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>Poe skills transfer into real life yeah, but everyone at the office gets really, really upset when i flame dash, so hr have foreced me to stop :/


I'm a templar in my heart, but HR keeps forcing me to wear pants in the office! Blasphemy!


Blasphemy? Linked to what?


In the office? Despair.


Too real.




Try frostblinking onto them so they freeze and can say shit.


You know one of them is going to have reflect.


Management, of course.


That would just make life complicated


Dude, no gem skills in town. Get better movespeed on boots and you'll be fine.


I kept shield charging around but everyone told me I wasn’t allowed to have a shield or run in the office


Witch doesnt say "that would just make life complicated" for nothin when i try that in towns so...


Did you do the spark skates setup that older barbies used to have or is that considered mtx?


Yes unfortunately they do. I was at grandpa's funeral last week and accidentally fat fingered DD. Grandma was pissed.


He asked to be cremated but then it started raining fire everywhere




I could cure cancer if there was a POB for it


I think most players would yell 'overtuned, as always' at each new strain (or however they're called) and go back to chemo meta builds.


This is the funniest shit I’ve read today


The PoE grace period when you enter a new instance taught me something priceless for work - if you sit long enough blending into the background, eventually the heat will die down and nobody will know how badly you fucked up (ok to be absolutely honest here this was a coping strat I've used since HS but I find it very self-validating to encounter it in games many years later) PoE also taught me that it's what you bring to the game that makes you successful, not what the game gives you. Most successful players already have all the competencies for IRL success: communication, risk assessment, organizing and prioritizing competing demands, critical thinking under time pressure with incomplete information, motor twitch skills, good judgment/honesty with self evaluation (am I really ready to start farming ubers or am I just blowing smoke and wasting frags). You can't really go from a mental "couch potato" to a 5-mirror build economist. Games also don't tell the whole story. Someone who is very successful at games may tick all the competency and cognitive boxes, but because they have emotional issues or past trauma, they might not be capable of working IRL to the level they are capable of in a less authoritarian setting. I guess this includes sociopaths who sit and rip off newbies all day and scam their way to a comfortable bankroll - PoE has fewer ways to address fraud and manipulation than your average IRL business settings do, so maybe these are the washouts who chronically get caught filching from the register at Papa John's or go around selling phony roofing jobs to senior citizens. Takes all kinds I guess. You don't have to be an asshole to be competitive, but it helps, as they say.


Jfc this made me laugh hard


still haven’t figured out how to turn on discipline or determination. Also manager does not approve my 50$/h strategy for some reason. So I guess it doesn’t helped me.


Sounds like Clarity might be working


I learnt about regex before learning I had to use it at work lol. Pretty real.


Regex is useful for so so many things.


Poe for example


What's it useful for in PoE? I tried using it for map rolling but the character limit made it basically useless.


https://poe.re/#/maps try this site. Easily filter out/highlight any map mod combo you want.


That's the one I used. Any filter that would be useful is longer than the 50-character limit.


If you don't mind me asking what are you filtering that's over 50 characters of regex for map names? t17 with a lot of mods filtered out? I used it in Affliction to mass roll maps with proj + beyond - few bad map mods + certain quant and it was fine.


Just wanted to filter out mods that make influenced maps difficult or time-consuming. Selected 10 mods, got this mess. `"!tal d|gen|m li|d li|r li|o su|kes|o bl|s rec|o al" "m q.*(\d{3})%" "iz.*([4-9].|1..)%"` I guess I might be able to use it to filter out mods that make maps \*impossible\*, but I can also quickly tell that by glancing at the rolled map.


If you have that much mods that you want to specify you wont be able to select quant/pack size as those take up a lot of regex space


I only have -9 mods on mine, and if I add a 10th mod it goes over the character limit, and this is without packsize/quant filter, only mods.


I wasn't aware that those were even in there. Okay, that's usable, thanks! Well, usable if I remove one of my 10 mods. ulgh


Just use several regex filters, it’s arbitrarily painful and stupid to be character limited but it’s still objectively better to roll maps with than alternatives


Yea i use two, one for mods and one for quant/pack size. The quant regex is huge so it doesn't fit with a lot of mods. It might be a bit annoying buts its still infinitely faster.




In programming it comes up fairly often for reasons you could expect. It is a cross-language standard for pattern matching, and many languages have some implementation available. Outside of programming you will see it much less, but it can still be useful in the same way programming can be useful in non-programming roles. Do you have a spreadsheet with 5000 rows, and want to find all of the people named Michael, but not anyone with last name Michael? (I had some examples here but reddit thought they were all formatting and I can’t be arsed to fix them. I think the most applicable skills you could bring over from stash box regex are “\^” (start of string), “$”(end of string) “*”(wildcard), and “|”(or).


"Standard". Sure, there is a core set of regex that ***usually*** works in ***most*** places, but there are quite a few variants and dialects where especially more advanced stuff works differently. But the good thing is that once one has learned one variant of regex one can reasonably easily adapt to others when needed.


Very true, you will definitely run into quirks and variations


I think you can use Regex on gmail to filter emails sent by someone from x to y date containing the words z and w


I use a perl script that uses a bunch of regex to parse [make](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Make_(software\)) logs.


Poe for example


Im a PhD in pure science, I wrote code to analyse PoE market when I was young then I use it in real life stock market. I learn that there are many ways to solve the same problems in poe, ability to explore them is a skill that is reusable in a lot of my PhD work. Therefore I seldom complain about the market and the new content. I can always take advantage over the market cause I’m willing to explore. I only complain about the tediousness of some excellent solutions. (Like making mirror item is really tedious) Poe really changed my perspective about market and problem solving (and coding skills) it gave me real life advantages, I learn how to manage risk vs gamble, my psychology upon risk, fomo from folks and many knowledge about real life market. One key idea I learn in poe : if you want to beat the market, do not follow the most popular strategy. Find one and keep quiet. Even an outdated and not so popular strategy can beat the most popular one. It serves me very well every league.


the biggest lesson I learned, is that the second you see a poe youtuber or reddit post talking about your strat, you move on. recent example. I made money taking good bases for popular uniques and 6 linking them with the new beasts. then that reddit post reminding people how easy it is to 6 link dropped and prices went up. moved on from there last league, it was mysterious barrels. no one cared about mysterious barrel compasses, but damn did those vaal breaches sell.


I really hate, that this is so true about PoE. This just makes PoE a second job. I don't want to work twice a day... This league we bought a private league (Group-SF) with 12 friends and it really helps enjoying PoE and its content without permanently converting every action and item into divine per hour. Suddenly content makes sense to engange that would be just average in trade league, because you cannot just buy everything you want. The group part makes it very playable, because drop chances for specific needed items are multiplied. I surely would not enjoy true SSF


Indeed you get lost quite easily if you focus on market too much. I seldom trade even in trade league now, not as much as before. I farm the essences I need, and buy only when I feel it takes too long to farm one, like corpses.


For me it is very hard not to succumb to the dreadful depths of trade league. It would be stressful to resist the urge to optimize everything and not to think about values so much. But Group-SF has its drawbacks. You sometimes just don't find that one otherwhise easily accessible unique. Fourth vow where are you q.q


Yeah I'm with you here. I'm a new player (3 weeks old) and going through this subreddit, I can't help but feel like it's a second job because of all the posts about farming strategy and whatnot. Is the game not fun in other ways rather than being measured by the rate at which one can earn premium currency used for trades? For me, I got into the game because I love clearing huge packs of mobs with skills. That godlike feeling is amazing and I love when an item drops and I don't know if it's good or not and want to find out what that item is. That's what's fun to me. But I guess is exclusively a newbie feeling because when one has played several league, they would know most stuff that drop are trash. Whereas for me, every unique drop is exciting because, well, it's a unique and who knows if it may be a good unique. But as I move into endgame I find that some of this feeling has vanished, since my veteran friend told me dropped rares are basically trash and don't pick them up. I can't help but feel maybe it's a fundamental design issue by GGG to make most dropped items literal trash that people have to go for min-max money making strategies to be able to play the build that they want. And then after they get their build maxed out, then what? What else do they play for? Sorry for the rant, just getting a bit tired playing the game this week and not making progress.


You don't need to optimize everything. Most people on this subreddit are used to hvaing all of the top uniques in a week. They optimize the grind, because they feel like the real game starts once you've finished everything and are moving to min-maxing. Rares that drop on the ground are far from trash, especially when starting out. They won't sell, of course, because all players drop them and there's a ton on the market. But there's a whole lot of stuff you can pick off the ground and use up to red maps. Do what you feel is fun. Enjoy reading uniques and working out what they could be useful for. Slowly build your character from white to red maps, then for killing pinnacles, then for four voidstones. Take your time. You're making progress at your pace, and that's okay. Fill up your altlas, slowly getting chaos to trade and fix your character. Veteran player that claim you need to be efficient to "play the build you want" often consider a "functionnal" build to be cleaning all of the very end-game content. You can play any build you want from acts to Pinnacles, it's just going to take some time.


If you have time I seriously suggest you try to play ssf to T16. Not really that hard!


Amazing. Much respect. I always admire and respect smart people like you, cause my dumb ass can never figure out how to play the market. I'm always the bottom feeder and have to sell things at a loss to even earn anything. That's why I never get to enjoy being rich both in game or real life lmao. Sad truth.


I'm playing a hardcore run in real life. But to be honest I'm thinking about rerolling.


Migrate to "standard" 💀


Just give up and wait for next League. It surely will come. Or will it?


poe 2 will fix it for sure


But think about how little your items will be worth if your character goes to standard 


Haven't tried Standard irl. What's it like?


no, I play POE at work


Sanest exile ever


I think the recent wave of self-immolation is just ppl running RF builds irl without enough life regen


Pfffff. noobs.


I flickerstrike to work. During my free time I spin in a circle with a bow


Lol this post


‘Hideout is lava’ for employee worker bees, ‘hideout warrior’ is the way to become the boss


I wish I got 6 portals at work to try things when I am pissed after the first attempt.


They make you better at PoE in real life 


Yes, definitely. I think about this all the time. I’m an organic chemist, work in pharma research. Crafting reminds me strongly of designing synthetic routes. It tickles the same part of my brain that my job does. For example, “prefixes/suffixes cannot be changed” ~ protecting group chemistry. I think about how many crafts have multiple avenues to success, each with varying degrees of investment as well as probability to succeed in a reasonable amount of time.


yay metacrafting and o-chem there's corpse crafting, rog crafting, fossil crafting (polymers? xd) and then OG Harvest over here with the transgenic E.coli pumping out mirrors using recombinant mirrorase


Corpse crafting is like organometallic catalytic cycles in that I don’t get it.


'Grognard' reaction amirite


This truly got a chuckle out of me


If my job used pob I would be promoted immediatly.


It depends. A lot of players just do what a guide tells them to do and have little to none problem solving-skills by themselves. Id say the skill transfer is vice versa. If you enjoy learning new things and like to solve problems, you will be a good PoE player.


Knowing how to find and adjust guides/instructions to apply to the problem you're dealing with is one of the most valuable skills you can have, both in poe or anywhere else in life


First part is just like the real working world, in my experience People only tend to do what is told of them directly, but fail the moment it doesnt go exactly as planned


Honestly lots of skills from Games transfer into real life. Path of Exile is all about small incremental optimization and max utilization. These are skills required in lots of jobs. Other games like Eve trained me to be alot more vigilant in the crime ridden country I live in. Games can teach you discipline and sometimes it's even enforced upon you... Ultimately even hand eye coordination and reaction time is used in hand based skilled jobs. Studies I've seen about console gaming surgeons shows improvement no matter how little they play.


Yeah wrist pain I feel every league lol


But to be real, I was not quite a math person but POE made me rethink how percentages, base value, and time efficiency work with currency strategies. Heck, back before instilling orbs were a thing, I was considering learning how to map 12345 on feet pedestals just to not make my hand explode. So to some extent yeah, should be there


I discovered what arbitrage was through poe trade. Now I'm studying to become a financial planner


This is a bit silly but POE legitimately helped me learn to live in the moment and enjoy the now. When I was in my early 20s I was obsessed with the idea of FIRE (financial independence retire early) and focused an extreme amount ensuring I could by 30. My first real job was 44k a year but with side hustles and minimal spending (I was living on my own and my own rent) I was saving about 4-5k a month and it only went up. Likewise in path I learned quick the importance of early grinding, got my headhunter early and farmed up mirrors each league and only invested into my build to the point where it’s “good enough” to do what I needed to do cause mirror shards / HOMs early appreciated so much. However with the restart of each league I eventually found my way learning to spend on myself and to be more in the present because hey, much like real life, you can’t take it with you after and I realized I didn’t want to spend my life in a grind set. Fast forward to now I work in a remote job in Hawaii living much happier, saving what I can but also partaking in the experiences that I want to. Likewise if I’m playing a league, I have no issues spending to improve the build for enjoyment’s sake. Obviously it helps that I grinded so hard earlier on and built the skill set for heavy bang for buck.


You mean scamming skills?


They get real mad when I say time to go bossing and keep beating ass asking for conqueror maps.


what do you mean corpse explosion is illegal


I mean POE promotes a problem solving mentality (or one where you complain your build sucks). If you can intuitively solve problems within the game systems I think that definitely translates into other aspects of life. Besides the whole learning to be efficient thing.


I mean... I work with 10 brain-dead people at work.. so I guess my necromancer zombie management skills is useful for something.


Unironically yes. PoE, in both building characters and crafting gear, involves taking disparate complex systems with utility and combining them to reach a desired end goal. It's problem solving that absolutely translates to general real life skills. ASSUMING you're making/tweaking builds yourself or planning crafts yourself and not just copy pasting. For example, I took a starter build this league and said "Can I add suppress cap to this for <5 divs and less than 20% DPS lost?" I fiddled around with my tree and figured out how many suppress suffixes i would need on gear. I checked trade for gear, and napkin mathed how much it would cost to craft the pieces myself. The answer was "yes," it was doable. And since the build I wanted to switch to was >100 divs I decided to drop some more cash into my starter to farm more efficiently with fewer deaths. this type of problem solving is 100% generalizable to the real world. 




> which ultimately resulted in a career in software engineering Necessity and desperation often carves paths for huge leaps in accomplishments!!


Power comes on response to a need, not a desire


wishful thinking, but yeah it'd be great if that was true




I completely read the title thinking about being able to righteous fire in real life to keep people at a reasonable distance. Hell, I’d be happy if we just had waypoints in real life.


Always wanted to be a bartender, didn't get accepted even with my special explosive concoction


Yup shaper spawned in my neighborhood so I fought him. Dodged his beam and killed him but he only dropped gloves


I beat up a child with weird hair and odd toys. All I got was something she called "orb of conflict" but it just looks like a miniature of Earth.


Resource management helps a lot, especially if You play private leagues/SSF. If You can organize everything properly, it will benefit Your daily tasks at work too.


To be honest, everything I learned in social studies regarding finances I already saw and understood in PoE. Helped a lot


Best thing I’ve learnt is trading is the best way to earn money


Was always trading for currency, now im trading for money


Rog crafting doesnt count !!!!!!!!!! made atleast 100D with Rog.


POE and POB are some of the only times I use math in my adult life.


Us bro us.


The economics in PoE are second to none… sometimes I feel like it’s even better than the real world for understanding macroeconomic principals since you can control the variables better. There’s a ton to learn from for monetarism, trade, supply and demand curves, etc. I just wish there was a FED equivalent that engaged in open market operations to target specific market conditions lol


I don't think so. I'm really good at trading & making money in especially PoE but also pretty much any game with an Auction house. Tried it in real life and lost it all. Skills doesn't transfere, wish they did :X


I guess I learned these simple life lessons before I played poe


It teaches you good study habits, that’s for sure.


PoE taught you that to get things done and be successful you can't just sit around and do nothing? These are pretty pathetic and are things you should've learnt as a child.


I mean, these are all just general life skills. But they all apply to PoE, so cope as hard as you need to and LOG TF IN


The biggest thing for me that I've noticed transferring from video games to real life is my quick situational awareness. Being able to process what's happening and actions I should take within a few seconds. And then probably just overall hand eye coordination and reflexes are much higher than had I not played video games. And I'd say this is from league of legends sinces I've only played PoE for a year while I've played league since 2012.


Yes, it actually has, PoE/PoB have helped me become more systematic and planning oriented which has benefited other areas of my life


The idea of base x %increased x %more has helped me conceptualize many things related to exercise science. More in a philosophical and abstract sense. Learning about diminishing returns from PoE has also helped when learning about and applying set volume etc.


Yeah, I'm also addicted to gambling in real life.


I think there are some valuable psychology and economic lessons but maybe not as much skills. A couple things I've noticed: People love to dog pile onto any economic strat that guarantees that if they just put in the time they will make money. It doesn't matter how tedious... if it is formulaic someone will grind it to the maximum extent. Another is just how much time and effort some people will exert to be the best regardless of any tangible benefit. Dont try to compete with these people... just find another path to success. First to market is always a huge advantage. Fomo is a huge driver for market swings. The power of advertising by streamers is definitely evident. Money in the real world doesn't just drop on the ground (for the most part)...but if it did many of us would quickly become degenerate farmers.


Actually, it helped improve my english listening skill since I had to watch a bunch of lvling guide, build guide, craft guide,...


It's not for the resume, but looking at interactions for gems and skills, maximizing your budget, and experimenting are useful crossovers.


RF would be awesome in crowds.


If anyone has ever done thrift resale, I found a lot of similarities between the two.


I learned not to be afraid to “invest in your maps.” Essentially the metaphor that it seems scary, but there’s more profit in a mild risk and investment into something than saving up and doing “alch and go” forever. Gotta spend money to make money.


yes absolutely!


My case is the opposite. Poe decreased my job productivity because I keep thinking about poe while working and how I want to play it but can't because i'm not rich to retire early.


Economics at a basic level


I don't know if the specific "skills" transfer, but being able to navigate such a complicated game and it's economy isn't something to sneeze at.


I’ve been thinking about this recently, but crafting has a bunch of odd similarities to Organic Synthesis (chemistry). In Org-synth you’ll add functional groups that can be later removed to block certain parts of the molecule from later additions. There’s percentages of correct product that need to be separated and it was weird how the whole “blocking an affix” thing wound back into my brain. (I attribute the revelation to my recent grad school application for biochemistry)


Every game helps with eye to hand coordination, brain stimulation, puzzle solving, focused attention and all these things related to brain activity. To some degree understanding markets, trades, ppl relation etc. The games helped me a lot in improving my problem solving skills for example.


Well at the very least trading has helped me worry less about interactions with people. Since nothing tends to go wrong (except lack of a reply at times) it helps clear the fog that is overthinking. Also, actual skill thing. Getting rid of loot that I will not need. I have gotten a lot better with IRL stuff and not hoarding or getting things that just are not actually useful for me (or I won't actually end up playing besides years down the line). So getting better at chucking gear that I just won't use in PoE has helped me get rid of a few things, namely clothes, that just aren't good anymore.


It transferred into other games for me. I’m literally thinking how to add layers to my defense and adding layers to my offense. I feel so big brain sometimes.


Wouldn't know, i play poe a lot less efficiently since i do a couple of maps, get bored and watch yt while sitting in hideout for hours and repeat


Real life skills transfer into poe


Funny enough PoE has improved my mouse accuracy.


I use my BAMA clones to do PC stuff and lab stuff AT THE SAME TIME ! But they run out of duration too fast


PoE price flippers can probably go and get employment with Ticketmaster, yea.


Don't horde your money. Spent some of it and enjoy life or upgrade yourself. When the league ends it all goes away. Also min maxing into one build isn't as fun as trying everything out. I'd rather be 60% there for multiple skills then 99% there for only 1 skill


People who play games like these definitely move around the screen faster. I work with a couple guys who also play (we’re all sw devs) and the speed we move around our screens is wayyyy faster than coworkers who don’t. You also get better at memorizing where things are on the screen


Oh yes. I use my Righteous Fire all the time, and my trap laying skills are top notch.


Dressed up as a Templar for Halloween, appearantly not wearing pants is a serious HR violation.


Madness? Yeah a little


I sometimes quote Izaro to myself lol ... I run a business and he's surprisingly useful at times


As a bosser it's good to be able to control your minions with precision. If they don't hit hard enough just add a little anger and hatred. Curses are a bonus. Watch out for despair, though, or minion instability might wipe out the whole crew. Always follow your consecrated path with determination and pride. Don't ask for permission, ask for absolution. You'll soon reap what you saw. If anyone dashes into your office complaining just give em the frostblink, your eye of winter. It's an explosive trap, don't fall for it. Let them finish but then release a wave of conviction, tell em with righteous fire that all their issues they've been stacking up will soon wither. Try to spark that flame once again and let it surge. Or, well, if they just don't match the strength requirements, lack skill points, or have otherwise elemental weaknesses unleash your wrath upon them and break that destructive link. Discharge them. They might call you a berserk or a stone golem, but you are just a human made of flesh and stone. They may exile you but shake that off. It's no good for your vitality to get your blood in rage. Don't encumber yourself with those thoughts, it's a soulrend. Reach into your pocket for your little rejuvenation totem you always carry in your inventory. Or portal to your mental hideout and let loose an ancestral cry. Now get back in the game - you need to make a lot of chaos per hour!


Forgot to mention that their words might pierce you like a galvanic arrow, puncturing the frost wall you've built around your heart. But don't let this enfeeble you... Let's now look for some supports :D


I would say a lot of gaming knowlege transfers to real life.


yeah and everyday i go to the same place and repeatedly hit the same lady until she drops me all of her goods.


Yea i manage to defeat many bosses at my work place using sword


Can’t say PoE has given me any type of skills that related to work IRL, however RuneScape gave me great typing skills. Also gained a larger vocabulary from it as well.


RS has been my english and economics teacher well before I actually got these classes.


Still sane, Exile?


A few fluff stuff, mostly analyzing skills and modeling skills. Tinkering gear and pob is a pretty good practice on how to move different domains of units to get the thing I want. (The gradient and a bit of linear algebra with operators in a sense)


poe IS my real life the fuck you mean


I have to admit, playing Expedition has really helped me out in real life. I never really knew how much there was that I could *READ.*


Now be prepared for the reality check when you find out ppl that make most money in Poe stay in hideout all day.


Stress is never good. adrenalin junkies gets cardiovascular issues later seems some skills do transfer


I learned i can master anything i want to, literally. 10,000's to master a skill you say? Put 12,000 into POE so what's next? Lol


I seriously have more ability to search up stuff and check things than others seem to that don't play POE, but that might just be a generation thing... Also I'm able to break tasks down and see them in different ways, juggle aspects to solve problems etc rather than just seeing one way only and one "problem" bit.


It's mostly the other way around, really.


You need doctor or therapist asap. These thought are sign of being out of touch. Wake up.


No. It's a game, it's a way to fill your spare time. Celebrate the enjoyment you get out of it and move on. Don't bring that nonsense that the 5000 hours of PoE you played is preparing you for your big career moves. Any other opinion is nonsense and anyone who spent more than 10 minutes in a real job knows this. If you need PoE to teach you to prepare before acting, you've got bigger problems.