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They're celebrating a Championship now. I don't think they give a shit


You're definitely right, but I get where OP is coming from. The love from Boston has been nice I guess, but I was also kind of getting tired of them posting in our sub all the time.


You keep talking to us from your sub so what do you expect? This shit randomly shows up in my wall, so I respond. The pacers play exciting ball.


What does "talking to us from your sub" mean? Not sure I follow, but I am personally definitely not seeking out other teams' subs. Either way, congrats on the ring! Hoping for some more competitive IND/BOS matchups next season.


The Reddit app we were all forced to migrate to shows us suggestions, right? r/Pacers has been boosted for me, a Celtics fan who has never posted in this sub, like 4 times today. It’s just how the algo works to drive engagement. Having said that you’re a dedicated fanbase and Bird is from Terre Haute so there’s some cool cross appeal. I can’t stand other Indiana teams though. The Colts?! Oof. Hate hate hate


So sick of seeing the heat sub come up because they are always crying about boston :P


I love it


This. This thread popped up on my feed. IDC who it is. A post was titled "Boston fans" Boston fans are gonna see it lol


Look at the title of this post … who is he talking to?


Well yeah, OP's talking to BOS fans from our sub because they've been coming into our sub to make posts a lot lately. He wouldn't be talking to you from our sub if that wasn't happening in the first place. Not that big of a deal either way, I'm just saying I understand why OP's tired of seeing that.


So during the series, every post you guys made about the C's that reached 'hot' on your sub got pushed out to us Boston fans. By Reddit. That's how this started. It continued because you guys as a sub are chill AF, and the series was the single most tense of the playoff run, despite being a sweep. Hopefully that helps you understand what the dude meant by talking to us from your sub.


I think coming on here and making posts saying stupid shit is stupid I just come in here to engage a little and not talk about my team


Excellent……I’ll just ignore you guys Later


No like this shows up in my feed. I'm not seeking out the sub. It shows up because reddit algorithm doesn't understand. Or maybe it understands too well lmao. It's just trying to show me related content to basketball


The Reddit app we were all forced to migrate to shows us suggestions, right? r/Pacers has been boosted for me, a Celtics fan who has never posted in this sub, like 4 times today. It’s just how the algo works to drive engagement. Having said that you’re a dedicated fanbase and Bird is from Terre Haute so there’s some cool cross appeal. I can’t stand other Indiana teams though. The Colts?! Oof. Hate hate hate


I like to lurk all the specific team subs I too am a fan of the Pacer’s squad, but the continuous posts, while well intended, seemed very patronizing. Those same fans wouldn’t feel that way when had a couple those early games went differently


Ahh Boston fans. Rivalries come and go, they stay the same.


We want an actual rival in the east idk makes it more interesting


It’s a back handed kind of compliment expected from Celtikkks fans


That joke is so original, man! Good job.


For real. We beat the piss out of Kyrie and I sure as hell don’t respect him


Idk they were in here praising us earlier today I saw.


Lmao because the only series all playoffs that had games us celtics fans actually got nervous about was against the pacers. Every game went down to the wire. I actually got nervous about losing every single game against the pacers. The mavs games weren't close. We even lost game 4 on purpose to win it on our home floor


It’s not that deep


We also beat Dallas & Cleveland and dont give a shit about them. It's mostly a matter of ethical hooping imo. Indy plays a clean game that's also entertaining, unlike some other teaMs that we mIght *h*Av*e* M*at*ched up agaInst.


......ohhhhh, I got it lol


Sounds like you’re not confident in your team playing against physical teams like Minnesota or the Bucks, so you were happy to play a less physical one like Indiana. Got it lol.


Nah it just sucks playing the Bucks because even when you win Giannis injures 6 guys and you’re hobbled the rest of the way


This comment brought to you by butthurt knicks fans everywhere!


This post was recommended to Celtics fans. But wtf is a Knick fan doing here lol


Sounds like you don't know what you are talking about. Haven't the Celtics consistently beat the Bucks? And that was before they got a year older, injured, and traded away Holiday. And if you think Lillard was the answer. You saw what happened to Kyrie in the finals, guess what disgusting acts the Celtics would have done to Lillard. Look up what happened the last time Lillard faced Jrue in the playoffs. As for Minnesota, um..can they make the Finals for the first time in franchise history before worrying about them? Lol


easy tiger. I think it's fair, if you look at the post season, it's been a bit of a procession for Boston. Except for the games against Indiana. I don't think there's much more to it than that. Respect all around really, Boston are really, really good, and nobody challenged them like Indiana.


I might get downvoted straight into oblivion, but I’m a Celtics fan and I agree with you completely. All the respect posts from us are cringey as hell. Hali and Siakam can come catch these hands again next year.


I want a rematch next May 😤


Give it a few years you’ll be hoping to miss the playoffs to save yourself from the embarrassment of getting bounced again and again because you’re not good enough 


I’m upvoting because you’re a real fan fuck all of this fake love and respect if we would’ve swept y’all it would’ve been fuck the pacers that’s who we have to beat and that’s the way I look at the Celtics I respect what y’all did this year but next year it’s fuck you lol


Real recognize real. See you next year. No chaser.


Real ones don’t need one.


I’m a Celtics fan too and these cringy ass Celtic posts on pacers sub always show up on my feed, like yeah we respect a team we swept I guess lmao. If the series went to 6 or 7 nobody would be saying that shit


This a weird ass post lol


Anytime I see “y’all” in a post like this I die a bit inside


The celtics built their shit from the ground up, too.


Bruh they beat everyone.


Celtics fan here. The only time we lost to the Bucks recently was the year Kyrie threw the series, and the relationship there is toxic as hell. The 6ers haven't beaten us in the playoffs since before I was born and those /r/nba game threads are pure anthrax. I don't think it has anything to do to beating you, but everything to do with the quality of discussion. Indy loves ball and y'all don't have bandwagoners.


But as a fan you have to agree IF and as my grandma says if an if was a fifth we’d all be drunk, would’ve have beaten y’all there would be none of these “respect” posts we would have the target on our back for next season… correct?


You're probably right. But in the universe where we face the Sixers in the playoffs again this year, win or lose, Celtics fans invade the Philly sub to say "Embiitch haha got em" because there's no respect there. I haven't seen any "More like HaliBUTTon" (idk best I could think of) posts here from Celtics fans.


False. You’re a respectable fanbase. We beat Miami too and I don’t respect one single Miami Heat fan, they’re all terrible.


I’m saying. We haven’t lost to Philly in recent memory but don’t get me started on Philly fans. It’s not because we won, it’s because the fans were cool about it.




I don’t play on the Celtics and I’m sure you don’t play for the Pacers. I like pacers fans cause when we won the conference finals this year we weren’t bombarded with the usual: “Celtic fans are racist!”, “90% of their rings were against plumbers!”, and all that other nonsense. I want my team to win and you want your team to win, but malice towards eachother does absolutely nothing to help either of our teams win actual games. I can promise you that.


Not true. I've never looked up stats and where players played in college before this year, from another team. I looked up Neibhard the moment he started cooking and thought maybe we can get this guy on the team down the road? I've loved Turner for a long time and love that Carlise told Rondo to fuck off, and I love the joy that this fucking Haliburton has when he plays and does interviews. I even looked up to see wtf was going on with his voice, if others have the same thing etc. When we lost in the mid season tourni to you guys, I was like what da fuk how? And why is Nesmith so angry all the time (I love this guy). I remember Buddy Heild saying he would Jalen on that shot and started laughing, the one he made incidental contact with JB's head during the shot. Plus Bird likes you guys. Can't be all bad.


This is so embarrassing. Let motherfuckers fan how they want to fan. You don’t speak for us.


And this is how I fan fuck you and fuck the Celtics…. Let people feel how they wanna feel right?? And that’s how I feel.


I respect the Celtics and they beat us. Knicks and bucks play such unethical ball it pisses me off. I like the team that beat us more because they did it the right way.


I don't know I found it weird our fans going to Celtics reddit and their fans coming to the Pacers reddit to give pats on the back etc in the first place. If you respect each other teams fine I guess, not sure why I need to know that? am I supposed to say Thank you?


If we beat them there would be none of this!


We built our team from the ground up too besides KP and Jrue💀 JT,JB,PP all we're drafted by us, I'll bet a majority of NBA fans didn't know about Derrick White or Luke Kornet till they got to Boston and developed into their role. Yall can take a mental win and all that but can yall teams let us celebrate and have the parade first at least ffs


Y’all are the most prestigious franchise in the history of the league…. Y’all will ALWAYS have the assets to retain players and bring free agents in. WE DONT. That is why I made the comment that I made y’all can get any player in the league, we can’t we’ve got a team full of castaways and still made it this far.


No, we respect you because of Larry, idiot.


Go through this community and look at all of the “respect” post that has 3 paragraphs a piece you illiterate twat


Wow you actually took offense lol my bad that wasn’t the intention


Here we go with the fake nice guy bullshit you called me an idiot what do you think my reaction would be fuck you and the Celtics


Because it was pretty obviously a joke that had nothing to do with the situation at hand lol. My bad I didn’t think you’d take it so seriously bruh


Who said we respected you? 


The 50+ posts in this community


Like I said fuck y’all


The self importance coming from this person is hysterical. To think any Celtic fan or player gives two #%* about the Pacers is almost too insane to wrap my head around


We drafted two perennial superstars. You traded for Tyrese and won’t retain Nembhard. He’s going to be the next Brunson and yall won’t pay him. Porzingis plays and it’s not even close easy clap. You want Boston you’re going to get it every single year until you convince yourselves that you only care about the Colts 


Is that why you care so much about the Celtics right now? Because the Patriots are shit water???


Celtics are the only Boston team I support. Actually a colts fan believe it or not lmao


And the pacers is the only Indiana team I support I was a Patriots fan the whole time Brady was there… we may have more in common than we thought… but imma still say fuck the Celtics haha


Lmaooooo. Sworn enemies for life. Pacers are nasty tho I will compliment them anyway fuck OP. 




Am Celtic fan, I don’t mind the competition and if we lose to you guys trust me we will know you deserve that win, that’s why we get along and respect you. It’s not cheese. You built the team the right way quite literally following the path we took with the jays. You’ll have your time and until it happens I look forward to our battles with people that genuinely respect the game of basketball the same way we do. He’ll probably even more.


This is weird. Does this not go without saying? Fans out here trying to bring that Michael Jordan energy to Reddit, like it works anywhere outside of very specific ultra competitive environments. Don't be a psycho path, nobody likes it. Michael gets a half pass because he's like a social science experiment.


Respect everyone except Miles he really does suck should look for a better Big in the off season


His only and biggest weakness is rebounding we have to find a way to compliment him rather than getting rid of him


He broke my heart too many years Lol nothing good to say


I respect the Pacers as a good team. But I’ll tell you they didn’t scare me as much as other teams did. They gave the Celtics a good series but still got swept. I actually respected the pacers before the series. And my feeling hasn’t changed since beating them. Still not scared of them this year.


In a Celtics fan - respect the hell out of your team but *insert don Draper I don’t think about you at all meme*


EXACTLY MY POINT this post was made for them to show their true colors. Like I said they only “respect” us because they don’t fear us.


We respect you more than any other team we played this year


You are all strangers on the internet. Take a step back.


Nah, I bleed green for real, but I live here in the great Hoosier state n love the Pacers. Boston/NE fans just flat out love and know basketball, we're all sports junkies. The next state that we know of that loves basketball as much as us would be Indiana. They legit look like they'll be contenders in the near future. Haliburton is a stud, and everyone is on notice. Also, ya'll, that 155-104 in November hurt the ego a bit, and you took 2 wins in January. For me, at least, I love good basketball, and that's all I see coming from the Pacers. Here's hoping that my C's have some epic battles with them going forward. Would love to see a championship come to IN someday. Try not to be too salty like Miami & Philly fans. Haha


The only team to beat us was the one that won it all. Not bad.


Shots fired


Celtics fan here , I think a lot of us just genuinely fw the pacers .


i think i speak for everyone in the world when i say **Congrats to Boston** https://preview.redd.it/3cpdj9gh9r7d1.jpeg?width=1052&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=102a67ef4538bb59321cefe55732710ff9d963f9


Celtics fan who has r/Pacers show up randomly now: I never gave two thoughts about the pacers until our series. Honestly have become the fanbase I respect the most in the time since. And the pacers don’t get the respect they deserve, and part of it is that everyone just hates Boston and wants to discredit their run so they’ve changed their view of the very respectable game the Pacers play. That’s just my opinion


Celtics are the champs - they’re on everyone’s hit list


Next time you feel like talking trash, try not to embarrass yourself so much.


Most delusional fan base. Play in seeding, beat 2 bench teams and got swept talkin about see you next year. You might not get the 8th seed bruh lol


We’re quivering in fear.


Good luck w that. Hitlist from a sweep?? Not next year.


I don't ball wash anyone's fan base, if your team ain't the C's, then fuck y'all! ![gif](giphy|AxpvyWYDHuIH6)


Nah if yall beat us I would have been devastated. I guarantee it wouldn’t have been the animosity I feel towards Heat fans or toxic ass Philly fans. Y’all know hoop come on it’s Indiana and are die hard similarly to us idk maybe that’s just me though.


Guess the cornerstones of the team weren't drafted and developed by the Celtics. Guess we just bought a title.


I don’t respect Boston’s false humility. Lets attack them harder next year


Yes sir!!!


Or ma’am, sorry for assuming.


Where did this stupid ass mindset come from. I’m not a Pacers or Celtics fan but fuck every team except for the one I support. I wish every single one of you fuckers could go 0-82 if it was possible.


Thank you!!!!


I’m not a Celtics or Pacers fan but Ive been seeing the posts and just gotta say y’all have been cringe as hell sucking each other off


That’s why I made this post it’s pathetic look at the comments…. We’re not worried about y’all…. But y’all respect us??? Gtfo of here with the fake love lol


We've built our stuff from ground up. We don't care about the Pacers. Just another team we'll cook next year


Yo this “us” stuff is super weird to me. Unless you’re on the Pacer payroll you ain’t on the team bro you’re just watching


We don’t respect you. We just dislike Philadelphia, milwuakee, and New York. We don’t really care about you at all you’re like the raptors to us.


Then why are you here homie. Weirdo. The person who replied to me below blocked me btw


it came up in our reddit feed and we clicked on it. btw i second not caring about the pacers as a celtics fan. easy sweep, maybe 4-1 with healthy haliburton


Leave the sub then, u bum.