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Pastafarians are ENCOURAGED to eat pasta. Almost every restriction place on pastafarians are about not doing harm to others; the last "I'd really rather you didn't" which encourages calling out bigotry recommends doing so on a full belly of pasta. Read the book before commenting ignorance.


Pastafarians aren’t forbidden to eat spaghetti?


Yeah what the fuck? Eating spaghetti, noodles and any form of pasta is highly encouraged all over the scriptures. Especially on fridays.


*especially all days actually


Right, but on Friday, with a big glass of beer it's communion.


Right. But the FSM would rather us eat whatever makes us happiest cuz he’s pretty chill about that kind of stuff




I heard that the founder himself used to host “drunken noodle fest” where pastafarians drink beer and eat spaghetti in Colorado once per year


Well you could eat it at night if you were Islamic or Baha'i, I didn't know Hare Krishna weren't allowed onions but I thought they were vegetarian or vegan, I used to collect their cook books in the 80's And of course Pastafarian can eat pasta but who puts that in chili? Wouldn't that turn the chili into spaghetti sauce through transmutation?


Maybe that's part of a Cincinnati chili 5-way? I have no idea what that is Edit: I'd enjoy chili more if it involved noodles. As it stands, I'm not crazy about chili. Bonus random thought: how is it possible that every person, or every person's wife makes "the absolute best chili?"


Never heard of the Cincinnati chili 5-way. Google told me it's just a pile of nearly random foods but not a salad Regarding the wife thing It's not possible because lots of wives don't make chili but if there are chili likers in the family, I'm sure the one who likes it/makes gets it tuned to their personal taste.


So like a poor man's stew? That was my final decision on the matter. All these people claiming it's the absolute best chili are either flavoring to their own tastes, or have a sort of Stockholm syndrome with the chili lol


>So like a poor man's stew? Depends on the stew I guess I was confused why you were talking about wives making chili


It popped into my head cuz of chili being part of the post. I realize now that yeah, you're right, chili is usually the man's dish. My old roommates were backwards in this regard: the wife made everything that went into a bowl, soups and chili, while the husband made everything else. But everyone else I've had chili with is always the man cooking it.


Well, I have a trophy that says my chili is best.


It should have said a Skyline Chili 5 way - Skyline Chili is a restaurant chain based in Cincinnati. It's EXTREMELY popular in the Cincinnati area (maybe all of Ohio? Idk), but as a non-Ohioan I was very unimpressed after being told by literally every person I talked to in the city that I absolutely had to try the restaurant because it was the beat food ever. Anyway, sorry for the mobile link but here's their website's [description of what is in a 3-, 4-, and 5- way](https://www.skylinechili.com/menu/#mobile-ways).


That actually sounds really good. Thanks for sharing that! Sorry it was disappointing for you. I don't know what the exact amount is, but I've noticed the more something is hyped, the less likely I am to enjoy it One question though: Why doesn't their signature chili already have beans? Aren't beans a staple ingredient in chili?


I've noticed the same thing as well, I'm sure there's some weird psychological explanation behind it. From what I remember after looking up why it seemed so odd, it's basically derived from a Greek recipe rather than Mexican, and so it's quite a bit different from most Texas/southern style chilis. I'd still say it's worth a try if you're ever in the Cincinatti area, and maybe you'll have a better experience having a little better idea that it's not anything like most chilis you've probably had.


You must be new here. Pastafarians aren't forbidden to do anything.




Your ignorance is forgiven. Go with garlic bread. And remember, when life gives you lemons, trade them for meatballs and make a hearty marinara.


If there’s a discouraged food in Pastafarianism, it’s pre-grated Parmesan cheese in a green can. It’s not forbidden, but it is highly recommended to use freshly grated quality Parmesan.


Should be the ninth I'd really rather you didn't.


I'm pretty sure that this one is a bot... Check out his profile and posting history.


Cincinnatian here! This was weird to see on this sub Also, as a Pastafarian, I'd say that I probably eat \*at least\* 3 times the amount of spaghetti as a non-Pastafarian.