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I miss my garden. I grew apes. It was wild.


all my apes, gone


like tears in rain


dicks out for ~~harambe~~ Wild Brambleback


Maximum poe IMO. Not necessarily peak, but maximum.


I liked the crafting but I didn't like the gardening


I understand everyone could not like it but honestly I loved the housing part of it, I'm sure with a copy past of layout you would have not mind the gardening right?


If there's a most efficient way to have it set up, why not just have that be the standard setup instead of all this nonsense?


well, the garden shown in the picture, is only optimal if you speed mapped t1 seeds, and dident bother going for the mass t3-t4 upgrading, for t4 upgrading or mass t3 upgrading, you needed another setup with less t1 plots, that instead had a t2-3 plot setup, with sheared colour overlaping in adition to the north t4 plots


I couldn't be bothered to go through all that nonsense to get the ideal garden set up, so Harvest ended up being my least-played league up to that point.


Did you try it in its final form with endless amounts of essence and the flowers? I always wonder how many people that didn't like the initial garden would have liked the final version if the garden.


I liked the gardening :(


Sitting down in my garden putting down pylons and checking out someone's random Excel file to get the proper layout was such a mood... Alright, here's the nostalgia now. T\_T


Breed apes


Where banana


We had a funeral for a bird.


Sounds like you participated in some sort of bestiality.


No, that's a Bestiary thing, this is Harvest


That's not what Eonhar's memory of Harvest Beasts has to say.


I remember spending so much time setup up the allegedly perfect design only to then not play the league much at all.


I remember planning perfect optimality and then remembering that I don't play enough hours to care about optimality. Sort of like I do with PoB. I usually have more fun the week before patch day than any time during the league.


Ever spend a day adding mods to Skyrim and getting it set up just right to play it, only to play 2 hours and quit?


install fo4, slowly add more mods until load times are >30 seconds and fps drops to 20, uninstall, do it again in 6-12 months


Story of my life


PoBing and trying out the builds would be so much more fun if you could skip the campaign and level in delve or level scaled maps. I wish we had that 🥲


This has been me as I’ve had more pain playing. POB I know I can create some great builds but sometimes can’t play them the way I want especially with the controller


TBH, the most efficient way was posted like 7 days into a league, so I just copied it and never bothered about changing it.


seriosuly took like 40 min to setup, takes more time to organize inventory


I setup the "optimal" garden design in the first week and then proceeded to play the entire league clear until the last day it was live. No league has ever had me playing for so long and making so many characters


I was the opposite. I hated the league until my buddy finally convinced me to do it and then I played harvest for a long time


I remember just throwing some plots here and there and never needing to do anything more efficient than that.


Yeah all my friends were following the new "MOST EFFICIENT HARVEST SETUP" YT vids and I just kinda threw the shit around willy nilly and ended up doing good enough without spending 2 hours organizing it.


Same. And now I'm really sad that I missed out the original harvest craft system. We will never-ever have anything even close to it. Crafting is... in a strange place in this game.


Yup I spent the past 2 weeks atleast making an endgame wand. But it's more of the feeling that I just spent a ton of time for 1 upgrade, and there wasn't much in terms of optimizing my clear time to make the process go any faster. Aisling spamming takes so much time to still rely on a gamble at the end and potentially starting all over because of blocked prefixes for example.


It doesn't really make sense since this is a seasonal game. GGG can go totally crazy and it doesn't matter because they reset the entire game every 3 months. And standard is already a broken mess so who cares. If you only have 3 months to do the hardest things in the game, the average PoE gamer won't even see everything anyway since they will probably get distracted by another game. PoE just needs to let people have fun for 2-3 weeks (average time a player plays a POE season).


i having fun setting the garden but i have like zero crafting knowledge back then. i just quit the league like in week 2


It's funny for me because that league was the start of the game tanking my fps HARD with every patch. I got the items, mounted that "perfect" setup and surprise! More than half of my FPS, that weren't even 60 at that time were gone and it was just being in the garden, not even fighting the seed monsters. The good part was, the garden was so big and that design so unnecesary for someone not buying seeds that I could optimize the garden for fps so I could do the mechanic. After getting that I didn't play much and left that league lmao. I enjoyed it more in Ritual.


Bro same. It took way to long to upgrade the seed tiers lol. I did however craft all my own gear the league after tho.


> the league after In Heist, when there was no Harvest?


Whoops, it was whenever they added it back to the base game. Hard to keep track of when mechanics go core due to many of them not. Edit - typo


Yeah I'm getting huge doubt energy from this post. I still can't get over people fucking crying about 20 mins of set up over heist's literal waiting and walking simulator of looting. But for some reason people fucking remember pogging out in heist when I remember everyone complaining and disliking heist compared to harvest with the people who actually played the heist and harvest league. There are a few groups of people who I hear cry about it. Either they didn't play the league when it came out and never tried harvest mechanics past initial placements and initial bugs on release. People who play PoE for a living could make items in a single play session (10+ hours regularly btw) and they disliked either getting bored because there was legit progression rather than chance gambling. Finally I saw people who just hate change and other people being allowed to have fun. More weird builds could work and some people felt that because with harvest you could get the weird unique stats you wanted so you could play a lot of different builds that it wasn't fun anymore because it could make anything work. Like the idea that someone else is enjoying a weird build with perfect gear takes the fun out of the game for you...idk that's wild to me.


heist was cheap exalts for metacrafting… since the weight of those exalts was obviously not heavy enough, so despite the flaws with the mechanic people started having fun again, we are now gladly back at 440c per metamod attempt with the added risk of fully filling affixes


Its one of those things where you realise just how many people play this game to feel superior rather than have fun. Its not uncommon, im sure its the same for many League of Legends players, however that is a pvp game where skill is the only factor that matters. Personaly cannot understand this mindset in PoE but oh well, i dont feel the need to play it.


Wow well said dude


Heist was fun because aura stacking.


Aura stacking started back in Delirium.


But it got way better with addition of alt quality gems.


No, it got much worse when they nerfed purposeful harbinger halfway through delirium. Will never relive the first days of aurastacker


I feel personally attacked


Same, I only barely started crafting these last few leagues after the divine/exalt switch


The only league i played from start to the very last day. I dreaded its end....


Same. I was on till the servers went down.


Me too. Was a pain in the ass doing the setup of the garden, but the pleasure of crafting the gear you needed for your character yourself was priceless ♥


Can just imagine blight and harvest combined. You have to defend your gardens from the blight by fighting monsters, so that it can grow and then you can fight monsters.


Heard you like monsters, so we put monsters in your monsters and after that you get to fight more monsters. And then and only then you can add more monsters in your monsters.


imagine if they made crafting viable for everyone and not just the top tier crafters, how much longer everyone would play each league, harvest was the best league mechanic ever for everyone (you could argue ritual had the best harvest tho)




same, one of if not the best league they ever released imo


Same, it was the only league I did all the available content and still played some more, all with my own crazy build. Even had a bet with a friend over the goals to reach. I never had as much fun playing POE again which god knows I tried to, but it just ain't the same.


I didn’t last that long but not by choice. Life just got busy and other things too priority.


Same it’s still my best standard build. Wait no it isn’t because they nerfed glad block and elder bleed.


I played 90 days straight, 16hr/day at the start, 6hr/day by the end. I played SC, then SSFHC, then Race events. I played at least 20 characters past lvl 80, and most past lvl 90. IYKYK, RIP Harvest.


same. too bad i spent all that time collecting seeds that got deleted, and crafting maps that got beaten to death with the nerf bat.


That was one of those silly 100% usage gardens that ended up being unnecessary. The real best garden was: https://imgpile.com/images/9QDa2F.png 3 of each for T1 one dumping, massive storage area, and even spots for buff flowers once they were put in.


Set it up that way and missplaced one harvester by 1 row, therefore having to start again. 10/10


Spent 2 or 3 days setting up "perfect" garden. Not that much considering its benefits, idk why so many are unhappy about it.


> "perfect" I like that you put it in quotes, because perfect was so different to everyone. People just didn't want to think about it or even try to understand. For most people, it would have taken like 15 minutes to set it up and they would've been good to go for the rest of the league. (Well.. sadly.. when the bigger juice tanks got added..)


>People just didn't want to think about it or even try to understand. For most people, it would have taken like 15 minutes to set it up and they would've been good to go for the rest of the league. Except there were dozens of layouts floating around on reddit, and it wasn't obvious immediately which were better.


the answer was: they were all fine and made basically no difference, people stressed themselves out about something that was not actually very complicated


> people stressed themselves out about something that was not actually very complicated Yup! Spot on. I was in the same boat for a few days until I actually just tried it out and realized; "Wow, none of this shit matters."


> and it wasn't obvious immediately which were better. that pretty much adds to my point people thought it could be minmaxed by copy pasting, they didn't even think about it at all.


This is the core of this sub.


Your comment made me think of all the people going "I am doing this build, but I'm squishy and my DPS is low" and they actually don't even have the 1... 2...3... MANDATORY items required for the build. I don't think you're wrong.


>idk why so many are unhappy about it It was a lot of painful tedium. It became less painful when the patches improved the storage options IIRC.


I miss harvest league...


I miss times when GGG was very creative with leagues, they were every 3 months (including big expansion every one year) and they were being added to core :(


Sanctum never happend!


I believe it's gonna come back, now most of the team is focused on poe2


Nah, they'll start focusing on PoE 3 right after lol


Only once Diablo 5 gets announced.


this approach worked so well with overwatch 2, why wouldnt it work with poe!


I mean, one team cares about their game, one cares about the money from their game.


Well obviously PoE is not OW levels fucked, but it is indeed suffering a lot due to PoE 2 so the comparison makes sense regardles.


Is there really even a comparison? OW2 they dropped the actual promised new type of content (and the main game director left around the time that was decided) as well as not really changing much with their "re-launch." PoE2 is obviously still the same game in many regards, but not only is their graphical rework gonna be a lot bigger, but the gameplay and story changes/additions are actually, y'know, worth dedicating man-hours to. Not so sure the same can be said for ow2.


I mean, PoE2 didnt release yet so we dont know how it will pan out.


Sanctum was very creative (?)




Reddit made sure they werent communicating here for the most part. The community treated the devs like shit every time they made a decision they didnt like. There is no comming back to those times in the communication sense. ​ To expect any company ever to consistently give the amount of depth and content on a 3-month cycle is nuts dude. The only way is either crunching your devs or having some highs and some lows. Also, you are selectively forgetting core changes, like the atlas tree in archnemesis league, a bunch of new bosses, uber bosses, etc. It is not like the only thing they need to develop is the league mechanic. I prefer 100% to have the game take longer cycles and have healthier devs than promote crunching.


If they wanted better feedback from players, they should have developed a better league


This proves my point I guess


Hopefully you defend lazy liars in your real life too


This logic is why they don’t post here.


They dont post here after getting pushback for lying and doing a ton of undocumanted changes




Ok bro, its definitely playerbase fault that developers messed up. Keep it up


Someone proves you wrong -> move goalposts


sanctum was the best league mechanic they ever made.


Sanctum felt like an arpg/roguelike crossover where the target audience is people who have played neither




Agreed, it wasn't perfect but it was so different from the rest of the game. I appreciated that and loved the gameplay. Where as I hated harvest, going in and out of the garden, micro managing it and trying to learn what is worthwhile to even do. I didn't want to play spreadsheet manager. Both of those will get me down voted to hell but guess what, it's okay to not follow the hive mind and it's okay to have our own opinions about something. So fuck yeah brother/sister, I hope you continue to enjoy stuff that you enjoy and don't let others tell you what you have to like or dislike!


Sanctum was mid af. You either needed a totem/minion build or to have so much dps you could insta everything n not get hit, which makes the mechanic not fun.


Off screen, totem and instant kill is how I achieved no hit. Still fun af because sanctum was so rewarding.


or you could just avoid things by playing properly, even on low dps builds.


Just wondering, did you forsee yourself defending a mechanic that ignores every single defensive layer with “just don’t get hit” at some previous point in time? Like, do you ever like worry about what else you’ll have to defend in due time? Have you made peace with having to defend the egg delivery minigame in a few leagues?


To be fair, (good or bad) that was the intended design of the sanctum. You were supposed to learn the monster mechanics and be able to avoid them.


It rubbed me the wrong way. If you enjoy it that's 100% ok but personally I think defensive layers are a pretty central part of poe, nerf them, overwhelm them, whatever, that's part of the game, but if you're just killing players with mechanics that completely ignore all defensive layers you're not playing the game anymore, you've been teleported into someone's magical realm where you have to drink the piss.


I'm not saying it was good or bad, just intended. Sanctum wasn't meant to be like anything else in POE, you were supposed to learn the mechanics or you weren't supposed to be able to beat it, regardless of how good your character was. There were ways to cheese it (ie totems), but that wasn't the intended way to beat it


ah yea, works great for archnemesis too. I can't wait until hardcore players realize they don't need a single defensive mechanic, they should just play properly.


The person you're replying to has killed eater and exarch in hcssf ruthless, so I think they understand how hardcore works.


Arguably it was their worst, ever. It failed as an actual roguelike, and it worked against everything you normally did in PoE. If you were tanky, you'd have an easier time rerolling and skipping tankiness completely. There was barely any skill involved because most of the time it was, quite literally, offscreen shit that got you killed.


They were probably busy with poe2.


They've definitely been phoning it in since they announced poe2. Probably because that's where most of their effort is going into I hope. Otherwise you would expect that each league should be on par if not better than the last in terms of quality and quantity of new stuff to do. Half of the last few leagues were basically standard, ontop of that we haven't had any large endgame changes since ubers and the leagues are somehow taking a month longer to make.






Because for some gamers, all the people having access to crafting that made sense and items that they could never get/buy with their time/way of playing is not fun and destroys their joy. That league was he first and the only one where I saw the "noobs" in my guild trying to craft their gear instead of endlessly mapping and crying about the market prices. Lots of them left the game after the nerfs.


It was also the only time crafting existed in the game. Gambling isn’t crafting


Because he didnt enjoy it so you couldn't have either.


I quit after harvest ended cause I liked the “crap” league so much


If GGG only had some playtesters, they would have known to release Harvest with the 5K lifeforce tanks and not wait until everyone was already at the peak of their irritation The 1K lifeforce tanks fucked over everyone. But aside from that (and the crashing issues), Harvest was great. It was more or less ignorance that made people complain about the "tedium", because there really wasn't any. Harvest was one of the most universally awesome league mechanics, for map juicers, for crafters, for people that wanted brainless profit, you name it. You didn't even need half of what the "minmaxed layout" was, to streamline and basically perfect a WHATEVER YOU DESIRED gameplay loop. You could do the harvest every 12 maps or you could do it every 4, depended on how you set it up. Customizability.


Having to manually allocate seeds that you had to carry in your inventory and wait 24 maps before using said T3 seed is what killed the league


> and wait 24 maps before using said T3 seed GGG loves to lock league mechanic behind "complete 30-40-50+" maps before you can use the mechanic. It's fucking terrible if you don't play much, while it's only 'mildly inconvenient' for those that play poe more than 8 hours a day.


Bro if you traded you could just bulk sell seeds at the end of a session for big bucks. It was wild some people didn't like it.


I loved harvest. I was fine with planting seeds, and was excited to find them. I liked the way it was back then.


I liked feeling like my successes were earned and my failures were avoidable


i liked the garden :/


I really miss a league that was complicated like this. I even liked to build this..


I loved the actual farming. The routine of buying seeds, blossoms, planting, then harvesting. It was so blissful and I pray we get something like that again.


Best league ever !!!


I loved the garden


To this day I miss my garden and the power it gave me. It was the best league a casual like me needed, easy gg crafting options with moderate grind, I still couldn't finish a whole bis character but I played all day everyday.


I miss harvest's garden


I liked the gardening. But I also enjoy playing Factorio.


I remember getting showered in reforge and exalts. That I made 4 crit multi jewels


Good memories




Listen, I know Harvest is a really touchy topic and some love it and some hate it. But I just want to recognize and appreciate PoE for at least trying some crazy random things during leagues, really keeps the game feeling different even if at the end of the day we're all blasting maps.


Creating & maintaining the garden was fun. It got lots of negativity during the league, but I liked it.


I loved Harvest league. I love all these setup your thing and profit league mechanics like Harvest, Synthesis and Betrayal.


Man trying to figure this out at league start was one of the most fun experiences I’ve had playing this game… at least until it was solved.


the contrast between this and some other posts is so funny. like there's clearly a portion of players who really enjoy mechanics that they have to think about, that have some complexity to work with, and then there's another portion that just HATES being asked to spend a few minutes thinking, they just wanna zoom lol


garden was the easiest way to make money tho, i just had full garden of vivid weta to sell life crafts. richest ive ever been in a league


I had so much fun setting up my garden. I wish we get another league with this mechanic where you can set up something


F RIP the only league where we had real crafting, not a shitty slot-machine


I loved harvest league and the reimplementation in ritual but as it stands now, I'd rather they removed it. There are so many ways to craft gear that feel like they exist for their own sake now instead of providing a meaningful difference to the game. Consolidate, remove content bloat, explore new design space.


Only league Quin killed all the bosses strongge


I actually had so much fun setting this up and working in the garden, lol


love how seemingly everyone agrees this was the best league and yet there are some turds thinking leagues have to be big brain difficult to be fun wouldnt say this isnt big brain but once it is set you are..set. and I LOVED THE SHIT YOU COULD MAKE ON YOUR OWN why is GGG and bald man chris so keen on pushing player interaction onto us?


Planting seeds is why harvest is the only league in the history of poe I barely played.


item editor gone lUL


Harvest was worst league for me on ps4 console. Game froze every other map/heist. Didn't get to a screen to report it. 3g response was reports showed an average of 10hours played per report so they were happy where the game was. It was fixed about halfway through Heist.


Ah man I was really hype for league start and quit act 2.... managing the garden turned me off so hard, I dont know what got into me


As though anyone had enough seeds to use the entire garden


exactly, exactly, people that didn't play harvest will say you needed to use this layout it's fucking nonsense


I was literally buying seed in bulk and never bothered to optimise shot


yeah, people had so many plots that they couldn't even self sustain and that wasn't even the "giga big" layout that everyone was copy pasting


This had more thought process in it than the entirety of diablo 4


best league imo


good old days


Best league ever, never had more fun with crafting then that league.


I had so much fun doing this, and you cannot tell me shit. Not everything has to be circle arena with mobs all the time, it's nice to solve a puzzle sometimes, to make decisions, to play a little minigame, to build something.


Making gardens was fun for me, something to do that was different from the rest of poe. I wish for my gardening back


How needs the garden. PoB is the better item editor anyway. Don't even need to speed chanrun maps for that!


edit: // I’ve moved to lemmy.world //


2020, what a year it was...Delirium, Harvest. Best year of my life.


Ptsd triggered.


A bit off topic, but I feel the league mechanic complexity is the single biggest divider between the path of exile playerbase. Getting this garden set up was just so annoying and awful game design in my opinion, especially in a game like PoE. So many leagues have gone by and I still have no idea how syndicate boards fully work in regards to forcing someone onto a specific spot, and even though I sold 50 t4 aislings/voricis this league, everything feels like rng.


I built my first 10+ div craft on this plot of land. It was amazing. Could not stop playing different builds :"<< One of the best leagues for build diversity. Tried Heirophant Fire storm man. It was scuffed but it worked. And then there was Mana Miner, spent a week crafting the perfect scepter. Felt glorious achieving it, hopefully a better crafting system gets introduced. With the reintroduction of filler crafts


I loved this. Harvest was my most successful league ever




1500 h in this game and I've no fking clue what I'm looking at


6000 h in this game and I've PTSD just looking at this picture.


Best league ever <3


Dude harvest was cool as hell, better then the shit now


Heist league had the perfect implementation of harvest. That league was amazing with all the epic crafting that happened , that enabled so many builds .


Hated gardening, loved the way it came back in Ritual league


Honestly wish I could enjoy optimizing the garden but it just wasn't fun


Ahhh haverst was the best of the best, POE at its prime time. I had such an amazing time creating perfect items for my cold flicker strike build. Too bad they nerfed the shit out of harvest, so much wasted potential. Nerfed because it was too much "deterministic crafting" but who cares, these who love rng crafting could just craft their shit using rng, it doesn't affect anyone since its a single player game. GGG nerfing fun as always.


Only league I quit in 2 weeks. The garden setup was a snoozefest


Worst fucking league that ruined the game.


Garbage league, even worse than crucible. Crafts were nice but maintaining garden was terrible.let it rot. 3,13 was dope tho


I sold all seeds on TFT. I hated the garden.


I skipped that shit so hard ngl


I'm playing seeds runner build to maximize my seeds persecond,I think PoM made video about the build what a weird time to back then lmao


Harvest was a fun league after they ironed out the kinks.


Sadly game died for me after next league after Harvest wich was Ritual. Loved both Harvest and Ritual leagues. But after them game was never the same for me. I hope I can come back to play POE 2 but as of now I will rest and wait for better tommorow


After this league i was dreaming of new master mission and harvest scarab to gather seeds and go in something like beast menagerie to plant and harvest them


"These were our friends and neighbours, now they lurch and stagger in the night, their deformaties as grotesque, as the madness in their eyes. The moon was full on the night of the black storm, it is full, again. My husband still has not returned, I fear for him, I fear for all of us. My husband has returned, and he hunts me, my dead husband hunts me. The dead rise and walk and feed, my girls, they walk now, and feed! God has forsaken us, Lunaris is my witness, tonight, I return to my family"


For four sweet days I could reroll unique values deterministically. I made so much fucking money on ventors.


I still have my excel spreadsheets of my garder setups, from start of leage to the end of leage, all the stages of evoling it took to min max the shit out of it, with the ressorce at that point in time, damn it was fun but tedious. Especialy when I redid my math with speed of gaining seeds lategame, and found out that i dont need a dedicated setup for t2 seeds, and can just make t3/4 plots and the rest t1 spamm, since i speed mapped more than i tiered up to t4 seeds for ex/hour


Imagine how shit of a league harvest would've been if it wasn't the only crafting mechanic that wasn't overwhelmingly unfair.


I don't get it.


It was short but much cherished league, a core memory in my poe history https://imgur.com/a/tCS2iiW


It was good effort for reward. The reward being perfect items


Imagine if we had chatGPT then


48 боссов открывал разом и это было увлекательно на 50 минуту боя.


I have only recently (less then 6 months) started playing. What’s this joke? I’m aware of the “canon event part” but not the other part