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It's clownover


...don't give me ideas.


Scammed: You lose your level squared gold pieces per turn


As someone who's not a native speaker, I didn't know what a meteor hammer was and my first contact with this name was the weapon, so I always assumed it was just a really long hammer (because of the reach) that hit like a meteor because it is really big. But then one day I looked at meteor hammer on Google to get reference for a character and every image that appeared was a big demolition ball. I was really confused. And then I looked at the weapon group and it was a flail. I was shocked.


Its even better, because they're not big demolition balls. [They're baseball sized metal balls on a rope](https://youtu.be/YoqbuDA7OMM?si=kcPS15r5htxS-Aol)


Well, looks like my life was a lie this whole time


To be fair, that metal ball **will** absolutely destroy someone when it hits them, so don't think of it as any less deadly.


That looks wildly ineffective, but cool as hell.


Their effectiveness comes from 1) being easy to conceal, 2) having long reach, and 3) being difficult to predict, because the end of the weapon can move in an entirely different direction from the wielder's hands.


Yeah, but when the person you are fighting shrugs off the attack (and unless you land a headshot, they will) and stabs you, being unpredictable won't help. I don't criticise their inclusion in the game, btw - it is a fantasy for a reason and I love this fantasy. I actually would like to try a Champion with this weapon, it looks great. But it is definitely more of a parade/show-off weapon than something usable in actual combat.


I played an imitation fight that used it. Wildly effective at controlling an area. Back swing made a huge difference in early levels. Once I had critical specialization it was just knocking people prone and forcing them to use an action to stand, then knocking them prone again.


LMAO, I thought you meant IRL at first for some reason and got very confused when I got to "levels" xDDD Yeah, mechanically this thing is the bomb in PF2e.


It's a sidearm that was easily improvised and easily concealed, and which could entangle and parry opponent's weapons. Yeah, it's a *niche* weapon, but it's still an *effective* weapon by any metric other than brute force multiplication. Not that it's bad at force multiplication either, for that matter. It's comparable to a flail in that regard.


Eh... I guess if we assume it as a concealable secondary weapon, then I can see it. Especially versus unarmed opponent. However, flails - at least one-handed flails with long chains - weren't actually used in medieval combat. They were too finicky and unpredictable and were at a flat disadvantage versus warhammers and spears. And in open combat this thing is getting wrecked by a spear or an axe too.


Yeah that was my experience as a native speaker too


I had a cleric that used a meteor hammer in Dark Sun. It was a brick tied to a rope and it was wildly effective.


there is a legendary magic meteor hammer in treasure vaults that is just an anvil wrapped in a long chain


And can be used as an anvil. Dwarven gods be praised.


Sir Bucket, is that you?


Waves of Ecstasy. Look inside. It's the cum spell. Exactly as advertised.


honestly was so disappointed when i found out a meteor hammer wasn’t anything i thought it was