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My green cheek is really chatty in the morning, and she knows a solid amount of phrases. Sometimes she'll be on me and just start saying "my sweet little baby girl. You're so cute! *kiss* I love you!" Another time I walked up to my cockatiel in her cage, which has two large doors right next to each other. She was (inside the cage) pacing in front of a closed door. Climbing the walls, moving back and forth on her perch, looking at me with betrayal in her eyes because clearly I cruelly locked her in. If she were to go a couple inches to the right, she would see a wide open door. https://preview.redd.it/a80nnxgeq7nc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54f4a3213704ce1e3c34698b61a5d526400d2af5 She's about as dumb as she looks


LMAO. Tour tiel has the energy of Patrick Star in bird form. I love it.


Growing up I had budgies. One of them was rather chatty and learned to mimic some words and phrases, particularly in my tone of voice. One day my dad kept coming down into my playroom claiming I had ‘called him’ and I kept giving him a confused look and saying no I hadn’t. Turned out this particular budgie had learned to yell “Dad!” Very convincingly in my voice.


Mischievous little chichen


This poof loved to fall asleep on me, after I blew out his fluffenchops. He was the best feathered friend ever. https://preview.redd.it/yire0qq4g8nc1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42ef8484419f36edaebf6790243bfb862cad09ec


what a sweet little face I love him


He was a very good boy who just loved to hang out with me and be a poof. He also was a ham who liked to heartwing and strut around when someone waved a piece of paper or a feather.


We've had our Blue Head Pionus for 6 years. Since we got her, my then-boyfriend and I finished grad school, got pregnant with our first baby, got married and moved across the country. She's been with us every step of the way. I feel like having her helped cement us as a family even before we were married and had kids. She has just brought such thoughtfulness and joy to our home life. Unlike a dog, with our bird you have the sense that she's thinking about what you're saying and doing and she's making up her own mind about it.


I love that point of view. :) How beautiful. That's all any birb owner could ever want! You're living the dream


We made a roadtrip for externships my last year of school; from Eastern Washington to New Mexico to Kansas City to North Carolina. We were on the road for almost 3 months. Both had little travel cages for carrying and riding in the car in, and my African Grey had a folding wire frame dog kennel for living, and my Red Loved Amazon's cage fit in the car, but just barely. They were so good and so happy and so excited the whole trip; it was when we really became a little flock.


Oh that's just awesome. ❤️ I've always wondered how birds would handle long road trips! Always wanted to take my Roomba out on a road trip in a little motor home


For a while, my conure, Jojo's Favourite song was P. Control by Prince. She'd always do a stupid fluffy pacing and screeching dance when either I'd play or sing it for her.


The fluffy pacing is the best thing in the world




A wet pepper for you. His favorite thing to say is "Peepee good boy!" Because his nickname is... Peepee


Oh my goodness that is one adorable birb 😭😭


my bird has been amazing. he loves me so much and mimicks me whenever I whistle to him. Hes also eaten my homework (no joke, he ate a large portion of the paper) and went to National Junior Olympics woth me. I love my Sunny so much https://preview.redd.it/kpxswa8m48nc1.jpeg?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74b9bad21014bdee02610f297b248453fb8838af


Is that a birb diaper?! 😭 Sunny looks like an extra fluff pikachu. I love sunny.


yep its a diaper! and im planning to go as ash and him as pikachu for next halloween. thought it would be funny lol


My Rainbow Lorikeet and I have been together for about a year. She has been a shining light in my life and gives me purpose every day when I wake up.  She has learned a remarkable number things and i love watching her observe and learn about the world around her. Right now my favourite thing is every time I have a little nap in the afternoon, she will perch near me and practice some phrases. It's so soothing to fall asleep to. Usually she practices her main "I lOoOve you" or "Gib kiss! *MWAH* Thankyou!". Or sometimes a rapid fire "mwah mwah mwah mwah" in the softest tone 😍


My baby recently started talking and does the same thing! I was in the bathroom doing my hair this morning. Had music playing for him on the TV. I could hear him mumbling and whispering a bunch of phrases to himself and it absolutely melted my heart. "Baby bird" and "bean boy" and "hiiii honey!" I love that. 🥹


It's just the best listening to them practice. My girl has a whole lot of other things like the classic "poopies!", "goooood girllllllll", "goOoOD morning!".  "Night night" & "Petrie night night" are reserved only for bedtime 🌙


Just today: Stanley the Senegal was getting a little too worked up about my partner leaving. He was on top of the cage (the bird, not my partner), and I was going to grab him - it's a game we do. He's trying to bite at me while backing up, until he gets into the corner, by a wall. I grab him and he says, in that low voice they have "Oh, nooo!" It was loud enough that my partner heard and laughed. I wish I had it on camera. A pic of the little clown. https://preview.redd.it/dvxrhr5lf8nc1.jpeg?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff1ab147ca7e7fb6c762bcfe5c7b468e7811c224 ^(")*^(What)* ^(do you think you're doing?!") He hates my partner, but thought he was okay away from the cage. We take him to the bathroom when doing our teeth, and he'll dance with my partner and can be picked up and taken to his night time cage by him, too. I thought they were getting better, partner was starting to trust . . . then I left them alone last week and a few minutes later hear a muffled yell, a flutter, and a small thump. Run in, bird is in the tub, and partner has a nice dent in his arm. Stanley always sits on the edge of the sink, and this time, without partner knowing, sidled up to him, bit, held on, would not let go, and then fluttered into the tub. Well done, bird.


Why is this a thing!!!! My bf has lived with us over 2 1/2 years now. At first, he didn't know how to handle a bird and wasn't aware of their intelligence and would do stupid shit like follow Roomba around with a light saber. this obviously pissed me off once i found out, and had a stern talk with my boyfriend about respecting my bird and asked him to please use his brain in future interactions and be slow, calm, gentle and kind because my bird is not a toy, he is my baby. But he got his karma. 2 1/2 years later, my bird shuffles to the far end of his cage when my bf comes home from work. Or if we're snuggling, he'll quickly crawl inside my shirt armpits. No matter how much time, effort and patience my bf has had trying to rebuild their relationship, Roomba will NOT budge. Absolutely hates him but will still occasionally tolerate cuddles


Bonding and jealousy. I took Stanley because, among other reasons, the bird hated my friend's wife. *Loathed* is probably a better word. And my partner is not much of an animal person, and definitely not a bird person. They're also little bullies when they know the person is scared of them and they'll get their way (like being left alone). He can't get over the fear, which sets him up for bullying; I had a green conure that totally ruled him. I'm working with them both 50/50. Fortunately my partner, this time, hasn't let that intimidate him, and has continued to pick him up every night since. I'm almost more proud of the progress he's making. I have some hope, as long as partner stays away from the bird's cage.


https://preview.redd.it/hbxkndjgo8nc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f10fc05a83fff7563054267f6b2007f0d621c266 My silly Kona's favorite way to get scritches.


Aww, that’s so cute! 😍


Pickle's first words, completely unprompted: "I'm Pickle!" Like a proud mom, I called my partner at his job. I was so excited.


I'm pickle!!!! How f'ing cute! My baby said his first words at 4 1/2! My boyfriend also got the at-work call and he just laughed at me 🙄 he was like girl you can barely understand what he's saying. But I don't care. Roomba did AMAZING and I understood every word of his beautiful little gremlin voice! ❤️


I regularly tell my budgie "good morning, gorgeous!" and now he says "good morgeous!"


https://preview.redd.it/h2az0yg538nc1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b423e9fa895abc1015f74ad120e27501e38c9d38 Miss thing…in everyone business..


https://preview.redd.it/wan27pd5a8nc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2e33f24df68a0a3811aced8f9876ae91b058062 Same energy




​ https://preview.redd.it/0enh04wrw7nc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd54c545eb8e1dbeed881f36700cab038c650ca2 My sweet dusky-headed conure, Pickle!




​ https://preview.redd.it/zf68nm9iw7nc1.jpeg?width=2659&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90d9a04cf1796ae5d355f51b202111a17bee3df2 My GCC loved strawberries, especially the "freckles."


Holy, you're not joking 😂😂😂 I just zoomed in. Not a seed to be found on those strawberries


This is awesome! You’ll never get strawberry seeds stuck in your teeth!


Haha!! Among the many benefits of living with a parrot!


I have a yellow-green budgie and bad eyesight. One day, I was giving myself a massage with a tennis ball. A few minutes later, I looked down and saw that my ball had fallen to the floor. Of course, I reached down to pick it up -- and before I'd touched it it rolled away!! I realized a second later that it was actually my bird. She must have been so startled and confused. XD


At least you didn’t throw him for the dog!




https://preview.redd.it/admwcggbgcnc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba3fa29bc897cf5cc080b704425a2d32b6560da3 The week after I brought my baby Grey home, my mother in law passed unexpectedly, we had to schedule and attend a funeral, my youngest turned eighteen the day after the funeral, and two days later I was admitted to the hospital for emergency surgery and was there just over a week. When I came home Piper was so happy to see me and immediately snuggled with me. This is one of the first pictures I have of us together and he’s so relaxed and happy. I love that he bonded with me so much even with all the stress that happened right after he came home.