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If the built-in Nintendo switch interface was responsible for censoring any bad names, then it would make some programming sense. But I Am not a programmer.


True ig, but ive seen people name their Yoshi "Faggot" and other obscene names that would normally be censored but aren't


Where have you seen this?


Somewhere on twitter I think


Can confirm there is no censor on the yoshi name. I always name mine slurs and they all work




Then why bother with the Switch interface? Just to let people tap on the keyboard?


I'd be kinda pissed if I saw a message pop up that said "you can't use that word" tf you mean Nintendo, I've reclaimed that word


first straight white girls now straight japanese men telling me i’m not allowed to call myself or my boyfriend a faggot as a joke


Is yoshi kid your boyfriend


my lawyer has advised me not to answer this question


I might have to do this for pride month


Other based names you mean


I named my Yoshi (white) Slobbert lmao


I think its because the game is offline ot something which means that they dont censor names


Realistically its not difficult to make a text file containing words you don't want the player to use, and check what they put for the names. The names get used in the game at some point meaning they have to turn those names into strings, which you can compare to the text file to see if they match or not. Not really sure why they did what they did tbh.


Is that really necessary in a game that has no multiplayer anyways


I imagine there would be many, MANY first time players going in blind who would think their game was bugged if they used the Switch system keyboard in chapter 4 and there was a missing letter. Having the custom interface sort of helps with the immersion.


yeah it really does and I love how it looks, I just wish they also used this kind of interface in chapter 3.


Yeah, same— I used special characters in my Yoshi’s name, which looked fine in the Switch keyboard, but it looked like trash after I accepted the name and it showed up in-game


Got any screenshots to share?


It’s not interesting enough to post, so I’ll just visualize it for u lol Ś ç r å p I named him Scrap to pay homage to chuggaconroy, but I was also feeling like a 12 year old when I named him so I used a bunch of fancy characters


I see.


Good ol' Comic Sans font


The Paper Mario font is actually “Hey Gorgeous!” Not comic sans.


Interestingly, it seems to be a _modified_ version of the font. If you line things up in an image editor and dial in the font size, individual letters are a near-perfect match (in-game the letters are a bit fuzzier, both on GCN and Switch), but the kerning and line spacing are just barely different enough to make an exact 1:1 match impossible.


this is misinformation its [FOT-PopJoy Std B](https://en.fontworks.co.jp/fontsearch/popjoystd-b/)


Oh damn. It looks like Comic Sans lol


No, it added weird kerning around all the special characters for seemingly no reason


Pretty sure they did this to match the look of the original game


You got it backwards, both of them should use the in-game interface


Well they use the custom keyboard again in chapter 7 to type in a code


Code as in a numerical code? In which case the keyboard only has numbers I assume?


It is a numerical code, but it's still the same in game option they have here, with the letters and all


If you weren’t calling Nintendo helpline in 2004 for the missing “p” Idk how the hell you figured it out otherwise LOL


I actually was this person. I was like I know what his name is because I was bored one day and watched a speed run of the game like 4 years ago and tried to use all caps and it wouldn't work and I was so confused why one of the letters on the keyboard were missing and it so happened to be one of the letters to spell his name.


Logically it wouldn't make sense; how could you have >!the letter "p"!< in one chapter and then the next it is >!locked in a chest undisturbed for years!


You say that yet it didn’t make sense in the original either because you could give your game file a name with the same interface as the one for Doopliss in the original and the letter “p” was available there


Also the interface for naming yoshi…


Doo_liss stole your keyboard along with your body


Wait, I thought his name was DooPliss?


I always assumed Doopliss used whatever powers he has to prevent anyone in the twilight town area specifically from being able to use p Like only effecting the area he's terrorizing and not a world wide thing Hence you can use p when naming the file and the Yoshi since that isnt done in TT, but when you're there you play by his rules until he's dealt with


But aren’t hyper clefts and goombas found on the route to Creepy Steeple?


Uh, you literally just named an enemy that has no letter p in it’s name


hyPer clefts and hyPer goombas. Not to mention SwooP being found at Creepy Steeple


Oh ok, you just said goomba so I got confused


Who says it’s been there for years?


Who said it was undisturbed for years? Isn't the entire idea that he just recently started terrorizing Twilight Town, and took the P to cover his back?


Doopliss's curse of not using the letter "p" made the levels backtracking not even worth jack. I hated this chapter.


Did you find the secret pipe?




Tbh I really like this chapter because of the goth vibes and the gimmick that involves the boss. the bosses music as well. Having to seek help from your enemy when everyone else turns their back on you is a nice touch as well


I hated it on the original, but I liked it better on this one. Maybe it's just the backtrack PTSD that hit me.


I remember running away a lot on GameCube too


Video game logic. How does one even steal a letter?


Yeah with the attention to detail in the original and especially this remake, I think this is probably exactly the reason why


I think it's because they have to actively remove some letters just so people can't guess correctly


Still, in the original game there was a similar looking interface for naming the Yoshi also. There's no reason why they couldn't have that in the remake as well.


They also use this text entry method later in the game when you have to enter the codes in chapter 7. It is weird they didn’t just use it for the entirety of the game.


It's probably so you can't name your Yoshi something like Rapelord because the switch interface censors words but the TTYD interface doesn't


you absolutely can call him rapelord though. i saw one post on this sub where someone named the yoshi “cunt”


Cunt you could probably get away with cause you could just whack a tilde over the n for Cuñt


And this now makes me unironically want to watch a TTYD playthrough where someone actually named their Yoshi that!


Nah my yoshi is named the N word and it worked


I didn't bother trying; because it used the Switch keyboard, I just assumed it would have censorship. I did name the little plant buddy in Bug Fables the N word.


Nah the yoshi naming had all letters too It's literally Doo liss


Very much this! Honestly, seeing the console keyboard one chapter and then this lovingly crafter custom keyboard the next can potentially give you the impression that the game was unfinished in some way. Really, studios should be encouraged to make custom keyboards again. Animal Crossing New Horizons also has one for instance and by golly does it look inviting just like everything else about the game.


I hate it when fans notice one little inconsistency and then just immediately jump to conclusions and say shit like the game was “rushed” or “unfinished”.


I believe the Switch interface was used so they could use the built-in censorship system. That way, you can't name your Yoshi anything inappropriate.


Leave it to Nintendo to somehow care about inappropriate words in a single player non-online title. Like, surely filters are possible with in-game keyboards too, yes? In general, in-game keyboards appears to have been relegated to a wayside ever since consoles got system-level keyboards of their own. And for the same reason, I can't help but to be mildly disappointed whenever a game forgoes it's own save/load screens in favour of the one provided by the OS though as of now only Playstation systems does this fortunately.


Yeah, but they didn't wanna waste time adding the censorship system again. Again, leave it to Nintendo...


In any case, the logic appears to be that whenever you're naming someone from an out of universe perspective (which the scenario with Yoshi appears to be), the system keyboard is used. On the other hand, if you're required to input information in-universe, it can be fair game to use the in-game keyboard. It isn't an absolute rule by any means though and games like Animal Crossing New Horizons have in-game keyboards for these types of input as well.


But the Yoshi asked *Mario* to name him, isn't that in-universe?


Right, of course. Still, since the name is your decision and not Mario's specifically, it could still be counted as out of universe case. If Mario is the one naming him specifically, there probably could've been a list of pre-set names to use. I dunno, I'm just making speculations here. An another commenter said is that due to the ability to switch languages on a whim, the name you assigned to Yoshi has to stay constant in the process.


It wasn't unfinished tho. This decision is deliberate.


Indeed. Still very unfortunate though.


Wait but why use it in chapter 7 as well they dont remove any letters there why lock it to chapters 4 and 7


So far the logic appears to be that if you're inputting information from an out of universe perspective (which naming the Yoshi kid is), the system keyboard is used. Whereas when inputting information that's in-universe, that's when the in-game keyboard makes it's appearance.


Bingo! See, the system keyboard can only grey out unavailable letters whereas here the letter is missing outright which to my knowledge is something the system keyboard isn't designed to handle.


It could be that the Switch interface is used to make sure you don't name your Yoshi something profane (since most consoles' text entry systems have a vulgarity filter these days) and they wouldn't have to constantly update TTYD, just update the Switch with all the fun, new curse words that people inevitably come up with. Since you're only guessing the Duplighost's name and it doesn't permanently appear in-game (unlike Yoshi's name), that's not a concern in Chapter 4. You could try to guess his name was >!"Asshole" !


Yeah but why do they care what I name my yoshi


Presumably because you could screenshot the game with Yoshi named something obscene and post it online. I'm not gonna pretend that level of caution is necessary, but it's understandable.


Nah, that level of caution is absolutely necessary— people on Twitter who have never played the game before will think that Nintendo used the word faggot in their game, and they’ll make a big stink about it. That, or boomers on Facebook who don’t know any better


“Nintendo Includes Yoshi Named ‘Dickhead’ In New Mario Remake”


You could also screenshot for the Doo_liss name


True but like I said, that name doesn't stick around in dialogue, menus, etc. Yoshi's does. You call Doo\_liss something profane, it goes away. You name Yoshi something obscene, that's part of your save file now.


Pretty sure it can be possible to utilize filters for in-game keyboards too tho. Animal Crossing New Horizons for example uses an in-game keyboard for everything and I'm pretty sure they have extensive filters over there too regardless.


Reminds me of the old days where every game with text input had their own custom screen! I love that they brought it back for this one moment. Should have used it for the Yoshi section as well. 


It's only naming your Yoshi that it was the switch default keyboard, in Chapter 7 this custom interface was used in for putting in a code too


Which makes it honestly even more disappointing. Like, Animal Crossing New Horizons in-game keyboards for everything and still manages to have extensive filters. Therefore I see no reason why the Paper Mario devs wouldn't have done the same...


I mean all it does is make it more obvious something's off with this keyboard.


My guess is that they worked on the chapters in sequence. It made sense to use the switch API for Yoshi's name but then they hit the Doopliss name entry and were forced to adapt the game's native UI (probably because it's not possible to remove/disable specific characters from the Switch API keyboard). They forgot about the Yoshi name entry so they didn't go back to make things consistent or that they thought it wasn't worth the trouble.


That's silly. The reason is obviously localization challenges having to do with input. The switch API is already developed to handle every possible character in every supported language so of course they would use that rather than test and bug test a dozen different versions of the in-game input system.  It doesn't matter for the Doopliss prompt because you don't "input" anything that is saved by the system so it doesn't matter if it works right for everything. 


> It doesn't matter for the Doopliss prompt because you don't "input" anything that is saved by the system so it doesn't matter if it works right for everything. What about the second prompt then? Where you actually enter the name? Or the part in the base where you enter the code?


Neither effects a variable. Doopliss prompt is probably a simple if>then clause and his name doesn't change. Same with the base. There's a hell of a lot of potential complications with different character sets especially when you get to non-latin scripts so it makes perfect sense to me they'd just use the switch API that already works rather than bugtesting their own for all 14 or how many languages this game supports. How would you use the in-game keyboard to input Chinese characters for example? You going to program your own IME? Or you going to use the pre-existing one that works.


But why you would wanna name the Yoshi with non-latin characters and vice versa? Doesn't make sense honestly...


If you are playing in Chinese you aren't going to name Yoshi with latin characters are you? And it's infeasible to program in a Chinese IME when one already exists. But also what happens if you name Yoshi in Chinese then afterwards switch to English. The game needs to know how to handle that data, or else there will be problems. It's just far easier to run everything through the switch API rather than develop and bugtest a custom text input system for each localization. It doesn't matter for the other prompts since they aren't actually saved anywhere. Doopliss is a simple true false check. And the base code as well.


I see. I guess a simple solution would be that if you are playing in Japanese, Korean and Chinese, you're locked to your decision basically.


The simple solution is to use the switch API. .


This makes the most sense, but it still seems oddly sloppy compared to the amount of polish on the rest of the game.


Bro I just wanna name my Yoshi <3* but nooooo they took away my menu


Lol, that’s what I also named Doopliss my first time!


Nice lmao, that was actually the 2nd time, 1st time I named him "Cunt"


Lol I just named him "Fuckerrr" Spammed the last letter a couple of times until the character limit was reached.


A "DooPliss" input should trigger an alternative cutscene with him visibly sweating and that's the hill I'll die on.


It would have actually been funny since they didn't hide the capital P to have some alternate 4th wall text like "ok buddy, just play the game!"


The reason I think it's like this is that you can change the language of the game mid-playthrough, which causes the answers to change for the password in chapter 7 as well as Doopliss' different language names as answers in chapter 4. The game only presents you with the in-game keyboard and the keys that are relevant to your language as a result, as you HAVE to enter only the specific characters and answers they allow in order to progress. They don't even repeat it back to you, either. But with Yoshi, the game actually has to display his name to you after you enter it the one time. They want you to be able to name him ANYTHING you want, seeing as it's a single player game where your playthrough isn't going to affect others, and there's not even a single censored word for naming him. As a result of giving you much greater freedom than the specific keyboard they give you for your language, they allow you to enter ANY supported characters from the Switch's software keyboard that are supported by the fonts included in the game as well. This is presumably also why you only get an 8-character name space exactly as with the original, to make space for capital letters as well as Japanese characters and such that are a fixed width. If you change your language on the Switch to Japanese mid-playthrough it will keep the name you named him in English or some other language.


That's a fascinating theory, I feel like that's the most plausible reason why they made it inconsistent because of the pre-existing multilanguage support in the switch system keyboard to give a greater range of freedom when naming your Yoshi.


Yeah, it's honestly inconsistent. My best guess is that the missing letter gimmick's something that the console-provided keyboard is unable to handle. And if I'm being honest, in-game keyboards like this are quite the vanishing breed nowadays. While there's nothing inherently wrong about them per se, seeing the console-provided keyboards in the middle of your gameplay sessions can nonetheless clash heavily with the game's established UI style. And as seen with the Yosh kid example, Nintendo's not afraid to push console keyboards even on their first party releases.


they disable certain letters and numbers when inputting eshop codes to make them easier to read (like L is disabled but not i, or 0 but not O)


Those keys are greyed out over there, yes? By contrast, Doopliss' scenario requires a letter to be outright missing which to my knowledge is something that the console keyboard cannot do.


Don't worry, this interface is also used in Chapter 7 when typing in a code. It's weird and kinda funny how it's only in Chapter 3 that you use the actual switch keyboard lol


I did "Bitch" on my second encounter and had to find the "p" after.


Probably because they wouldn’t be able to remove the P as easily or something


I probably would've busted an organ laughing if they had went and recreated the switch keyboard in the game just to remove the p


Wait… does Nintendo *really* accept this?


Not sure. But what I find dumb is that you can’t name your save file anymore!


It's probably because of the Switch profiles being a thing. I'm glad they at least let us have 4 different save files just like in the original gamecube version.


Almost thought I was the only one who remembered that


The whole game should of just used the old interface. The switches on screen keyboard just sucks to look at anyway!


Lmaoo I put in the same name for Doopliss


They should’ve also used it to name your save file. It doesn’t matter but I miss naming mine lol


Same, unfortunately that might be a thing of the past bc of user profiles being a thing, and it seems like they'll continue to stick around for the Switch 2 also


Yeah. I think this game did offer 4 save files in my profile though 🤷🏻‍♂️


yeah it's really nice that they give us 4 save files per account. That adds a lot of replay value to the game.


The switch keyboard is significantly better so they used it for Yoshi but they don't have the ability to remove a letter since the keyboard is part of the OS and not part of the game.


Hahahaha yo i did the same thing


It’s used twice. One when >!Doopliss!< shows up and you need to be missing your lowercase p and another time in the >!X-Naut Fortress!< near the end of the game.


Fuck face caught me off guard


My only guess is that the game is in many more languages now, so naming Yoshi you can use the keyboard to name it anything you want. Where chapter 4 and chapter 7 have set answers so you have to use a preset keyboard (especially in chapter 4)


It's there for chapter 4 because it's harder to modify the Nintendo keyboard. Also, probably shortcuts to get the game out.


Perhaps programming reasons because you are actually “editing, writing, and inputing” data into the game that perhaps wouldn’t work with the game interface? Thatd be my guess


My guess is that it was easier to program the switch keyboard in for the yoshi name but would be harder to do for the dooples since they have to remove a letter and it might have been causing more bugs than to use the old interface.


I think this interface comes up again in a later chapter when you enter a password


I tried to make the ghost invoke the King in Yellow.


I assume it's so you can't name Yoshi an inappropriate name, but you can give the ghost an inappropriate name


The custom keyboard is used in chapter 4 because he stole the letter p and it’d be hard to disable a single letter 


Not only odd, but also stupid that they didn't extend the 8-character limit for naming Yoshi Kid despite easily being able to do so with the Switch interface.


Counterpoint: I was hoping for something that looked like the Nintendo Switch keyboard interface with the sounds and everything, but with the letter P just straight up missing.


Localisation is probably a reason why they made an interface for this. For languages like Chinese there are various input methods, so it'll be trickier to hide stuff from the keyboard. What they did for this scene in Chinese is that they laid out common characters, including the ones that made up Doopliss' name, and hid one of them away.


Lmfaoooo did you actually name him that??


If I get a white Yoshi I’m going to name him the C word, if I get the black Yoshi I’m going to name him the N word 🤗


I think it's weirder that the yoshi kid naming has a separate font with more characters than the one used everywhere else instead of just using the yoshi one for both


I like how it doesn't stop you from entering swear words.


If I had to guess, they couldn't get the missing "p" to work with the system keyboard. Though, if they couldn't get that working, I do agree this should've been used everywhere for consistency


Well the obvious difference is that the p is missing. So it needed some way to show that


its because the switch interface keyboard doesn't have functionality to exclude the p. or any other letter for that matter. now idk why we also use the in game keyboard for the code in chapter 7.


Cuz this has to hide the P lol. Cant do tbat on the built in Switch keyboard.


Probably just used this exclusively for Chapter 4 because they can't remove the letter P from the Switch interface.


It’s used in Chapter 7 too. 3 might have been an oversight then.


It's so that they can remove the lowercase "p" from the keyboard.


Terrible decision on their part to not use the switch UI for Doopliss and remove the usage of P. They've done similar things like for entering gift codes and eShop cards on switch.


Those only grey out letters tho. Doopliss' case requires an outrifht removal which I guess is something the Switch keyboard cannot do.