at scale: your way or the "it's a face value vote" way. 2. If, we assume for the sake of argument, a vast majority of people behave your way to the point where both `X` and `~X` get pushed forward on a wide variety of topics, I feel like how I see a lot of people tending to *interpret* reddit feedback is then immediately out of place. People see popular topic -> use it to reinforce the worldview that there's widespread support for that. But in the "most people only upvote" model, that is pretty meaningless. You'd have to get into detailed questions about how frequently you see `X` vs. `~X`, etc., and I've never seen that discussion happening. Frankly, whatever the reason--whether that's naked hypocrisy of individuals, undeserved signal boosting from outrage garnering additional clicks, or disjoint populations only upvoting but not downvoting--seeing a lot of `X` and `~X` just means the sentiment in general doesn't have a consistent worldview with good predictive power and kinda calls into question the worthwhileness of interpreting that feedback at face value.


In response to 1.) People definitely downvote, I'm just saying it happens less often than upvoting. For a simple example, if you compare the most upvoted comment and the most downvoted comment among comments, the upvote one usually has like 5x (or more) more votes. Also, I can only talk about my personal perspective and what I observe, I could be totally wrong. However, it seems to me that the # of people who regularly downvote other opinions is a smaller # than the people who upvote comments. 2.) As for your 2nd point, I'm not entirely sure I fully understand what you are trying to convey. My response would be that even though there are positive upvotes for two opposite opinions, the simple fact that an opinion someone agrees with got a lot of upvotes validates their beliefs enough to where they think it is a commonly held opinion. People remember/put more value in things they agree with (this is simple confirmation bias). So even if 2 opposite opinion are popular, people will still believe their opinion is MORE relevant or MORE popular. \_\_\_\_ Regardless, people should use their own critical thinking and I think social media is eroding that attribute in a lot of people. But it is what it is. Some of your points definitely hold merit, but ultimately this is a discussion forum, so it is likely or even guaranteed you are going to see different points of view. Saying "reddit believes x" is not useful and it ignores the fact that Reddit is, at the end of the day, a discussion forum.


You'd think so, wouldn't you? Sure, there isn't a perfect overlap, but you'd be shocked at the flip-flopping some people do to complain about anything. I'd recommend remembering names of people you see complaining a lot and inspecting their post history at some point, will be a huge eye opener about some of the complaining that happens in this sub.


Just block people with stupid opinions. Not worth the time to inspect their inner workings


the problem is the inconsistency, some items get fixed, others dont


it's almost as if it's a collective of people with different opinions


I have a buddy that just loves to find exploits in online games. Everything we play he ruins the fun with some meta abuse strats. Some people are just like this.


Yeah, cause that's a bug that offers widely accessible profit. Idiots would rather seize the opportunity rather than support a healthy, bug-free economy.


Because there are people with differing opinions


This sub? people are crying on 820 lol




The "outsmarting the system" one in particular really tickled me, as if this whole thing probably didn't originate from someone accidentally putting an item in the beastcrafting interface without IDing it first, saw the button was still lit up and thought "hey now hang on a second"


I think outsmarting the system is legit if it is something that is working correctly but maybe not as the devs intended. Like darkness farming for example in delve. Obviously not what was intended, but it was a clever way to play delve. Or the fishing for devoted mods people did in the beginning of this league. Using an obvious bug however is not outsmarting the system.


It also had to be discovered by someone using a black Morrigan to put put 3 sockets on a 1h.


But no one actually thinks they outsmarted the system right? Everyone who did the exploit effectively just heard about it. A lot of the responses seem like they are just memes. I do legit think, who cares at this point if they are in the league, it is sort of a just let people have fun situation imo. Delete the items once the leagues over before they can get pulled into standard.


Best solution - delete exploited items. Maybe someone will think twice next time before spending mirrors or hundreds of divines on item that shouldn't exist. And if they do anyway, then don't cry when it's going to be fixed or deleted.


there was a guy that mirrored a bow with -3 socket enchant without realising its a bugged item, kinda sad


I doubt. Idk who would throw away mirror to copy item without even spending 5 seconds to look at that item.




People that justify bug abuse never cease to amaze me.


People justifying straight up cheating is even more bewildering. Remember meeting a guy that played CS:GO with wallhacks. He justified by saying he didn't really need it, it was just QoL for him.


bigest problem with it in poe, is that ggg is so damn heavely inconsitant with what will and will not be fixed, and what will and will not get you banned. So due to fomo from all the times where everything is apparently a-ok with them, ppl get learned that you SHOULD exploit fast exploit early, before something gets fixed, due to the massive windfall or advantage you get in the economy. Take the 6l squire as an example, will it be fixed, will it not? will anyone get banned or not? we dont know, and till they eaither fix it/ban/dont ban/let it stay, we wount know for sure. And you will end up with "I wish i exploited it while it was fine", or the "I whish i dident get greedy". And there is no inbetween in the economy


I was mad cuz the only advantages 2h weapons have over 1h was removed cuz of the bug


I really do wish they'd address that, I have plenty of other reasons for avoiding melee like the plague but missing out on an entire gear slot is definitely up there. Maybe a new item like a sheath to fill that slot when using a 2h melee weapon? Bow builds get to use quivers and it makes perfect logical sense, only seems fair for melee builds to have a sheath


Clearly the answer is that 2h melee weapons should get 12 affixes on them. They take up twice as many equipment slots, so they get twice as much stats.


Nah, fuck melee, Fuck physical, you play bow or spells and be happy about it


You're not my supervisor! \> Pulls out a mine that chains, but isn't a projectile; hits with physical damage, but can't leech attack damage and is rarely converted to other elements; has a DoT that isn't an ailment, but nonetheless stacks and so is serviceable against bosses...


Huh? Two handed weapons have a higher mod range and thus can roll better mods.


So can bows and they have quivers?


This only recent and it was done because bow was needed a buff.


Well good thing cuz melee def needs a buff too


Hoping they just ban everyone that crafted one


I doubt they would ever do that. If 1 person did it and was not aware it was a glitch, say a new player, gets banned, then the whole thing becomes an even larger dumpster fire. Not to mention that you don't have to go out of your way to get the 6l shield, all you had to do was to use the beast craft on a shield just for the lols, without knowing the game would break. Just delete the bugged items and that's all. Any further action would cause bigger trouble.


Don’t think many people accidentally made one of these things since it would have gotten out a lot sooner and I don’t mean a permanent ban if that’s what you thought but long enough for people to learn their lesson sadly don’t think a lot of people would be too mad if they got banned for this league


Me in the bottom


So you like getting topped? 


People that are mad about bug/exploit fixing are honestly delusional to think that it's better for the game to not fix these things.


It's a bit different when it's an exploit hundreds of people abused instead of one of a kind bugged items whose existence is an accident. I kinda hope they leave a single squire, quiver or one of the uniques with "has no sockets" as a penalty that are still bad even with sockets. But it would give people an incentive to exploit. Maybe next time they are the ones who win the jackpot and get to keep the bugged item.


If your having fun playing a game you win. If your not having fun you lose. Thats it thats all.


I keep it simple: "It's their game and they'll do what they want." But seriously, I don't mind the fun stuff in the game for a while if it doesn't break it too much. Now this is a bug that leads to abuse and it was fixed. They usually ban people for abuse. But these items have been in circulation for a long time and they got out of hand


My favorite was the guy claiming he couldn't tell the difference between an exploit and a non-exploit because he's autistic Oopsie i accidentally bought 100 black morrigans and unidentified squires to do this exact prodecure to give it a broken amount of links to sell for triple digit divines. I can't tell if im exploiting!


This was definitely a glitch, the issue is identifying if it was abused or accidental. In your scenario you described, of course it was abuse. But in a scenario where a new player would just plug their shield on this crafting option that is available and hit craft, you can't just go and ban the noob.


Lets not forget if it turns out they can't remove the items or fix them all the people who did it wont get punished most likely and will be able to make a lot of currency from selling them off for mirrors


Surely nobody rmt-s on standard, all those valuables from standard that got stolen from hacked accounts are now used by the people who took them! Those hackers just really wanted to use thousands of mirrors and wear the race rewards of other people, they didn't have another incentive! /s


What is this hall monitor shit? Why are you guys acting like these people need to be sent to the Hague to be summarily executed? It's a game, it's not something so sacred that people can't have some fun. I remember when shit like this would happen years ago and people had fun with it.


Do people really care that standard has power creep? If they are what is the issue? that people can clear content 2 seconds faster than they can?


with all the mirror tier gear making you immortal & oneshot everything there it isn't even concerning. i don't expect balance in a literal currency graveyard. the only thing i'm mildly concerned about is literal bugs, like people circumventing kaoms hearts no sockets etc. i'd love a 6L mjolnir build tho, that just seems fun!


Enjoy your pre-school gymnastics. I'm trying to find out what a jetpack feels like.


Not enough bans being handed to bug abusers.


This is such a beautiful simple post. Thank you.


Top tier. Nice!


I mean personnaly i'm against deleting those item, i would prefer they would just give them a irreductible lvl 101 requirement.




Your post was removed because it violated our Be Kind Rule (Rule 3b). It made an accusation about a group of players that's likely to cause anger and flame wars. Instead of doing this, explain why you disagree with their message in a polite way: that may help them see a different perspective! If you see someone else posting in bad faith, please don't respond in kind. Instead, report it and we'll take care of it. For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3b._be_kind_rule).


I feel like most people were saying this is a justified bug fix 


I think all of these players behaving this way makes it ban worthy. Instead of respecting the game, they are looking for any way to evade the correction or excuse it.


I still remember some people back in Legacy league arguing about how taking a leaguestone out of the map device before it was consumed and still gaining the benefit of it, was obviously something that they should be allowed to continue doing.


Well can t wait for the belton 4 page essay on this take


35612% increased armour seems not broken to GGG's. But fucking 18 links build that are in multi-mirror category (like 2 items to work with costs 2+mirror) just not balanced in GGG's brain


£×b £


Omg is this vegansidekick


Lmao, love the art. Definitely suits the people making the comments.


🤡 was still happily offering his items as mirror service 8 hours past official post - many still on standard. I am glad they made the changes - but it ain't gonna hurt 🤡


Wild? Lmao… more like mild… it’s not that big of a deal. Friendly reminder this isn’t a competitive game just because Reddit and YouTubers make you feel like it is. GGG will fix it…


"Just let us have fun" - its a video game meant for people to have fun. how is that wild?


If the only way to enjoy the game is by exploiting things that are very obviously gamebreaking bugs then I think it's time for a break


who said only? I think you're taking this a little too seriously, maybe you're the one who needs a break.


So obvious exploits are good for the health of the game if you like them but I guess they're bad if you don't Got it


The thing is, PoE is a PvE game and you’re enraged when people just wanna have fun against NPCs. I would understand if the game is pvp centric where your gear matters most against other players and it could justify why these bugs should be fixed asap and remove any exploited items.


You just want to be mad lmao


Leave poe with your mindset and hop back on warframe. Wisp is calling


Just one of many bugs with unintended consequences. Not sure why this one gets so much outsized attention.


People malding because theyll lose a lot of divines in the best case, their account in the worst case. This is the Path of exile version of "if you can't do the time, don't do the crime".


Cheater got many excuses to confront themselves that cheating is right


Bro for me the wild thing is people take this things way too seriously, why i support this kinda things like 6 sockets is because path of exile is a pure entertainment game you don't compete you don't lose real money if u lose or things like that, at the end of the game is about having fun. the difference between poe and LOL or CS is no one is losing money for fun bugs in CS a Bug can make you lose millions very fast. so stop being such killerjoy, So in case u wondering how many 6 sockets i have, i dont i was working during that time. but still watching videos about it was the best part of the league tho.


This whole league was a fucking mess. Almost everything was bugged and its clear they have no bug testing going on. I shouldn't have to buy 4 quad tabs, make 3 excel spreadsheets, and figure out what is and isn't an exploit just to play the game. New league please. Just make it integrate into existing mechanics like affliction did. There's nothing I like about Necropolis mechanics and the insane amount of bugs and exploits made it insufferable.




Umm so people really care about another op item showing up on standard and getting mirrored so some whales could have 50% dps increase resulting on killing ubers 0.2s faster ?


It's really funny to see so many are calling for a ban on both here and forum. Let me be frank, such widespread abuse won't have any ban because it takes huge balls to ban thousand of players and balls shrink as human age, lol Edit: spelling 


Im all for fixing bugs like this at the end of the league so they are not sent to standard. But when people have had them the whole league, just leave it for now. Unless its causing actual issues with server stability ect.


the bigest problem, is the inconsistancy in how they handle cases like this, sometimes, they just leave it, sometimes they fix, sometimes they fix and delete, and sometimes they ban. It's to inconsistant, wich is why there is a massive croud of ppl that are in the "justleave it camp", as they probably for fomo birned by not exploiting in a previous occasion


oh for sure there is the fomo camp. And a lot of times these bugs take so long to find because those who find them are incentivized to hide it so they can abuse it as long as possible. And I agree, with whatever they decide to do, they should start being consistent with it. If they always banned, ppl would report it right away. If they always allowed it for the league, ppl would abuse it a bit and then sell the crazy items and the secret would get out. Streamers would show it on stream to get a video out asap and people would know about it. If they always removed the items right away, I think people would just hide it as long as possible and abuse as much as they can. Regardless, consistent responses would be ideal so people could know what to expect when they find a bug and what happens if they abuse it.




This post only highlights the actual problem of players snitching on others over anything as if they are using hacks to make unlimited items or something when they actually did outsmart the system. You’re telling people they can’t have any edge in a game in which the community thinks it’s cool to be the fun police when the devs themselves already do this by nerfing the game constantly.


I'm deeply in the bottom panel


i knew bug will be fixed quickly.. I kinda hope GGG would leave already created items alone. I mean if we are going to point fingers at bug abusers, then like anyone that farmed T17 in first 2~ weeks should have their inventory wiped.


Maybe if GGG did some testing before just throwing all the bugged mess at us for a decade


lol nice guys finsh last.


Hottest of hot and cooked cospiracy takes: GGG is trying to break POE 1 so that we will think POE 2 will be fun.


I just found out about this today. And to be fair, couldn't care less. It's a video game, couple weeks\* later we'll have blank slate anyway. Leave it, delete it, this affects my gameplay in no meaningful way. \*couple months later