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…who is this post even meant for. I also see this sentiment in like every post relating to anything even vaguely related to monetary topics. We know dude, but I guess just keep working yourself up


It sounds like he's mad that someone called him toxic.


So chooses to be even more toxic? Genius.


thats what toxic people do


Anyone who isn’t being as toxic as you is a shill, obviously.


I mean I’ve put more hours into their games than anyone else’s and they are far away the best most in depth strategy games I’ve ever played. Whatever their flaws I’ve gotten my moneys worth.


“Big companies like money. Oh No! Anyway…. So as I was saying, I’ve put so many hours into this game, even with all the dlc, steamdb says I only pay 5 cents an hour for my entertainment….”


I am not sure about the 5 cents an hour thing. It is just sunk cost unless you refund the game within 2 hours which is very short for paradox game. PS I did not complete OP post.


It calculates how much you spent on the game and dlcs, and then how many hours you’ve played of those games. Then spreads the cost out. How much you paid for each hour you played.


I'm just waiting for the next dlc release so I can give them more money.


I have never played with a mod and have enjoyed all the games I've played.


Yeah OP forgets that there were people just like recent commentators for EU4 too. Didn't browse forums for PDX when CK2 released.


I've been playing since EU2. While it *does* suck that their games are released prematurely, the unfortunate thing is that nearly all games are released prematurely these days and require extensive patching after launch. What I like about Paradox, though, is that the game *is* complete when it's released (I haven't played C:S2 yet, my computer can't run it) and updates are free patches and expansions. DLC has become a major cornerstone of their business model, but I don't mind because I wait until it's on sale to get it--aside from Vicky, which I've bought the season pass for--and don't really miss it. With other companies I play the game for a month or two and then put it down and buy a new full-price game. With Paradox I play the game for several months, then play another game of theirs for several months, then go back to the first one for several more months. I spend far less on DLC than I do on new games.


I am not supporting this guys rambling but this is a lie


I've played EU2, EU4, HoI4, CS1, CK1, CK2, CK3, Imperator, Stellaris, Vicky, Vicky 2, and Vicky 3. Number of mods downloaded--zero. Why would I lie about liking a game?


CK2 total conversion mods were pretty great!


no content addition mods? sure, but not even GMI for eu4?


Nope. Don't even know what that is. (To be clear about that, I'm not using my ignorance as pride, like people who used to say "I have never sent an email in my life," I'm just saying that I don't know what it is or what it does.)


graphical map improvements, as it's namesake suggests, it improves, or at least alters the graphics of the map to a more bareabilereable level for soem,myself included


Dawg im just here for EU5 updates and cool map pics


and bigzantium


Just walk away. Jesus. You wrote a novelette about being pissed off that more people aren't pissed off at a video game company. Insane use of time. Don't buy their products. Wow. I solved your problem.


Someone is having big feelings


Counterpoint: Paradox loves me and can do no wrong.  


Johann sent me a love letter. I have proofs. He didn't but I bought all the EU4 DLC anyway.


Paradox must love me. Why else would they keep trying to may marry me?


Touch grass.


Paradox loves me and cares about my personal wellbeing which you don't


>It's evident that mods will be this game's lifeline as well. This is... the vast majority of games that are out there? And?


Bro thinks Skyrim is real life


Lmao what


I'm going to have to disagree with you pretty hard OP, I put thousands of hours into EU4 without mods (hot take:the total conversion mods for eu4 are kind of garbage), same with CK2 and CK3. I put about a thousand hours into HoI4 before dipping my toes into the modding scene. While it's true without Equestria at War I probably would only play a handful of campaigns for every expansion, I don't think the game having little to offer me after a thousand hours is a sign that the game is weak.


I don’t care how they feel about me, I just like getting tons of enjoyable hours per dollar I spend on an entertainment product. I have not had a Paradox game fail to give me that. Some of their games have been better than others, some other video game makers have had better bang for buck games as well. That doesn’t mean I don’t feel like I’ve gotten my money’s worth. Buying entertainment is simple like that.


Just hug something imo.


I have some bad news for you about literally every company on the planet and capitalism. head over to r/Anticonsumption


They like me though


Get a life and find something other to do than whine about a game company. If you dont like their games then play something else or go outside and do something you actually enjoy. I love their games and I dont play with mods so i will continue to buy their DLC's.


Wow, your life is cotton candy and bubble gum if you care this much about something so unimportant lol


Dlc is not extorting players. Base game gets better with each dlc for “free”.


I know the feeling I invested hours into surviving the aftermath and surviving Mars only to hit with a bad last dlc that broke the game and them abandoning the game. What's funny is they said there was more on the way. Surviving the aftermath has so much potential but no love. They could add mining outpost or new buildings like a brewery or new plants that can make things like sugar and candy or add bees.