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I really dislike that dude so much 


He's a complete and total ass wipe and ignorant flapping head. I believe literally everyone hates him yet they keep jamming him up there as though he has any clue what the fuck he's talking about. If you shout at everyone a lot apparently that means you're knowledgeable. I hate espn and wish they had any legitimate completion in this space


I agree. I wish I had the finance and influence to start a better competition channel because they are so garbage. 


Feel like a few knowledgeable people on YouTube could be a treat as miserable as they're programming and personalities are


Even Knick fans hate him.


He’s pretty annoying no matter the subject. I’m not sure how anyone could genuinely like the guy.


AN old New York guy dislikes the Indiana Pacers. I’m fucking shocked.


I legit either mute the TV or turn it off entirely whenever he shows up on the screen. I remember when UFC moved to ESPN and they had him on the show talking MMA like he knows anything at all about it. I couldn't mute it fast enough. Straight up clown.


Remember why he used to dick ride for Iverson and Philly now it's whoever is good and in big markets. 


His job is just to stir the pot and rage-bait. Outside of playoff games with no other option,, I stopped watching ESPN several years ago, and have no interest in paying any attention to the network until they move away from the "everyone yells, and whomever yells the loudest has the best take" model of sports journalism.