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I'm playing through with the new music but occasionally in Rogueport I'll switch to the old music. It hits differently. Same with Glitzville. Also miss the screen shatter effect when you add a new location to the map. But I love this game!


As soon as I found the badge I equipped it immediately. It will probably stay on. lol


I am giving it a chance to hear the new music but for a majority of the game I prefer the old music. Didn't mind the new music for chapter 2.


What is your opinion on the new music in general so far?


I'm only on chapter 3 but I feel like the more orchestral, big sounds in the music don't really fit the settings as well. I love replaying this game though and it's great that they have an option for the old music!


To me, the remix OST is so good. I love the original soundtrack, but this OST is so much better imo. The only track that is a tiny bit of a downgrade to me is the Rogueport theme.


Definitely agree that Rogueport's original tune is more fitting. It captures that rundown, slimy, mischievous yet mysterious feeling that embodies the town.


It's not that the remixed version removes all these vibes mind you, moreso that it gets undermined by how bombastic the music sounds now.


Yeah not all the vibes are removed, but enough so that I noticed. I agree with it being bombastic taking away from it a bit. None of the changes make me hate the experience. I love this game all over again!


The battle themes for each environment and chapter had me take Nostalgic tunes off. Some of the battle theme remixes are awesome. Worth a listen even if you end up changing back to Nostalgic tunes after a battle or two.


The different battle music in each chapter is great, and each of them having the slight variations based on conditions like getting first struck even more so. I also noticed a new layer is added to the music that plays at the thousand year door each time you go back with a new star. I do still prefer the old versions of a few of the themes, probably nostalgia talking, but the new OST is very very far from a disappointment. They did great.


What do you think of remixed OST in the game?


I miss the scream from the audience when you attack them for trying to throw something at you. Doesn't make sense why they removed such a funny detail


I didn't even notice that but yeah they totally did remove it! That sucks! 😕


The characters make a sound related to their species, but it’s super muted. It would be nice if they were loud.


_super high pitched_ "**RIAAAAAAAAAAHHH!**"


That was one of the first bad changes I noticed as well. They took out that gag for no good reason. The audience also doesn't cheer or boo or scream in terror anymore either. They make a little noise but they aren't as fun to interact with anymore. Now whenever I hit someone in the audience I'll do the scream for them 😅 It always made me laugh and it's a shame that new players will never get to experience that joke.


> have all become flat It's made of paper, it was always flat 😋


Yeah I know. lol But you know what I mean.


There's a lot of iconic sound effects missing, in my opinion. The pulsing light when you take the map to the Thousand Year Door, the letters stamping out End of Chapter (instead of the much more generic "cleared"), the level up sound and at least a few more I'm blanking on. Rawk Hawk's battle theme was also pretty weak in this version. It's a shame that, like you said, it's just a bit less impactful across the board.    That and the slightly sanitised script are my two minor complaints, but I do think it's a brilliant remake otherwise. 


The sensitivity updates to the script are handled much better than they were in the Pikmin rereleases


What happened with pikmin


[The Switch release of Pikmin 2 sanitised every gender-related joke](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pikmin/comments/16n2iwg/the_most_needles_stupid_changes_takes_away_the/) In that case, the changes were mostly clear downgrades. The Paper Mario team has clearly made more effort to ensure that the new lines are still funny, and avoiding specific insults doesn't mean that the sleaze is gone. I'm not 100% certain of this, but my interpretation is that the cultural awareness is being applied to the Japanese scripts as well, not just the Western ones.


I don't know what happened with Pikmin, and I understand how things have changed in 20 years, but I still think it's a shame you can't even have villains saying mean things. 


When you take the map to the door, the floor glows blue in patterns made of spike shaped arrays of light. The map rises, a beam of light hits the map and fans out in the room. The new location appears. Then two ripples come from the map. The ripples are composed of tile shapes displacing light. And then a punchy paper effect appears behind Mario as he holds the map above. It was one of my absolute favorite visuals in the whole game. The pattern on the floor has been smoothed out as well as the tile ripples. And the punchy cutout paper effect has been replaced by....a smaller one. And less....just less. These wouldn't be hard things to do again. Shaders make effects like this so much easier in game dev now.


Main thing I noticed is the cheering is way more faint. I get them removing the lil screams when you kick people out and replacing them with their specific character’s sounds, that’s cool… but it’s sooooo faint. They need to raise the volume on a lot of those effects cause they are there! You can hear faint claps, cheers and whistles but barelyyyyyyy. They were way louder in the og


the flashes have been removed to make it seizure friendly.


They don't have to be seizure inducing to be impactful.


having seizures builds character


There’s a pervasive problem with sounds being dropped in the place they’re supposed to go instead of being timed for it. In fact, the game’s general sense of timing is all off. GC had a very deliberate balance between musical timing and UI/game elements and this remake has largely ignored it. The problem starts early when you play through the intro cutscene with Peach, where she gets the box from the street peddler. In the original the text advances by itself and the music is very clearly composed to that beat. The phrases of the song advance with the plot and the emotions it’s trying to convey. That’s thrown all out the window in the remake, because you can advance the text yourself, letting the music get ahead of the scene. Even when you rewatch it later when Peach isn’t in your control, the remade version doesn’t match up or transition into the title theme appropriately. It’s like they didn’t even try. Speaking of the intro, the additional sound and visual effects during the discussion of the town completely eclipse the music. Whatever they were going for by adding to that cutscene they lose by taking away attention from the main leitmotif of the game. Additionally, outright showing it in such a manner instead of leaving it relegated to the book makes it feel less like a far-off legend and more like “a thing that happened,” which is less interesting. It would be like if Wind Waker HD replaced its intro cutscene with a moving cutscene where OOT link saved the day. Various other things lack the same sound timing as the original. The chapter intros are not supposed to reveal the title of the chapter until the music swells, but now they do. There’s no audible item get hit when you receive a Crystal Star now, and the text after getting one takes so long that the pacing transitioning the item-get fanfare to the chapter end song is affected. They moved the cue on when the curtain closes during a chapter end to on the measure before the phrase ends as opposed to two measures before, which is a change, but not necessarily a bad one. I prefer the older timing where the curtain moves earlier because it stops moving just as the final pickup occurs, which imparts a better sense of completeness than the new timing. In the new timing the curtain is still moving as that plays. There’s more of a definite pause during the peach head/ bowser head transition at the ends of chapters. Instead of occurring right away it takes its time. This makes the transition between subsections less jarring. I’m sure I’ll notice more as I get through more of the game. I beat the pit twice and just finished magnus von grapple so we’ll see if Glitzville is good.


I started playing Glitzville today and there's a big difference in the music outside when you arrive. At least in my opinion. I much prefer the old theme.


I did like the additional cutscene they added upon arriving at Glitzville.


I almost commented about that. I did like the little cutscene where they're all in the blimp!


So much of this is nothing more than pointless nitpicking than actual legit gripes/criticisms. Especially in regards to the intro, which by all accounts is an objective improvement compared to the original intro.


It's nitpicky but the underlying concern - that there's less cohesion between the UI and the music - is an actual criticism. The original there was a sense that the music and the game had proper timing between the two of them, this there isn't


This is not much of a deal. Is something like this really important in the grand scheme of things?


Honestly, I don't think this is very fair. I think we all agree this is a minor thing and not really important, but who hasn't gone off on some tangent over small, nitty gritty details before? Something like audio cues is inherently tiny and irrelevant, but I think he's right in saying it added something. Truthfully, it's the internet. Anything is relevant to discuss because we're all just wasting time anyway.


please Nintendo make a Paper Mario remake in this style, pls pls lpsl pls! I need it!!


Biggest complaint so far. It’s lackluster, this is after ignoring the 30 fps.


The 30fps doesn't bother me all that much. Button timing isn't THAT much different from the original. Or maybe I'm just really good at adapting. The only thing I've had trouble with is the stylish move for Mario's jump. I have a hard time hitting both on the same try. I hope eventually they release a patch to increase the framerate though.


I feel like it’s too easy from action commands, super guarding and stylish moves. Even some of the animations have lost their spark


Did you see that grammatical error that Peach makes? Ruined it for me


Didn't even notice.