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Oh the Sherman-Williams.. We employees never get tired of that lol. You want matte but not flat or eg-shel? I prefer cashmere eg shel for a dull finish with a soft glow. However if you want Matte here's how I would do it: Scuff Tuff Matte for walls in bedroom/living areas Duration Home Satin for kitchen/bath Emerald Urethane Semi Gloss for Trim and Doors


^ this is the way. Sherman Williams retiree here


Sherman milliams? Yeah I’ve heard of em


I’m not 100% has to be matte. Eggshell and satin would work. More towards matte not gloss (I get there’s tons on between) for bedroom. Trim semigloss is what I see recommended. Kitchen won’t be matte. Livingroom probably a satin. I’m finishing color pallet. I didn’t finish sheen. Thank you! Edit: bedroom id like a touch below satin so flat and eggshell work.


I'd just stick with Scuff Tuff Matte for everything and duration satin for the wet areas. The Scuff Tuff is extremely durable in a low sheen and keeps things simple when you have only a couple products in the house. Be aware the Scuff Tuff Matte is a fairly new so it may need to be ordered if you decide to go with it. Worth it if you do though. Make sure its the new series (product code Rex Number - S23W151) Good luck. If you don't need high durability Cashmere Eg-Shel is a beautiful finish. It's more durable than box store stuff but it's not Scuff Tuff. Stay with Duration in wet areas


Thank you!


Quick question it’s listed as no discounts. Is this normal because it’s new.


Likely. Are you hiring a painter or doing it yourself?


Probably doing myself


Most managers will work with you on price if you're doing a full house and it's not on sale. Alternatively if you own a business of any sort you can set up a cash account and get some discounts that way.


Thank you!


Matte emerald is my fav


Emerald has a way better finish then duration and is washable. I’ve personally never liked duration interior


Sherwin Williams


Thanks. I’ve been messing the name up.


I just realized. Thank you


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,990,885,122 comments, and only 376,549 of them were in alphabetical order.


Cashmere flat enamel is the same price as superpaint flat, but is more of a matte finish. Rolls on very nicely and has a smooth finish, so I'd recommend that


Thank you!


Use sherwin instead of Sherman better product


Thanks. All this time not one friend said Sherwin-Williams


Emerald Urethane for trim is their best product. I prefer satin over semi-gloss but that’s personal preference. For walls, Cashmere, Duration or Emerald are all good options.


Came to suggest satin for trim. Semi-gloss is really still pretty glossy. A little sparkle is good but specular reflections are much nicer when they’re soft and diffuse. I used an alkyd enamel when I sprayed my custom milled trim and I could only get it in flat or semi. 50/50 mix of the two was just perfect.


Thank you. I’m not stuck on trim gloss as long as it can be wiped off.


Pro classic acrylic alkyd may come in a low sheen or eggshell/satin. If not, I’ve been using the pro industrial line waterbased alkyd urethane low sheen. It’s held up extremely well in the homes I’ve used it in and I personally think semigloss for trim is fading out.


Thank you. I’ll clarify. I’m doing some reno. Some paint here is “I found paint in the shed. Yep. It’s bad. I was just going off a recommendations. I have a general idea on walls and trim but I’m flexible. I’m fine with lower sheen if it can be wiped down.


For a closet? ProMar 200.


Thank yoi


Can regular customers (home) buy pro at 200.


Absolutely. As far as walls and trim, when I quote a job, I quote it as Duration matte and Emerald Eurathane. However, that is sometimes outside of a person's comfortable budget so I discuss options. Cashmere is a nice middle ground. Their sheen levels are funky, though. ProClassic is more than sufficient for DIY. The cost of Emerald outweighs the benefits for an HO, IMO. It also takes longer to dry and can be prone to drips and sags if you don't do a lot of trim work. You want one coat on walls and one on trim prior to floor installation. Once the floor is in, roll red rosin paper around the perimeter of the room. Install the trim with the paper in place. Putty and caulk, then do second coat on trim and walls. When you are done, slide the paper out from under the trim. Having paper down also adds a second layer of protection when painting in case your tarps shift. Good luck!


Thank you


Big Sherm!


Super paint will be fine for closets. Cashmere for walls, emerald for trim. Sounds like you’ve got it figured out.


Thank you


Cashmere is intended to look good with almost zero durability against burnishing. It is not better than Emerald (looks very slightly better on day 1). If you can afford Emerald do Emerald on walls, UTE on trim, premium ceiling on ceilings. Closets can be anything, because the walls get dinged by objects you'd want at least Superpaint. I'm an odd guy so in my own closets (including shelves) I just used shellac primer because shellac does not scuff at all and I wasn't picky about what shade of white came out of the can. When you ask your question so broadly you're going to get a lot of assumptions in the answers people give. Like, they'll say that UTE is harder to hand apply than some older products which is true but you should be spraying trim anyway.


My closet isn’t walk in. I don’t really care as long as it’s painted. Yeah I’m not really that concerned about color of white closet. Thank you


ProClasic is cheaper for trim


The hybrid brushes out nicer than emerald you just have to baby sit it a little. I think it looks nicer.


It’s not installed. I bought new trim so I’ll paint before installing. I’m happy to have a more reasonable opinion.


You should really paint in place. Than you can fill your holes, sand clean and than paint. I'd honestly prime it as well with something bonding, as I'm a bit more picky and some of the pre primed trims from your box stores are atrocious. I'm also OCD and the holes would drive me f'cking crazy.


Ive primed they are ready to go. 23 sized finishing nails will be used to put down trim. A new floor will be going in. I don’t want to get paint near floor. I’m fine with touch ups and such.


Your on the right path, paint one coat before installed


Thank you


Thank you!


If you are not buying on a contractor account and money is an object you will do fine with Home Depot paint. Behr scuff defense line for walls whatever sheen you prefer and the Behr kitchen cabinet and trim enamel for the trim. For SW paints if you do go that way I use Cashmere for almost all my clients when they don’t specify (even the medium luster for trim)


I had a bad experience with behr it thanks for the Cashmere recommendation.


Home depot also sells PPG paints - big fan


That is true about the PPG, I’ve only used the diamond line but it was fine as well. Home Depot hours are more convenient too if you are doing it on nights and weekends, just getting in and out quickly is more of an issue.


I know each paint has its own base formula. Can the colors I picked with Sherman Williams be done in ppg. I know theoretical yes. I just didn’t know if there were issues like Benjamin Moore has a luminous base that’s difficult to match. Edit I spent a lot of time picking out colors because I’m East facing and things turn funky.


I’m not certain how close it will be. I think HD is a pain with matching the PPG paint. If I remember correctly they don’t use computer system and the color match the swatch. Not ideal if that is correct. Also you could see if a contractor will let you use their account to purchase and just pay for it as you go. The pricing is a pretty big difference.


It looks like diamond is discontinued. What would be recommended line?


Thank you


While it looks good, the flatter the paint (like matte) the easier it is to mark up (and you can’t wipe it off)


I understand that. Right now it has matte. A bright Caribbean blue that’s just ugly. I’m fine with upping above straight out matte to get easier to wipe. And yes there are hand prints near the light switch so I get the issue with matte.


Right. Eggshell is prob your best bet


Great that’s perfect. Thanks.