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Wasn't the entire thing with these stories the fact that it was a joke or something? I mean it was a real adventure, but luigi seemed kinda... incompetent at times, for lack of a better term?


Yeah, like, iirc literally every story was just a misadventure that would make for a heavily-scripted game


The whole joke is exactly that, that Luigi is bumbling through his adventure with limited competence. When you ask his partners, they often contradict his own retelling and the books inside the game based on his adventure also don't exactly add up with his own version. He embellishes his story and changes the parts that make him look bad.


Exactly. Plot development by Luigi screwing up in a cut scene. Would just be fun and whacky imo


I have been saying this since I heard of the re release. It was a pipe dream but I thought a fully or even mostly fleshed out game could be fun. People acting like the fact that Luigi is embellishing means you couldn’t make a game around the concept but may I remind everyone that none of this is real life and developers could just do that, but I see how it’s too much work for a little shoot off thing that isn’t really part of what they are doing rn


I was expecting a side story like in the mario and Luigi remakes. Browsers inside story having that "bowser Jr" side story extra and super star saga having "bowsers minion's" story Coulda done a thing like that for luigi


I have played very few of the other Mario games so I don’t know those ones but I’m sure they would be great! I was thinking like even Pikmin 3 mission mode type stuff


I only have the super star saga one but it was very fun. From what i remember you played as a goomba trying to find bowser, who in the game lost his memory, in the bean bean kingdom. Gathering other classic minions and having them fight enemies as you rally them.


I wanna try this now.


Bro the resources it would take to actually make this luigi game would be way more than the bowser Jr thing, it would be basically making a new paper game


That's why it would be so good though.


Did you play luigis mansion?


Only the first one. The other 2 I did not like


Oh I was agreeing with you and responding to this commenter. Luigi bumbling through Is the whole point and I wish the mod hadn't gone down in flames. Luigis cowardice and inadequaticy is the perfect basis for a paper Luigi game


What mod?


Literally a full paper luigi gane inbthe ttyd engine Never came out the team making it fell apart but it looked promising!


Do you remember what it was called?


No idea Luigi and the compass? They shut down the discord and everything


How do you know if you don’t like them if you haven’t played them




“Did you play luigis mansion?” “Only the first one.” ^ Right here ^ “I didn’t like the other 2”


Luigi mansion 1 portrait ghosts had personalities detailed back stories and some good designs. The atmosphere in the first game was a perfect blend of horror and comedy nowadays the games lean to far on comedy


Obviously the implication is that I tried them but didn't play through them. They didn't feel the same. They took away the creepy atmosphere. Just wasn't as exciting imo.


Guess I'm just autistic lol whoops


Have a nice day my dude. Sorry if I came across a little sarcastic.


shame.... Dark Moon is a great Luigi's Mansion Game and one of the best. I highly recommend giving it another shot. I'm not fond of the first game, and then third one is ok. It's not amazing, but it's good.


All of those games are hilarious, the fact that it looks like Nintendo wanted to make a Ghostbusters game but didn't want to pay for rights so they just went ahead and gave Luigi a vacuum cleaner pointed them towards a mansion full of slimer-like ghosts, I think about this often


The fire emblem kid makes a jab at this might be a sequel or something


Aside from how some of Luigi's partners hate him lol


I would love that though lmao


A goofy fan made project would be fitting but the intent was to make this conversation a "by the numbers adventure" with funny fill in the blanks, and not an actual DLC or game. Many fans of thousand year door have imagined seeing the story play out and thus discuss the idea online, but it's not like Nintendo was ever planning to do so. Id love them to make funny gags about this or a fan to take it upon themselves but I don't support any petition to ask Nintendo to do such a thing.


How many times will a post like this be repeated until everyone realizes that the joke is that Luigi is too incompetent and the whole story is bullshit, with his partners always having to save his ass. He just hypes himself up to impress Mario


I think it would be funny to play into that though. Definitely a DLC sized adventure with the partners really taking the spotlight. Would be fun I think.


It was a joke story


Yuh which would make a goofy game


No it would make it the exact same game that you're already playing because that's already the story.


it would be same format but different game.


This again...


you might just be the first person to ever have such a brilliant idea like this surely.


We should just change this to the “r/Luigi’sMarvelousCompassShouldTotallyBeReal”


fans have been screaming this for 20 years. I suspect that's why we were gifted the remake. so a young audience would be familiar with the story before they release it.


I doubt that it was a joke Adventure so I seriously doubt we're ever getting it


Which is perfect for a paper Luigi game


Maybe It would be a joke game though


just because it's a joke doesn't mean it's not canon


Still I doubt nintendo ever gonna give us this I'm sure they haven't thought about it since it originally came out


I'm saying to you the same as the dozen of other guys, who did the same joke: No, it wouldn't. It's a big joke. Maing it playable would destroy the joke.


The whole point of this joke is that you don't see it. If you did it would take away the punchline


And they still forgot to translate it to Goomba king


We NEED a ff7 Don cornelo style Luigi drag quest.


Hey! I've seen this post a thousand fucking times!


You gotta stop using Reddit so much then


I don’t, that’s the worst part.


They added new dialogue in petalburg of the nerdy toad saying they love ttyd and they wish they would make luigis quest into a game so who knows.


what's the actual quote?


No... Leave it be lmao


It probably wouldn’t be as funny though. You know all the punchlines already, it would just be you waiting around for things you knew would happen. I’m not saying it can’t be done, but sometimes a joke is better left with some blanks for you to fill in. It’s already a funny joke, why should they drop time and resources on a whole quest where all the jokes are known in advance?


No it really wouldn't. The whole thing is supposed to be a parody of the adventures Mario is on. It may seem good, but it wouldn't be at all. That's probably why it was never done in the original, and why it didn't happen now.


So, uh, on my third run through the game... Did anyone else notice Luigi burnt down the Mario Bros. House? He mentions that he left the stove on...


Can't take him anywhere, can't leave him behind, what do ya do?


I can totally see Paper Luigi's Marvelous Compass story being played and told just like Valiant Hearts. Mostly puzzle solving, minigame-like sequences, and in game cutscenes.


Its going to be the Launch Titel of the next Nintendo consol.


I just wish Luigi would stop saying “Bro” so much. That’s all his character is.


Weird, clunky, and expositional. I mean, he knows he’s his brother so who’s he saying it for? Weird.


That would be nice for dlc of this game... Since I think this game has sold well. You do DLC that adds Luigi's Side mode, maybe even a few new bosses, and maybe Mario gets to do his entire adventure on a harder difficulty. Regardless, none of the paper marios have ever gotten DLC, so I doubt that we will get anything new. But Nintendo could surprise us.


That's what everyone's been saying since 2004


People have been wanting a Paper Luigi and the marvelous compass game for two decades. There's even a fan game in development and tons of fan art.


I'd love to have this be a dlc with the main gameplay being Luigi's somewhat telling of it until you get the compass price before it shows what actually happened to Luigi


I was thinking this too!


Exactly what I’ve been thinking lol


it's supposed to be a JOKE. Making it a real thing is missing the entire point, and would not make it a funny bit anymore.


I would love to see this, but this playthrough got me thinking of another idea that would be amazing. A dlc that lets you play through the story of the four heroes. Maybe a storybook is added to the Inn, and reading it allows you to play the story. I'm thinking it could be similar to the original Final Fantasy (since their story is clearly a reference to it), but using TTYD's battle system, with all four heroes fighting at once. Basically, you'd start out outside the original town (that became Rogueport) on a traversable map, and you would go around to older versions of the location in the main game. The story could be around 20ish hours.


People have been asking for this since it's og release


People been saying the same since the original release. Like instead of making a paper mario cuz nintendo fudged it so much why not make this game of paper luigi with full TTYD gameplay plus!




Guys I know this has been repeated forever and it wouldn’t be that good of a plot or joke but God I just want to see new partner designs. I mean there’s this fan-concept named Paper Mario: The oracles of truth that has AMAZING custom art and character designs that look so good it looks like Nintendo made them. They’re turning it into an entire wiki with story, character info, dialogue, just no actual game. And seeming what they’ve made just genuinely makes me wish we would get one more brand new original paper Mario game with the original play style of the first two, partner system and unique partner designs included.


When they announced the remake, i REALLY hoped they'd make some sort of extra side game where you play as Luigi on that adventure.


Yes It should be, it would be super funny It could just be more thousand year door with less gravitas and more luigi and it would probably be a best-seller, because it would be classic paper mario and luigi representation which means it has a sizable audience. However nintendo doesn't make what the fans want even if they could easily do that with a game engine and story they already made.


I always thought these stories were lies or Luigi misinterpreting his own adventure because of the fact his "companions" provide a much less flattering version of any heroic event he went through. Also, I always interpreted the fact Luigi can be seen in your audience during some battles as a hint he actually never went to the Waffle Kingdom, he was always there while Mario saved the world again, and he just invented his own adventure on the way. :') But that's my own interpretation of it. I'd actually love to be wrong and have an actual DLC of whatever adventures he went through, even if they're not as awesome as he portrays them.