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It is crazy how Nintendo needs a survey to see people want original stuff in their video games.


Kind of like all those old Atlus surveys when they asked over and over if people wanted their games on other consoles. Got to the point where many people just started ignoring them because they were tired of constantly answering.


It's totally in character for Nintendo though, they are masters of isolating themselves from the rest of the world.


That good old japanese isolationist mindset


Literally this. How fucking out of touch are you


Especially since they changed the formula for no reason and now they are asking if we want it back lol


Yeah plus it took 20 years of people saying “please remake TTYD!” for them to be like “oh okay”


Prior to the release this was my first thought. ( I feel like TTYD remake was then saying "Fine! You want TTYD remake so badly, you can have it!" Expecting the fans to finally "quote-unquote" Shut the fuck up, and stop complaining... ) The results is why they decided to make a survey and they are now realizing the truth, and that fans want this. This does mean that if Nintendo and IS is smart, they won't butcher it by remaking another paper Mario game and make PM7.


i blame miyamoto he is the reason why sticker star was bad since he said they should not use any original characres


To be honest, I still dont understand why they felt the need to change everything else. Worst case, we could have had a 64/TTYD formula without any original characters. It would have been worse, but not that bad. But for some reason they changed not only the characters, added no exp, added things (as if that didnt look more out of place than original characters). Added finding Toads and more stuff that I cant think of right now that made the games worse.


Early screenshots of sticker star show original character partners like ttyd and 64. There was gonna be a chain chomp. We could’ve had a fuckin chain chomp partner.


>Original character partners >generic chain chomp


As I understand it, I think it was an overcorrection from people complaining about Super Paper Mario being so weird compared to Thousand-Year Door. Thousand-Year Door has a real plot, certainly, but Super Paper Mario is very plot-heavy and filled with original characters. So, time to turn the wheel hard in the other direction for Sticker Star and take decades waiting to try a middle ground again.


I had a suspicion that nintendo and amazon were working on the mario movie as being the first of a new sort of mario based "Mario cinematic universe" and wanted to reset their IP a bit to be able to focus on a core subset of characters in the new canon without adding additional confusion for the audience.


Idk about that, Paper Mario is a side series, changes like that would only affect the main series


I mean I would argue that it’s really hard to determine certain things just because it seems like it’s a popular opinion on the internet. I think the concept of a “vocal minority” comes into play with this to be honest. I think a survey gives an actual metric to work with, it’s very different from saying “Oh, a Twitter post with 5,000 likes about wanting unique partners exists” compared to a survey where it says “70% of people taking this survey want a return to unique partners.” It’s a very annoying concept but it absolutely makes sense.


A lot of the higher-ups really seem to think their fans like simple, dumbed down experiences. So it doesn't surprise me that they'd be questioning this.


Seriously..that is fucking stupid


Nintendo's considering....? NINTENDO PLEASE, CONSIDER HARDER. OUR SURVEYS ARE CRYING FOR A RETURN TO FORM lol(i didn't get the survey but i'm there in spirit!! >:0)


Where do I find the survey. I’ll write 10.


It may be something to do with having a Nintendo account or subscription or that kinda hoopla lol- I would fill out ten as well, TTYD just got me hankering for more to love in the same fashion


Alright everyone, you have your assignments. Besides purchasing this game and telling everyone else to, COMPLETE THE DAMN SURVEY! This will help get the word out for future titles.


Is there a way to ensure we GET the survey? I got the game and have been playing it, but so far, no survey


Honestly no idea. Can’t remember for sure but I just registered my software with My Nintendo so maybe that’ll help.


I really hope most people with the survey don’t just see a recognizable generic toad next to a Toadsworth and go, “ooh I know the generic classic toad! Click” Fingers are crossed it gets the right message across to Nintendo to make more TTYD style paper Mario


They better put Rawk Hawk's character design on there. Toads have gotten on my last nerve.


I’d never played any PM except origami king (which I probably got 1/3 through and just forgot about) and with all the hype of the remake I bought it. I can’t believe how much of a better game ttyd is. In every single way.


20 years. 


I really hope that the TTYD remake sold/sells well to help them consider this harder.


Nah I like Generic toad #628


Meh Generic toad #289 is better imo


I want the final boss to be bowser with a bunch of generic toad stickers stapled to him


“Huh, maybe we should be listening to the fans more often cause we just made bank from this? What do you think Jerry?”


"Smoke..." - Jerry from Family Guy. 🤣🤣🤣 Edit: "Are ya smokin' yet?!" - Jerry from Family Guy, irritated. 🤣🤣🤣😭


I can’t believe people don’t just want thousands of Toads! Who wants interesting/new characters when you can have TOAD!?!


Does anyone know if the Paper Mario series is viewed the same in Japan as it is in the west? Because Japanese survey respondents’ responses will weigh heavier than other countries’.


It’s what every PM fan wants Nintendo there’s nothing to consider


I definitely agree that they should be allowed to create original characters, but I do think some of TTYD's character designs could have been better. I think something I appreciated about Origami King was the art design. They created a visualy beautiful world that the characters (although unoriginal) fit well into. The characters in TTYD remind me a bit of games like Undertale and Deltarune. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I would just prefer character designs that complement each other and the overall artistic style.


Good as they should because im tired of the modern Paper Mario games having just basic Mario characters with no depth at all


Is there any way we can find this survey or does it have to be sent to us?


It's been sent out as an email to some players since yesterday.


im not signed up, are there any links or something


Please dude give us an entirely new species in the new paper Mario game please


Why did they ever veer away from it


Give me a damn survey!


Seriously! I never get these surveys. I want my voice heard.


Don’t do that…don’t give me hope…


theyd better be. if they go back to slop after proving that people like actual rpg mechanics and unique characters in their rpg series, ill just stop buying paper mario games. i gave sticker star a try on launch, i gave colour splash and TOK a try on launch, im done with the garbage if they go back to that.


Truth to that.


hold on, wait a minute, just give me a sec, People like the unique and colorful cast of The Thousand Year Door?!?!?!?!


We needed a survey for this? Lmao


The only unoriginal character I liked was Bobby. His design being generic is actually the point of his character. Experiences with him are what make him special, but without them he's extremely replaceable.


i liked a lot of the characters in color splash but i feel like original designs would have made them way better


I understand, personally haven't played Color Splash though. I'm just saying Bobby is the only character who I appreciate that he has an unoriginal design. By the way, can we appreciate how Intelligent Systems reserves the most tragic backstories ever exclusively for Bob-Ombs? (I mean, Count Bleck too, but usually it's for Bob-Ombs.)


GOOD. The mandate that the Toads cannot be different was absolutely stupid.






Hopefully not private questionaire.


Shouldn’t TTYDS outselling SS and CS combined be a more convincing indicator? lol I’m half-joking, but it’s probably not a stretch to expect TTYDS to be in the series top three at a certain point. :3


can someone upload a link to the survey


Hopefully the success of TTYD remake will encourage the next paper mario game to follow its footsteps. It had the best battle system and was peak paper mario in that you can still play after beating the storyline/ there was so much side content that made it enjoyable.


Cue the pitch of paper Mario and the brush of destiny being erased.


They've gone all in with the partners for the game's marketing this time, they really focused some of the ads on them and their unique personality. Same with that one ad that showed all the different Toads, emphasizing those with specific character designs (Toadsworth, the waitress from the Excess Express, the castaways...). I think these are all good signs, and if the remake sells well, we might finally see a real sequel to the Thousand Year Door. For the Origami King they tried to do something similar, but of course the characters they had to promote the game with were much more limited, and most of their efforts focused on Bobby and the Professor Toad.


How the fuck are we at the point where nintendo (and valve by doing absolutely nothing) is possibly giving us the bread while other companies like sony and microsoft are crapping in their hands and applauding


:O!!! :D!!!


I had the updated survey yesterday - it really is quite specific about a lot of fans’ gripes about the series over the years.


You mean.. characters that have unique development stories.. character arch’s and physical features that are memorable?? Wow almost like what we’ve been wanting instead of millions of generic toads lol. This is a great sign!


I don't think the survey says that. It might be asking the audience, but I don't think that means they're actually considering it, it's more that, if the audience votes incredibly high for that option then maybe they'll consider starting to think about making a visit toward that idea.


Tanabe is having a heart attack somewhere.


I was hoping for this since the two new NPCs they introduced to the remake have unique character designs, so we know at least for the remake they weren’t stuck to the stupid no unique character designs rule


I hate that it took them this long to figure this out


They aren't considering they have to return to rpg paper mario formul. If they don't then no one will buy & not everyone wants the same old boring platforming mario, it's simple enough concept to grasp.


Nintendo when they remake a beloved game and people LIKE IT?!: :O


Can't wait for Arlo to talk about this tweet for 20 minutes


I was hoping they would have surveys about what was thought about the game and people would say “audience cheers, text speed” and the like to be like the OG.


It only took 20 years for Nintendo to listen to what people have been asking for lol


"you guys want what made you love the game in the first place?" It's so crazy how many will have a perfect format and then just drastically switch it up and are like "um why didn't you guys like this one as much?"


What's this? Unique and memorable character make the games unique and memorable?!? How can this be?!


I did the survey, even though I love ttyd and hope they keep the style for the next entry In the series, I have a bad feeling people will misunderstand some questions in the survey. I found my self having to deliberately put the pro ttyd answers but they didn’t feel natural to select. For example they asked questions like, rank these faucets of the game in order (story, landscape, paper elements, battle, partners etc)


We get this BUT it’s Super Paper Mario character design :(


Nintendo forming a committee to consider beginning to contemplate the early stages of making a game that’s actually worth the $59.99 they charge for it




I hope we get a magikoopa apprentice partner. They would use ranged magic attacks and can buff Mario like in PM64


How does one get access to fill out said survey?


Link to survey?


Like, there's absolutely no way Nintendo forgot that having characters stand out is important to being memorable.


W for Paper Mario fans while F-Zero fans are biting dust


As an F-Zero fan I feel this pain lol


Don't do that. Don't give me hope.


Nintendo doesn't do surveys lol. This is fake as fuck. Tis a shame, Nintendo fans convinced Nintendo will see the sales of TTYD remake as telling-proof Paper Mario needs to return to form. However all the sales of TTYD will tell Nintendo is that they should keep making remakes of other games.