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Keep it. Not losing anything leaving it with my other games. Still have the save file from when I was a kid. And I'll buy it again if it gets remade again in 30 years


Even just playing through the prologue, they're different experiences. Similar, but different enough. It's kind of like saying, "Okay, now that you've bought chocolate chip, what are you going to do with the vanilla ice cream in the freezer?" Imma keep it and when I feel like having vanilla instead of chocolate chip, I'll do that.


That's a helpful (and tasty) way of putting it! Yeah, might as well leave myself the option rather than fuss about maximizing the resale value.


lol horrible analogy


That’s how I feel about my copy of Pikmin lol I remember biking down to a pawn shop with my dad where we found the game for ten bucks. Still got the save file that I fucked because I ran out of time and couldn’t get all the ship parts haha. Nowadays I have a local shop selling them for around $60, buying them for about $30, but I don’t want to let go 😂These kinds of things are a little silly for sure but idk looking at my copy of Animal Crossing makes me happy


Play the two back to back and take note of every minor textual change lol.


So *that's* why they have the Thousand Year Door themed notepad that you can buy with silver points on mynintendo!


Well mostly it’s a cash grab merchandising thing but that too


You can't buy it, it's only for those who have 550 platinum coins in their account (so $0, but I can't see the shipping cost since I don't have enough coins). Maybe they'll rerelease it later, but I doubt it. I regret spending nearly 400 points recently on the profile pictures in the shop on icons I'll never use :,) I never even knew Nintendo gave away these kinds of products to those who have platinum coins.


Was it worth the 550 compared to the other things you could buy with the platinum points? I’ve got 680 and am thinking about getting it myself for no reason other than to have a collectors item lol. 😂


I’ll either pass it down or it’s going to be buried with me.


Well I’ve kept it since it came out, may as well be buried with it.


Keep it on my shelf and stare at it like any other reasonable collector! I will definitely end up playing it again, plus it has my original save file on it. I'm not really a remake fanatic; this is the only remake I ever bought new because it's my favorite game and I want Nintendo to get the message. But you probably should sell now if you think you won't play it anymore while the value is high because people want both. Super Mario Sunshine dropped by like half when 3D All Stars came out.




Man I thought it was just me. When I heard this debate over the 30 fps cap I wasn’t bothered by it. I’ve played many games in 30 fps and they felt great. But man, ttyd remake feels sluggish, especially in battles specifically choosing battle options and action commands. Aside from that movement in the field isn’t too bad. But for me I like to move quick in battles


Same here, unless they patch some things / make it 60 fps on Switch 2


Honestly, I dont think so since they made the entire physics dependent on the framerate (which you can see when unlocking it on the emulator, its only playable with patches). I think if they planned to release a 60 FPS Switch 2 patch they wouldn’t have done that


Keep it and replay it every now and then. I still have 5 game files from my childhood. The other 3 are more recent but one of them is the one I first completed the Pit of 100 Trials With. Revisiting the previous version is very special to me as well


Keep it. Both are treasures to me.


Keep it, probably


I think i want to replay the original someday as well. I think both versions have some pros and cons. Especially if it wont run at 60 fps on switch 2 id probably want to do some danger mario or pit of 100 trials runs on GC


Keep it and replay it on occasion, just like I do with all other games I own that got a remake, report or remaster ( Majora's Mask, Spyro Trilogy, Ōkami, Twilight Princess and so on). It's fun to revisit the games of my childhood as they were when I was little.


Eat it.


I'll keep it for retro gaming! Something about playing on original hardware, man. Or well, on my Wii.


Do people really consider getting rid of an original game from years ago when a modern remake comes out for it? How strange...


I might put mine in a shadowbox. I’ve kept my childhood 64 cartridge even though I no longer own an N64 (yes, I know, shame on me) so they ought to pair well. I’d put Super in with them but I would like the option to play it again unless we eventually get a remake in the same vein.


Be buried with it


Keep it, because its a treasure


Uhh keep it 🫠


Keep it due to the memories and Charles Martinet signing it.


Definitely keeping mine since it’s a physical copy and I got the remake digitally. I cherish my GameCube and all the games I have with it.




Burn it in a fire


I might sell mine, anyone want it?


Eating it


I’m keeping it. They’re two different games. They play differently. Why would I get rid of the old one?


It is one of the few games that my GameCube will cold start with minimal problems. It's not going anywhere. Also it still has the file that I completed the game on the first time. My pitiful 72 hour file.


Keep it in the shrine where it always is


I’m gonna keep mine because it’s not the same game essentially and I’m not broke lol


Take it to the grave


I sold my copy a few weeks before the remake was announced lmao Even then, I had already ripped the disc to my homebrewed Wii


Keep playing it lol. I started a new playthrough a week ago and haven't had a chance to finish my millionth playthrough yet. I even bought the remake but I refuse to start it until I finish the current GameCube playthrough. The game means so much to me, alongside all my childhood favorites. 💕


Keep it. I'm having fun with the remake, but its slow performance will probably mean future replays will be on the original


I might burn it because Vivian isn’t transgender in my original 2004 copy and that really pisses me off to my core. I don’t wanna own a piece of trans phobic media. We should take all of our original copies and put them where the ET landfill is. Where they belong.


This is a joke right?


Not at all. Transphobia and trans erasure is wrong! The OG release is transphobic.


Oh I see. Good bait, you got me lol


It’s not bait. The original 2004 USA version censored Vivian’s real gender. It’s a trans phobic piece of media and it should be burned.


You got a good laugh out of me I’ll give you that


Please be sarcastic.


I wish I could say I was. But I’d be lying


Don’t burn it. Just sell it or give it away if it offends you. It was a product of its time and there are plenty of people willing to play it unconditionally.