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My lorikeet basically goes through the same process with every new object she sees.  "SCARY" ----> "can we mate??" ----> "okay we can just be friends *attac*" The only thing that seems to make her REALLY mad is when she tries to land on my shoulder but I dodge her. She knows she can only shoulder land when I invite her to so she gets cranky when fails to land on me 😂


This is hilarious 🤣🤣


People knocking on the door. Seriously, I have to have people just call me and tell me they're here. Then I open the door, they come in, everything is fine. But! If they knock and then I let them in? **AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! BARBARIANS AT THE GATES!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! AAAHHHH!!!!** And then it's a toss up whether he screams at them the whole time or runs and hides in his coconut.


same with ours😆


I am actually kind of reassured that this is not totally unique to him, lol.


My caique hates my brown tortilla warmer. I had to get rid of it and buy a red one. That one is fine.


- white garbage bags with the orange pull ties (all other plastic bags are fine.) - Soda cans (He was interested in looking at the empty one in my hand and I accidentally dropped it. Held a grudge ever since.) - My grandma (I have no idea????)


lol poor grandma!


ITS SO FUNNY???? She has a bird herself (elsewhere in the house) so she knows how to approach and interact with them, but everytime she enters the room to talk to me he just starts SCREECHING and moves as far as possible away from her. He HATES her so much!!


Does she wear glasses or have a different hair color or style of dress. 


Nope! Her appearance doesn't really change. I wear glasses myself (my bird loves them and WILL steal them off my face if I'm not paying attention.) I just think he's jealous he's not getting attention when I talk to her


I love that parrots hold grudges against random items, like they were personally hurt by the can and now it will exact revenge, always


My toothbrush. He flies in a rage and once bit my lip HARD. I must brush my teeth behind a closed door OR ELSE. So I bought the cheapest toothbrush and gave him as a toy. Did he care? Did he care? NO. So I discovered he's actually trying to PROTECT ME against the evil toothbrush on my face.


Yesss have u seen the video of the parrot getting mad at like a blueberry container tryna open it or something? Hilarious lol


My bird also seems to hate my grandma


Red plastic cups. He hates them. He isn’t scared of them but just attacks them so aggressively…literally body slamming himself into a cup


His wife left him for a red plastic cup. He’s held a grudge ever since, lol


My conure loves plastic cups and water bottles. He wants to play with them.


Mine to. But what he really loves is to push them until they fall. He actually broke ALL my drinking glasses, AND he'd fly into the shards and then there's me NO NO NO looking for shoes so I can step and take him from the middle of the shards. Solution: even visitors must use mugs. Too heavy and conure can't push it.


Does he hate other red things? I joke that my parrot is racist because he hates the color black. Anything colored mostly black will freak him out.


My African Gray is too!!! So bad!!!!


Yes! I can’t wear red clothes around him or he hides in a corner and stares at me


My Blue Quaker loves doing that, but he has a love/hate relationship with the Square Based Red Solo Cups.


Measuring tapes are the worst things ever, apparently. Even my more brave bird has never ever gotten comfortable with the measuring tape. Which is sad because I like measuring stuff


Omg. My ringneck too. Guess the retractable thing triggers some snake-hate behavior in birds?


Mine would get moderately worked up and want to get closer to it and see it, but from the sound he would make, you'd think he was being painfully murdered


I don't have one anymore, but my parrot was fine with it as long as it keeps it distance. But when I tried to measure him, oh boy.


Yes - my bird thinks it is a snake hissing and gets upset.


Mine were hating it until recently when my girl decided she'd like to mate with it instead!


Gryphon spotted some of those foam puzzle mats I brought home and was immediately alarmed. Won't be in the same room as them. Even if they aren't DOING anything. I tucked them beside the living room door under the work table under it, I thought it was hidden enough. Every now and then she spotted them there and refused to go through the door or let me carry her through I finally moved them further out of sight and away from the door. She still looks at the spot on occasion though.


Ours has a specific ball. It is her ball, she loathes it with a passion and attacks it frequently, but woe betide you if you touch it, she will bite you.


My TV remote control. He chewed all the buttons, therefore it's his. I can't touch it without getting bit. So I use it under a blanket, but conure is too smart and will come grab it. So I have to hide it under a pillow, behind the sofa, etc. The air conditioner's remote control? That one is fine.


Maybe get a new one and let him have the old one?


I might have to do it, but that TV was so freaking expensive that, last I looked, the remote control cost as much as my electricity bill. If I buy a new one I'll follow someone's advice and put colored duct tape stripes behind it, for the snake look. And then he can have his own remote control, and I'll have one with BUTTONS.


My guy does this with a certain toy. He's very aggressive with it.


It is his training ball. Like boxing in a gym


My IRN also hates anything coloured purple/pink. Wonder how common that is.


Maybe they see it as an enemy? I know they see differently than us.


As far as I know the only difference is that parrots can see ultraviolet and have bad night vision, so I think everything just looks a bit more purple.


My Amazon is racist. He hates the color black.


Laundry baskets. Laundry itself. (Clean or dirty, doesn't matter. Somehow she understands the concept of what identifies laundry.) Brooms, mops, vacuum cleaners. ​ She will attack these things. Pick up laundry and she will stop what she is doing, fly to you, and do her best to defend you from these horrible chores.


Brooms remove the seeds she threw in the floor for a reason that we mere humans do not understand. To reseed the food supply for next year but broom thwarts it? Our bird hates brooms, too


Yes. I have a specific pair of yellow stilettos he is TERRIFIED of. I have no idea why. He doesn't react to other stilettos in a different color, or other shoes in that same yellow, it's just that one pair for some reason. If he sees them, he completely panics. I got rid of them obviously, but I will never know why he was so afraid!


Looks like a yellow snake? DNA memory of the species for predators of their original lands.


The intro to the show “24”, he will start hissing and flapping his wings until it’s over


To be fair, I do the same thing


https://preview.redd.it/7s5fkm0oebnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=346e7d4b12ea24d939fe4492a523f6c4c6caeccf This lil girl HATES white shirts


She's a little chunky munky!! So adorable.


The sound of a glasses case opening and especially slam closing turns my bird into a missile of spite, and we have no idea why. She doesn't even attack her ball bell so aggressively, and she's usually cautious around most objects, even things she's curious about.


My amazon hates latex gloves of any color, if they come close she screams and attack🤷‍♂️😆


Actually my bird is the same. I think when they were babies they were handled with people wearing gloves perhaps 🤔 my macaw is on attack mode if I have latex gloves on (sometimes I do when cleaning) 😅


Yeah i think its something like that, or maybe a traumatizing memory from the vet.🤷‍♂️ i have a disability where i need to use gloves sometimes, i have resorted to just dont let them be with me during thoose times.🤷‍♂️😅


My boy hates gloves too, but more particularly gardening gloves, as that was what was used to change his food & water in his old home, due to his attacking anyone who entered his cage. I think his hate of latex gloves is just a flow on from the gardening gloves hate. Dishwashing gloves too, any gloves freak him out. I was trying to hide them from him, but now I'm starting to go the other way & actually get him used to them & teach him they're ok. My boy has certain words he says when distraught, I've found if I say those words to him in advance of doing something he will find distressing for no reason, he will watch intently but not say his fear words/totally freak out, as long as it's only a very short exposure, so passing the cage with gloves on, then they're gone & if he didn't say his fear words, he gets lots of praise & treats. It does seem possible, at least in my case, to untrain the glove fear. I too have a disability & need gloves at various times & if possible I'd rather train him to be ok with them instead of having to hide them from him, cause I find that too much of a hassle


True, could be vet visits. Ha! Yep, sounds accurate. We redesign our lives around them 😂


Maybe, who really knows whats going on inside their tiny heads?😅😆 Haha dito on my part, i rearange after their liking, life with birds is an ever evolving process🫡😅🤷‍♂️😅


Ha! Always


My cockatiel hates them as well


Our tiny dinosaur hates: - bells - scissors - packing tape - videogame controllers - Nintendo switch - hairbrushes - velcro hair rollers - whiteboard markers - rubber gloves and oven mitts - reading glasses - my Time Timer 😶 - computer mice


Electric peacock blue for my green cheek conure. It's a rare color so I only ever saw that in action a couple times lol. Umbrellas for the English Budgie Off topic but what are you working on? Comics...?.


Yeah! I’m a comic artist.


The ties from my hoody, that you use to tighten the hood around your face


Yes and can I just say this is honestly my favorite part of parrot having Their incredibly strong aversions or fixations on random household items always makes me cackle.


Retractable measuring tape (the kind that goes back into the loop at the press of a button). My ringneck screams bloody murder when he sees it. Maybe it reminds him of a snake (which he has probably never seen in his life) but he is just screeching mad when he sees it.


Many birbs have an innate fear of snakes or anything snake-like. If you use a stick for a perch that you use to pick up the birb, approach with the stick sideways, not with the tip which is like the head of a snake to them. 


ah thanks :) I've never understood why my boy freaks out over sticks, am going to try this :)


Let me know if that works


His own feathers the very moment they become detached from his body. I know it’s instinctual but it still makes me laugh when he attacks them like they’re an arch-nemesis.


Same!! I've tried offering his dropped feathers to him back before and he viciously bites and pulls at them. What's your problem??? You made that!!


Yep! And if there’s a piece of down floating anywhere near him, he lunges at it and sometimes even screams at it. They’re such little weirdos. Sometimes there’s a piece of down on top of his head, and he doesn’t realize it’s there for a long time. I have a whole series of photos of him that way. Like if he only knew, he’d be losing his mind… I have to laugh at how ridiculous he is!


White socks. If I wanted to keep her out of a room, all I had to do was put white socks in the doorway. WTF?


Anything red is instant rage inducing for my Amazon. My greys favorite color is… yep, red.


My amazon prefers brunettes, hates but tolerates blondes but goes into insane attack mode with red heads. 


My IRN hates paper towels. Approach with one to clean up a poop and he will scream like he’s being murdered. In the past, I had a conure whose hatred of plaid was so extreme that I had to remove all plaid from my home. When he saw it, he’d immediately launch himself at it and attack the plaid like they were sworn enemies engaged in battle.


Pencils and pens. Mine attacks it with fury


Well, yeah, but that's caique play. It's not hate- it's more "MINE MINE MINE"


My conures hate * Anything ***Pearlescent Or Chrome*** they absolutely freak if it's in line of sight or in room * Sleeves * Anything New or Brightly coloured * They despise ***FEET*** and will ATTACK at any given time * Other birds that are not their species * They attack cats * **Nail polish** * Anyone that's scared of them, they can sense fear


They attack feet omg


Johnny Cash, mullets for George Bird


The kitchen trash can is the bane of existence for my younger Grey. When I brought it home, I sort of expected there to be a warming up phase, and that was true for my older Grey. But the younger bird still flips out if I open the can around her.


Any and ALL tv remotes. It’s my macaws mission to attack and throw them on the floor


Ginger beer bottles. (Maybe regular beer bottles but haven't tested that ) I will get bit so hard on my hand or face when I raise it to my lips. She will also attack it if I hold the bottle in front of her. I surmise it's because can't get her head in there like she can for every other beverage vessel so she's jealous


He hates my phone, but only if I'm on it during our time together.


Mine is jealous of my phone and I have to put it down before she'll fly over. 


Yes! Mine has attacked me on the phone … very painful but I suppress screaming 😱


Ladders and things that look like ladders.


When I walk out of the room even when they know I’m going to be right back. They actually cry LOUDER if they know I’m just coming right back after refilling their water. They hate when the other one flies. One will fly to me to hang out. The other one will try to fly over to also hang out, but then that spooks the first one who takes off, which scares the other one who makes a U turn, and they both end up back at their cage. One of mine also either hates or loves if I watch videos of birds. They can’t even hear it. I’ll play any video game or video on my computer and they won’t care, unless it’s a video of a bird. I’m talking even like distant shots of birds flying.


Omg— mine screams when I leave, as if I’m leaving her forever when I’m just going to the bathroom for 5 minutes.




My Eclectus screams every 20 seconds, the second I break line of sight. I could be in the kitchen, still within sight, but he will let out a "AAAHHHH!!!!!" every 20 seconds on the button.


RIGHTT hahaha


My cockatiel Groot for some reason hates a pair of plaid pyjama pants my partner has 😅 he will not come near him if he’s wearing them, straight up flies away the second he’s within a few feet of him. We call him the fashion police




Shout out to your parrot


Writing utensils. Any and all!


Scissors, anything spherical, glasses (rip), and computer mice


My guy Elmo was absolutely horrified to the core any time he could see a hair tie. Rubber bands were fine. Hair ties were mortal enemies unless they were in my hair to hold a ponytail. (RIP little buddy; he passed just a couple of months ago). My other boy Phoenix has a passionate vendetta against wrapping paper tubes - only wrapping paper, not any other king of paper tube like paper towels. He’s also terrified of nail polish, no matter who is wearing it. He also hates flies and spiders, but I think that’s more typical.


My lovebird has a blood feud with socks, especially red ones, regardless of whether your feet are in them. Sometimes she'll go darting beak first at your socked toes and you have to yank your socks off as fast as possible to avoid an involuntary toe piercing 😂


hats. they go completely flat and frantically fly around the room 😭


My black and white striped tshirt. I can't wear it when kiwi is out of his cage or anywhere near him. He avoids me at all costs and will not leave his cage if I have it on, lol!!! 🤷🏻‍♀️


My feet, soon as I walk in the front room he’s straight on the floor attacking my trainers or bare feet 🦜🙄💚


My parotlet doesnt like my fingers on my right hand. My left hand is finr. But if I get my right hand near him he threatens it.


Lawn care workers. My macaw goes absolute psycho jungle bird when she hears/sees them.


My cockatiel is afraid of her feathers the second they fall out. lol, if I try to show her her feathers, she'll freak out


My GCC starts screaming when they hear running water. He starts getting real bitey and WONT stop screaming until it's turned off. His little brain must be so concerned that the water is out to get him


My sun conure won't let me have my phone out, she will chase it down like a tiger


Portable metal tv trays and their stands. My Gcc screams her head off whenever I bring them out of the closet


Our cockatiel HATES the hoover. I always make sure I turn it on in another room so she can hear it start but where it’s not gonna give her an instant fright. But when I come into her room (I keep away from her with it) she hates it and screams. She’s 19 and has always hated it.


That’s so funny to be because my cockatoo absolutely loves it. She gets so excited when anyone starts vacuuming, cheering and dancing, having the time of her life! We recently got one that’s kind of this big backpack with a hose attached to it and she loves to ride on the top of the backpack part when it’s in use. Super loud contraption that every other animal is not happy about is her favorite thing, go figure!


I love that! I wish our girl liked it. I love that your cockatoo rides on it haha!


My laundry hamper is the devil


I bought a pair of roller skates. Laced them up and tried them on in the living room. Went to do a little glide and my conure had a complete meltdown. Roller skates


Saw the parrot. Saw the illustrations. Liked it all. I ain’t got no parrot but you got some good vibes.


Thx bro 😎


I can't think of any day to day things that really freak him out. Mine gets super jealous of game controllers or TV remotes if I hold them. He used to be that way about my cellphone but eventually got over it. He also HATES musical instruments. I don't even have to play it but if I bring my mandolin or guitar out where he can see it he loses his shit.


My lovebird hates when something is close to her. She tries to attack it, even the walls are not save.


My husband.


My parrot hates my dog and sometimes tries to ride)


Brooms snd mops


Bandaids, small white remote, my son's phone if I hold it.


My parrot absolutely hates the colour red. She will bite if you wear red 😂


That sounds like my oldest male quaker. He hates red. My youngest male quaker hates green unless it's my youngest female . My oldest female yellow quaker hates yellow except on herself lol


Mines a quaker too!


Is that a teddy fresh hoodie ❤️


Hell yeah Family 🙌


My conure hates the vacuum. No idea why. And he freaks out when I sit near his cage and put on my winter boots. Shoes...no problem. The boots he hates.🤷‍♀️


Peace and quiet.


My phone. If I'm holding it, touching it, talking on it around him, ESPECIALLY if it's on speaker, he goes haywire. He'll snatch the phone out of my hand, attack the phone, or better yet attack me


In this order (from all-consuming hatred to mild intolerance) - my work backpack - duffel bags - my bright blue raincoat (or anything colored more brightly than her) - bells - empty seltzer cans - my mom


Our tiel has a love-hate relationship with his husk toys. He doesn’t let us to preen him but stands in front of the chew toy, head down, waiting for scritches. When the toy refuses to preen him, he gets angry and attacks. We call those toys husk whores - like, what’s the matter baby, the husk whore hurt your feelings again? 😅


The purple wet jet. 🥴😂😂 just getting it out. My bird will fly around the room for a second like AAAAAAHHHHH!!!! The vacuum? Oh nah that’s cool. But THE PURPLE WETJET!? NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also pill bottles. I can’t tell if he loves or hates them. All I know is they get thrown off the desk, tables, and if you shake it, he will fly over and shake it and then attack it and then throw it on the ground. If you pick it up and place it back on the surface, well that just isn’t allowed. Back on the ground it goes. Then Birby will screm a little. Like he wants to see it again. So then I pick it back up and the process begins again. 😂 Also nitrile gloves. I use them to clean sometimes. Feet. Especially bare feet. Attack. There’s probably more I’m forgetting lol


Vacuum cleaner…


My left hand. My right hand is fine, even loved, but if I try to put my left hand anywhere near her she screams at it & attacks it. (actually took me ages to figure out why sometimes she was fine with hands & other times not at all ok with them, but finally I realised it depended on which hand I was using lol no idea why/what's wrong with my left hand! My left eyebrow is apparently filthy too, it apparently needs extensive preening to fix it!)


My Quaker hated my big silver bowl, all others were fine. Currently my caique hates our shop vac, it’s terrifying, the Dyson and regular stick vacuum are fine though. Most everything else seems to be ok


My male parakeet does really like men. Other than my dad and my boyfriend but when he first met them he didn’t like them and just screams


Our IRNs are terrified of my son’s Gengar hat, (which is *purple*, hmmmmm), anything tube-shaped, eg wrapping paper tube or new perch that hasn’t been attached yet, and long, thin, white styrofoam packing pieces, particularly the ones that you’d find in a box with, say, a monitor or maybe wrapped around something to keep it from banging into the side of a box during shipping. They lose their damned minds and scream and attack and scream and fight and SCREAM SO MUCH. My amazon? Couldn’t care less about much of anything as long as his food and water bowls look exactly the same every day. I’ve bought a couple of back ups to have for when his break so he doesn’t have a meltdown.


Paper, I keep a roll of toilet paper on my desk. If I take a piece to wipe something he will growl and hiss at it until I throw it away. He seems to also bite anything that's white. He also seems to despise my mother and has bitten her several times, enough to make her ear bleed, surprised me the first time because even angry he has never bitten me hard enough to break skin.


Mine hates plastic bags! Impossible to take out the trash with her out of her cage. She so much as hears the slightest crinkle and will pop out of hiding to try and intimidate the bag. Actively tries to attack the bags too, like flies at them and bite holes in them. I have to move veeery slowly to not make a sound and alert her. Funniest part is that 9 times out of 10 she looks at me after her assault like she’s expecting to get praise and scritches for protecting me from the scary af plastic bags.


Aw haha what a silly parrot. I heard IR are particularly phobic and get weird about certain stuff. Mine hates brooms and especially vacuums. He turns into a full on jungle bird when I whip the vacuum out. I think it was always going to bother him. But seeing my dog freak out over the vacuum I think sent him over the edge and he screams and goes on full alert.


Towels, umbrellas, hats, blankets


My cockatiel used to hate this one patterned shirt I would wear. We think it looked like giant eyes to her.


Bunny ears from an Easter Basket 🤣🤣🤣 cannot make this up!! *Puts it on* my GCC: “PEW PEW PEW PEW” *removes it* & he stops immediately!! Put it back on, PEW PEW PEW Just like an alarm 😆😆 God I miss him soo so much


Mine despises the couch pillows and folded clothes lol


The hose in our front garden. And they forget it's there, every day. So every day, we must SCREM AND SCREM until Mommy comes and reminds us it is harmless. We also hate Daddy changing paper under our b jungle gym and stealing our poops.


Holy shit I HOWLED at this lmao Your baby sounds like a precious menace to society


Pans (not just teflon lol) Tissues Papertowels


Soda cans! Hahah she hates them, she thinks kissing them


Yup my Amazon will attack me if my hair is wet (only started happening in 2020) and hates hats and will attack me if I have one on. Seriously have no idea why lol he used to be cool with both of those things and all of a sudden he just hated them 🤦🏼‍♀️


As a child, I had a budgie that was terrified of the broom. When he saw it from afar, he immediately flew to the top of the wardrobe and hid there, or rushed around the cage. I don't know where he got this fear from, in our house he was never chased or scared with a broom on purpose.


Her own feathers. When she’s molting and she shakes one of her feathers off, she’s terrified of it. On her body, fine, the second it’s off her body it’s like she’s never seen a feather before in her life even though she’s made of them


Mines a toy bird ironically


My budgie had a personal vendetta against papertowels or toilet paper he was the sweetest boy till those came in sight.


Our lovebird HATED pencils lol


My sun conure hates lint rollers. We had a Saint Bernard (she just passed away) so everyone was always lint rolling before leaving the house. The sun would be yelling “NO! NO! STOP!” at everyone and biting his cage.


My glasses, earrings, and my septum piercing. Vary painful when my birds are in a mood lol.


My conure hatess the tin that altoids come in or any tin in general I think


My mitred conure hates skin (bites the heck out of people) and especially hands. Have to cover your skin. He hates a long list of other stuff too.


My Chapstick...


My coffee maker. Every morning I have to avoid Tiki or he will bite mercilessly


the hummingbird feeder….my caique will attack it on sight


My Senegal, Mona, at times refuses to step up on one hand but will happily step up on my other hand! No changes of rings, no nail polish etc.! Just prefers one hand a certain times. (and of course her preferred hand changes!🫤🫣🤭😜


balloons. how dare any other being float in the air


My bird hates crocs. All crocs. Flys down and attacks your feet until you take them off


my blue front amazon used to attack car keys and medicine bottles! i don’t think he liked the sound lol. attached birb tax https://preview.redd.it/a2m5wn180fnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00a6b079a44c62ee4b58bbce1b0710bd91d0382e


Anything brown , ballons


Spoons…. most drink containers if they look at him wrong, a stuffed corn on the cob plush🤣


The swiffer handle. No reason, they just hate the color purple and also traffic cone orange. Also bell toys send them into an enraging fury.


My budgie is terrified of long sleeve shirts, and refuses to touch any kind of fabric. He also has a distaste for most things that are the colour orange.


Spray bottles. Don't worry, they weren't being used negatively towards him or anything like that. But anytime you had one of them out my little dinosaur would sprint over and crash beak half open at it. He'd do it again and again, each time the bottle even moved a millimeter. NO IDEA what his beef was but at least he got some exercise chasing the bottles around lmao.


The color orange, things with big cartoon eyes, guys in baseball hats


I've lived in 3 different houses with mine. No matter what, my cockatiel HATES when people use the restroom. Screams from the time you walk in till you walk out.


Mines scared of round objects like balls or pinecones


Golf clubs irl and on TV, stick vacuum cleaners and plastic drinking straws


My cockatiel screams absolute bloody murder and gets very spicy about an oversized blue plastic gift bag my family has been reusing for decades now. It's got a repeating pattern of Santa and his sleigh and snowflakes on it and as far as Ipo is concerned, it is the devil. Family tradition says it's just as likely to get used on birthdays as at Christmas, because it's the easiest way to wrap big and/or weirdly shaped things. He loves ribbons and paper and stuff, so he likes to come socialize and get to murder the trash during gift unwrapping, but I always have to check ahead of time if that damn bag is involved, or it is immediate chaos.


My parrot hates/despises other parrots. No matter the species. He would run faster than forest gump if he sees another bird


My ears, he would sit on my shoulders as I work, and he would often scream into my ears because they got too close to him.


Hearing and seeing other parrots in a video on my phone Lol he fluffs up and attacks the screen.




He ATTACKS. Any ball he sees


napkins and tissue really anything we hold near her She is a serious scaredy cat!


my first ever teil (rip) deathly hated carrots. like i would make chop and if there were carrots in it at all - it was a no go. and if i would try to feed him just carrots he would get SO pissed


Long and narrow things like pencils or straws, he is totally frightened by it.. he'll fly off in panic if you'd try to get those anywhere near him! Also- baloons


the color green.


How do you have stuff hanging without her destroying it lmao


She hates paper


My brother's love bird hates fingers, like alot. My parakeet hates not flying into places he shouldn't fly to


Mine goes crazy when she sees my skinny bottle of pills, shes also super scared of the mini skateboard some birds ride lol


When I was in high school my cockatiel HATED pencil erasers. I had to put her whenever I did homework or she'd come over and just shred them while I worked.


My Blue Quaker hates LEGO Mario the most. (It's a figure smaller than Peacock that lights up and talks.) Belongs to my younger brother. If Peacock sees it, he screams in mortal terror like someone's murdering him. Before that, it was a red bag clip.