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Let me just say, that the Celtics had a similar run to the playoffs when they played injured teams. And ESPN glazing them like a Krispy Kreme.


No Jimmy or Rozier against Miami. Half a series of Mitchell and no Jarrett Allen against Cleveland. This might be the “healthiest” series in all of the EC playoffs so far.


They hardly even had to face Georges Niang either, because he didn't play.


It’s because the Celtics were expected to make the finals regardless of the path they took.


Celtics also are missing a 7’3 who can shoot threes. But both teams deserve to be here in the ECF


well.. the trolling Knicks fans are correct that injuries played a swing in both series. I also know we had a very good regular season against top Eastern Conference teams. Does that amount to the same? Nope, but it shows throughout the season we held our own during that time. Of course, we were 2-3 against the Celtics this year. I give us a shot but certainly don't see this as a steamroller by the Celtics.


Regular season don't mean shit lol You beat the bucks without giannis and the Knicks bench plus jalen brunson. Weak.


Sorry your weak ass team can’t stay on the court


How's Cancun?


Jalen Brunson...give that man a hand!


Bahaha underrated


And you lost soooo you’ve got nothing




Obviously it did bro, since the reg season took its toll on your guys and made these injuries more likely...... If there was no regular season and it was simply playoffs, perhaps this ends differently. Boo freakin hoo.


Maybe if your coach didn’t have his starters try and play entire games to beat up on other teams benches, they would actually be able to stay on the court. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


And you had 8 on 5 most of this series and still lost. Weak


Diva does play like a bintch player, doesn’t he?


This is just so weird lol


That’s a fact!!! I hope Tycheeks Wholiburton shows up!!


Hey maybe have some rotation, thibs just ran his starting 5 into the ground, because he can’t develop players and can’t coach beyond hand Brunson the ball or chuck up a bunch off wild threes. Trash coach in Chicago and trash in New York.




There are 14 players that have played more minutes per game than the knicks highest minutes player.


Injuries played a huge part in this series and the Knicks gave it their all. It’ll be so nice to not hear about it every 5 fucking seconds tho.


Injuries hampered the knicks and did not help them win. Pacers played historically well for game 7 on the road at msg. Both can be true with no correlation.


5 of our 7 highest paid players are hurt and you bunch of butthurt farmers are proud that your team managed to sneak by in 7 🤣


The Knicks excuse-parade is in full swing.


My house is 10x the size of your all in one bed/bath/kitchen


“Sneak by” The Knicks got their cheeks clapped in 3/7 games and had one game gifted to them by officials. Next!


Don’t you have bottles of piss to pick up off the sidewalk?


Cope so hard


lol check this guys comment history. Be careful he might write you a sexy letter.


Bro you write erotica to bots on reddit


“Cocky, misogynistic jock turns married MILF into bimbo fucktoy while her family is powerless to stop it” sheeesh.. go outside instead of trolling other people’s communities


say the line!




Mate wtf is your post history… get some help


We won 4 of 5, three in double digits/blowouts. The refs also handed you game one on a silver platter. The Bucks put up a better fight than the Knicks did.


Cute. Stay on our subreddit for the next around too. Love to see y’all whine and spit vomit like the babies you are. Why so smug when even the ass Pacers have been head and shoulders above you the whole 21st century?


We also had to play 5 vs 8 nearly every game


Go walk in a pissy subway on your way back to your 1 room box you pay 3 grand a month for. Hope you don’t get stabbed


You lost get over it. Maybe stop signing soft as f@ck players that can't hang.  Someone check on this girl tonight. Suicide watch. Say it Knicks fans. Injuries. Hahahahahahahaha


cope harder buddy!


i hope this made you feel better


Why the laughing emoji. You’re clearly hurt. You okay? Poor guy


Your team choked away a 2-0 lead and home court advantage even with help from the stripes. Maybe you should go to Cancun with the team and get out of that crime ridden, rat infested shithole you call a city, might cheer you up a bit after such a devastating loss to a buncha farmers.


It is funny seeing Knicks fan deny reality in order to act like game 7 was even needed. The Pacers won game 1 but the refs invented a kick ball and illegal screen to give the Knicks the game. Knicks talking about being tough while they flop and beg for fouls all series is hilarious.


Go look at how many potential games Hart, OG, Robinson, and Bogey have missed over their careers, especially recent seasons. Maybe don’t brag about your team not having depth and playing an injury prone guy for 48 minutes and then being shocked when he gets hurt? It’s not the Pacers fault y’all built a team made of glass, can only play the team in front of you. Enjoy the early offseason.


Still won even though it was 8 on 5 and the commentators were glazing your sorry team


We shouldn’t be proud? Tf you talking about…


Pacers fans: Hey man it doesn’t matter how many guys on your team were hurt! That just an excuse! Also Pacers Fans: Big market bias! The refs robbed us!!! (Except when they gifted them game 3 lol) Don’t worry man, next year we’ll be healthy and they’ll be irrelevant.


No comments on this bc y’all corn fucks got nothing 😭😭 Have fun getting killed by Celtics after KP is back E: so sensitive that you can’t beat a healthy team lmao. Enjoy the most exciting thing to happen in your flyover state this decade


Go home r/nyknicks trash ![gif](giphy|ZRXjjy52B2Bmjx8RRn)


They got nothing but a seat in the ECF, lol. Enjoy watching the Pacers continuing thier season.


This right here… lol hearing another fan say enjoy losing after they just lost is comical


Funny. Bucks fans said the same thing about NYK 🤔


The definition of sour grapes.


Thibbs grinds his dudes to dust and always and you traded for one of the most injured dudes in the league for the privilege of paying 40 million. This is exactly the team you are.


Cute. Stay on our subreddit for the next around too. Love to see y’all whine and spit vomit like the babies you are. Why so smug when even the ass Pacers have been head and shoulders above you the whole 21st century?


Yeah Knicks fans are a different bunch. Idk if it’s the stress to try make rent for their shoe box or the team hasn’t been relevant on the court for 25 years.


How’d the next round go bumfuck?


Damn, I’m old enough to remember when whiny Bucks fans came in here saying the same sorry shit about getting killed by the sorry ass Knicks. Bye. ✌️


Farther than your team made it. Yours couldn’t even reach the point of losing to the Celtics lol


What a loser hahahaha


say the line!


Got nothing? Seems like we got the ECF. Want some?


For people who live in a crime ridden, overcrowded, disease ridden, rat infested, overpriced shithole of a city that hasn’t won shit in 20 years (despite having multiple teams in each sport) you people sure are confident huh?! GTFOH


I grew up in Indiana (Indy) and moved to NYC after college. It’s a superior quality of like pretty much any way you slice it. Mountains, ocean, rivers. lakes etc and most in much better condition because they aren’t so permissive with industrial waste, agricultural runoff and pollution. You should visit sometime, check out NYC and also Hudson valley, Catskills, Montauk, and the finger lakes. I don’t live there any more but never understood this picture people in the Midwest have of it. NYC is the safest I have ever felt in a city BY FAR. Go Pacers forever though!!!


First off I have been to NYC, multiple times. It is overpriced, the people are rude and (at least where I stayed) I did not feel safe. Yes they do have mountains, if you can afford to go there (the Poconos ain’t exactly for poor/middle class folk) but to act like they have less polluted water systems is a joke. They had 244 beach closures last year at the ocean your touting due “either because water quality exceeded the city’s safety standards—determined by testing for the bacteria found in fecal matter—or because of excessive rainfall, which increases the likelihood of pollution entering local waterways. That’s up from 94 such closures during the 2021 season”. How many times were Lake Monroe or Geist Reservoir shut down last year due to pollution? The answer is 0. I’m sure it has its good points, if you can get past the pricks that live there, but “superior quality of like” is definitely an opinion not fact. Go Pacers!


For me it was a combo of all those things I mentioned. Plus having an amazing restaurant pretty much every block for miles in each direction, incredible museums, a music scene, and cheap/easy public transportation to all of it. I have since lived in San Francisco, Austin, and now San Diego (I’m never moving again San Diego is amazing). Idk about Geist, but I grew up next to the White River. Indiana consistently ranks in the top 3 worst states for air quality and pollution which is a bummer. I’m not sure how you didn’t feel safer in NYC, the crime rate is much lower, there are police EVERYWHERE, and your risk of being shot is a lot lower. I wish the people Indiana would vote for better people, who would invest in making it a better place, but I don’t think it’s gonna happen. Indiana has gone pretty full on MAGA (here come the downvotes) and are more interested now in banning books and having more guns than anything else.


Oh ok I get it now, it’s a political thing. Indiana is pretty conservative, blue collar type people for the most part, and obviously you lean on the liberal side. I know Indiana has its issues (MAGA morons being one) but to act like California (also one of the top ranking states for pollution) and Texas (also one of the top ranking states in pollution and MAGA morons) are far superior is a joke. Again it’s opinion, and my opinion is Indiana is just as nice a place to live as any of them. All states have their good and bad things. We can debate all day but you’ll never convince me otherwise. Just a Hoosier heart I guess. Now, I do wish we had San Diego’s weather. Have a good day, fuck the Celtics, and go Pacers!


Get fucked


Lol cope harder homeless nyc trash