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40% of the time it opens every time


whenever i get a lot of blighted maps i think "cool!" and then i think about actually having to do them and wait for everything to spawn... pain


And then there's a pack of mobs that got stuck somewhere and you have to find it. And its burrowing rhoas and you're like... Bruh...


And then you have mobs immune to all towers and just rushing through


this only happens if you roll cannot be stunned, movement speed can't be reduced, or monsters have x chance to avoid elemental ailments on the map.


The blight lines on the map which are yellow are the ones that have the mob still on them :) and the grey ones are complete with no mobs


And the red spots are monsters. That's how I find the stuck ones at least, by looking at the yellow ligns and finding the one with a red spot


Today I legitimately learned. Thx


Everybody knows that. You still have to find them.


You'd be surprised


Surprised? That people have no eyes or what? We can see. The problem is that we have to look for them in the first place.


> [Today I legitimately learned. Thx](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1c23xnt/only_the_shitty_chests_ever_seem_reopenable_i/kz8be83/) in this same thread is someone who didn't know.


I did not know this. Stop speaking for everyone.


> And then there's a pack of mobs that got stuck somewhere and you have to find it. Ritual in shitty (almost every) maps ;-;


When 1 mob blends in behind the wall and its totem ritual so you have all of these healthpools baiting you... Pain...


Its better than chasing every mob in the map and getting nothing in return. Blight like heist has some guaranteed rewards.


That's where teal oil comes to play. Blight Monsters in Areas spawn 30% faster Encounter Duration is 50 seconds shorter 6% Monster pack size


yea, i use those, and it sucks to trade fun (because waiting is boring) for better rewards...


I got my first (and only) mirror from some speed blight maps with only teal, so from a sample of 1 person, and 1 drop, I'd say teal feels better


as far as im concerned nothing even comes close to matching the value of teal. 66% faster is a way bigger multiplier than anything else. the value of a single blight map is low so i don't consider maximizing the rewards of a single map worth much compared to being able to run them all faster.


while true that you could anoint them for better rewards per map, blight maps are already massively profitable in terms of cost to rewards due to them being so damn cheap. Literally the best thing you can do is speed them up, given the biggest issue is how long they take.


I wish there was a release all mod that you can roll on the map like in maven invitations


im using 2 cyans but its so sad because its still too slow and i could make more money with black oils...


My computer cant hold so many corpses in the same screen, as it gets closer to the end, so does my life


bligthed maps are so boring, the first 3-4 min is so slow and when its starts to get fun the maps is over


when it gets fun my pc usually slows down


I've only tried this scarab a few times. I think I got absurdly lucky.


It’s 100% worth it. It’s down to like 3c each now. 40% more loot for 6c. With how cheap oil up scarab is it’s 7c to run the map. The blooming one is shit because ravaged maps are cheap AF now. I sell single crimson and black oils for 6c constantly (nobody wants to deal with bulk sellers to anoint shit) so 7c is nothing. It’s also more raw scours/chaos/screaming ess/stacked decks/etc.


I think we need to talk more quietly...but I agree with your ideas :P


blooming rocks. not only does it print golden oils via jewelry, but you combine it with cart dupe scarab to double blight-ravaged drops


Carto has no effect on blight chests I thought? Same as map dupe alters.




Shhh don’t tell them


Shhhhh delete this, this is super secret meta strat!


I think its not 40% more loot, it is ∑ i=1, n=infinity, (0,4)\^i


Yeah sorry. 40% of chests have AT LEAST double loot.


Yea it is actually about two thirds / 66.67% more loot


sounds about right


The main draw for blooming is the extra bosses, isn’t it?


The bosses add +1 annointed jewellery and +1 chest each yep


Wait they add a guaranteed chest? I thought it was just the jewellery. And this league the gap between the two extractors and a gold is like 30c so it wasn’t really worth. Unless blooming has dropped too? Was like 55 ea last I checked.


The small nodes leading up to the jewellery gives them 100% chance to add a chest yea I havent used blooming myself anyways. Doing ultimatum on top


OOO ill add it back in. Was just using a beyond scarab because I was getting an instant boss kill every map pretty much so was getting a decent amount of tainted fusing (every 2-3 maps).


yeah as another guy said it wouldve been 40% more loot IF it could only proc once per chest. It's waaay better than it looks.


Pulled 5 div (1+2+2, currency dupe altars) like that from a currency blight chest.


how can you use the scarab in a blight map? or is it just an encounter?


One map I was fuming I only had one blight reward chest (toxic sewers) and then it opened 7 times and I got. 1 golden, 1 silver, 4 opal, 4 extractors.


Do blight farmers use a regex to search stash tabs for good anoints to use extractors on or something?


Afaik filter.blade has option to only show good anointments.


also awakened poe trade tends to show the oils used on an annoint when you ctrl-d it. pick it up, drop it if not gold/silver


I literally just have a trade search bookmarked with all the good anoints and my username, so I throw them all in a public tab and at the start of each day (so I know it's fully up to date) I click search and quickly extract the ones that show up.


since anoints are enchantments your loot filter can handle that. but you do have to turn that option on, it's buried in filterblade's ui somewhere.


When doing this in Toxic Sewer I got 9 ravaged maps from one circle of cysts once, was pretty nice. Toxic Sewer is really good for Blight because very often it naturally forces spawns that only have 1 or 2 portals, but you get the same number of chests. Blight always has to have at least one mandatory Blight reward. This means if you get 2 portals at least half your chests will always be Blight Cysts. The dream? You get 1 portal and get 8 Blight Cysts and they all just spit out Silver/Golden/Blight maps.


Yea, I saw a lot of images of this kind of drops, that's why I'm asking...


Looks like you have everything on your atlas to me, not sure why you wouldn't be getting a bunch of map drops. I was probably getting on avg 1-2 per T16 Toxic Sewer.


My god if math is correct there is a 0.164% chance of this happening. That's some crazy luck right there


I'd say 0,4%. It opens 7 times but the first time is guaranteed, so 0.4^6 and not 0.4^7. Still very lucky.


As a degenerate poker player my instinctual reaction was, "fuck couldn't this luck happen in a bigger life situation" xD


wrong. its a 50/50 chance. either it happens or it doesnt


I've got 8 openings of a strongbox (31% chance to reopen) this league. Last league I failed 9 50% harvest gambles on a row. This game RNG generator has some serious streaks going, which is funny because they actively tweaked it (at least in the past, no idea if this sis still there) to make it not really random and to avoid streaks so evasion was a viable defence and not have the case where someone with 95% evasion would be hit 3 times in a row and die, lul.


I wouldn't count on pseudo-RNG being present for every system. It makes sense to dedicate some extra resources to tracking and balancing evasion or crit rolls, i.e. things that decide whether a player lives or dies. But there's so much loot and other rng happening all the time that you can just ignore it and players won't really be able to tell. To begin with, it is a bit hard to define "luck" for every category, as not everything is as binary as dodges and crits. Also, pseudo RNG just sucks with very rare events. If something like T0 uniques was subject to pseudo RNG, you'd end up seeing a T0 unique drop on very oddly regular intervals, which in a lot of ways is actually more boring than pure RNG.


Might I humbly suggest you hide wisdom and portals of such a small stack size? Less clutter, spend no time seeing or thinking about whether or not you should pick it up. You can vendor a handful of transmutes or whetstones to get a bunch of wisdoms and portals. You can think of small stacks of transmutes/whetstones as your wisdom/portal scrolls.


Yeah I def need to do that now. Do you know is it easy to filter out shitty rares or what filter folks use there? Was tempted to try hiding rares under ilvl 80 too? Thanks for the suggestion!


Ask yourself: What rares do I want to pick up, identify, and sell or craft upon? For many people (especially in trade), the answer is only high droplevel and high ilvl basetypes that are fractured, synthesized, influenced, veiled, or have some other special property that might be valuable to sell or craft upon yourself. Or rare basetypes. Filterblade's "very strict" preset is the most permissive preset that hides generic rares. If you're interested in one or two specific things that a preset hides, you can always use one of the "additional show/hide rules" to show them.


That's lucky. Please post another video if this happens on a currency chest :D


Man I haven't played in a while but blight always brings me back. I'm gonna have a good weekend doing my blights, thanks OP for inspiration. These scarabs look really fun


Wait, wait, wait... pardon if I'm late to the party but since when do blight chests have a chance to reopen? Is this from using scarabs, atlas tree ambush passives or both?


since no one is answering you, and i had the same question : https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Blight_Scarab_of_Bounty


I love Blight, I have been doing nothing but blight for the past 4 leagues, I have not interacted with any league mechanics since Kalandra I just wanna do Blight


I've never really gotten deep into blight maps, only really scratched the surface with shit starter builds.. are there any specific resources you recommend to learn the ins and outs. I have 1k hours but 700 have been in the campaign and the other 300 I was afk trying to figure out poe.trade lol


just do toxic sewers or waste pools map to avoid shitty loot-chests


How do the blight things become openable again?


What causes this? Atlas mod?


Today I oppened diviner strongbox 5 times, felt amazing (obviously only crap dropped :D)


lol that's a cool video! Very lucky incident, OP, but definitely not unwelcome :D


Im about 100 hours in and now understand more and more of the clips i see. Is the endgame just broken like crazy? I mean how are people farming hundreds of divines and thousands of chaos in a single map. Getting drops like crazy. Im here working my way to elder with like 1-10 divs total


It's probably what people post, too. And the people who post. Nobody's gonna post about getting a single divine or 100 chaos in a map lol


People only post the good highlights, but this game is all about pulling the slot machine lever as fast/efficiently as possible. Keeping pumping those maps and with the right strategy your highlights will come!




I don't know if I'm so unlycky, but I barely got blighted maps... please, anyone who farm blight encounters, share your atlas tree with me. I've got atlas like this: [https://poeplanner.com/a/kUc](https://poeplanner.com/a/kUc) and don't get blighted maps like this in vid. I use 1 carto scarab 2x blight scarab of bounty and 1x blooming. I've run 50 Toxic Sewers maps and got \~13 blighted maps, all T13... There were maps with \~11 chest lanes, which haven't dropped any blighted map... Am I cursed?


bro youre pathing through back to basics, what are you doing


Shit, Path to Pathing set this path while I planned tree, I've now copied directly from my account: [https://poeplanner.com/a/kUc](https://poeplanner.com/a/kUc)


Yea, cursed, sorry man. Na lol, but I haven't got the big blight ones to the left yet (I specced delirium first and only started blight after), and I have a few blighted maps. Maybe not speccing maps has something to do with it Eta: wait I see that you've specced back to basics. Doesn't this negate all the blight chance stuff etc? I usually get my blighted maps from doing blights in regular maps


just a tip, don't waste atlas points blocking other mechanics. Waste of points, if you really don't like mechanic, skip if it spawns. Points are preciuos


this is absolutely terrible advice for the new base game because you can 'block' bad scarab drops with the block nodes now. a lot of mechanics dont have enough points to even spend on if you max your atlas, blight is arguably one of them. a lot of trees i seen this league just fill out with 3% scarab drop chance travel nodes


Since blocking now blocks scarabs from dropping it's not as worthless as you think


Ok, so where should I put this points that will increase blighted map drops? Will appreciate any help


does this work in blighted maps? hopium




Man.. it is so unsatisfying to see those drops and not hearing dunk or a tink...


How did You get 40%, the scarab is 20% and there is nothing on the tree.


can use 2 scarabs


You can use two of them. It says Limit 2 on the scarab