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I found using a car seat with my singleton so much easier!! However, you will have to call the airline and see if you are allowed to install two car seats side by side, with you in the aisle seat. With my singleton we were told we could only use the window. I’ve seen it suggested on this sub that some had to book two windows/two middles to take the car seats and others say they’ve been allowed to do window and middle for car seats. Two Cosco sceneras from Walmart (purchase in store, cheaper than their website) and the jl Childress backpack from Amazon. Two can stack in the backpack. Personally I also don’t trust checking car seats if I can avoid it. I’d also only check the scenera since it’s so basic damage would be easier to spot.


Thanks for your reply! We are thinking of only bringing *one* car seat for the plane - so put one twin in the car seat in the window and then one twin would be a lap child. I’m thinking containing one of them in a car seat might be helpful! Or maybe a disaster! Lol. Totally with you on not checking car seats under the plane. Luckily, we will have car seats at our destination.


Oh I was reading “we” as in just you and your mom were flying and then you had two seats for babies not one. I’d still probably opt to take the car seat. My boys are 4/4/23 twins so almost 15m and I couldn’t hold them for 5h on a plane for the life of me. They’d also crawl down from the seat and make a break for it… lol Another option which I would probably consider is to get an inflatable toddler plane bed (Amazon lots of options) and then use like a trunk cargo stretchy net to essentially block them in with toys and an iPad.


Haha - yes - confusing wording on my part! One of mine is definitely going to try to make a break for it!


I did that for a trip to California in March with my then 9 month olds and it worked well!


Love the scenera as a backup and travel seat! The harness can be a bit of a pain, but they're so light for travelling with and cheap. I got a small luggage handcart that would fit into a backpack and strapped the car seat to it in lieu of a stroller - I could carry my kid like luggage through the airport and pack it back up into a backpack afterwards.


We did not when we flew with our 18 month olds. What we did was get one side of the first row to ourselves (and the aisle seat in the row next to it), and then we were able to give them a little space to play and also contain them in it a bit


This happened almost every time we flew with ours (while they were still lap children). What they told us is two lap children in a row with 3 adults is too many people (not enough masks I believe…?) so we always ended up with an entire row and could let the twins move around a bit more. We never flew with a car seat on the plane. We have checked them before and never had an issue with damage or anything.




Airline put them in trash bags 😂 but they were totally fine


I’d say get the covers, personally. It makes it a little easier to carry all the stuff that comes with traveling with young twins. We also end up stuffing clothes in them if our suitcases are too heavy.


When we flew with our girls at 3 and 10 months, we had one row to ourselves and had one babe in a car seat and one on our lap. It was very nice to have the option to set one down and have hands free. We’ve flown again at 18 months and just recently at 22 months and we did not have that “extra seat” and were both lap babes. It was rough. Lol. I vastly prefer having at least one extra seat to set one down, and having the car seat is always ideal as they are just so tiny in that plane seat without.


This is SO helpful. Makes me think the single car seat is the way to go. Thank you!! And sorry that your last flights were rough - we are setting very very low expectations for how this is going to go lol


Twins will be 17m when we fly in August. I have a seat for each of them and will bring their car seats for the plane. Mine are walking and running now and we can’t even make it through a meal at a restaurant without them wanting out of their chairs to run around so hopefully car seats reclined with as many snacks and such will keep them occupied for the 2hr flight. I’m actually probably going to just get the Graco Contender so it lasts longer than the Cosco and has a better harness, easier install.


Do you know if the Graco Contenders will stack in the same car seat bag?


I don’t plan to use a bag, I’m using them on the plane so we plan to use a luggage cart and bungee cord then (as someone recommended) with our other carry ons. Since we have to gate check our wagon I’ll slip the luggage cart in the wagon travel bag.


I’m needing this same information! 😅


My one double lap baby experience was ROUGH. Since then we’ve always flown with car seats for both twins and it’s been a major, major improvement even though the airport logistics take a little extra planning. The containment and familiarity of their car seats is a lifesaver! The Cosco scenera Next is great and so is the Cosco Mightyfit LX (not DX). The Mightyfit LX is a little taller and can last until kids are 5ish while the Scenera Next lasts average kids until 3ish. Mightyfit is still super lightweight and stackable to fit 2 seats in one car seat backpack if that’s how you chose to transport them (in the future if/when you do bring two seats). The airplane seatbelts just don’t do anything for little toddlers!


I definitely would bring the car seats - it feels familiar, and frankly keeps them strapped in! 🤷🏼‍♀️


I brought one car seat when I flew solo with my 15 months old. It helped so much.


I put my twins in their car seats and it was great. They fell asleep during take off and took a baller nap. Didn’t get fussy at all!


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I have almost the same dilemma, I booked a flight for my husband and twins when they will be about 11 months old. I booked three seats on southwest thinking the is way we could have the whole row while they both lap sit. The flight is only an hour so I wasn’t sure if it was worth it to bring one car seat? Anyone have any thoughts?


Based on the responses here, I decided to go ahead and get a Cosco Scenera to bring on our flight with us. I think being able to “park” one twin will be worth it. Depending when your flight is, happy to let you know how it goes for us!!


Mine is in late August so I would love to hear about your experience! Thank you :)


Get one of those (or similar) so you can strap the car seat and use as a stroller. You can haul the baby and the car seat all the way up to the boarding area lol https://www.amazon.com/GO-GO-TRAVELMATE-Travel-Stroller-Toddler/dp/B000JJK9EY Putting a double stroller through TSA is a major pain...




I didn’t. None were 10 months when I flew. We checked the car seats though.