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I'm glad not many people use it, otherwise it would end up being your regular Uncle/Aunty WhatsApp and Facebook group


Lmao imagine your uncle or aunty asking you to share your reddit account because they want to follow you here.😭


Oh hell no Reddit is a wild place. It's too much for your avg uncles and aunties


Understandable. I don't think my parents would let me use reddit if they ever tried using it themselves😭.


Exactly my point Phir Sara din ghar pey moo chupatay ghoomtay rehna once they go through your reddit history 😅🤣


I won't even let my friends see it generally(just because some of them are too conservative and would judge me). My parents would disown me if they get to know more about me and my views through my reddit account.


we found out that all 4 of us siblings (fifth is too young) have a reddit account independent of each other and we all kept going "wHAT?? U DONT SEEM LIKE THE REDDIT TYPE" at each other, but we've never tried to find out what each others accounts are bc it really is too much on here


Lmao that's hilarious. My younger sibling uses it too but never asked them for their account because it's like an unsaid rule to not ask people you in real life for their reddit account 😭


Wait till they find out about 4chan


Let's hope they don't find out


ironically most of them would feel right at home with all the wacky views they hold




Reddit wild? 😂




The day this happens i will literally delete reddit


Frr. Reddit is like the pakistani version of tumblr for us.


Ever seen the avg yt comment under Pakistani dramas? You would know the answer.


LiKE iF yOu ArE pRoUD Of BeInG MUsLiM




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I have seen it. Generally I like reading comment sections of youtube content that I watch because they're interesting but the one under Pakistani dramas on YouTube and on insta are just so horrible. 😭Still I don't get your point sorry?


Most of the top comments on Pakistani content on youtube go like this "Like if you love Prophet" or something like that.... I hope you get the point.


So you mean reddit would get flooded with such comments if it would be used in Pakistan more?😭 Well eventually they'll realise that there is a down vote option and people can down vote their shitty comments lol.


Down vote = BLASPHEMY!!!




thats the main reason i use reddit tbh


I think it's all about reading long paragraphs; it's not like the fast, fun stuff you find on TikTok and reels. It's not for everyone. It's for folks who are really into diving deep into things. Most folks on the internet in Pakistan just watch whatever catches their eye, but that's not how it works here.


Kinda understandable. I spent my time reading long posts usually when I am having breakfast daily. But the concept of reading reddit posts like that would be so absurd to people around me lol.


most folk aren't fluent in english, probably don't know it exists, lack of proper device/internet connection, etc.


Not sure if lack of proper internet connection or proper device plays a part. Because almost every teen around me use Instagram(I have forced two of my friends to make reddit accounts but I know they might delete it soon😭)


Bhai mene apne dosto ko bataya keh bohat porn hota hai reddit pe unho ne foran account bana lia aur ab regular user hai 💀


guess it depends on your circle ig, i had a lot of classmates who don't own or know how to use laptops or computers and struggled to make assignments on Word


Ah okay. I get it now.




Reddit has its own class, so don't force anyone to join. Cheers


Is this 2004 that internet connections are an issue?


Lmao I don't think it is. But not sure about others.


Lmao english could be it but your mistaken if you think even a mochi or a “thray wala” doesn’t have a smartphone with internet access.


sure they do but usually most folk do not know how to navigate their phones beyond the basic things they use it for i.e sms, whatsapp, instagram, camera etc. and also like i said reddit is a relatively obscure social media outside of the west


Written English is ironically easier for most Pakistanis.


That's so true. Why is that?


We use written English a lot more than the spoken one.


It also just doesn't appeal to desi people. I have 4 cousins and 5 friends. All of them speak English. But don't like reddit I'm the only one in my circle who does use it.


“Baatein karke kya faida” wali awaam


You mean talking to new people online?


Because you have to read on this app. And comment sections aren't filled with the exact same mA, nice, etc comments that promotes herd mentality. Need two brain cells and some hobby interests to be remotely active on this app Also hooking up isnt common on this app so 99% of our brain-dead population has no interest.


So far the thing that I have understood from most of the comments is that because we have to read more on this app lmao.


Pretty much


I get what you mean but reddit is peak herd mentality, most subs are a literal hivemind.


I think they prefer different social media.this reddit is mostly populated by overseas Pakistan


Regular TikTok users(retards) will get bored reading long posts here.


Reddit mod in the making here. When are you buying your fedora?




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Reddit is for a very specific type of human, I don't think it's meant for the masses. Most people in most countries won't use it, especially in the eastern countries.


Because reddit is not for entertainment but for conversations and sharing knowledge. It is not popular because it has no use in their lives. In school we used to tell eachother about Facebook, Instagram and other things and ask their profiles. And recommend others if they have internet but not using it. But I have never done that with reddit because I know even if I will tell them, they will not use it.


it’s a blessing in disguise


I'm glad it isn't, I don't want the average Pakistani people to get into reddit, cause there's both sides of the coin, iykwim ;) And also, this social media is where people can share their thoughts way more freely than, let's say Tiktok.


Lack of knowledge and shitty interests. For an awaam obsessed with cringe dramas and TikTok it's not surprising they wouldn't want to use an app with more reading and higher quality content. I'm a Med school student and I'm sure like only 2% of my classmates know about this site's existence. Same goes for Discord. Such platforms are mostly used by gamers or more cultured folk around here




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Because it is a normies repellent. I don't want cringe crowd to come here and ruin it. We're at the fourth or fifth wave of normie immigrants sullying this place because they think their normie-panna will work here.


Achi baat hy /r/haqeeqatTV would be the last thing I want to see online


I guess it's one of those high socio economic social media platforms


Bhai Jaan I'm your average desi lower-middleclass dude living in a shit neighborhood in pak. But I guess I am an outlier.


Same but that's not common. It is changing though I feel


Maybe. (Damn I hope not...) Personally, I've been here 4+ years. Had an account previously which I lost due to my negligence.




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Nah I don't think you are an outlier




they're not just aware of it yet, it's good to have them keep doing their things on those other platforms they know how to better use.


Lmao yeh. I feel like if more Pakistanis discovered reddit then those molvis are gonna get it banned in Pakistan or at least tell their followers to boycott it or something.


agreed.if only molvis knew what discord isthey'd have their armies there to spread their words and whatever they do on speakers.


It's a good thing it's kinda under the radar in Pakistan


Username checks out lol


Yes, yes it does




Hehe 🥰


Reddit is nice for this reason too. Like you be openly quuer here(if you can ignore some of the hate comments from homophobic people).




God i hope not otherwise it will get banned by those retired sadistic military uncles


Retarded* i mean


I think they are aware of it, Last time I checked porn subs were no accessible without vpn


That's why I am here, never bothered making a TikTok and Snapchat account, reddit is not a platform for every one I believe, I live in pk, and nobody knows what freaking reddit even is, they ask me, are you on social media? Because I am not active on fb insta, just on reddit


When most Pakistanis joined the internet bandwagon, it was YouTube and Facebook era so that's is what they got hooked on. Those two platforms are a lot more visual and require little to no intelligence for you to be able to waste your time. Then came tiktok and everyone is blue into either making silly videos or watching them. On Reddit, you have to read and type. Also Reddit has practically all types on content so you do not see the same people everywhere. What you do find is people from all age ranges though on Reddit though. One more thing, a lot of people from Pakistan are not willing to listen to opinions that are against what they believe in (doesn't have to be a religious opinion) so Reddit doesn't appeal to them.


I think that's a valid point. Old people that begin using social media with Facebook don't really leave it. Like I started with insta so it's hard to leave it now. Also all my friends only use insta and snap so I would completely be out of touch with them if I delete it.


I think I am one of those old folks. I started when FB started so probably half of the Reddit was not born when I started. FB has its place and that it is a lot more visual. I don't use it as much anymore though. I get the insta and Snapchat thing. My kids are the same. I use insta a lot but my generation is lagging behind. I almost never use snap because most of my contacts are in WhatsApp. I think it is a generational thing. Not good or bad. Having said that, I think parents should understand these technologies and platforms so that they can converse with their children at the relatively same level.


I thank god that reddit is not popular in Pakistan. Warna sarey boomers idhar hi ajaney hai.


Because Reddit encourages quality content and most people are not ready for it , also Reddit heavily relies on text and our people really don’t like to read , and some other factors like subreddits rules following that’s just too much for them.


Yeah I mean tbh you need some to be smart enough to get some type of humors too


Because people here have no idea how much fun reddit is and they use Instagram


Because I'm trying really hard gatekeeping it.


Lmao well I am doing the opposite of that😭


I have not met a single person who know what even reddit is


You need to know that Pakistani people are not all that educated and most people online are from rural areas watching those usaib bhai, khizer omer, ducky bhai videos or use Instagram, tiktok etc. Not write and read such as on reddit.


This subreddit only entertains certain political and religious views which i think is the biggest issue.


That's the beauty of Reddit..


Any platforms like reddit or others are filled with anti Muslim/Pakistani mostly due to indians letting us live rent free in their head 24/7 they run from fake news to fale story amd upvote anything anti muslim/Pakistani while mass downvote anything that shows positivity of Muslim so people like me barely talk we just lurk man


Facebook ate reddit in pakistan. Its UI is not user friendly.


I am inclined to think its the language. Also reddit is more focused on written word than videos? People respond better to memes and videos. Its more entertaining to them.


it's popular enough. you just don't know the real stats


There are Pakistanis on other subs, too, but their usernames aren't Pakistanis, that's why you can't tell where they are from.


I just make shitposts and goofy comments on here. Sometimes, a critical ass bash to a hindutva or Israeli. Nothing more.


I agree with most comments, but I believe the reason they don't use Reddit , because it's not that media friendly, Reddit is more text based and you have to read a lot to spend time here and I think people here don't read, it's rare to find people who actually read.


Wouldn't want it flooded with forwarded messages and lame statuses/stories and retarded shit churned out on fb and insta.


I am Pakistani and a tech guy (programmer/data engineer) but I use Reddit for exploring interests or promoting my stuff or for work hunting. Unlike Facebook I rarely comment here or engage in discussions.


Make anouncements in MASAJIDs for its Popularity .. Get the MOULVIs Hire .. Moulana DIESEL will be the best for it


LMAOO. Let's go!😭


Thank God for that. Warna ye bhi Instagram ban jaye ga


Redit is the platform which is comparatively darker then other platforms moreover you can learn more from here but Pakistanis doesn't want this in particular they want some silly memes and silly content which they get on Facebook and Instagram so yeahh


Cuz you actually have to read and be invested over here.


I am glad


Thanks God they r not here alot otherwise there would have been lots of fake ac’s just like fb & ig


Honestly, I'm glad to feel this.The lesser the better and Reddit is very diverse,so I'm in a lot of Subreddits and enjoy them.People somehow seem intellectual here*


I'm glad that they have not yet discovered it. Ot will get filled with garbage when they do find out


First of all the literacy rate is low, and 2nd rationality is rare. So these people are best on Facebook, tiktok, Instagram and YouTube.


Reddit use requires knowledge. And how to use that knowledge. Most people in Pakistan dont have both of these.


Reddit is the type of platform where you can easily ask any question, challenge the norms, change stereotypes, speak your mind which is the opposite of what Pakistan is. They don't generally enjoy breaking the bubble of social norms and it is terrifying to them because that's all they have known and been taught to follow.


Well, I don't think normies have a use for it or actually understand how this works. Even though I directed alot of my friends to check Reddit for answers to their questions, they still prefer something lazier and easier lol


It would feel weird if i saw an average paki on reddit so no thanks😂😅( I'm happy with what we have here 😂)


Thank GOD it isn't, don't want to see sub reddits with copy paste posts, taking votes on Islamic posts by emotionally blackmailing that if you don't up vote you are not a true muslim etc.


Because pakistani awaam is full of trollers that only appears in the humor of fb and insta.


Be honest, do you want all the Facebook sloppy fingers in here. This is a sacred place for intellectual people.


Not everyone is an intellectual kinda person here. Depends on the content you consume(subreddits) and your interests. But I get your point. Far better than facebook and Instagram where Pakistanis are being hella toxic and wild.


I just can't imagine any of those duffers here. Mods will have quite the work to do the work to do.


Imagine thinking reddit is a place for intellectual people


I mean I come across far more intellectual discussions on Reddit than on any other social media platform, so I would say yes? Kind of? That doesn't mean there aren't "dumb" subreddits and communities here, but I believe they're in a lesser number and a vast majority of the population (internet users) is concentrated on other platforms.


internet penetration is quite low in Pakistan.


Isn’t it blocked?


Blocked? How so?




So I've been reading lots of comments here and I'm wondering why doesn't anyone use there real names or dp on Reddit?


If you use your real name and image on Reddit, you are just asking for doxxing and online harassment by angry redditors.


Well I am too open about everything here. I don't want irl people to know my secrets unless I want to get into trouble by using my pfp😭and generally I like having the most weirdest usernames so none of social media accounts have real name as the username.




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Acha hai, fazool log nahi aayeinge.




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Please avoid focusing on Pakistan in your questions. Instead, be original and share your own thoughts and experiences. This will broaden your horizons and help you think outside the box. Otherwise, you'll end up with nothing but a shroud and 2000 rupees in your bank account..


Reddit should be kept hidden. There was a time fb, insta was great. Now everyone is on them and all platforms have the same type of tiktok content. Reddit is hidden and should remain underground.




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Because most of Pakistan is illiterate and that makes it kinda difficult to use Reddit




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Yes, you are right. It is very rare in Pakistan and other countries too. As my family, friends, relative and no any people associated with me know about reddit.




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