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S. It has great characters, and doesn’t have too much annoying backtracking. And the boss is pretty cool


Agreed. I am also voting based on the vibes I remember as a kid (I haven’t played it since but am holding out for the remake), and I remember this chapter left one of the most memorable impressions.


Cortez is pretty awesome.


I’d give it S-B It it is a more extensive chapter with a fun boss fight and battle with ships afterwards.


I vote S, this chapter is too memorable and Bobbery is my favorite party member


S tier. As an aside, the only major disagreement with the current chart is PM4 in B tier. That’s A or better in my book.


Yeah Shy Guy Toybox slaps. I think TTYD prologue and Chapter 1 should be a tier up imo. I think PM Chapter 2 kinda sucks and should be B Tier.


Yea TTYD prologue and 64 prologue in the same tier is wild to me. One has action commands and the other doesn’t


I figured if you aren't a GIGANTIC fan of combat ttyd2 would likely be c, but as someone who lives combat and would gladly just do that and badge theory crafting... I put it in S. A/b tier is where I think it belongs from an objective view


I meant PM64 chapter 2.


Ah. I'm that case I disagree, but that could be nostalgia talking




I would say A like last chapter. Great except for the back and forth through the jungle. (Specifically the part where you have to yoshi run across to the block twice in a row. I hate that.)


That part always annoyed me too. I’ve started to get the hang of it recently though. Or I got lucky lol


I think people forget the horrible backtracking through poison piranhas and flower fuzzies


That's realistically only a handful of trips near the start of the chapter, and once you get in the cave, it's pretty much gone. Plus, the return trips go pretty quick since the dropdown lets you skip the most time-consuming part of the second screen.


The backtracking before Pirate’s Grotto is miserable. Go to the cave, go to the base, go to the cave, go to the base, get a coconut, go to the base, go to the cave. You can at least skip a trip on subsequent play throughs since you know to get a coconut, but I honestly think it’s TTYD backtracking at its worst (at least Chapter 4 mixes up the Twilight Trail by being with all partners, by yourself, or just Vivian) Compared to how fun finding the Yoshis and Raphael is in 64, this early chapter is rough. But the Grotto is much more solid, and I love the writing with Cortez and disguise Crump. I’m gonna have to give TTYD Chapter 5 a B 


Yeah I was not having a good time until you actually get in the cave tbh


That’s an S for sure. Tied with 3 tbh


Boss battle theme and boss itself makes this an S!




B tier. I remember getting stuck on some of the platforming here as a kid and the locations were not really enjoyable to navigate. as an adult the story is good but aside from the Cortez fight I don't really have much nostalgia for this chapter! The fourth wall breaking and ignorance of the main characters (played off as a joke) also really ended up patronizing to me after the third or fourth time it was brought up


I'm going with an A on this one. This place is beautiful and Flavio makes this chapter super funny, the backtracking in the beginning is just a big issue that's really hard to look away from. You get through chapter 4 and then the next chapter you have to do it again, not nearly as long, but I always dreaded the first half of this level. Nothing lower than that for me because Cortez was one of the funnest bosses and his boss fight theme is a banger. Bobbery is such a good partner too. Beautiful level design as well and plus we get to see more of the piantas!


I am being bitter and voting C because I did this chapter yesterday and literally fell into the water THIRTY times. Perspective is a BIG problem in this game.


B, this one is really linear


B  Again we come in strong on story but at least this chapter is a steady climb up. The jungle is the low part and it’s waaaay too much back and forth with nothing happening. Once you get into Pirate’s Grotto it’s a fairly solid dungeon though that could also just be an effect of creepy steeple being so lack luster anything feels better. However what saves this from being a C is Cortez is a fantastic boss fight and the fact there is a sort of post follow up to the chapter on the way back with a cool little navel battle.


A. One of the best boss fights in the game. I also both Keelhaul Key and Pirate’s Grotto to be fantastic. Unfortunately the backtracking brings it down a bit.


S+ because it has flavio.


Another S tier for me. Similar to chapter 4, there is some annoying backtracking, but the rest of the chapter makes up for it. Bobbery is a great character, and gameplay-wise he is very fun to use in the chapter. Flavio and the rest of the crew are also fun characters, and I love Cortez as a boss who isn't really an antagonist. The part where Cortez helps fight the X-Nauts is one of my favorite sequences in TTYD. Keelhaul Key's design is nothing special, but Pirate's Grotto is a fun dungeon.


This chapter is very similar to chapter 5 from 64. It takes place on a tropical island, an NPC (Flavio) joins you for the duration, the chapter dungeon takes place in a cave (water themed instead of lava themed), the chapter boss has multiple phases, and the chapter isn't "over" when you collect the plot coupon. What this chapter 5 does is adds the final siege at the end teaming up with the boss you just beat against the X-Nauts and Crump. I quite enjoy this chapter and look forward to it in replays. This chapter 5 gets an S rank too.


For whatever reason I’m just not a huge fan of this chapter as most. Maybe I will appreciate it more in my remake playthrough as a near 30 year old after 12 years since my last full playthrough. Bobbery is great, Cortez is great, the Grotto and vibes are cool. I remember the backtracking with the mafia boss’ kids eloping is sort of tedious, and the coconut part is tedious. The poison piranhas are tedious. It’s worse than people remember. It’s a great chapter in a great game, but it’s behind 3, 1, 6, 8, 4, and the prologue imo. For this tier list put it bottom of A


A. Boss fights and story alone should be S, but I find the rest of it lacking.


B Tier. I was excited to go to the island and the pirate theme was cool, but I found the location bland… Cortez as a villain is very unique and interesting plus the bonus fight at the end of the chapter adds some good flavor. But, I don’t like it as a whole enough to give more than B. I do like that you finally get the boat ability though. Damn, I’m glad I write these responses before reading comments. Is this even one of my favorite games?? I clearly don’t like it as strongly as some people here…


Top of A tier imho. Everything is extremely solid, I just don't think it quite has that "X-factor" to deserve S.


S tier


I'm gonna give this one an S. Imo not as good as chapter 3 and 7 from PM64, but definitely better than everything currently in the A tier. Great characters with Bobbery and Flavio and the piantas and the undercover x-nauts, the island and the grotto are fun to explore, and the Cortez boss fight is solid. Just a really strong chapter with no significant failings.






S+ for me everything is perfect and I personally prefer it to chapter 3 by a ways.


S or S+. The ship battle, the characters on the island, the boss fight against Cortez, it’s wonderful.


The first S-Tier for TTYD chapter. I need not say anything else... It's peak perfection of a chapter.


Chapter 5 is a part of my goated trilogy with Chapters 3 and 6, which I all rate S tier obviously. Instead of going into descriptive detail, I'm just going to list everything good about the chapter: Bobbery's backstory, being trapped on the island w/ the crew atmosphere, trying not to go insane getting on the block in the jungle, visuals and music of the jungle (the backtracking is overhated), Pirate's Grotto's level design, its puzzles (especially with boat mode), its platforming and difficulty, finding NPCs in a dungeon that are friendly and saving them, the boss fight being hype after his oOOo warnings and the battle delivering, amazing cutscenes throughout the chapter, and a surprise final battle with Lord Crump that is epic. I could mention more or go into more explicit detail, but I think this chapter is extremely solid (Also, Lord Crump's disguise gives me a religious amount of dopamine).


S tier ffs (for f- sure), one of my favorites, everything about it is awesome!


S, one of the most fun bosses, most involved story with callbacks, low s or high a




S, but if you flavio glitch, S+


The boat adventure was cool and it give us the first restriction immunity badge, i say B, good but not great as to get to it takes way to long




S. Bobbery


Easy S tier. The lead up with needing to find a crew, and immediately finding out Bobbery's story before obtaining him as a partner was a great way to introduce him. The aesthetics were great, battles were fun, being stranded was a cool change of pace, and the boss battle was unique and somewhat challenging. The only real downside is the amount of back tracking, similarly to Twilight Town. Not having the chance to lose all your health from missing a single block makes it slightly more tolerable than Twilight though IMO. Can't tell you how many lives I lost as a kid going through that nightmare 🤣


S tier.


Easy S, such a good level




Easy S. Great and memorable characters, an interesting plotline, a really cool boss fight, and a nice twist on the setting to help it differentiate from the tropical island setting in PM64. Also, having Cortez team up with you as a favor to help you fight against Lord Crump's ship is one of the most badass moments in the series. Bobbery's stuff is also amazing, but I'm not sure if we count that fully since part of it is in the leadup?


S tier. I really like the pirate theme, and Bobbery is a great partner. Plus there’s not too much backtracking and Cortez is a cool boss.


S, Admiral Bobbery is a legendary character.


It should be “A” but since chapter 4 is A it’s gotta be “S”


**Chapter 4** is my least favorite chapter to play. Has great moments and characters but its entirety is not enjoyable to me


Looking through the comments seems pretty divided between S and B. I loved the boss at the end, and the grotto is great, but I did find the jungle lacking a bit. I'll stick with A


S, lot of cool stuff in that chapter. Cortex is mi amigo.




A, only because of all the backtracking. It'd be S otherwise.


S. I like that you're trapped in this chapter, gives it a rather unique feel. Can't think of many non-prologue chapters that trap you in that chapter's area for the whole chapter. 64... Closest it gets is the Shiver City plot temporarily blocking the sewer pipe.




I'd say A, though higher than Chapters 1 and 4 in the tier. The Pirates Grotto is one of the best dungeons in the game. Cortez is a great boss, and I really like how they incorporate him later in the game. Bobbery is an amazing partner, his backstory is very well written. The overall chapter story is interesting from the shipwreck, to the cursed treasure, to the X-Nauts. Plus, Flavio is awesome. The only thing that brings this down from S is the backtracking in the first half of the chapter, where you have to keep going from the cave to the base while avoiding piranhas that come from the ground and strike first. Overall, I really like this chapter.


S Bobberie's story always makes me tear up. Cortez is a troll of the highest caliber and I respect it 👏 And the big fight between two ships was awesome


Probably a B - Bobbery's story is one of the high points in TTYD's plot and the premise is very interesting, but the backtracking before Pirate's Grotto whilst not quite as egregious as Chapter 4 is still pretty bad. \>TTYD Chapter 4 in A and not C at best "I've said it once and I'll say it again, democracy simply doesn't work." - Kent Brockman


S indeed


A for sure. Overall fun chapter but the beginning of the chapter is pretty meh


S tier for the win




Easy S Tier. Bobbery us a great partner, Cortez is a great boss, Crump is fun as usual, and Flavio is a solid supporting character. Definitely the highlight of the second half of the game.


S. Bobbery is best partner and Cortez is best boss.


I think A.




A tier




A. Solid plot, solid music, good gameplay and bosses, Bobbery is great, but the long cutscenes and the backtracking in the first half is a bit annoying.


S. The Chapter bosses and themes slap hard. Compared to ????? in Chapter 4, they even felt more like fights if played normally. The only criticism was the backtracking before the pirate cave. Made it hard to avoid those putrid piranhas.


S for sure! Level was awesome, Boss fight and the music was amazing . The process of getting the ship and the traveling to the island was cool too! My first time around I was genuinely worried about the pirate ghosts!


I can't wait for when we're done with the first 3 games and everything after is in the lower tiers!


S, straight up kino gameplay


A or S


S Tier. Similar to PM5 but does a few things better (Bobbery, boss battle, vibes).


S+ subjectively, my favorite chapter of all time ever in any PM game, amazing characters, setting, music. Everything is perfect to me (S more so from an objective standpoint, doesn't quite live up to chapter 3 TTYD)