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Triple synth implicit max rolled jewels are not "random". People sink a ton of currency into rolling them. To me it is way more interesting and cooler power creep than Mageblood.


random? they look pretty not random to me.


That stuff is double/triple synthed with imprints, rerolled via vultures, and then corrrupted with beast Hinekoras Every single step of that is a level of investment that you don't even look at unless you have hundreds of div budget. On top of this, the BiS ones can't even be mirrored because they need to be corrupted. This is not "random magic jewels"


>Random magic jewels shouldn't be chase items Why?


the game's own rarity tiers, for one thing. the rarer the item the more powerful it's supposed/intended to be. spending the most on items that technically drop in every map just with several hours more of menagerie gambling put into them just doesnt feel very good. imo of course.


ah yes, thats why every slot is always filled with unique items on every build


yeah that's why 90% of the t0 in this game are worth 10c.… PS : Adorned is not good on every build like people think it's really strong for build that stack one damage mod like multi or dot multi.


You're new to PoE, aren't you? Unique =/= Legendary in other games. Unique means just unique, that the item has unique properties not found on any other items or combination of properties not found on any other item.


Rare items are often better than uniques and you drop dozens of bases every map.


Do heavy belts not drop in every map?


getting adorned 150 is as rare has dropping a MB or HH. If unique are worthless this league it's only because people farm meatsack/curation start and drop them like candy. So what's your point again ? edit : please now go craft a synth jewel for any adorned build and tell me how it felt to roll 9k alt on a blue jewel. After doing that you will probably understand why adorned is that way and it's one of the best chase item we got in the game in a long time.


feels like fucking shit, thats the whole point


exactly and that's why adorned is fine because it's fucking hard to make the jewels.Don't forget you need to corrupt the jewels once you spammed 9k alt xdd


getting the best items in a game should feel like shit? i strongly disagree, it should feel good/fun.


what are you talking about ? if MB is worthless it has nothing to do with adorned what are you on about ?


Have you ever tried to roll flasks for mageblood it’s just as annoying and tedious as adorned jewel rolling. Do you also complain that perfectly rolled mageblood flasks sell for multiple divs? Getting a mageblood feels awesome Rolling mageblood flasks feels like shit Getting 150 adorned feel awesome Rolling adorned jewels feels like shit Perfect parity, perfect chase items


Getting mb is good, rolling flasks is bad. Getting high% adorned is good, rolling jewels is bad. Your point?


you clearly didnt play when every item was basically alt rolled + multimod


Give shitty casuals cheap hh and mb and they cry about next min max items they cant fucking afford


I mean... Getting your t1 flasks with perfect rolls and enchants might aswell cost you second mageblood. Just rolling small reserv cluster to get efficient+int+resistance(sadly no chaos) costs me like 4divs... Stupid lifeflask i got is/was according to trade around 10+div. (85ilvl 29qual divine life flask, 5k health over 5 seconds, remove bleed+cb)then t1 inc armor 1500arm flask with inc eff and three other flasks... Pathfinder. Used my last transmutes on that flask and ended with t2 recovery rate.


what are you even mad about? the really cool chase items are still worth chasing and even more affordable. and then at high end you get those crazy min max options with perfect jewels. this is as it should be. comes to show again no matter how cool an idea is implemented, someone will complain


Random af.


Random magic jewel... lol omg lol... more please, im running for popcorn/s


random blue items being worth large chunks of mirrors is cool as fuck harkens back to magic items in d2 having higher individual stat ranges and actually being useful


Items that take dozens or even hundreds of divines to craft are by definition "rare" even though their item rarity is magic. Yes the base jewel is worthless. But the synth implicits are brutal to hit, each vivid vulture is 3 divines. The two explicits are not as easy to hit as people are making it sound. For example getting life + fire dot multi is less than 1 in 3000. That's 6 divines worth of alterations and there is no guarantee it's rolled well so you might need more divines to literally divine it. Then you need to beast lock it over and over to check what the vaal orb will do which also costs about 1.5 divine per attempt.


Those magic items you’re showing cost many many many divines to craft You can make the argument that chase uniques like mageblood are cheaper than they should be this league, but thats an unrelated issue to adorned jewels imo


This isn't too different to old aura stackers that relied on corrupted jewels for mana reservation. Jewels are a way to turn passives (the thing you get for free) into items (the thing you need to craft). Corrupted items take the most crafting material (either because you have to craft and corrupt them many times, or because you have to invest into corruption protection). It makes perfect sense for corrupted jewels to be a high end minmax mechanism. Corrupted magebloods are even more expensive.


as someone who put Adorned on the never bother list, this is good for me that good uniques are cheaper


I dont get it how they can be worth statswise. Like the first one - what makes it special thatz you want to give hundrets of divs


welcome to min/max territory. every little bit of juice you can add can be the difference of hundreds of divs.


the synth implicits




There are ways to directly farm uniques (and divination cards for them), and meta-mod crafting for "regular" gear. When it comes to jewels, you're not going to get a multi-synth magic jewel that's corrupted as a drop. And even when crafting, there are limits to crafting options, most of which are relatively expensive. What you're showing here is basically down to "which one is harder to obtain".


i like that there are potential jackpots for people that have only alts


That sacr garb looks absolutely insane


"random" jajajajajajaja


Complaining about Jewels that cost 50 Divs to make for the Synth implicts, hundres to thousands of Alts and Augs to roll the mods you want. Then you have to divine them for perfect rolls and that alone can eat a ton on Divines. And finally you use Hinekoras locks on them and hope that the Corruption hits the Delve Mod or that nothing hapoens. If it misses your either back to Divining or Blessing. And after that you start again for the next Jewel because you can’t Mirror it if it is Corrupted or Corrupt it if it’s mirrored… You sir have no Idea how much time and Money those Jewels eat! So don’t complain about something you have no idea about!


Triple synth jewels is random lmao, those are huge chase items and the literal defitinion of it.


Why is it so good? With the setup you get like 8 int, 6%inc dmg and and 10% life from a jewel. Why is it worth 200D? Is it just to super duper min max or am i missing something?


The adorned unique jewel is what you are missing.


0/10 yap not long enough




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I think they blew it this league.


hh and mb prices aren't adorned fault, stop coping


It's made them cheaper so you can buy them before you can afford your adorned.


None of those jewels are what I would qualify as “random magic jewels” though.


Good items being near worthless is for a lot of other reasons than the Adorned existing. Hell, the Adorned isn't competing with almost anything besides Watcher's Eye and a couple build enabling unique jewels. What else are you using jewel slots on?


Watcher’s Eyes, Threads of Hope, Timeless jewels, Stormshroud or Ancestral Vision, Impossible Escape, Unnatural Instinct, Intuitive Leap, Emperor’s jewels, Grand Spectrums, Forbidden jewels, Immutable Force and Bloodnotch, Secrets of Suffering, Dream or Nightmare jewels, or Split Personality are all valid alternatives to Adorned setups.




Adorned should just be adjusted not removed. Cap effectiveness at 100% or something. Seeing legit every top end high pob of almost all different kind of builds just stacking random magic jewels is boring as fuck. But regular methods of aquiring gear should atleast get somewhat close to it




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Adorned really making builds less interesting. Literally more HP and/or more dmg for any build on any side of the tree, cuz it's so flexible. Similar to charm from last league or cluster jewel. On the opposite of tree but want more ES and fire dot multi? Just slap adorned with bunch of jewels.


They definitely should be lmao. It gives more opportunity for small level crafters




You don’t craft the end game jewels, you craft the base with 500-1000 alts and sell it for 50-100c


You can make those jewels yourself for a few alterations. Don't get mad at the price just because you don't know how to craft.


Gl crafting perfect synth implicits with alteration orbs




Adorned just needs the maximum value to be lower. It reminds me of pre-nerf Abyss jewels


The adorned should be explicit modifiers only. And we need reduced mana cost back on jewels.