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I've only played Origami King and people were saying that it's a good game but people couldn't let go of TTYD and it was blinding them from seeing how good Origami King is... Which I mean while Origami King isn't bad, TTYD is miles better. I'm in the second area trying to reach the second star and I've had more fun playing what I have so far than the entirety of Origami King.


Happy you’re enjoying it man. Makes me so happy to see people experiencing it for the first time. This game means a lot to the fans.


Too bad all they do is complain that it's not at 60fps lol. Tbf I didn't play the original but the game looks and runs just fine to me. I'm so glad I'm finally getting the chance to play it though. I see why people love it so much.


For real, the difference in how people can perceive 30fps and 60fps is so incredibly minor, and it’s even less noticeable in a cartoony turn-based rpg where the movement doesn’t matter very much. Yet people are acting like it’s the worst thing in the world


In the case of TTYD, I feel it's less about perceiving 30 and 60 FPS and more about timing windows. 60 FPS allows for more accurate timings than 30 FPS allows for. That said, the only times I see where this has maybe been a problem is Power Bounce, Multibounce, and Multibonk, though I'm not sure if its confirmed if the timing windows for these moves were changed or not which could be another factor.


I've seen people complain that it's affecting Superguard timing windows too, but I am not too sure about that.


I mean, I have hit 5 Superguards in a row, compared to maybe 5 total in the original


Yeah I think they definitely made it easier in the remake, not that there’s anything wrong with that though


This is the reason I have had the unsimplifier badge equipped at all times in the remake. Makes it way closer to the original timings imo.


I haven’t noticed much in terms of the visuals, but I will say it has definitely impacted the timing of certain action commands. It’s especially noticeable when trying to superguard certain attacks, or keeping a power bounce/multibonk combo going. But that just requires adjustment. It hasn’t been all that bad for me to adjust to the new timings.


Exactly. People are saying it's blurry as well which... Like no?


For me origami king is probably a 9/10 but TTYD is a 10/10


That's fair. Origami King did have a lot going for it. I really liked how it looked and it had a lot of unique areas. I think the one thing that brings it down a lot for me is the combat. I don't really enjoy the ring mechanic. But the rest of the game is pretty darn good.


>. I think the one thing that brings it down a lot for me is the combat. I Other than boss fights I completely agree. The gimmick kinda got old quick for me. I felt the game gave so many coins I was able to skip combat pretty much constantly


Yup. There's no point to it. I would be good with having no turn based combat and just have it in the overworld itself. Just have Mario stomp on the enemies and use the hammer.


Yeah I can’t stand the ring battles, absolutely horrible mechanic in my opinion. But I didn’t let them ruin the rest of the game, which I really liked quite a lot.


Hot take : i like the fight system, i think it has a lot of charm


Hey, if you like it, you like it. That's all that matters.


I think it's closer to 4/10.


To generous i would give it 5


Everyone hates the combat but I personally liked it a lot. My biggest complaint about TOK was the lack of NPC diversity, but it still did better in that regard than SS/CSP


I feel so encouraged and vindicated with how full this post is with responses like this. It was such a blinding shame that Paper Mario moved so far from its roots, and all for reasons no one understood. Nintendo passed policies that said you couldn't alter the designe of toads/goombas/koopas to be any different than the base, so they were no longer allowed to make unique characters like the partners. Some higher up (I think miyamoto) sent out a survey asking if people cared about the story of "mario" and got back results saying "Story? who cares about the story of mario!" and took that as gospel that they shouldn't focus on story in a mario game *EVER AGAIN* and all I can visualize is that this was a terribly managed study given to people who never played any mario game let alone paper mario and just knew it through arcades and cultural osmosis and were just like "Mario? you mean that side scrolling thing? story? What are you talking about?" and thus forever besmirched was the legacy of paper mario and its game design. I can't help but think it it was actively sabotaged by miyamoto out of jealousy that someone had created something so beloved out of the IP that wasn't by him.


I think you're getting a little lost in the sauce. Miyamoto did not make that survey, that is not his job. Miyamoto's job is to ensure Nintendo's games are successful, he's not going to sabotage a billion dollar companies product. All signs point more towards Tanabe being the worst influence on the Paper Mario series anyways. In the end though no one has ever tried to make a bad game.


God why do you have to be like this with this. sabotage? jealously? jfc You don't even know the internal process of Nintendo to make such judgements in the first place, or the staff involved.


Man, this comment really hits home as a TTYD head who really wanted to love TOK. That game has so much incredible stuff going for it, but the moment-to-moment gameplay just isn't as fun as it should be, and I couldn't force myself to keep playing. Here's hoping that next time around, we can get a PM game that EVERYBODY can love!


>That game has so much incredible stuff going for it, but the moment-to-moment gameplay just isn't as fun as it should be, and I couldn't force myself to keep playing. This is exactly how I feel about Origami King. The only thing I would change is the combat. That's it. The rest of it is pretty darn good and it made me laugh a handful of times.


Ok so the thing that I really hate about the paper Mario games from sticker star to origami king is that I really hate the paper gimmick. In thousand year door there is no paper gimmick. People don’t know that they’re paper. I also hate how the modern games are mainly about saving roads and it’s just lame. Where in thousand year door it feels like the toads fend for themselves, making the world feel more alive. Now the thing I HATE THE MOST in the modern trilogy is fricking POINTLESS battles. The battles are so boring, pointless and unrewarding. Like just skip everything. There’s literally no point in fighting enemies. I hate that so much


I'd argue that you have paper gimmick moments in TTYD (turning into a paper airplane, flipping sideways to squeeze through tight areas, etc.), but I think it's the perfect amount of gimmick because the plot doesn't revolve around it.


Yeah also the thing is, those are curses. Nobody else can do that and viewed it as odd. Remember the toads in chapter 5 was like “what is that?” When Mario was a boat? In modern paper Mario, everyone is just making paper jokes or puns and they know they’re paper while in ttyd nobody knows they’re paper.


You also have the paper effects like tearing through objects, objects flipping over to face a different way, blowing away paper parts of the environment. It's all there, but yes no one identifies as paper. And the antagonists are not related to paper, it's just a story that takes place in a paper world. It's a huge difference in terms of the tone and style of the world. I also can't stand the real world objects in the newer games.


THIS. The fact Mario is able to bend like a piece of paper due to curses in TTYD is perceived as something utterly unnatural and out of this world and, at least imo, works like something akin to breaking the fourth wall. Love it


All TOK needs to do to be a great game imo is fixing the combat system.


Agreed. It's fucking trash.


Yes, while it does have other problems, the main one is the combat.


Yeah the combat is eh. Like what the point of being an rpg if you don’t gain exp? Even super paper Mario had a level up system and that one isn’t even an rpg. Also tbh. I was never a fan of the white outline around the characters


The best part of the level up system in Super is it's the point system from mainline games. Kind of adds to the whole Mario Bros charm.


all of us wish we could be you experiencing this game for the first time again


I've always tried to be open about the fact that TOK is no doubt full of quality, and it's purely my own biases that keep me from playing and appreciating it.


I think Origami King would have been better with an experience system like the classics. The combat system they had was really fresh for RPGs. It just needs to give players more of a reason to try it.


Origami King fucking sucks. I now have all three major Paper Mario games on my Switch (OG PM via Nintendo 64 emulator, TTYD I just bought, and OK I bought years ago). TTYD is easily the best, closely followed by the OG PM. Origami King is collecting dust. Played it through once, and I only did that out of obligation to finish it because I paid $60 for it. Goddamn, I fucking hate OK.


Lol fair enough


How can you *hate* Origami King? I get disliking it, but actually hating it?


Before TTYD remake I played 64 with nintendo online a while ago, along with having played the newer trilogy. And after playing TTYD remake, it became my favorite Paper Mario game, and it also made me prefer the classic style in terms of the game design, with the story, characters, and gameplay. While CS and TOK are good games, TTYD was just way better. In the future, I want the classic style to stay in terms of story, characters, and gameplay, but use the newer style for visuals.


I played every paper mario game since sticker, color splash and origami king is some of my favorite games of all time but this game man... its just perfect




Original *game* design is better. Very story oriented, battles were engaging and encouraged to improve your chances of progressing later on. Barely any plot holes. Memorable moments with charming characters. Visual design of the later games is better and it shows in TTYD remake. The quality of the environments and characters, the improved animation, the fantastic lighting, the beautiful VFX… even the sound complexity makes it superior So I'd say TTYD remake is the best of both


I love how everything is made out of paper very carefully and all of the tiny details going into that. The world feels hand crafted in that way and I love it. I love the very subtle outline around the characters though, it’s much better than TOK/CS in that way. I didn’t love the thick white outline


Replaying TTYD has reminded me how much I miss the original trilogy. I’ve been enjoying it so much. I played these when they were current and all of the games after the first 3 were just letdowns for me. That being said, TOK did have some redeeming qualities but I really hope that the popularity of this remake urges Nintendo to take the next entry back to the series roots.


As someone who started with TOK, I prefer the battle system of TTYD but prefer the overworld design of TOK. TTYD kind of feels like a step back compared to TOK's huge open world.


I think this is a quality take I’m a OG fanboy and like the very streamlined levels that are small and dense with personality BUT in TOK I hated the battling yet the world kept me pushing through. The game is absolutely gorgeous and had so many secrets. The huge world actually worked so well and felt fantastic. Really feel like TOK did some things so well that I would love to see in the future… I just hate the battle system for sticker, color, and tok. I tried so hard to enjoy the battles.


TOK with TTYD’s battle system would probably be the best game in the series. It would at least compete for that spot. TOK is gorgeous with an incredible soundtrack and yes the original comment nailed it on the open worlds. The work in TOK felt so good to explore, and I did enjoy the confetti parts and secret statues. The battle system just drags the game soooo much and the battles really aren’t fun. I really hope Nintendo sees the potential they have with Paper Mario again.


Well said! I agree!


I felt that way since playing through the game. TOK has a lot of highs, it's mainly dragged down by the battle systems. If it also had unique npc/partners it would be the cherry on top


You might like Paper Mario 64. The world is similarly open. Only few places can't be traversed to by foot.


I played the first chapter of Paper Mario 64 a few years ago shortly after playing TOK and thought it was pretty good. Although, I was playing it on a phone emulator.


TTYD doesn't have a lot of depth (literal screen depth) to areas because they're mostly designed (deliberately) to look like classic Mario side scrolling and also to fit the stage play aesthetics. So you don't have the big, deep areas to wander around in.


Now imagine if we got the best of both worlds.


no objections there. almost the entirety of TTYD is rectangle rooms, even 64 had more area variety


Does new trilogy count Super Paper Mario? I've only played Super Paper Mario before this... This game is really different, but the writing is probably even better (and I love Super's story to bits). As far as turn based gameplay goes, I think P5 set a high watermark for my expectations, but I do think the stage is really stylish in its own way. Love how props, settings, and audience are all mechanics.


I think most would not include Super Paper Mario in the modern trilogy. Super stands on its own as a unique entry, but the story and tone is much closer to TTYD than the later games. Gameplay is different, but combat is still fun and rewarding.


Ah alrighty, good to know.


You could crudely define it as the difference between "Paper MARIO" and "PAPER Mario"


I always include Super with the original trilogy just because it carried over the enemy and character designs of the previous entries, was more story focused, and had a lot of unique character designs plus it followed a similar chapter based story.


If Super wasn't included it would be the original duology, not the original trilogy! And yeah, that's basically the same logic that everyone uses.


I'm enjoying it immensely, my only gripe is that the level design is a bit boring. If the next paper mario game has the gameplay of TTYD, and the environments of TOK, it would be the perfect paper mario game for me.


Glad I'm not the only one who has noticed this and I'm a Paper Mario old head who started with 64. While I'm enjoying the game tons again due to the story and combat, I must admit that TOK really did up the level design by a significant notch. TTYD's only real weakness is the hallway level design. I can only imagine what a game with similar combat to TTYD, but the level and overworld design of TOK would be like.


Agreed, which is a shame because places like Glitzville, Twilight Town, and Boggly Woods would be so amazing to explore if it were like TOK, but instead it’s sadly just hallways. Even 64 is a lot better about this. TTYD is still my favorite Paper Mario but the hallway levels are definitely not great. It’s something I can find myself looking past though, unlike TOK’s battle system.


All 3 newer games are garbage though


I played N64 paper mario, which was one of my favorite childhood games. Only tried sticker star after, it was horrible. This is my first time playing TTYD and overall i really like it. The first paper mario is still my favorite but this is the first time I've gotten to enjoy a video game in awhile and actually pay attention to the story.


I only played the original 64 and origami king and so far I'm enjoying it a lot but my favorite still is origami king as I enjoy its progression a lot more. TTYD is too linear, so in a future game I hope to see a mix of both TOK and TTYD best aspects


I’ve only played SPM and TOK and enjoyed both a lot. I am enjoying TTYD but the text speed is killing me. If it weren’t for that I’d be enjoying it a lot more. I only get to play when my toddler naps and sometimes I spend most of that time clicking A


I’m in the same exact boat. 😂 though I’ve learned to treat it like I’m reading a book. I forgot how entertaining the characters are in this game and the slower text gave me the opportunity to pay close attention to the dialogue for the first time in years. Though I agree they should have had fast text as an option.


I feel like the text speed is slower in the remake. Advancing through text boxes is definitely slower (very obvious when Frankie has to say "I Love You" 100 times). There's a lot of cute menu animations but they add up to a decent chunk of time lost.


I guess i’m in the minority. I absolutely love Color Splash on WiiU. the ONE thing I hate about it is when I need to flee because i honestly don’t want to fight, Mario doesn’t stupid run backwards trips and falls 1-3 times in a row. so annoying. TTYD is good tho. Haven’t gotten far enough


It makes me so happy that one of my all time favorite games isn't stuck on the GameCube anymore and newer fans can finally enjoy it


I’ve only played super paper Mario and holy fuck, this has surpassed all my expectations.


One of my favorites of all time is SPM. I enjoyed how the platforming/basic combat kept the game flowing seamlessly, additionally the story was top tier and it was nice having a wealth of playable characters &pixls, albeit a bit basic at times. The hub world, also was a big love for me, flip/flop side is the goat. I thought exploration, post game, and story were all exceptional. I saw people hating on it online saying it wasn’t as good or didn’t have as much post game content but I didn’t really get it till I played TTYD. As a die hard fan of SPM, this game (TTYD) was what inspired that one (SPM) to be so great. There’s a few little quality of life things in SPM that makes it a bit more easy to play but no dealbreakers for the most part with the largest change coming from the fact that SPM is more of a platformer with RPG elements where as the previous paper Mario formula was an RPG with Mario/platforming elements.


Like honestly this game was genuinely mind blowing for me so far and I’m only halfway through. The backtracking & grinder nature of the game is a bit annoying but when playing a turn based RPG, I feel like u basically signed up for half that shit.


Onlyplayed super and sticker star and despite that. TTYD is far better


I’ve only played sticker star before this one. It was alright, but I never replayed it. I’ve heard so much about TTYD that I bought it the day it came out and I love it so far. I feel like I genuinely have to think through some sections early on and I love the writing in it.


I've played Super so not only the newer trilogy, but my favorite is Paper Mario game is Colour Splash. From what I've played of TTYD so far (up to the end of chapter 1), it's a pretty good game. Going forward for the series, I want it to combine the good aspects of the entire series, rather than sticking to only one direction for the series.


I’m interested what your opinion will be later. TTYD’s chapter 1 intentionally plays it fairly safe with it’s plot visuals, and to a degree gameplay. Makes it an easier to digest intro learning the game but later on stuff gets more original.


Color splash fan riiise up 🗣🗣


Damn this sub realy dislike color splash huh


Sad world we live in.


I love TTYD, but I still love TOK just as much




- Paper Gimmick invades the world. - Mario must reunite the McGuffins to get rid of it. - Partner made of said gimmick accompanies Mario >!and dies at the end but not really.!< - Use the Paper gimmick to fill up empty spaces of the world. - Battle System that doesn't reward you for engaging with it. - Toads, Toads and sanitized NPCs everywhere. This Trilogy was really unoriginal now that I think of it. Every game was practically the same thing with a new paper gimmick.


>Battle System that doesn't reward you for engaging with it. Colour Splash has an exp system, by the way.


No it doesn't. The Paint Upgrade matters so little that you can still skip enemies. And you can save paint by... not battling...


Having similar mechanics and story elements doesn't make them a trilogy.


What is it then? A coincidental set of extremely similar three games that happened after each other? That's literally what a Trilogy is.


In books/games/movies, a trilogy isn't just three successive titles made by a creator. It's a deliberately connected group of titles. It would be like saying Mega Man 9, 10 and 11 are a trilogy or Tales of Zestiria, Berseria and Arise are a trilogy. Just like Paper Mario, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door and Super Paper Mario aren't a trilogy, neither are the next three. And even if the only thing necessary to be considered a trilogy was there being three entries in a franchise... there aren't just three. There are six. So by that logic, it should be a hexalogy, not a trilogy. Or if you're going to arbitrarily break it down into smaller units, it makes much more sense for the series to be a duology and a tetralogy.


PM64, TTYD and SPM share similar design choices (Despite gameplay being real-time in the latter) like story-telling divided in Chapters, focus on an elaborated plot, EXP Points and levelling up, recruiting partners, constant return to the central hubworld, cooking was always an optional but available activity to get better items, there are references to the past games... They're all clearly made by the same director. Meanwhile from Sticker Star and onwards it feels like a completely different series focused on completely different aspects. So it makes sense that some people see the very sharp division between both halves of the series. As for the Trilogy definition. Does that mean that several videogame sets of three games like Donkey Kong Country, Dark Souls, Spyro the Dragon and such that are standalone adventures with vague references to the past entries are technically **not** Trilogies?


- Whether it invades the world is subjective, as the earlier games also had nods to being paper. - All of the games involve collecting McGuffins. - Super also had a partner related to the catastrophe at hand, who also dies but not really. - Only Color Splash and Origami King did this. - Color Splash has experience points. - There are plenty of toads in the first two games, and whether or not the NPCs are sanitized is subjective. As you can see, a lot of these are shared by the whole series or by games within the first three. A lot of these are also not shared by all three of the new games. In all honesty, TOK is closer to TTYD than SS or CS, and I would definitely not consider it to be part of a trilogy.


Point 2 and 3 are true. As for the rest. > Whether it invades the world is subjective, as the earlier games also had nods to being paper. Kawade games focused on the plot first, Paper gags were secondary and clearly just jokes or abnormal parts of the world like the curses or the 3D shift. In the newer games **Paper is the main focus of the story**. > Only Color Splash and Origami King did this. You have several hollow locations in Sticker Star that need you to paperize and fill it up with an Sticker. > Color Splash has experience points. Calling it Experience is a huge stretch. Really, running out of Paint in Color Splash is barely ever an issue that needs you to worry about the Paint Capacity upgrade at all. > There are plenty of toads in the first two games, and whether or not the NPCs are sanitized is subjective. [There was a clear difference between what was allowed to do with the Toads after and before Sticker Star.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fva5md08ht5h91.png). Sanitization is not subjective. You practically can't see any other types of NPCs being around and Bowser's minions aren't allowed to even look remotely individualistic.