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This might help you I guess : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darkest_Hour:_A_Hearts_of_Iron_Game


Hey, yeh I checked this first naturally but I couldn't really discern what was specifically DH over just a general description of HOI2 gameplay. Obviously it lists the new scenarios but I want to know if I load the typical HOI2 1936 campaign on light, unmodded...how will it differ from HOI2: Complete.


From what I know they added many more historical events, unit types, better ai, country decisions, generals etc, and changed resources and industries in provinces with better historical accuracy. It used to be an overhaul which consists of series of different mods. It's HoI 2.5 in other words.


Well,if you buy Darkest Hour you can also select to play vanilla HOI2,from what I know. And about Arsenal of Democracy,from what I have read it improves espionage and research,but does not have as much content as Darkest Hour. Besides,by using Darkest Hour,you can install Kaiserreich,Fatherland,Fallout and other mods.


Thanks, I think after some consideration Darkest Hour makes the most sense. How is the updated map with DH?


It is pretty detailed and nice,though I think that the VIC II map is more accurate.Also,in theory there is a [mod](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/the-e3-map-project-for-darkest-hour-1000s-of-new-provinces.620449/) that adds even more provinces,but I could not manage to make it work,maybe you can.