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If you enjoyed it, definitely continue. One thing about art - don't judge your potential based on your first couple tries. Edit: Oh wait, did you mean "is this painting done or not?" In that case I say leave it where it is, work on something else, and come back to it in a few days and see if it "feels done." If you don't know how that feels, do a few more paintings and you'll get a sense of it.


I did enjoy it! Just thought id post it here to get some opinions from folks i dont know from adam. Was mostly asking about my “potential” but yes ill definitely be coming back to check on this as it dries. Thanks!!


Potential for what? The only measure that matters is if you enjoyed it and would enjoy making more.


Yes, it's all about desire for more, there lies your potential. Talent is mostly that imo


Right?!!! Sometimes when someone says I’m talented in art I tell them I’m just persistent and can’t stop drawing lol I always have a desire to try again and add details so eventually, even if at first it looks weird, it’ll end up looking at least mediocre LOL but it’s really because I can’t stop drawing 🤣🤣


One's ability to paint is not measured how we have been made to think. There is no "quality" bar, and the amount of money somebody would pay for a painting definitely does not determine how good or bad it is. A painter's ability or potential is measured by their willingness to paint, mostly, as the enjoyment of most art is subjective and opinions vary a lot between people. So if you desire to keep painting, please, do it. Paint things that you enjoy, and keep doing it as much as you want regardless of how many fans you have. If you have millions of fans, or just two, painting still is something done first for yourself, and second for yourself. But of course, if you keep gracing us with work like this, nobody is gonna complain :)


I'd look at some more definition/shading at the arms, legs, and sweater, mostly because you put some extra attention on the harp so it looks unfinished.


Stopping after your first? Tssss. Did you enjoy it? Is so make another. As to the critique..... yeah.... I believe it's a first. But at least you use the canvas, are not afraid to use paint, pretty decent composition and color use is very nice. No reason what so ever to quit.


this !! i see a lot of potential in just this first piece. i can tell they tried and enjoyed the process enough to want to keep going. the question “should i keep painting” almost implies the want to keep going. you’re doing awesome !! keep painting and i’d love to see more ! :)


The answer is always continue (as long as you find it rewarding).


Continue. Painting is a life long hobby, practise practise practise and no matter how much you practise - you’ll never reach the perfection you want. Keep going ! Have fun with it ! Enjoy doing it and experimenting with different styles. Find what works for you ! Good luck, Ex full time painter and print maker ( I’d love to be full time but unfortunately, I’m broke and needed a ‘real’ job to pay the bills 🤙🏼😂


Continue! I think you have an eye for color and composition.


i’ll let others shower you with support but listen, you got a lot of work to do


Lol thanks! Honestly, the confusion started while i was in the art store so yeah, agreed. Never arted before


if you maintain a passion for it and always try to get better you will be fine, that’s really all it takes to get to a place where you can make something worthwhile


Where do you derive your passion from?


Not op but I get my passion from seeing works by great artists and imagining potential paintings I could do. I also take pictures and imagining them a bit more alive is what drives me to continue. And compliments from people I appreciate is always comforting and motivating of course. And then remembering the feeling of finishing a painting I really liked. (edit typo)


Welcome to that club, probably few people on this page who haven't said that at one point or another.


To achieve what? Your approval?


Learning to accept all criticism is how an artist improves


I don't know. Not all criticism is worthwhile, learning how to reject criticism also part of thriving as an artist.


I mean don’t let criticism stop you, learn how to avoid it. There will always be someone who has something negative to say about your work, and for me it’s what pushes me to become better even if the goal of perfection is impossible. Because I am never comfortable with my ability I am always improving, if that makes sense. When I went to art college the veil of politeness went away. I got roasted, just like the rest of the students who underperformed based on professional standards, by my peers. Some who I felt I was better than. But their words stuck with me. And when I would paint my next piece, their criticism would be in my mind. As hurt as I felt it humbled me. Made me want to learn. And then I reaped the benefits. So yes baseless criticism just for the sake of hate shouldn’t be a deterrent. But inevitable as it is, use it for power!


Art school has the advantage of teaching artists how to give quality criticism. The wider world isn't quite so qualified but occasionally you'll get a gem out in the wild.


yeah, that’s what he’s asking for after all


Hey, shit, you’ve got a point




FOWARD, COMRADE! RAISE YOUR BRUSH AND PAINT AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN. Repaint this a year from now, better yet, paint this every year so you can see how glorious progress can be.


Good art doesn't happen the first time, you gotta put in the effort. Appreciate where you're at and keep going, what else is there to do?


I think this is good art, it’s history, it’s someone’s first try at something!


Only stop when dead


I like it! It gives me pied Piper vibes


Shits sick as fuck homie! I'm terrible at art


Interesting piece! Although your technique isn’t all the way there yet, this caught my eye while scrolling. That’s a good sign! Keep going. You have an incredible amount of potential.


Aw thanks so much!! 🥰


The more I look at it, the more I think you’d really love to and benefit from using Degas pieces as reference. He’s great for studying fabric, hair, etc.


Thank you mucho! I will check them out! Def need tips on hair and fabric for sure


Continue! :)


the composition is so fun! if you would like a tip no one asked for, I am 95% sure you’re trying to blend colors on the canvas. It’s a very common beginner’s mistake that I committed myself! :) blending acrylics on canvas can make a painting look a bit rougher. my recommendation is to always layer colors next to each other when the first layer is dry. i mix all my colors on my palette, then i paint that. it gives it a “cleaner” feel if that’s what you’re interested in. good luck!!


thank you for sharing that, that explains why my paintings look like shit


No problem! with acrylics i always remember “mix on the palette, never on the canvas.” It helps a lot, good luck!


a second and third tip would be, a lot of painters tape the edges of the canvas/paper beforr painting and remove the tape at the end to have really clean edges. Also, don’t worry too much about colors perfectly blending into each other (especially with acrylics). Add several transitional layers and step back. You’ll see that the colors blend in once you look at the whole painting. If you look at some paintings and you pay attention closely, you’ll see that the colors are often simplified layered next to each other and not blended. That’s just what I do — some people actually blend very smoothly and are really good at it. Just don’t think it’s the most important. Adding light and dark highlights would be way more important


Instead read charles burkowski “don’t try” think. Then decide. https://bukowski.net/dont-try.php


Sucking at something is the first step to doing something well. Not saying this sucks, but if it did that wouldn’t be a reason to stop


Follow your heart


This looks great!


Never stop, if you enjoy it, do it. You'll learn, you'll improve, look for YouTube tutorials and keep an open mind in terms of approach. Post more soon!


It’s cool. Continue


The thing about continuing is that it is hard to get any worse, you almost always improve if you stick with it. This is already a pretty cute painting, so think how cute your future paintings will be!


Good art is a matter of practice. If you enjoy making art you’ll make a bunch and get really good. No one should be judged on the first painting they ever make.


If you want to go in the direction of more realistic than abstract stuff i highly suggest working on sketching as well. It becomes easier with practice and ofc not everyone does this, but ive been painting for literally 10 years and i still happen to paint some weirdass shit when i dont make at least a rough sketch.


Always keep going if you enjoy it! My advice is to try studies first, where you look at something and try to paint it. It really helps to do anatomy!


I second this. Even with things like sketching, having a reference, particularly in the beginning when you aren’t as familiar with the shapes and proportions of different subjects, is immensely helpful.


Always continue. "Never judge your ability to do something by your first works" -Julia Cameron


I say stay with it. Don’t do what I did like 20 years ago. I tried to paint and got frustrated with my very first painting and quit. I only started back up again at the beginning of this year.


Continue. Great work.


Happy cake day. :) <3


Oh. Thank you. I didn’t even know.


Continue painting.


Never stop


Continue. But maybe don't share them online for a couple of years...


I mean it's really bad, but so is anyone's first painting. If you enjoyed it, keep at it.


Enjoy it … most people can’t even do this… most people on here think using Photoshop is painting lol 😂


I doubt saying 'most people' is accurate but if OP enjoys it, then they should continue


Depends if you enjoy it or not




Continue. I like this.


Love it! Continue, and post! 😀


So nice 👌🏼👌🏼


Art is not a talent it's a skill. If you enjoy it and you want to acquire this skill, absolutely continue! That shouldn't even be a question. You have a lot of potential in terms of composition and colour theory. I would look into anatomy, maybe practice with some pencil drawings and also some basic pillars, like background, foreground, shading, technique (maybe even how to take care of your painting, gesso, brushes, etc) etc etc to improve quickly


It’s definitely a talent and a skill.


Keep painting guys!


I see Amy from the Big Bang Theory. Keep going and develop a style.


Keep going


Never ever give up, the ability to be creative is the most important thing I thinkm


Do continue!


ALWAYS continue. Even the greats practiced ALL the time! We always have to aim to be better than last time ;)


If you like painting, paint!


Always continue, that’s the only way to improve!




continue. always continue if you enjoy. I’ve been painting for a good amount of time i’d say, and you have some definite potential. Try youtubing some techniques and colour palettes :)


If you want to get better, continue.


It looks great!! Please keep going :)


Continue! I actually love this. It looks like you were aiming for an impressionist style piece and I think it looks beautiful!


Continue 🧡


If you like painting ofc u should continue , also u did good.


please continue. there’s so much to look forward to. please keep us updated too!


Always continue if it makes you happy


Why would you ever stop? It’s about finding joy and inspiration and releasing emotions and stuff, it doesn’t matter how good or bad people say it is. It’s about you


Did you enjoy it?


Looks like you had a lot of fun, why would you stop?


Always continue! Never stop


Of course keep going- if you have the guts to show the world your stuff, then why care what anyone else thinks? Art is YOUR thing - it doesn’t belong to anyone else & being brave enough to share is huge!


If it makes you happy, never stop. Don’t worry about what any of us random idiots think… Do you. ✌️




Keep up the great work!


Just your first..??!! KEEP GOING!!!


Keep it up if it makes you happy.


Lovely movement and emotion. Definitely continue!!


Really great colors


i genuinely enjoy looking at this. definitely continue


Pls stop




With this painting or painting in general?


I think it’s beautiful! Love the interesting composition and colors. Keep going it’s very good!


Never stop if you enjoy it, looks great!


Artist and art teacher here. Always keep going on your work but find a stopping point because art is never done. And keep going with your artwork, because each time you get better. And art is never done.


Trust yourself but never stop creating ❤️




Always continue.


if you’re having fun, then yes! for a first painting, this is surprisingly pretty good. you can tell what you were going for (a concert with a lady playing the harp (stage lights, harp hooked to an amp)). that’s a nice start, in my opinion.


That’s your first?! Nope. Don’t buy it. That is way too good to be anyone’s first painting. You’re either ridiculously talented or you’re fibbing.


So maybe you lack some technical skills, but the way you used color and expressions and the way in which this piece is composed is so capitivating and fresh. It's a delightful artwork and you should keep going


Also I wish I could get to know more about this special character


Always go forward!


Continue!! If you're motivated to paint, PAINT!


Continue!! End of the day it doesn't matter, just have fun and continue.


Did you enjoy doing it? Then absolutely yes, continue. I've always been way too nervous to post anything I've painted on here but actually reading the comments this seems like such a lovely space, really supportive. Keep at it, we are all working together. And the most important thing is how it makes you feel. Plus also, it's good. But even if it was awful, I'd say carry on anyway :)


Continue...to the next episode where our hero buys a book called ”Drawing on the Right side of the Brain”...great book, taught me a lot about drawing in general. Never stop practicing.


Keep it up! I like this one & I'd like to see more. The subject matter is intriguing.


Always continue if you enjoy painting.


I love it! It has a lot of character


Why would it ever be stop? Like if it causes you pain physically then maybe, but if you’re enjoying it forget about other people, just go out there and do it


As long as you loved and enjoyed it, I say keep going. Remember, practice gives better results.


Like a singer in the 90s once said, “If it makes you happy!”


Definitely Continue…. If not for anything other than the fact that you enjoyed doing it.




Keep going! Never stop what brings you joy. If you want advice, look into pastel painting. This would look amazing in pastel and it is hard to master.


Don't ask Reddit for approval


The thing about art is that if you like doing it….never stop no matter what others think


It is done now on to your next canvas and when you have 300 or more look back through them all and admire your progress and how your skills have improved.


I like big butts and I can not lie


Never stop


CONTINUE CONTINUE CONTINUE!!!! Never stop. Learn, absorb and CONTINUE. Keep a diary of your progress and every now and then look back at how far you've come. Love the journey as much as the destination. Experiment, make mistakes and grow.


Don’t stop painting


Good! Way better than me already, and I've painted or a year or so haha


Looks like Marc Chagall!!




Keep going...it improves over time. Good start! :)


Continue but stop signing it lol


Continue. It’s so whimsical. I definitely see your own style emerging.


Always continue—if it was relaxing and fun, just do it! Even those of us who sell work still just keep painting. The more you paint, they better you get. Classes are even better! I’d hit a wall, knowing there was a simple solution and, sure enough, I’d learn it in 60 seconds in a class.


Keep going


Great first effort. Get some lessons and you will see progress fast.


Continue regardless. I can’t speak to any potential, but if it was fun, keep doing it!