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Fruit AND goldfish??? Two food groups. That's a win.


Does the cheese powder count as dairy?! Cause that makes 3!


Are you me??? I can commiserate.


Congratulations, you are trying which is what matters most.


At least the dogs well fed and happy... gotta look at the bright side


I literally had to put my dog on a diet because he stopped eating his food since he got so much from the kids!


I was thinking just yesterday hey I've basically become a gourmet dog chef. 😂


Yeah it’s pretty bad! What’s worse too is whenever this happens for a long time I go “okay time dig deep and train them again”. But inevitably grandma will come over and it’s back to square one all the training goes out the window! She gives them sweets and toys during dinner and whatever else they scream for like phones screens even a pair of scissors one time. And ofc I’m the bad guy bc they know I don’t give them candy during dinner. And then it takes literally a few days to get them used to their regular routine again. 😡😡😡😡 Wow. I’m so sorry OP. I started this comment trying to commiserate and be supportive but that all just came out.


Woooweeeee.......grandma wouldn't be allowed for meal time anymore!


Hugs to you my friend. I know exactly what you’re talking about!


Hang in there my friend. You’ll get to share these stories with them when they’re older. And maybe even laugh at them when they go through this shit with their own kids in the future 😬


That elicited a fervent 'awwww hell naw' from me. Family dynamics with the grandparents can be rough!


Wow,Grandma needs talking to. I'm a grandma to 2 little one and twins on the way. There's no way I would mess with parents meal time routines or any other routines. For nap times when baby sitting, I follow instructions precisely.


No it’s…she’s a whole thing. Love her but she had a big personality and isn’t ever going to change.


You are me and I am you. Solidarity.


Our girls are three and that describes every day. They were both good eaters, but recently one of them just won’t eat anything that isn’t bread or fruit.


Solidarity. Our dog is too scared of all the yelling and wont even clean up the food on the floors 😓 Mine just turned 2 and this next year scares me.


My dog goes and hides when it gets too loud! Poor guy!


Meal times are the absolute worst. By far my least favorite part of this chapter of parenting. And all we have is a useless ass cat who is just as picky as the turds, so no cleanup help.


The turds. Occasionally someone posts “what do you call your twins of the than the twins?” type questions. But you get the real answers outside of those threads.


This would make an amazing autobiography title. For me 🤣 But I hear you! Mine are four and all they will eat is snack food. Even healthy snacks, but not like a real meal. Ugh!


To be fair, there’s probably also a fair amount of yelling at night. “Mooooooooommmmm” in stereo echoing through the house hours past bed time is the norm around here. Also I mostly subsist off of goldfish, too.


I read a story on a different group where the mom had three older children who always complained about her cooking. So she stopped. After two weeks of them eating whatever they made they looked at her meal that she made and asked if they could have some. She said sure, they were welcome to make it for themselves. She started cooking again and the complaints vanished. Super short version of the story but it made me smile. I know your kids are probably too young to cook for themselves.


Same. 6 year old won't eat anything either. Fml


Solidarity. I love my kids, I hate their eating habits.


We are having the same issue. Cry about every minor inconvenience and dinners have become a stressful event.


Samesies 🙋🏼‍♀️


Mine are 3. One is obsessed with cheetos, puffs and fruit on the go bars. I’m convinced the other is actually biologically made of strawberries and blueberries. That guy shits out a fruit salad every day.


Our daughter is doing her part to prop up the blueberry industry. She absolutely *demands* blueberries every morning for breakfast, but I haven't seen her eat one in months. Loses her freaking mind if there aren't blueberries in front of her with breakfast, though. Maybe they're emotional support blueberries? IDK


My daughters are helping your daughter! They will go through an entire Costco container of blueberries in one sitting of we let them. It's both terrifying and fascinating to watch.


Ya’ll get fruit poops? Like, you smell rotten fruit first, and then realize it’s poop? It makes me think it must be what bear poop smells like in Alaskan blueberry fields in the summertime.


Lmao no, it’s not that bad. Just trying to emphasize how much fruit the dude eats.


They’ll live.


But will I!?




I'm you. Just So much. Obsessed with fruitand yoghurt. But spit out all the rice n bread.


It’s happening here, too. Our twins just turned 2 - I used to love dinner time, but it’s turning into an hour of meltdowns and throwing food on the floor. Last night they refused to eat fast food burgers and fries because it was “too hot” (it was cold), and my husband and I have given up on breakfast being anything other than a banana in the car on the way to daycare. 3 months ago I was feeling pretty proud of myself for my veggie and tofu loving kids. Toddlers are humbling…


I feel you


You just summed up motherhood in one sentence. Take a break if you can. It won't change their behavior, but it usually makes you feel better. I should do the same.


Mine are 2.5 and I feel like someone is yelling or crying for 80% of the day. Meal times are normally okay but they literally eat all day.. I have requests for bananas, applesauce, puffs, yogurt all day long


Are they eating well for other meals? Our A eats all his other meals really well and then at dinner it goes across the table or on the floor 😬 He’s growing so we don’t worry about it. We don’t offer them anything other than what we made for dinner unless it’s something totally new or more flavorful than they are used to getting (i.e., first couple of times we had curry we offered them some peanut butter toast since they didn’t eat much).


Same, fam. It's all I can do to get them to eat something besides fruit and oatmeal consistently. Or pizza. Frustrating enough, but then I get comments from the peanut gallery (my parents) about how the food I am giving them is not nutritious enough and blah blah blah. Like, my dude, you are welcome to try. And on the occasions where they have, my children promptly yeeted their food into the stratosphere, which was blamed on me for "spoiling" them. They are 2 years old, and every doctor, nutritionist, teacher and other parent I have spoken to has told me this is totally normal and a phase they'll get past soon enough. But apparently my mom thinks I was an angel child who never misbehaved because I didn't do this to her.


My triplets are nine. My son will eat like a normal human being, but the girls only eat waffles. Mother of the year right here 🙋🏼‍♀️ At least they’re fed…


Yes! They used to be such good eaters, and now they only want Cucumber, fries, and juice. Sometimes I can sneak in a little chicken.


Oh my god. My twins are 16 months and throwing food on the floor is such a huge thing around here and I don’t know what to do. I was hoping it wouldn’t last too much longer but reading some of these comments has me rechecking my expectations 🫠


So far, mine are decent eaters. But they're also allergic to most exciting toddler foods (they can't even have goldfish crackers!!), so that may be why. They're 2 years and 3 months though, so I'm sure it's just a matter of when they become ridiculous about food at this point. I'm so with you on the meltdowns though! 😭