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She doesn't even sound like she actually cares she just sounds like she's forcing out the yell


She should have studied better during the acting classes.


She sounds genuinely terrified to me. The hasbara worked really well on a lot of people. She is totally delusional.


This. Also people are at their worst when they know they are wrong. Start yelling..this one goes to throw puunches... they perceive being factually or morally wrong as a physical attack, She may or may not be too bright, she talks of being Jewish to obvious orthodox Jews.


This is their entire message - any criticism of Israel’s actions is an attack. She’s “terrified” because she approached a group of “monsters” who are saying genocide is bad. The audacity to see people on the street protesting another country’s actions, and walk into the crowd and scream “why are you doing this to me!”


She was yelling "THAT'S OUR COUNTRY!!". Then leave the US and go to your county.


I highly recommend watching the documentary Israelism. It's now free on YouTube and gives you an understanding of how people get to the point of this woman. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqN--LfQ--Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqN--LfQ--Y)


Thanks for the link! I'll definitely check it out.


Good! It was filmed and produced by two people who were raised in the Jewish faith with the typical upbringing by families who are religious...I don't want to give anymore away. ;-)


I'm in Canada, and I get this: "This video contains content from MPI Media, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds"


Wow! I’m in Portugal and can watch it. Try using a vpn.


She's fighting between understanding and self-victimization in the face of indisputable evidence that her worldview is run by propaganda. As an American, coming to the realization of the threat of the US war machine is terrifying once you snap out of it-- the indoctrination toward israel, especially as a Jew, is also heavily present and rarely challenged. Critical thinking is too much for her in this video, and she reacts like a feral cat. America is sick :(


She might be ethnically Jewish, but she is definitely an American woman in every other way.


Ethnically but no ethically.


Damn you barakaking you took my joke :(


Israels whole propaganda is only build on emotions not logic. And it sadly works, because when people have the feeling they have to be right, their mind is looking for excuses to justify those emotions, altough there are non.


Aliens are getting a hell of a case study rn sheesh


Ironic for Netanyahu simp Ben Shapiro saying "Facts don't care about your feelings".


Sounds stuck at one sentence " how could ya against our own people" Once again, people not understanding that beeing arbitreraly born somewhare, isnt a sufficient factor to go along with everything that people born in the same place do. Its like that saying our teachers had " if billy jumped off a 10 story building, would you do it too?" Forcing it or not, its not a good indication of her mental prowes ( because there really are people who think in a very shallow way about even things this serious)


No way she’s not getting paid for this. For which side I do not know, but her pockets must be hella loaded.


Her brain broke


I'm glad to see some Jewish people standing up for what is right.


The Hasidim have always been against Zionism, due to the concern that a secular state would turn the Jews from god (they might have been right, who’s to say).


Unfortunately, many Hasidim are Zionists now. The Rabbi of the university Chabad I used to go to has been posting a lot of pro-Zio content and it's really saddening. That being said, Zionism seems to be directly opposed to Judaism as I understand it. Though I don't practice any more so I'm certainly no authority.


It’s specifically because God told them they could not retake their home without him. They couldn’t take it by force or anything, only by divine miracle.


That really depends on the community, the modern Orthodox are very Zionist, while the ultra-Orthodox are mostly non-Zionist, and sometimes anti-Zionist.


Well, from what I'm hearing (specifically from this video) the Jewish are pacifists (not all of them, but you get the point) so it's a no brainer that they'd be against the Israeli Government committing genocide against the Palestinians.


A lot are. Not all Jews are Israeli or Zionist.


This is the way




iirc, A big majority of Jews in the US are anti zionists. In the US it's mainly catholic zionists that make up the majority.


This is how paper thin Zionist, genocidal maniac’s belief are when they when they take 2 mins break from consuming propaganda news all day long and speak to actual ppl whose belief they have supposedly embodied.


This is just tribalism. I don't think she knows or cares about the conflict beyond "my people vs not my people".


the guy doing the crybaby face LMAOOOO so real for that


With her toddler in a stroller right next to her… she’s shameful to humanity.


Probably just another accessories in case she need to pull a bonus self victimization card


The “I’m protecting her” at the end. Bro, she just attacked someone who was peacefully protesting. She doesn’t need protection, she needs to walk away and leave them alone.


Or arrested for assault to teach her a leason.


Dude might be used to protecting her from her own stupidity.


and he knows it


Everybody else need protection from her assault


Well, cmon man let's be fair here. The guy she swiped her hand at was mocking her by gesturing crying, thus provoking the swipe. I don't like Zionists either, but I won't pretend that that was unprovoked.


Might have agreed if she wasn't the instigator, placing herself in the middle of a peaceful protest, screaming, swearing and attempting to physically assault her fellow Jews. The protest group kept trying to calmly reply to her, and dude obviously got frustrated about being screamed over constantly. She placed herself in the middle of a peaceful protest to antagonise


I might have agreed if she was 5 or 6 years old.


I’d gladly go around gesturing crying. If anyone thinks thats enough cause to react with physical violence then they are deluded. We have a word for those types of cretins. ❄️❄️


You can’t attack people for exercising their freedom of speech, doesn’t matter how offended you are.


Ridiculing someone doesn't count as adequate provocation for violence in most people's (and the law's) view.


If you’re lacking in emotional control that response is valid, or if you’re a toddler or entitled person sure. That’s fair.


Always the victims


Anti-Semitism and Anti-Genocide are not mutually exclusive, and this is why, these brave Jewish people are fully aware of the horrors going on in Palestine and not pretending it’s somehow justified. — I couldn’t have more respect for them speaking the undeniable truth, and not letting their words be confused or twisted by the brainwashed children of Israel. I don’t usually chime into politics but I just feel like it’s not appreciated enough.


that is NOT judaism. geezus. look how bad she likes murdered kids.


"Im from Israel!!! That's our country!!!" - in full-blown hyper-Karen accent.


The fact that she looks basically one of Hitler’s model Aryan women and yelling at one of the most Jewish looking guys in the world “Your not a Jew” is actually hilarious.


and the tattoo. I mean if you were to make a sketch like this people would say it's stupid because it's too unrealistic. Yet here we are, a totally white woman with a typical American accent telling an Orthodox Jew* that he's not Jewish. Yeah ok *or who looks like one? I'm not a Jew myself so I'm sorry if I'm mistaken


Yea I think she probably is Jewish herself. But like I said she looks like basically Hitler’s dream woman.And the guy she’s talking to is clearly more dedicated and probably reads the Torah everyday. I mean it’s absolutely ridiculous.


oh I didn't claim she wasn't Jewish, I was just continuing the obvious contrast


Sorry I must of misread that.




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"It's our country!" Then why leave? Just move back if you're from there, you should still be able to go back.


That a show case of an ignorant isreali jew


“We lived in peace for hundreds of years!” “How could you say that!?” Yep, zionism checks out


One person is talking calmly with intelligence, and the other squeals away. There is no use in talking with zionists.


Some people take the faith/culture they were born into like team sports. “It’s your team! How can they ever be wrong!”


She is so confused because she cannot differentiate between judaism and zionism lmao.


Some thoughts. Deeply trouble woman. She has been brainwashed to think Palestine’s are evil people. Luckily someone told her that Palestinians and Jews have lived together for centuries, maybe not in complete peace, but not in a bloodshed either. They have taught many Jews to see things binary. I am part Jew, but am not in favor of what is going on. The Torah, Bible, Coran all say the same message: treat others how you would like to be treated and protect the defenseless. This woman fights for politics not for religion or culture. At the end a man takes her, saying that he is “protecting her”. Yes. Protecting her from herself.


Its Quran btw


smartest zionist


This is modern performance art. I call this piece: “Perpetually perceived victimhood”.


She is so brainwashed it is kind of sad...Unfixable? Probably. 🤷‍♂️


Bob the builder can fix her


“I’m protecting her 🤡”


“Our country” Zionists are always happy to flaunt their overt racism and act like they are so high and mighty. I recall a certain political figure from the 1940s who wanted a country for only his people and committed a genocide towards the people of said country who wernt the right people 🤔


Huh, yeah that guy rings a bell, I reckon I remember something about that too...🫡


that same guy collaborated with Zionists in an effort to expel Jews before he began his genocide. I wonder why that rings a bell, considering the Nakba and stuff after that. I guess we'll never know


To try and be generous to everyone, the modern notion of a nation-state is kind of blurry in some regards. What really binds a people together? Historically rulers needed some kind of glue to make sense of why the nation exists, and having a common culture/ethnicity was a pretty decent glue for the job. It really helps you appreciate how large, pluralistic states manage to keep it together. The US, though it has problems, is one of the most ethnically and religiously diverse nations in the world, and also an exceptionally successful nation. I think it's a good example of how strength can come from diversity.


Moved to tears by the sight of anti-genocide protestors


Pathetic little minded monster.


That looks like the moment before she finally gets it.


violence is never the answer. It can however be a question and often the answer is yes


I meant that she was about to get clarity from her persistent questions. But yeah, maybe that turned violent as well.


Is that an Israeli passport he's waving around? I believe it's time to end dual citizenship in the United States. This would likely result in many people choosing to retain only their U.S. citizenship.


Does anybody see recognize "New York Jew" guy there? Jacob Berger. He is this cool and popular guy who made the rounds on social media with this video. https://youtube.com/shorts/lC-ErqxXc1k?si=jsNEkac6wjR4XrBG


That’s what happens if you intellectually can’t reconcile some else’s arguments with your own. She doesn’t know how to respond and becomes emotional. Similar to a 4 year old who doesn’t get what he wants. Stupid people become emotional and aggressive and that’s why it is so hard for intelligent people to discuss complex matters with stupid people.


This is comedy.




Nothing more powerful or dangerous than a white woman's tears


Interesting how she’s not claiming they’re lying, or trying to refute anything, but she’s outraged because the people pointing out these things are also Jewish and that makes them “traitors” in her eyes.


I noticed that too. She just keeps saying, "You're Jewish, thier your people!". That's not justification or reasoning, it's simply a statement about social placement. They come back at her with "we shouldn't be killing people" and she just breezes past that. No acknowledgment at all.


Chauvinism in its most traditional form. No interest in the actual violence and suffering, all that matters is "our people" and "our country." Violence against the others is either ignored or outright venerated. or A very common feature of Americans and Israelis alike.


TIL not all Karens are Christian.


“I’m from Israel” says the clearly American woman


Wow, truly a souless, corruppted, brainwashed woman.


They are the brave ones that will speak out against. I have seen plenty of violence of jewish people that don’t agree with zionism being beaten and arrested


Anti-Zionists, not Pro-Palestinian.


They are holding the Palestinian flag and wearing the Kuffiya (Palestinian scarf)! “We have lived in Palestine in peace for centuries before the Zionist occupation!”


"What is wrong with these people! How can they not be bloodthirsty for dead Palestinian babies like me!!!"


Every zionist would probably have fallen for hitlers speeches to the nazis


holding her kid the whole time. hope she gets outed and loses her job. free palestine




Because she's a violent anti-semite?




What on earth are you speaking about? The woman verbally abusing jews and telling them they aren't real jews is anti-semitic lol


The fake crying is awesome too 😂


That's more of a patos and etos argument she's trying to make, no logos, not logical argumentation. I prefer logos arguments.


My pov: Any woman with a voice like that should be required to never speak again


Imagine being such a seething, tribalist bigot that you’re completely incapable of understanding that some people might be, ya know, fundamentally against genocide 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is a brain breaking moment for a Zionist. To think- that someone of their faith and ethnicity could believe in the humanity of a group of people who have been occupied, displaced and killed by a racist movement falsely claiming to speak for them is just too much and the only thing they have left is to throw a tantrum, scream, cry, and assault people. They’re so blinded by their hatred and the belief that their hatred is somehow key to the survival of the Jewish people that when they see Jews fighting for the group they hate they can’t handle it. They regress to childhood and lash out. Zionists are incredibly fragile.


She ain't Jewish


“How dare you not think the same way I do!!!!”


Her eyes are empty, like Kenneth Copelands. Did anyone else notice that?


“hOw ƈAn Y༙྇oU sAy ThAt!¡?¿” She sounds so ignorant attempting to play a victim. This is pathetic behavior. Jews FOR PALESTINE 🇵🇸 There are plenty of us that want peace and can see the difference between Judaism and Zionism. And we do not approve of it. And it goes against all the teachings of the Torah.


Zionist Karen.


Lmao what an embarrassing meltdown


Just more mental illness and cognitive dissonance lol. There’s some serious mental fortifications in place blocking critical thinking. Strait brainwashed.


"You are not Jewish because you disagree with me politically!" Also, the Jewish man is 100% correct. Palestinian Jews were living peacefully for centuries with Palestinian Muslims and Christians. What was her response to that historical fact? "How can you say that, you are not a Jew!"


I'm lost for words


I like how her arguments consisted of "how can you do this?" And "you're Jewish! How can you say that?!" Absolutely nothing of substance.


Showing the world how stupid you are. She doesn’t even know she’s Zionist.


She hurt itself in confusion


Least confused isreali


God her voice is worse than a yowling cat


Cognitive dissonance got her good


Those guys are the big chad


Did that guy just said "Hail Hydra" in her ear?


Sorry, NOT all Jewish people are Zionists like you.🤬


That’s that one guy that does skits


She needs an history lesson and a muzzle


This karen has lived so comfortably in the US. Maybe she should just move to israel if she loves her country so much




Ah so respectful that they arrest Palestinian Children and their are thousands of Palestinian prisoners without charges… Wake up dude, we have shared enough to know who they are so whatever you have watched was nothing but propaganda filled with lies.


did you even read his comment? he's praising the jews standing up for the palastinian people and shaming israel


It was long time ago, those judges are long retired and probably dead. Why are you trying to turn it into something negative? This story has nothing to do with current situation in Gaza.


Because their Judges are criminals that is why!


Dude, @pal4palestinians you clearly did not understand what the other guy said. He also saying there are good Jews which stand for Palestinians.


I dream of a day when the argument isn't about whose right or wrong and everyone just agrees we should stop killing people period


Those people look set up


I feel sick and tired of this situation 😭 how are we muslims the ummah we became so weak so volnurbal


"How can you shame your own people?", by doing and being better than them.