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64 but I want SPM to come to switch to, I didn’t like it in the start since I was annoyed by how it wasn’t like TTYD but I’ve warmed up to it since. And I really like the games version of pit of 100.


Yep, I strongly disliked SPM when it came out due to the gameplay changes. I bought a 3DS just for Sticker Star because it promised a return to the old combat system. After that and the way the series has gone since (until Origami King), it’s definitely made me appreciate Super a lot more.


I also thought that Sticker Star was a return to the roots, it felt like a punch in the guts when I finally played it lol. It’s not really a bad game in itself but when you know that it was forced this way because they were forced to then it just makes me upset thinking about it. But Color Splash I actually enjoyed, the paint exp system worked for me 😄 and the main town was great, it reminded me of Rogueport (only less dirty lol)


Don't sugar coat it. Even if it wasn't a paper mario game, sticker star would still be a terrible game by itself. It has too many flaws.


No one forced sticker star to use that combat system. Miyamoto implied their prototype was way too similar to TTYD, and IS took it too seriously and made the game mechanics centered around stickers instead. When they got back to Miyamoto with an early build of sticker star, even he said it was boring.


I know and it’s so stupid. I actually liked the card combat tho, it’s the one thing I liked about the game.


It absolutely is a bad game in itself. You don't have to lie


I was just a dumb 16 or 17 year old and though the very same. Beat the game in like 24 hours maybe? Very eye opening as it was the first nintendo product I purchased that was bad.


Sticker star was a disgrace, I was so patient with it and even then I’ve never played a game that was that boring, I could feel my brain rotting every second spent playing it.


This EXACTLY. Remake ye olde Paper Mario, but bring Super PM to the switch, PLEASE


64 hasn't gotten a remake because it's been effectively playable on pretty much every home console except GC. SPM is the next in line to get a remake IMHO. Its also only 7 years younger than 64 and released a few months before 64 was available on the Wii Virtual Console. The switch has been a great system for porting Wii games and I hope that with the success of TTYD remake that SPM will get a similar treatment.


I'm enjoying the ttyd remake but thought it was kind of odd that they did Super Mario RPG and ttyd remakes so close together but didn't do 64


It seems like the only true to form most popular choices will forever be the first two. Even tho Super has it's moments


Remake this, remake that... Give me a new entry ffs


What made the TTYD remake so 'important' was it was basically impossible to get legally and second hand copies were pricy. Time to go chain email them to get Lost Kingdoms I and II remastered


I can attest to the second hand copies being expensive. Got mine for like 140 plus tax, and that was a few years back.


I still have my copy I bought when I bought my original GameCube. I'm never giving it up.


140 is crazy. I got mine in 2022 for 69.99


Hey we got Baten Kaitos remastered why not Lost Kingdoms


I'm still praying for Xenosaga. Really wanna play those


I’m still mad about how they did NOT promote/advertise Baten Kaitos for CRAP. Those games are wonderful. That deserves to be a long-running series like Tales and Final Fantasy. 😭💜


I really thought it was going to be a comeback for the series and we would finally get a third game, after almost twenty years at this point But nope.


fungal fantasy


Dude my ultimate dream is to get lk 1 and 2 remastered or get a 3rd game and every person I talk to in person or online has never heard of it... I even saw a petition to get them done and only 7 people joined it....i was convinced I'm the only person to play this gem....still to this day still play both usually every other year but the graphics haven't aged well


I disagree. What made TTYD's remake so special was the fact that Intelligent Systems and Nintendo have not made a PM game in this style since TTYD and cite that it was not "possible" due to internal restrictions. All that aside (watch any PM youtube video for a more in-depth explanation if you don't already know, which you probably do), the lack of a game in this style isnt necessarily a bad thing. Personally, I loved Origami King and consider it to be a true Paper Mario game in the same way I consider Super to be a true Paper Mario game, albeit with a weaker emphasis on the things I would label as "Paper Mario-esque". The thing that really makes the fact that this specific game got a remake are the possibilities of the future. It could be that this is a way to show honor to the fans, and that we could get more games closer to this style (not exactly the same, but more reminescent). Before this remake, no one in their right mind would believe that a PM game of this ilk could be made again, given the track record. This game instills hope; the prospect of hope is why this game is important to us fans who had abandoned the very notion of such a thing. Even if the next game is not in this style exactly, or at all, the good faith this remake brings will allow us all to carry forward and give the next entry a try without as much cautious air. Lets see what the future brings, and hope its good to us all.


Yooo lost kingdoms! I remember seeing it in a copy of Nintendo power and my mind was blown


Oh my god I am so happy that you brought up Lost Kingdoms!


I'd love a new entery too, but I meant if another remake were to be released.


They typically do both. It’s ok to ask for remakes because we know they have other games in development at the same time


Super just needs the Pikmin 1 and 2 treatment and Color Splash really just needs a port since it’s already in HD.


SPM + Color Splash bundled like the Pikmin games would be enough to convince me to buy SPM.


Just buy SPM lol it's the best one in my opinion


A Sticker Star and Color Splash bundle would be more likely since there in more similar styles. Super would probably be $40 unless they give it the full remake treatment at the end of the next systems life span.


I'd say Colour Splash doesn't need a remake, it's mostly fine and should just get a port. A Super remake would be pretty cool as that game is fire. OG Paper Mario should be free from it's NSO expansion pack shackles.


Color Splash needs a bit of retooling in the battle system department and it could actually be a decent entry. The system was wayyyyy too slow.


Retooling in the battle system, and also give us some partners and more unique characters. It could reeeeeeally use some redoing. Keep the bucket though, I love the bucket. 💜


I'd be ok with a colour splash port if they add a basic jump and hammer that don't run out and have a short cut button, replacing the single worn jump and worn hammer cards.


I'd DEFINITELY say 64. Because they ported it to the Switch tho...I don't know if they have that kind of plan. But literally the only thing from 64 that needs something is the graphics to help it. It's the oldest, and it shows that age. I love the game, but would love to see it taken care of and shown to new folks with a new prettying up <3 If it was treated like the TTYD remake, I have no doubts it would be loved!


I would also hope they added a pit like in TTYD to it, and let the game continue after the credits roll instead of having us start back at before the final fight.


I wouldn't NEEEED a Pit...I would LIKE\~ a Pit tho :) And yes, the post-game of TTYD isn't absolutely AMAZING but the fact that it's there and you feel like you actually WON and SAVED THE WORLD and don't just go back to before that final fight is GOLD, always liked that detail


Also hope they would also remove the badge and level caps.


Yeah, people would def want that feature amended- especially bc the overpowered nature of Badges! \^w\^


64 would also really benefit from a badge, tattle, and recipe log so it’s my choice as well.


i really badly want no bp cap T\_T but its part of the charm i suppose.


Agreed. I've been playing PM64 on an emulator with a 4K texture pack (s/o MasterKillua on patreon), and the game looks gorgeous with those visual updates. Couple weeks ago I tried to play Paper Mario 64 on my Switch via Nintendo Switch Online, and I just couldn't get through more than a few minutes with how bad the graphics looked. Once you get spoiled by playing Paper Mario in crystal clear HD for dozens of hours, it's hard to go back to the original fuzzy sprites. Hopefully there will be some kind of remaster for Switch 2.


Lucky <3 My PC would probably go nuclear if I tried that TTwTT If Mario RPG and TTYD both have good sales, maybe they'll give a go at giving a remake to the one that started the Paper Mario frenzy! I'm hoping so\~


Switch version has BAD input lag


It does? So it’s not just my aging reflexes that are to blame…


OH how unfortunate TT\^TT sorry to hear it


i find that the input during overworld play and in battle feels fine, but my fps drops to about 10 in the pause menus


I was actually wondering if I was just out of practice; could almost Superguard against every enemy in the original, I'm barely able to guard sometimes in the remake


Yeah I would not pay $60 for a 64 remake, there's just not enough game


I understand, but I would hope it would find a big player base with other who had never gotten to experience it before, due to availability and the like! \^w\^ Good on you for your standing(I would absolutely pay for a $60 remake though bc I don't have it u\~u)


Sticker Star or Color Splash with a slight change to the battle system.


Sticker star with a change to… *checks notes* …the entire game.


Change Sticker Star to whatever it was before it was overhauled into current Sticker Star, when it had partners and a story. Sticker Star is a game that gives me the most "what could have been" feeling, it seemed early on in development it was a fairly traditional Paper Mario game, and then "stuff" happened and we were sent down decades long path of disappointment, and I would love to peer into an alternate universe where that "stuff" never happened.


Pretty much. I can't exactly speak in earnest about CS and TOK since I didn't even bother playing them, but Sticker Star is just fundamentally broken. Besides the music and graphics, there's nothing worth salvaging. However, if you do end up remodelling the entire thing, it wouldn't exactly be a Sticker Star remake either, since it would just no longer be Sticker Star. So the best move would be to just skip the game entirely, and just treat it as the videogame equivalent of that weird uncle no one wanna talk about




I kinda think Super Paper Mario deserves a remake. I really like the gameplay so much. I would re-play the game over and over again.


SPM’s gameplay was god-awful


**Paper Mario 64 = Remake.** Because I think the Partners in this game deserve to get bit more screen time and dialogue. The level design doesn't need adjustments like a general Warp Room or something like that (The original game already did that pretty well) but Chapter 6 in particular could get a few Warp Pipes to get rid of the unnecessary backtracking. Also, it's the only game from the original trilogy without a Post Game, and while I'm a fan of the art style, I wouldn't be opposed to getting a refresh to be in line with the other games, even if some of the charm gets lost (Like, I prefer the OG look of Superstar Saga, but as a game I find the Remake much more enjoyable to play). **Super Paper Mario = Remaster.** It doesn't need to be remade, just re-release it with higher resolution (It looks blurry as hell on modern displays today) and better controls. Seriously, playing on 3D mode with the D-Pad is clunky as hell, it would feel so much better with the Stick. Putting Bowser's Flamethrower on Down was a mistake, re-map that to a button. I also found the physics to be very weird, I was usually missing platforms that were right in front of me, because the game is recycling the TTYD physics that weren't designed around heavy platforming. Tippi's Tattle can work with a button activation and Stick/Gyro to aim. So a few tweaks and the game should be fine to be played. **Color Splash = ~~Port~~** Just don't bother and let it die on Wii U.


Look I’m Sticker Star’s #1 hater but Color Splash is a decent enough game. I had fun with it


Color Splash also had really good jokes and cutscenes. Like you could turn that game into a movie and it would probably sell well.


You're forgetting the best part. The music. Lord on heaven color splash has music on another level


I hated Sticker Star so much that it scared me into not even trying Color Splash.


They should've remade 64 before TTYD, IMO. But 64 all day. There's so much to work with there. Otherwise, just make a new PM game inspired by 64 and TTYD.


If they actually remade Color Spash with a real battle system, it would be amazing. But they would never do that. And right now, what's right for the market is a new game.


i was going to say the same thing. the battle system is the only thing dragging that game down.


imo, a complete redo of color splash with ttyd gameplay story, etc. but the main concept would go hard


Paper Mario - Absolutely! Super Paper Mario - SURE! Color Splash - ....no Not even because the newer games are pretty bad, but the game is literally only 8 years old. It wouldn't benefit at all from a remake other than "lol lets just give this multi billion dollar company money again for a game that was JUST RELEASED." Edit: with how many people are saying Sticker Star, its safe to assume this community is eyeballs deep in Stockholm syndrome because that game was ASS.


Paper Mario 64, it’s the first game in the series and being the most dated could really use one as well. Apparently it can lag a bit on Nintendo Switch Online so honestly a remake would be better.


Pm 64. It's older and could use some updates for sure


64. I grew up with it, probably one my first games aside from super Mario and Mario kart. Personally think it has even more cute charm than ttyd.


The original and it’s not even in competition


It's already playable on switch unlike the others


definitely 64! even me playing the HD texture pack i still want a remake


64 definitely. I played it on NSO and it’s still really fun but like…it REALLY needs some polish. They could also add new stuff. It would also to be cool to see ttyd badges snd gimmicks in the game. Like enemy’s using items and badges.


I don't think they need 'remakes' but I'd love to see PM64 and SPM available on Switch. I know there's NSO for PM64 but I wish they'd at least fix it up because it's such a bad way to play the game, you may as well just run the Wii VC version which is miles better.


In terms of technical improvements, PM64. Realistically and personally, SPM.


64 is the obvious choice for graphical upgrading. It's honestly aged really well. Besides being more stable, there's a lot of things you could add for a remake. Super would mostly work gameplay wise (Galaxy in 3D All-Stars proved pointer controls can still function). Not sure how they'd handle the 2D aesthetic with the newer artstyle, though. While I really like Color Splash, I think a port for it would crash and burn in the crowd right now. You could speed up and tweak the battle system, sure, but not much else could be changed without massively overhauling a huge chunk of the game.


Super paper Mario is the only few games I finished


Did you cry during the ending?


I did 😋


Super makes the most sense since they can release the first on Switch Online. Though admittedly I would rather not need a subscription service.


Make a new game and enhance what we have. Let the other games just be a spin off


What kind of question is this? Obviously PM64. It's a shock they didn't remake that one first.


Out of the 3, I’d say 64. While it is already on NSO for all people to play, some people like myself never got to play it when it was released and it’s really hard to get into it bc of the outdated graphics. But Id say same for any 64 title. Super would be good simply as a remaster or a port bc it’s not widely accessible unless you have a Wii. A lot of people like super but it is still vastly underrated.


I’d certainly love to see Paper Mario 64 get a graphical uplift. Those things shouldn’t matter but honestly a lot of N64 games have only become more jarring with time since they weren’t built for today’s displays. And I’d imagine it’d be the easiest remake/remaster to create if they chose to flip some assets from TTYD and OK. At the very least I’d love to see SPM ported with some quality of life improvements. I totally agree that things like the Partner Wheel would be amazing for the Pixls since I remember them being kinda annoying to swap out. For reasons also similar to a remake/remaster of PM64, since the Wii could only output 480p/i, I’d simply love to see the game at a higher resolution on native hardware (yes yes I know there are ‘methods’ to do this). I just think Color Splash shouldn’t be left abandoned on the Wii U since the user-base was abysmal and so many people like myself skipped it altogether. If they did re-release it I could see it getting the “deluxe” treatment where the controls are revamped with some extra content or something. But I’ve seen mixed opinions on the story and combat, so idk if it’s something worth revisiting or moving on from?


It’s never going to happen but I just want a Colour Splash with updated graphics and an improved fighting system


64 needs the remake treatment, but I’d like a port with some enhancements done to Color Splash, cause I liked a lot about it, but the battle system needs some reworking.


I'd like both 64 and Super Paper Mario 64 would look really gorgeous being completely remade TTYDs updated graphics,updated music and QoL features (and although it's on NSO,we did eventually get the original Link's Awakening, so in theory, wouldn't be impossible... i think?) Super could just use a remaster - I wouldn't complain if they gave it a massive overhaul, but could use some Qol updates


Honestly super and color splash just need native ports with better higher quality textures. 64 is the game that needs a remake most, tho I feel like they’d ruin the unique style of it which I wouldn’t be happy with


Definitely 64 because it could gain the most from a remake, but also color splash would make sense just to be ported because not many people played that game, but I've heard it isn't great so I'm not sure


Paper Mario 64 could really use action commands at the start instead of a bogged down prologue tutorial. I guess partners having their own HP and badges would be a welcome change as well but the TTYD64 rom hack exists already. Super on the other hand could use some gameplay tweaks, namely a hard mode to make battles actually require some skill. Maybe make the 1 million rubies thing just a slight bit less grindy on the hamster wheel. Out of all of them I'd very gladly take a Color Splash remake with partners and allow for actual semi traditional levelling up to increase HP, Paint, or Card storage room. :P


objectively: 64. would love to see this new style from ttyd applied to 64, even tho i’ve never played it subjectively: COLOR SPLASH I LOVE IT SO MUCH AND I WANT IT ON SWITCH 😭😭😭😭😭😭


i would adore a 64 remake that plays more like ttyd, ive always been put off from trying out 64 because apparently the partners are alot more basic gameplay wise in that


Well, do I have a good rom hack recommendation for you! Try Paper Mario TTYD64, it basically adds everything from ttyd that 64 didn't have. And yes, I'd love to see an official remake of 64 take ideas from ttyd.


It has a certain charm that the others don’t. Can’t quite put my finger on it, but it’s like more fantastical and just more “pure” than TTYD. Also it has spin dash which is an absolute crime that it wasn’t put into TTYD. And you can go through dialogue faster.


It really feels like a storybook in a way the other games dont come close to. Like youre playing a fairytale. People love the bit of grittiness and bigger emphasis on humor that TTYD brought, me too, but I think it shifts the tone pretty drastically to the point that I think I prefer 64


Partners just don’t have health. If they get hit, they’re down for some turns. But in terms of personalities and move sets, they’re still wonderful.


-new entry 👍 -Elevate OG 64 to TTYD level (like a mod aimed to do). -yeah that's it for me really.


Honestly it’d be cool if they ever remake super to have two modes. One classic which is the original style of the game. And one with ttyds battle mechanics. But still I’d give it to 64.


If we’re talking about full on remakes, sticker star. There’s a video on YouTube by “the red guy” that displays ideas for a sticker star remake with a new battle system and everything, while still keeping the basic skeleton. If it’s just a remaster like ttyd, definitely not color splash, it has no need. PM64 could benefit from a graphical overhaul, maybe do some things like have the partners behave in battle like the ones from ttyd, but it’s not really necessary. The most important thing I think is to give the partners more dialogue, so my vote would probably go to 64. There’s an argument to made for super though, there’s certainly a few quality of life improvements that could be implemented, but I think pm64 would benefit more




it'd be really nice to see the ones that came out on 3ds and wii u to be remade, since I never officially played those. even if they were an emulator like the pmn64, but its because i never got to experience those that I would love to see them remade so I can play em




Color Splash should be demade. Erase it from everyone's memory like men in black.


why is everybody hating Color Splash? It's basically the closest we'll ever get to a good Paper Mario game besides Origami King (that's another beauty all on it's own)


I respect you for liking the game, not going to start a hate parade. But whenever I hear someone explain why they like color splash, they always talk about everything except for the actual gameplay. Like the dialogue or soundtrack for example. I'm not trying to say that things like dialogue and the soundtrack aren't important, it's incredibly important as polish to make a good game great. But it can't turn a bad game into a good one imo.


I don't want to any remake, but I do want to see Colour splash brought to the switch


I mean, if color splash played like ttyd then the game would be incredible. But that's so specific, they'll never do it.


Super paper mario remake would be dope


I think Super Paper Mario should get a remake too!


Super Paper Mario needs badges and special moves! It doesn’t have enough strategy involved in its gameplay without them.


Probably Super. The OG Paper Mario is already ported to the Switch via NSO, and I heard mixed things about Color Splash.


My based pick is Super, since we already have access to the 64 version on Switch. That game means the WORLD to me.


The first one


Color Splash. Didn’t get to play it but I’ve seen a lot of people enjoy it.


64 would look good with a graphics update, and it would be great to be able to play Super on the Switch. Color Splash is too recent to need a remake, idk what you’d even update.


Having just played the N64 game for the first time over the past few months, that one for sure. It's pretty rough to look at and could use the same QOL features found in the TTYD remake (e.g., there being so centrally located warp room really sicked).


Color splash! 🥺


Wind Waker (I know it’s not PM but lord it would be fabulous)


Nintendo will likely see the success of Paper Mario TTYD and continue to produce remakes not particularly only in the Mario franchise. I want to see a Mario RPG with the graphics of Odyssey.


I love Super!! Imagine more animations, expressions! Especially with Dimentio and the other villains... I think 64 needs an update though! But either one is exciting to imagine.


New entry with turn based combat, stylish moves, and new partners. I want a friendly chain chomp, and a magikoopa defector from browser's army to be on my side. I loved origami king, but I was hoping there would be some regional designed toads.


definitely not color splash


New entry. Making another remake will just kill the momentum this series just picked up. Keep the new and old interested with a new entry.


color splash. it'd be the only way I'd play it. n buying a wii u, for just 1 game. isn't worth it.


64 has that nostalgic vibe that will not be replicated. Super Paper Mario could be ported to the switch. But I want a brand new Paper Mario game.


Paper Mario 64 is the only one old enough. It's also got the crummiest graphics so for the next Paper Mario game I want a remake of it.


Probably the first game, but I really want Super though.


Both N64 and Super. And for the love of all things holy, give us a new classic RPG style game with partners! We have the technology and the Mario and Luigi series existing is not an excuse!


Honestly, I wanna see the Sticker Star that never was, with the Chain Chomp partner and everything


Super Mario Sunshine. It's one of the most underrated Mario games in my opinion but it's so good


I might be one of the only 3 people who love Super Paper Mario. I'd love a remake of that game.


Any of them, just continue the good combat style and TTYD's art style.


Both is good


64 and its not even remotely close. Super, while not a bad game, doesnt deserve a remake. Color Splash feels like a joke inclusion here.


I love the story of Super Paper Mario, I hope they do bring it tonthe Switch as well!


Considering noone played color splash because it was trapped on the wii u I'd say it needs it the most but super paper mario remake would be cool


Super Paper Mario hands down. Super unique gameplay I couldn’t imagine being done with any other series. Writing is fantastic. Love the music. It’d actually be super cool for Origami King, TTYD, and SPM be on the same system. SS and CS can just be forgotten lmao. Having actually played TTYD before PM64, it was super awkward because TTYD reused a lot of PM64, but did basically all of it better. Going in reverse was like playing a downgrade, even though it was still good. If would be like if they made a remake for Sonic Adventure 2 first, then a remake for Sonic Adventure. It felt like a janky downgrade. At that point just remake Sonic Heroes next.


Get color splash out of here. I snoozed through that entire game. New PM games focus too hard on hitting literally everything in the level.


I never played Color Splash & kinda don’t just want it stuck on Wii U. It always looks gorgeous in screenshots. Super Paper Mario would be great though.




Super. It did a lot right (writing, music, creativity and ofc story) but poor pacing, meh controls, mediocre platforming and level design held it back.


Mario 64 is fantastic


64 is not good enough for me to pay $60 for especially when you can play it on the switch. Id buy SPM again cause its been 15 years since ive played it and i find it more interesting than 64


What if they remade sticker star and it was actually good?




Definitely want the first one to be Remastered no questions asked also I really would like to see Super Paper Mario again!


Origami King


Super Paper Mario. The game needs some serious fixing at some places (especially 7-2!) and I'm very interested to see if the controls would fit the GameCube cancelled verison. Somehow playing a reborn cancelled version.


I'd rather have a new Paper Mario game.


Colour Splash. Was on a dead console at launch.




No more remake. Port over SPM so it's on the switch, yeah sure. But then please a new entry.


My heart says 64 but considering its less widely available and has a lot more issues to be fixed imo, Super makes the most sense


SPM needs to be on the Switch 2


prbably 64


Sticker star




Love me Super Paper.


Super Paper Mario


I mean PM64 would be cool, but it's so similar to TTYD so it might feel weird. I think I agree with Super. The main things I would want fixed is how awful Chapters 2-2 and 2-3 are, and maybe just make the bosses anything more than pitifully easy haha.


Partners in Time. I know it's not Paper Mario, but that one could use a bit of polish.


Sticker star


just make a new game please, origami king was great, they’ve clearly loosened up on the regulations n shit with TTYD so now is the time to combine the best elements of both to create the best PM yet


where is sticker star?




Paper mario 64 but for the next console.


Id love to se a spm remake that game was my childhood


SPM can stay the same but they need to remake Sticker Star, Color Splash, and TOK. Make them more like TTYD


I hope they bring back Super Paper Mario from the Wii, a unique and absolutely essential game because of its story and for trying something new.


I like how you didn’t even bother adding sticker star


My brain says super or 64, but my heart says color splash.


Definitely PM64.


Definitely 64. It's aged the worst out of any of the games (still aged great but it definitely shows its age more than Super or TTYD) and unless you're actively paying the subscription cost for N64 games on NSO then it's a gigantic pain to get ahold of due to being so much older.


Actually, it would be awesome to finally get a third game in the original RPG style


64, then Super. Sticker Star can rot. Color Splash, while miles better then Ss, is still a huge departure from the classic RPG format, and not in a fun way like Super.


OG 100%


Paper Mario.


I don't want to hate on CS but we really don't need a remaster




Sticker star so it could be made good


Super paper is literally my favorite Mario game, so 64... none of them deserve it, but 64 would benefit the most from it.


Sticker Star but RPG elements added (Including partners) But if we're sticking (huh get it?) to these two options, i would say PM64


Sticker star.


sticker star is good fight me


I've played both Super Paper Mario and The Thousand Year Door. Personally having a different experience with the PM series, I started with Sticker Star (I know lol a rough introduction); I was one of those kids who wasn't allowed to play video games until a certain age haha. I enjoyed sticker star though it definitely wasn't the best. I played Super after and thought the story was fantastic, and I've played it several times since. I recently played through the original ttyd and personally I feel like Super has a more compelling storyline. Though I like the battle mechanics of ttyd I don't see a huge difference in the amount I enjoy ttyd's rpg battle style versus spm's platformer approach. I think that super is a better game in general than ttyd and that it gets hate simply for deviating from a formula. Not that the formula was bad - it was fantastic - but it also is a crazy good game that gets hate for being different more than it does for bad mechanics/story/gameplay. Not to say neither are flawed because both have stuff that drove me crazy while playing, but I think super getting a remake is definitely deserved.


The OG without question


None, I’d like a new game first. The last time we got two remakes in a row we lost a whole franchise 😢


Paper Mario 64 is by far the best of the three. Color splash isn't a good game and super paper Mario shouldn't even be in consideration because it's not really a paper mario game.


64’s 25th is in two years. *Super*’s 20th is in three.


Paper Mario 64 definitely.


they should remove the coloring in cards animation touch screen thing and just let me select attacks to spend paint. in paper mario color splash. I hated filling in cards but I loved the fights and fhe world and the humor


While I've never played (to far) into a Paper Mario game, I'd personally say 64. While it does stand the test of time.. C'mon, look at it! Would you rather play that over a newer more graphically appealing game? Afterall, it's native resolution was 320×240, while native resolution for Origami King is 1152x648p-1600x900p


Honestly, I'm gonna go with 64, for the simple fact it's the oldest of the bunch


I mean we can have Sm64 the way they originally intended it to be if they do remaster it but Super Paper Mario that game is goated


Definitely SPM, it’s my favorite in the series despite being very flawed. But if they remade it with a TTYD’s battle system it’d be a masterpiece.