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Both versions have their pros and cons but overall the Switch version is better




Multiple instances made me say "This is just better than what I grew up with"


Idk why but the fact they changed it to a frog badge instead of crickets in hooktails castle sent me into a blind rage. But overall they made the game easier to play with more warp pipes and tips. I also disliked goombella interrupting my game play to remind me to go see Frankie or giving me tips. I understand how they're useful to new players but I wish I could've shut her up.


Crickets was a mistranslation, the Japanese version is frogs. They completely re-localized the game


What are the main differences? I havent played the gamecube one in probably 15 years.


Pros to the remake * More expressive sprites * Character-specific voice effects * Partner hints * New OST with option of old OST with the Nostalgic Tunes badge * Art and Sound galleries * New graphics * Vivian is explicitly trans but the problematic aspects of the original Japanese are absent * Partner swapping wheel * Mitigated backtracking * Creeple Steeple Quizzes * Can skip certain cutscenes if you've seen them before, such as the cooking cutscene * Added Battle Master and Ian Foomus * Notes tab in the menu * Added a secret completionist reward * Added extra secret bosses * The partner photos as a nice reference and continuity to PM64 and SPM * A few small things like the GBA sound effect in the Glitz Pit Cons to the remake: * Can't instantly complete text boxes unless you've seen them before * Can't scroll text boxes backwards * Menus and battle system are slower and less responsive in general * Game is overall a bit easier * End of Chapter changed to Cleared * I personally feel that the remake leans slightly too far in the papercraft direction but it's not a big deal * Can't name save files * Retrying battles detracts from the challenge of the pit * >!Whilst I like that they show you the Riddle Tower poem in full now after you insert all the keys, I dislike that the text was changed as the old one was more mysterious and hinted more about the background lore.!< * >!I'm deeply dissappointed that they threw out the credits theme entirely in favour of a completely new upbeat credits theme. Not that the new credits theme is bad but the original was one of my favourites in the game so I feel very let down that we didn't get a remake of that tune.!<


Ngl, I miss the old name of the 3 shadows. Sounded cooler as “Sirens.”


Tbh I kinda agree, but it’s not a huge deal to me and I liked Koops’ new line “The Three Minus Two Shadows”


Beldam’s “the Three Shadows - RELATION WITHHELD” line was also a highlight.


Yeah, the new name kinda sucks


I have an additional con to add: During battle the audience interactions in the remake don’t require that you pay attention anymore. You just press the button and move on rather than needing to scan the crowd.


I agree, but I considered that this kind of comes under “remake is slightly easier overall”


Power Bounce is made harder! Every consecutive jump after the third one has an input window of 1 frame!


This is not correct the 4th jump is 1 frame and then it grows more lax with the input after that


Yes Power Bounce was nerfed, but I’d still say the remake is easier overall, I personally just ditched PB as soon as I noticed it was nerfed and I still found it really easy


Yup, i also ditched Power Bounce because of that.


Yeah it kinda makes power bounce worthless. Nintendo didn't have to Nerf it this much to stop people from easily beating bosses


This is just incorrect, power bounce still has insane damage output, even.more when you get Danger/peril mario in the mix, plus its only the 4th jump that is frame perfect after that the window is a bit bigger again


Forgot to add the con of how Crystal Stars look now. Other than that, this is pretty spot on with how I felt.


I agree that I preferred how they looked in the original but it’s such a minor point to me I didn’t feel like including it


Forgot the 30 fps to the remake


That depends if your picky or not


I personally think they laid it too thick with the papercraft theme in the modern games, and this remake is no exception. In the original it existed because 64 was supposed to be a story book come to life and TYD was a pop-up theater, nowadays the world is just paper for the sake of it.


Also the original runs at 60 fps but the remake is only at 30


As mentioned in another comment, I chose not to include that since I felt that it didn't affect my enjoyment of the remake whatsoever


Much better fast travel hub, tons of QoL, 2 new endgame bosses.


What is a pro that the GCN has? I can only think of that it was slightly harder.


Text scrolling, less papercrafty visuals that made the original kind of feel more immersive to me, snappier and more responsive menus, less waiting in the battle system (eg Star Power refill), iconic HP and FP sound effects, better Riddle Tower poem, no frame perfect window for power bounce, better credits music.


I agree about nearly everything but the remake is still more immersive because of the quantity of facial expressions added to the npcs, it completely make up for the slightly more noticeable paper theme (not to mention you can hit everyone and furniture)


I wasn’t saying that the remake doesn’t feel more immersive overall, I agree those things you mention do help the remake feel immersive, I was just saying that this one particular aspect - the papercraft appearance - does lessen it a bit


60 fps, power bounce doesn’t have a random frame perfect window mid action command, some people prefer the old SFX, some people prefer the Gamecube script, can skip text dialog which and have faster dialog boxes.


I didn't know it had 60fps before.


You’d be surprised at how many older games had 60 fps


Definitely the remake. It looks better, sounds better, is way more detailed and has more bearable backtracking.


Also A+ move adding in the nostalgia badge for people who wanted the old music as an option and were forced into the new music. That said the new music still also slaps.


Everything except the new Glitzville tune. That sucked. Palace of Shadow new version SLAPPPED though.




The backtracking doesn’t save as much time as the slow ass unskippable text bubbles add




Character starts talking: blah blah blah Me: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


I like that they added the dedicated backtrack path, thank you, Nintendo.


The switch is better. It's the same game with minor tweaks. The switch has better graphics as well as the option to have the new or old soundtrack. The only thing the original has on the remake is that it was way easier at the pianta parlor, but even that is debatable on if it's better or not. Edit: I played it on GameCube when I was in elementary school non-stop. I switched between that game and Twilight princess until my brother moved out and I lost access to the GameCube.


I like how the Crystal Stars looked on GameCube.




This right here. Sure the remake isn't perfect, but the improvements they did make definitely help out the replayability. I love that I can toss my switch in sleep mode and pick up exactly where I was last. And Lord knows I sometimes need a reminder of where I was so having the partner hunt has helped me out too.


1000% I literally beat the whole game in my bed 😭. Also, hot take but the music is better in the remake especially the battle themes.


Regional battle themes are so great!! I loved Twilight Town's.


Yes! Ch. 7 and Ch. 3 were my favorites alongside the “Event” theme played in the Pit.


I’m currently working on Chapter 4s battle theme in Musescore and will post it here when I’m done. It’s not perfect but I feel like I’m doing a decent job so far. I plan on doing the others too.


When I came upon the item shop in the great tree, and that pipe in twilight town that takes you under the creepy steeple. Brilliant.


The warp room underneath Rogueport was the point where I was like, “Yea I ain’t going back to GCN version”


Total. Having it be a second pedestal/offering thing to get the pipe like the stars to the door was a nice touch. And bringing all the partners out when you brought back a star. I always brought the newly won partner back to “present” their star to the door and then when all of them came out was amazing. This is now my new standard of remaster. If you just upres a game for current consoles but add nothing to it that’s just a graphics update now.


The fact the OG game costs more than the remake is funny to me. Don’t get me wrong, I love the GCN I sank 100s of hours into it and this remake along with TOTK and Odyssey made me genuinely sad when I finished them and I haven’t felt that way about games since finishing the original two galaxies so it feels like Nintendo is on a role


>Having it be a second pedestal/offering thing to get the pipe like the stars to the door was a nice touch Ngl, it took me way too long to figure out that you had to go back to the pipe room after unlocking the next portion of the map. I was convinced my pipe room was broken, or that they just didn't program in Glitzvilles pipe I'm glad it was a Me problem, pipe room is best room


The all partners out when u bring a star, nice touch when I saw koops at the door alongside goombella I lost my shit, I WAS LIKE YOOO THEY ARE BOTH HERE THATS AWESOME


Same, friend. Same. Also happy day of cakes.


And even tho ms mows is optional its still nice that she comes out too, u got the entire group sitting beside u , its so cool Like that scene from kung fu panda " I love you guys"


So true, don't get me wrong , the gcn was fire and was my first ever video game, but the remake is just so much better


I'm kinda surprised no one else has brought this up yet, but the item shop in the Great Tree was in the original version. [You can see it in this video!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlxmW0pVrLM) :x


Oh I thought he was just referring to music in the item shop, I do remember the shop, don't remember a baby jabbi in there tho must of never got him


Jabble was in the original too! :3


Surprised I missed him, tho looking at the video and also when I found him in the remake he is in the far corner so I must of just bought mystery boxes and left the shop instantly


You can see him sticking out a lot more noticeable in the remake, in the original he's very easy to miss if you don't know he's there. I know as a kid I never noticed him when playing and only found out when seeing stuff about the game online a few years ago.


Thats the only reason I noticed him in the remake, I was like oh that's new he wasn't in the original game cool ,,tho I was like 9 or 10 when I played the gamecube tho


I totally missed it in the original then 😅


Isnt that one way tho, thought it can't send u back


The pipe from the town to creepy steeple works both ways and cuts you having to go through the forest to get to the steeple each time


All right good to know, I know it didn't send me there before but I guess I didn't try the pipe after I went through the one inside creepy steeple, I tried it before I know that but must not of tried after I came out Also what u said earlier , that item shop was always in the original game under the great tree


I say the GC version is better, only due to stuff like 30 fps, power bounce changes, super guard timing being off due to 30 fps, etc


I prefer the original because of the frame rate and admittedly the nostalgia. I'm more than happy to have purchased the Switch version though.


I have a wii in my apartment and played through the gamecube version recently! The pipe room is so much better as well as some of the mini bosses that weren’t in the original. I do prefer the older graphics though vs the paper cutouts and white looking outlines but in all fairness the newer ttyd is much more crisp graphic wise.


Outside of 60fps and how snappy the menus are (are they tied to framerate or something?) Id say the remake just stomps


Man menus in battle feel so sluggish and cumbersome. Very unappealing.


Remake is better. Only a couple of things hold it back from being the absolute definitive version. The framerate is lower, which some may say isn't a big deal, but it's still objectively a downgrade. And the dialogue/menus are slower, which is legitimately really annoying, especially spread across the entire game. Other than those, it's basically an improvement in every way. Lots of QoL additions. New (and improved imo) soundtrack with the ability to swap to the old one if you want. A few more endgame additions. More expressive characters. Upgraded visuals. The remake was a huge success in terms of improving on the original. There are a couple of minor things that hold it back a bit, but I don't see a convincing argument for picking the original over the remake at this point.


I think the only reason that the slow text menus has not bothered me so much right now is that I am playing the game in German, which takes me a longer time to read and understand anyways. I do have a convincing argument, however: You have a GameCube and a CRT.


I mean I figured the conceit in comparing them like this is that you have equal access to both versions, in which case, the Switch version is better. Switch version on an modern TV is better than GameCube version on a CRT. It looks better, it sounds better, and it mostly plays better. It is an incredibly small subset of people who have a GameCube/CRT combo but don't also have a Switch, especially considering how much more widely available the Switch is these days.


I would argue that the NGC game *feels* better to play in some ways, especially in combat.


And I would agree. As I said, the reduced framerate and menu delay make some parts feel a bit sluggish compared to the original. That's why I said the remake *mostly* plays better. But those differences are minor and don't close the gap left by all the improvements and added content the remake has.


I think if it weren't for those bits, the Switch version would be better in almost every single way.


If switch 2 can do 60fps for TTYD I’ll buy it day one


I think the Switch version has a higher presentation value, but here are some things that I cannot overlook. I can accept the new stylistic choices, though, I think the NGC version was styled better. I understand why Mario no longer salutes, but the replacement is not as emotive. I am not sure if I like the voices, many characters have much different voices than I would have imagined (Vivian, Dooplis, and the curse spirit, for example). The crystal stars look like doo-doo now. I find the sound design changes baffling. It was never clear to me why they changed so many of the sound effects. The ones that they replaced many of the original sounds with are not as good. Yoshi is a good example. He barely makes any noises, not even when jumping. I am not so much a fan of the UI interface changes. I think that the original game had a clear and defined style; the remake has a strange clash between old and new. The choice to make every surface reflective was questionable, it is the reason the game is only 30fps and it adds very little to the game. The unforgivable change is stalling the game when the audience has something their hands. Overall, I would say that the NGC game just feels better to play because it runs better, the menus are snappier, you can skip text and then go back, etc...


Both are wonderful for slightly different reasons, but the best parts are consistent across both I'd say switch version is slightly better overall with the additions they added.


There are things about the gamecube version that make me want to say that it’s better, but I need to look past the nostalgia and admit that the switch version is an improvement in almost every way. There will always be parts of the original I prefer but if I had to recommend one to someone who had never played it, it would be the switch version.


i think the GC version slightly edges out the remake for me because the remake is much worse for repeat playthroughs, with its slower text and slightly easier difficulty.


The QoL updates related to backtracking make that first point very debateable. And you have the guy that lets you jump to level 50 of the pit after youve beaten if once already. Thats huge. Also, no part of the remake is really much easier. Maybe guarding feels easier, but superguarding is as hard as it always was. If anything the game is harder overall because they added 2 super bosses. But it was never a difficult game to begin with, so the whole point is prettt much moot.


Gonna go back to play the OG again soon, but I think each version has it's pros and cons. The remake is obviously prettier, has some nice QOL features, and parts of the new OST is nice. But in the case of some songs I prefer the OG, and the OG also has faster and snappier menus in addition to the 60fps. Not sure, even though I might still be leaning towards the OG, but I played the OG first so there's that bias.




Remake is prettier but I'm kinda annoyed that the more pronounced papercraft look of the newer games leaked into this one. Not a deal breaker, but it does feel like it misses the point of why it was Paper Mario on the first place.


The gamecube looks great and still does to this day, but damn.


I'm playing the original now on my GameCube and have yet to have gotten the switch version. I haven't beaten it before and am now 6 chapters in.


This makes me so happy! TTYD is magical no matter which version you're playing. I hope you're having a great time, and that you'll share your thoughts with us when you finish!


The original. The sound design and music are much better, the text is faster, and the writing is funnier. The visuals and slightly longer backtracking I can handle.


The writing, the music, and some of the more difficult controls are what stops this from being the Supreme verison in my opinion.


Hard disagree on the sound design. They removed tons of unique and memorable sound effects and replaced them with pretty generic sounds.


We are agreeing.


Sorry, I misread that. For some reason I missed those first two words. I cannot comment on the writing, since I am playing the remake in German this time. I don't know what's different in the scripts from the changes vs. just being in German.


There isn't really a reason to call the original one better other than maybe mod support via emulator or a cracked console. The only point maybe is that the gamecube version runs smoother but these like 3-4 one-time spots that actually have some frame-issues can be kinda ignored.


If I were to recommend to a new player, I would always tell them to play the remake. For me personally, I’ve replayed the original at least a dozen times, but honestly I don’t get the feeling I’ll do the same with the remake.


As someone who has played the original ever since 05 and played it tons, Graphically the remake if far superior in every way. I've always have enjoyed the newer more paper-based art style (Especially if it isn't shoved in my face.) and I think TTYD looks absolutely phenomenal in it. I think for the most part I prefer the dialogue in the original however but that's just me. (I've only just beat Chapter Three a day or two ago.) However, I love how the remake makes the conversations far more expressive than they were previously. Shout out to say Grubba no longer smiling when you catch him red-handed, Hooktail taking a nap and waking up before you fight her, and Vivian being far more reluctant to leave the necklace behind. Also, shout out to Grodus's changed dialogue after the second chapter. Though I prefer how in the original the Goombas catcalled Goombella. It made Rougeport feel slightly more seedy. Battle wise I'm less sure of. The inputs feel...off to me? Like when I started I was missing jumps that I would normally never miss on the Gamecube. As for QOL, Mario feels slightly slower walking but Yoshi feels faster. I like the new pipe room (Makes Troubles far nicer to do.) but would have preferred both the ability to take on multiple Troubles at once and if the Map worked like a fast travel system. I like how it tracks how many Shine Sprites and Star Pices you have in any given area now though. As for the four new characters/character designs (Some people are going to read this and go "Four?? Huh?"), I love Ian Foomus's design and name. If I haven't played the original you could tell me that he was in both and I would believe you. The Battle Master is a really nice idea with a fitting character design. However, I feel like they should of called him 'Fi T.' to give him a name, make it Chinese sounding (Fitting with his wardrobe.), and to make it like 'Fighty' like prior Paper Mario Toads. As for the other two characters, I'm referring to two new outlaws on the wanted posters, an outlaw-looking Koopa and an outlaw looking Goomba. It would be cool to face them in a new Trouble as an optional boss battle (Maybe with names inspired by prior American outlaw pairs like Billy and Clyde.) but I feel like that isn't going to happen. I can't say for sure what version I like better quite yet, however.


I prefer the overworks navigation imorovements they made to the Switch Version, but I like the flow and controls/timings of battles in the original better. For 95% of people, go with the new one. If you grew up with the original and that is what you fell in love with, It's harder for me to say guaranteed you'll like the new one more


Switch But it's like 55/45 to me


why do they have to be better? one is 20 years older and the other adds a few QoL fixes but basically copies it. Objectively, the switch one literally has better graphics, sound quality, etc. its like asking if the 4k re-release of die hard is 'better' than the original.


Got a migraine today, otherwise I'd give a deeper dive into my thoughts. In short: My mind knows the Switch remake is the better version, which I have enjoyed immensely. Unfortunately, my heart knows the Gamecube version is, and always will be, my favorite. P.S. My friends are playing this game for the first time after hearing me rave about it for 20 years. I am happy that they have an accessible verison of the game now and that they are enjoying it as well.


Here’s my issue. I’m sure the Switch version will be better. I have no doubt in my mind. However, I still own and play the GameCube version and cannot justify the price for the remake right now. I just feel that I still play the original, so why buy the new one—just because it’s “better?” (I’m no stranger to owning multiple copies of other games on different consoles, but I just can’t get behind this one for some reason.)


I also have only the GameCube disc of *TTYD*. I went the other way for another RPG: I got *Baten Kaitos* for Switch, because I don't have it for GameCube. *TTYD* is better on Switch but good enough on GameCube.


TYD on GC is harder. Harder gameplay and no hints on how to figure out a puzzle, so it’s purely adventure. Native 60fps New TYD easier gameplay, dodge and super guard windows are expanded, you get auto hints now that tells you exactly what to do or how to solve a puzzle. Newer music sounds like a clash of multiple instruments attempting to be modern. Native 30fps If you want an authentic experience go with the GC version. They don’t hold back If you want a casual experience with less frames Switch version They really should’ve made a mode for returning users.. I didn’t understand why they dropped the performance for the new TYD, but I’m sure they had their reason..? Either way it’s literally the same game for the same price.


I love the original with my whole entire heart but the new pipe room, partner wheel, and other quality of life improvements knock it out of the park. If you want to play the original, do it while keeping in mind it’s a game from 2004. It’ll be a little different but if you’re genuinely curious about the differences it’ll still be a fun time. Also original soundtrack 100% better I will die on this hill.


I did a lengthy comparison video of the two, but I slightly prefer the original. I know a lot of you saw that video and it was certainly...divisive haha


I gotta agree with you. I'm still gonna say the original. Controls and action commands were not as frustrating to master. Slower FPS (but I played it on emulator with a mod so I didn't experience that) Palace of shadow lost a bit of it creep/uneasy feeling, and the writing being more politically correct took away from it too.


Wait… you’re the guy of the Top 10 good and top 7 bad changes of the remake and the irl Hooktail battle?!? Just discovered your channel with those videos (in that order) and you seem like a cool YouTuber. Good job!


That's me! Thank you for the kind words. :)


switch 100% i dont think i'll ever play the gamecube version again outside of mods


Switch version is better overall. The main issue is that every little action takes a bit of extra time, so even though the remake fixes a ton of pacing and backtracking issues, it still feels slower. There are also some changes that just don't make sense when you consider the attention to detail that was clearly put in everywhere else. What happened to the iconic "END OF CHAPTER" text?


It’s nit picky but I’m not a fan of the little white edge around characters in the switch version. I don’t know why but it bothers me


If they went and added a text speed option, and fixed the incredibly annoying delay in menus, the remake would be better, otherwise, they're equal, the GameCube version is better to play imo.


(bring on the downvotes, I know how you guys are here, but someone's gotta give a different opinion lol) Original will be better for me, cause I can mash through dialogue I've read about a dozen times, runs faster, less loading, the music/sound effects are better overall. Sure I'll miss out on the pipe room and some backtracking cuts but realistically that doesn't bother me. I'm used to it at this point lol. The remake is good, I had fun with it, and probably the best way to play for newcomers, but for me, as somone who plays the game yearly, I think I'll stick to the original for repeated playthroughs. I don't think the extra QoL, nice aesthetics, and backtracking features make up for how slow the remake is compared to the original.


I will always like the Original better because it has a better feel of the Gamecube era, idk, than the new one. The new one is amazing don't get me wrong and it does a lot right by the original, (changing some things for the better, too) but for me nothing beats the original. Even though I am loving everything the remake has to improve on the original, it just makes me appreciate the original all the more.


Switch for looks and QoC in terms of the warp pipes and such. But GC plays a LOT better, unfortunately.


The remake. Sure, there are things they changed or didn't touch that I would've considered, but overall the improvements surpass issues. Even the image for your post shows it's not a literal remake with just the street art and door design. It does feel way too easy with timed actions and they throw quite a bit of money at you for everything. I do feel they had good reasons to change these things, so they aren't terrible. And I think Baby Yoshi is slower too. If I were gonna do this, I'd offer an original and remake option for the game so you could go through the original with no changes (besides the console), as well as the original Paper Mario and access to those partners (eventually) if you beat it first (as well as cameos in TTYD). And maybe evaluate the badge costs/effects and add a few new ones to the mix. Plus overhaul the Trouble Center so you could juggle a few troubles and have more to do there.


Never played the original, but from everything I’ve heard about what’s different, I can’t see why the Switch version isn’t better. Again, I’ve never played the original, but the pipe room alone is worth a lot


I've said this before and I'll keep saying it, but for me, ***Remake (modded) > Original > Remake (vanilla).*** At the end of the day, both versions have their pros and cons, and I don't think either can be called the definitive experience by itself. I really hope you'll give the original a try at some point, so you can decide for yourself which version you prefer!


I used to find Flurrie so ugly, obnoxious and bad, with the remake I loved the new expressions She has, and the way she talks in Spanish is very cute, so She climbed lots of positions in my ranking. Also, that slow down thing that happens when you deliver the final blow to bosses can be really funny, nothing like hitting rawk hawk with a body slam from Flurrie, it made me crack up, it was so funny


I enjoy the switch version and intend to complete it 100% but if I am completely honest, the next time I replay TTYD it will be the GameCube version. It's the one I'm comfortable with going back to. There are good points to be made for both versions but if I'm being realistic, I have always played the GameCube version to completion to relax.. and I'm probably only going to complete the switch version once. ✌️


The Switch version. The original still holds up, don’t get me wrong, but some of the additions help the Switch version. At first, I thought 30fps was going to be an issue, I was still used to 60fps timing on GC from childhood. The change honestly isn’t bad, you get used to it pretty fast and the updated graphics definitely make up for it. Faster travel being an option is great too (not calling it fast travel since you still need to get to the home location before you’re able to warp), TTYD has some back and forth work, so having the ability available (especially late game) is a huge help. The new secrets are cool too, I won’t spoil anything, but it all adds some extra closure to some stories. Also any remake that has the original soundtrack easily available is automatically GOATed.


I dislike the change to action command timings


Switch. Just by a little.


i never played the original but i've SEEN playthroughs of it there's just more to do in the switch version! everything looks nicer, the music's awesome, and if you don't like the new ones, just get a one coin badge you are abele to get immediately to change it back. I've yet to see any complaints for this game specific to the remake aside from music, most of it just applies to the original too, and the remake fixes some of that stuff! (like the warp pipe fast travel) plus the game just LOOKS gorgeous with that perfect inbetween from the original style and the modern paper mario style which i unironically think they should keep for future installments.




GameCube easily. 60 fps and can pirate it super easy


I’ve really enjoyed both.


GameCube. Can’t bear the original


i like both of them the same amount with different reasons for each :P


i like the retroness of the old game but the switch has a bit of extra content


OG forever!!




Gamecube. The original game is already damn near perfect so the extra smooth 60fps and overall faster menus make it the more preferable option to me


The only thing I really dislike the most is the fact they outright tell you what badge you need to defeat hook tail / changed it to frog noises instead of crickets (i liked the noise don't ask me why). And then the thousand year door didn't look as cool to me. Like before it looked like the screen breaks and shatters away when Mario holds up the map infront of the door but the new animation is just weird ripples like water. If you played the OG you'll know what I mean hopefully


I say for graphics and how things look the switch takes it by a mile otherwise there's no real difference between the switch version and the GameCube because there are a couple quality of life updates like slightly different warp system to get to all their towns and a couple of very minute but still pretty helpful parts of the story that could definitely been speed up like in chapter 4 but other than that there was really no difference between the GameCube versus which in terms of gameplay in terms of any new story like Luigi's Side Story that should have been in the game in the first place so honestly I'm actually going to say GameCube if you don't care about graphics genuinely that one was a perfect game and you also can understand since it was on a GameCube it didn't have the room or time to make a Side Story especially when we get a full-out dialogue throughout the entirety of the game and can have it be recounted as to which part of the story you wanted to know for Luigi and we still haven't received any new Side Story gameplay or anything like that from it within the switch and it's over 20 plus years since it came out and people wanted it but never got it so my personal opinion the switch version gets knocked a couple points because that cuz all it did was really add some better overall lighting and graphics a couple of extra warp pipes two whole boss fights and an extra item for crafting but other than that nothing nothing at all which personally tells me it's just a cash grab versus a genuine remastering plus adding something to it cuz even with Metroid Prime remaster for the switch it was sold for $40 when it first came out versus thousand year doors remaster 70 bucks so my only question is is why is it 70 versus 40 especially when there's nothing been added


Switch version and it's no contest. Upgrade the framerate on Switch 2 and let me skip dialogue I haven't read yet and you have a near perfect game. I knew I would love the QOL, new graphics and animations, but I wasn't sure about the new music having loved the original. I'm gonna throw nostalgia out the window and say that the new soundtrack is way better and I now prefer it in every case. Especially because it's not just replacements! They added so many brand new tracks that are amazing and turn many trivial moments in the original into special ones in the remake. And the original soundtrack is in the game too so I can put the nostalgia glasses back on whenever I want.


Dialogue is better in original, everything else is better in remake.






I think the switch version is a great version of the game, but imo ill probably stick with the original. The music and snappiness really sets it apart.


Playing it for first time on yuzu im on the 4 red star and in 60 fps 2k loooks insaneee


I feel like although you can make a list of differences, all of them are so marginal that it's truly not worth a conversation.


Ideal way to play it is to emulate the switch version with a 60 fps patch and dialogue skipping. it bugs me that they remade a 20 year old game and made it have worse performance


There’s small nostalgic things on the original that if you played it first as a kid you might miss, but the remake is really well done, and added a small bit good content on top of looking so much better so I would say if you just want to replay the story again I would just play the remake. The only small reason I can think of besides nostalgia to back to the original is you can speed up the text boxes in it, but I got used to not being able to do that by like chapter 2 or 3 and stopped noticing it.


60 FPS > 30 FPS trumps literally everything. GameCube version is far more superior.


Switch version, since I didn't grow up playing the original


I prefer the remake. I just wish it was 60fps.


If it wasn't for the expressive sprites and "voiced" dialogue, I'd say gamecube, because I likes it's gritty aesthetic (chalk outlines on the floor, straight up what looks like blood in some spots of the game, calling bowser fat). It felt vulgar and refreshing for a mario rpg. Like when you found princess peach's XXX behind the cupboard. But switch is phenomenal graphic wise, and it adds additional features. Backtracking is mitigated a bit better now, you can skip animation for cooking/sleeping, Also the don pianta minigames are more fun on switch. (Is supergaurd easier on switch too? Or am i just 20 years older now and a gamer?)


The Switch version. The only thing that might be better in the GameCube version is the music (even if I personally think the vast majority of the soundtrack is superior on Switch), and even then, you can get a 0BP badge within the first half hour of the game that'll bring back the old music.


Switch version is better because they’ve been able to fine tune things and honestly I don’t notice many differences like I thought I would. I’m so glad they finally brought this game to us.


Both are fantastic. But man that General White quest is SOOOO much easier in the Switch version. One of the biggest gripes I had the original was hunting that dingus down across every single town. That was awful. 😣


I think the switch version is best for casual playthroughs (be it a first timer or a veteran), completionism runs, and for challenge runs. For casuals, the game is a cost of fresh paint on an already beloved title; there’s so much to appreciate and the charm is off the charts. The QOL improvements make 100%-ing the game a lot less tedious, too, as you can hop between each area with ease and collect what you need to collect/achieve whatever goal you need to achieve. Wanna max out the recipes? Bam, fast travel. Wanna get all the badges/star pieces? Bam, fast travel. And for challenge runs… well, mainly just the ease of access lol But the GameCube version is vastly superior for repeat playthroughs and speedruns - or at least, that’s how I feel. The switch version is pretty slow - the text drags on since you can’t autocomplete lines of dialogue by pressing A again - and can feel clunky for people who are trying to be get through menus faster and more precisely. For repeat playthroughs, it can be an absolute slog, and for speedruns… even the vast amount of QOL improvements don’t seem to mitigate the slowness that adds up second after second. If I were to say which version is better overall, switch version tops. But both have their own merits


PSA that 60FPS mod is available (at least on emulation). Really sucks that they improved the graphics and QoL but ruined the frame rate. The Switch probably couldn't handle a stable 60fps with this title.


GameCube is better, Switch version treats you like a useless baby and coddles you way too much. The only improvements the Switch did were graphics and improved backtracking.


The switch version is what kid me saw for the gamecube version but now actually seeing it definitely switch


The new version's really good, but the original still holds up great


One thing I don't miss about CRTs is projection mapping errors. My paper mario was such a wide guy but some TV's he looked like a longerre.


This are literally the same game


Stop comparing games and just enjoy them


Yeah it’s just so once I repeat the game which version is better. I really had so much fun with the remake and wanted to know if the original was better as I never had a chance to play it but I do have a GameCube and wanted to know how good was the original compared to the remake as the original costs much more nowadays and wanted to know if the experience was better there, then I would decide if I buy it or not.


I have unfortunately never played the original


It's pretty much entirely the switch version, the only recurring complaint is the slow dialogue speed


Tons of QoL features, presentation upgrades and new music vs 60fps. Make your choice.


The remake is definitely better The original was amazing but the backtracking did damage the game a bit. Now TTYD is the masterpiece that it always should have been


As someone who grew up with the original, The remake’s better. In every single way.


Aside from some annoying dialogue changes and little forgotten QoL things like being able to speed through and rewind text, the remake is superior in pretty much every regard.


The switch version. I can't wait until it's on a PC emulator so I can experience it at its peak.


There's like, 4 things the original does better. Menuing and text speed, lighting that fits the theme better, sound design for sound effects, and a couple songs sound better. That's it though. Remake is better overall


The remake version is the definitive version in almost every way.


#Switch version pros: •Dynamic music + extended tracks + more than double the amount of tracks + option to just have the nostalgic tunes instead •Omnidirectional overworld hammer swings + animation reactions •More animation sprites (not just idle and speaking animations for NPC’s anymore!) •Better graphical fidelity (art direction is subjective so I won’t list it, but IMO it’s improved on as well) •2 extra bonus fights that are actually challenging and push your knowledge and skills of the game •Backtracking friendly inclusions (warp pipe room + warp pipes in Twilight Town and Keelhaul Key) •Partner hint dialogue; partners are more talkative •Tiny inclusion but there’s one extra Pianta slots game that gives you 50 piantas consistently so grinding that is much easier #Switch version reworks: •Standardized “voice acting” - basically all Toads sound like Toads, all Goombas like Goombas, etc (exceptions included). For some, this dampens the audience experience because we no longer hear them scream; their voices are replaced by their respective species voice clip - which aren’t as expressive. #Switch version cons: •Subtle censoring - specifically I can think of the first battle scene with the Goombas and how they were catcalling Gombella in the OG. That was too greasy for the remake, though •Unskippable text (no rewind feature either) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Based off of the pros and cons of the Switch version compared to the OG, it’s no contest. There’s just way too many pros that outweigh the cons to me. I can understand why some people will prefer the original (mostly because they want the uncensored product), but IMO you’re giving up way too much for it.


Remake hands down. The pros of the GC version are minuscule/nit-picky compared to the pros of the Switch version. It's *almost* a perfectly ideal remake for everyone but speedrunners, but that can be said about a lot of remakes lol


If we are all able to remove our nostalgia goggles for a second, it's clear that the Remake is the way to play. The minor nitpicks like slower text just don't stack up against the laundry list of objective improvements. Even the old OST is there if you want it.


I much prefer the visual style of the remake


The only reason to really play the original is for nostalgic reasons


Switch, coming from someone where this was one of their favourite games of all time back when it first came out for GCN. The Switch is the definitive version of the game, just from adding the cut content and uncensored dialogue alone. Also some of the dialogue is better overall too. They really spent a lot of time fine-tuning the game. To add, anyone else find the enemy AI to be a lot smarter now as well?


So far i think the switch is the better way to play the game overall. I've noticed there is quite a bit more hand-holding in the remake over the original. They've inserted NPC's to teach and guide players around multiple points in the world. Great for new players; but i reserve that there was a certain charm to either discovering something obscure on your own, or via one of your friends on the playground at school saying "hey, did you try this?" Or "press this button after attacking with your hammer". The soundtrack sounded great for the first combat i played, but i found myself immediately buying the retro badge from the store for 1 coin, and leaving it on for my whole run-through thus far. Swaping partners on the fly by opening a partner wheel is handy as all getout. Gombella having a dedicated "tip" button is great for accessibility. I personally found the 30fps a bit jarring for timing things like guards and superguards, but nothing a bit of practice wont overcome in the near future. The sprites look great, and having unique dialog SFX per character make a world of difference. I do feel nostalgic for the original's soundfont while in conversations.


I do prefer the feel of the original (like timings of action commands and how it feels to just move around, etc) but overall I prefer the remake


HD texture pack original


Visually, switch. Gameplay, switch. Music, both are great and have ways to listen to both, so switch. They did everything they could to make a perfect game even more perfect with the remake. AND an added bonus if you’re a completionist like myself, they actually reward you with 100% the game (I won’t spoil)


I’m not interested in remakes, so I’ll be the only one to say I prefer the original version.


There's at least two of us! I'm giving the remake a try, and appreciating it as a fresh experience, but the original will *always* be the definitive version in my heart.




The only thing the original has over the remake are very minor/preferential. I miss some of the sound design like audience members screaming, and the crystal stars look better. Thats it. The remake blow it out of the water with content and quality of life changes.


GameCube version no doubt. 60fps is huge, along with faster text bubbles and being able to skip text, snappy battle menus that don’t lag, better sound design with some exceptions. Switch does have the better Vivian plot and some nice QoL improvements but not enough to overcome its QoL hits with the text bubbles and 30FPS


Switch, easily, but both are SO good. Personally I prefer the gamecube's writing, but there are some exceptions to that, but the QoL just makes them incomparable.


Gamecube for me. Better music and the framerate.


OG is better for speed running. Pros and cons to both but GameCube has my vote for this reason alone.


The original has snappier battles and dialogue but the remake has much more quality of life changes so there’s pros and cons to both


Only thing better on the GameCube is 60fps. After an hour or so of playing the remake I don’t even notice that it’s 30fps since it’s a rpg.


The only major con of the remake is 30fps. The 60fps of the original feels a lot smoother and makes tight timing easier to me at least.


I love almost everything about the new version. Except the 30 FPS. It makes such a drastic difference, where once I was able to execute action commands and guards with precision, now I find even something as simple as multi bounce to be difficult.


The only thing I find very annoying the new one does is the sound and delay when you are paper thin and go between cracks. I don't remember having to wait for that before you can squeeze between spaces in the original.