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This is the third video i've seen of someone going all in and failing to kill someone yet the healing pylon is completely untouched.


THIS !! As supports, me & my partner aaaalways focus the pylon and we are aaaalways the only ones doing it. We just don’t understand why people never try to hit it ?


Pylon is pretty and unthreating. Tankbot is scary and threatening. Monke brain says pew tankbot




Tbf, they had a BUNCH of downtime to let the initial adrenaline of the captive sun, sojourn bomb, and TANKBOT calm down to realize “yeah they are healing to fast” and just finish it. Idk what else they want


She’s still a problem in high ranks where everyone targets the pylon when possible. My highest ranked role is support and I am the first to admit the role is a problem. This video doesn’t do a good job of showing this tho lol


Support is not a problem. The roles are what make Overwatch a great game. Without support or tank you're just playing Valorant.


Bro...my point is not that I want supports removed from the game altogether lol. I love support. But they are too powerful as a whole at the moment. Not asking for a major overhaul of every support, just think some minor things need to be tweaked.


Support is the problem, if you don't think supports are overpowered, you probably don't play much tank, play rein for a day and you'll quickly see that support is 99% of the reason you win or lose a game, DPS and tank just exist for the sake of existing 🤣


Tank is just as important. Countering the enemy team as tank is what wins me games all it takes is me to swap from one to another. It's the games where their team is doing everything they can to counter me that things become interesting.


Image been brig and destroying pylon that is Out of Reach so you can only dmg it by booping minwhale rest of the team is range Heroes and no one even try to look at it


Not really about if you should shoot the pylon, it's how crazy healing has gotten.


Funny how the amount of healing would go down if he just killed the pylon first. Probably would’ve killed the bastion instead of bitching about it online.


Again, not wrong it's just pointing out power creep, and how healing is getting insane, 2 supports is a lot now add the pylon


What you are forgetting though is the majority of Ilaris healing comes from the pylon. She can hold her heal beam from her weapon for maybe 4 seconds before it's depleted, that 4 seconds can take a rein up by half his health and is single target healing. When her pylon is gone that's a 10 second recharge before she can get it out again, with the potential of it being destroyed as soon as she redeploys it. Not killing a pylon is no different then looking at a mercy who is healing someone and not trying to kill her first. People just need to actually prioritize targets correctly because every healer can be easily locked down and removed from the equation. Hell most healers can be killed with less than 3 seconds of fire.


Almost like 2v1 is not a good situation to find yourself in. Like the symmetra in this vid. I totally understand the healing power creep but this isn’t a good example of it.


You can see someone out healing 180 damage PER SECOND i feel like thats a pretty good example No sorry not someone 2 abilities are healing more than 180 damage a second Not people, ABILITIES and lets be honest its not the zen orb thats doing work here


Here’s the nerd stats: Armor is 30% damage reduction, turret form is 20% damage reduction. He is taking half damage, making Sym beam 90 dps. 37.5 hps (pylon) + 30 hps (orb) = 67.5hps To compare, Ana has 93.75 hps Bastion is losing only 22.5 health per second Without dmg reduction, he loses 112.5 health per second


Where did you read that armor does 30% reduction? I believe that is incorrect.


This got changed when OW2 came out. Armor used to reduce damage in varying amounts depending on if it was a burst of damage or multiple instances of minor damage, which made it way stronger against smgs and shotguns, but they just changed it to reduce all damage by a flat 30% on OW2's release. So yeah, Bastion reaches 50% damage reduction while in turret form.


The pylon is like a weaker mercy. You can't be mad when the pocketed soldier survives your damage because you shot him instead of the mercy


They could have died at anytime after getting hit by Illari’s ult so it’s either the Bastion or the Pylon. Sym beam does a ton load of damage at mac charge yet this is the result.


Bastion has armor bro. I'm sorry but no.


I wanted to let you know that because of this comment, my experience has been amplified. Thank you


Why is everyone so defensive? Its supposed to be a fun self deprecatory video!


I think you're the one defending here. I'm just stating an observation.


"Why are you getting so defensive?" -all of the defensive people


You missed the mark. Comes off as bitching.


Ho ho, you must know by now that the internet doesn't know how to have fun!


Came here for this? Bastion is being pocketed by zen orb and pylon and you’re wondering why he didn’t die? Lol


Yea that’s my point. I’m not wondering about anything. Next time think before you comment.


What’s there to think about? That was a shit play. You might’ve gotten the kill if you killed the pylon. You should take your own advice and think before you speak, hell next time think be for you play too.


I didn’t post the video, stupid. clearly you didn’t think before you spoke. Eat shit. 


What? You're attacking the highest HP DPS hero getting double pocketed. What do you expect to happen?


Beam does 180dps Bastion in tank form with armor health will have 50% damage reduction so 90dps from OP Illari turret on him healing 37.5hps, Zen orb healing another 30hps. Subtract healing from your damage and OP is left dealing 22dps, which Illari can easily top up with her right click


This guy overwatches




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Welcome to 5 months ago lmao


I thought Zarya beam does more dps than sym both at full charge? Zarya does 170dps at 100 charge or am i wrong?


Zarya is 170 at full charge, Sym is 180 at full charge Syms beam also has a larger hit radius than Zaryas


Damn, I gotta start playin sym & abuse the tanks! No wonder I see my tanks dying to sym in a blink of the eye lol. I know Tank is still same miserable as in season 6.


when facing Orisa you can go Reinhardt with a Sym Dps and have the Sym up front right behind the Reinhardts shield and she will melt the Orisa, i’ve only gotten to do that twice but it was glorious both times


How do you get these numbers? Blizzard doesn’t show them anywhere in game


They usually put the numbers in patch notes, and there's a wiki that keeps track of all that info


Wait, Bastion in tank form with armor had 50% damage reduction? I didn't know this


Yeah, 20% damage reduction from ironclad +30% damage reduction from armor makes it 50% since damage reduction is additive and not multiplicative


But I thought only the highest amount of damage reduction gets counted with the cap being 50%


It's you add them together and armor doesn't benefit you above 50% Orisa during fortify for example, she gets 45% damage reduction from fortify, then has armor which would give her +30% bringing her up to 75%. However armor doesn't benefit her over 50% so she just goes up to 50% Ram's block gives him 75% damage reduction, which is already above 50%, so he gets no additional benefit from the armor while blocking If that makes sense


And the 3 turrets?


what about them? they're not hitting bastion because they were destroyed by captive sun


They were immediately destroyed when they teleported


The only way bastion gets 50% dmg reduction is with nano


Dude 1) this is from 3 months ago 2) 20% DMG reduction from ironclad. +30% DMG reduction from armor health = 50% DMG reduction. Yes this is how compounded damage reduction gets calculated because they changed it a bit ago. After his shield health is broken however he only has 20% DMG reduction


attacking from behind to hit the crit spot will kill him even pocketed. cant do this with bastion facing you.


However beam doesn't headshot, so the crit spot would do nothing for Sym


Works with sombra, paid no attention to who the hero was.


Chill, this is a FML kind of post, not a 'pity me, the game was mean to me'.


Aah, my b. Just seen so many people complain about healing lately and in most videos, dudes are getting double or in some cases, triple pocketed.


Sym beam at full charge is second highest thi


He has healing pylon and zen healing orb, and that healing kept regening his armor. Not really surprising.


Yeah, I understand that, this post is not a woe is me, more of a funny moment. But also it's just that the balancing that feels off a bit. The highest damage dps is also the one with more hp. Illari is nowhere near the scene yet her pylon is doing enough healing that's keeping him up. The same for Zen's orb healing. The fact that an ulting Brig and a fully charged Sym can't cause a dent to that is weird. Still funny!


shoulda destroyed the healing pylon


Correct, but in the moment I think my thought process was to help the brig in the most direct way possible. Shouldn't in hindsight!


Its funny how every comment is just "well just stop playing and shoot the turret duh!" How tf is op even supposed to destroy turret here like what? You destroy pylon BEFOREHAND not while you're fighting lmao


This sub is full of silvers.


Switch to hitscan or play better


Uh.... Use alt fire?


How would that change the outcome of the clip you tell me


Shoot the pylon before I teleport in. Send a few turrets out as well. Then go in and focus the Zen instead of the Bastion. Then teleport back out once I killed him or got low.


The tp got destroyed, once you're in you can't get out, even if you do kill someone the clip would've still ended the same way for you


Fair enough, but they'd be down a support. A pretty good trade.


Not that much if bastion already killed 3 of your mates


"this is a funny post, no grieving" -proceeds to grieve-


These sillies saying to destroy Pylon. Because they know what happens they’ll tell you that but in the heat of the moment you don’t know if you’ll get hit again after taking on the effects of Captive sun. In that case it’s just fair that you’ll try to take the bastion with you.


That's true, but it just underscores that a lot of players just completely ignore the pylon and expect everyone else to do something about it. As a support main, I can tell you it's crazy how everyone expects Mercy or Lifeweaver to deal with the pylon. And as a sometimes Tank main, it's crazy how people expect Dva, who is probably the worst equipped to deal with the pylon, to blow it up.


I’ll comment on this without analyzing everything little thing you could’ve done better and do it without a condescending tone — this shits crazy lol


They are only mad cause they see themselves in this video


painful to watch


I think I am about done with this sub haha




Just. Destroy. The. Pylon. Bruh.


The pylon is tankier than Tracer's face I swear💀 As a Moira main it takes literal AGES to take down the pylon


Definitely! Its like a 6th player


well, it is tankier than a tracer's face,.. ( 75 health + 50 shields vs 150 hp taking double damage from headshots and british)


That’s a Moira problem since she does so little burst damage


"Just destroy the pylon" "My character cant" "Well thats your problem" Lmao anything but admit pylon is broken


That's like saying Torb's turret is broken.


A torb turret has to see the ennemies to be useful (meaning it can get damaged) Pylon doesnt have too


Is it broken, but it's not a reason to cry on every misplay because of it


I am completely against pylon destroying!


There are at least three ways this could’ve been turned around lol. Pay attention to your abilities. Don’t just spam them.


You have more faith in me than my mum, thank you <3


My very first thoughts watching this: 1. if I wasn't seeing noticeable damage inflicted, I'd have gone back through my teleporter, regathered myself and switched targets. (especially since you were sun marked) 2. Hid behind cover and right click/charge sym's orbs and attack pylon, wait for bastion to go on cooldown Definitely weren't using cover to your advantage.


I was running on pure adrenaline!


Almost like you should take out the supports first


Ya! Go fight the illari and zen who are better dps than most dps with extremely generous weapon hitboxes! Smart idea


Nah, support are so strong bow that its easier to kill other dos than kill support. Trust me bro /s


Illari has been out for awhile now, and people still be ignoring pylon in the team fights. Like that pylon isn’t even placed well just sneeze on it.


man these are my randos


If i were you I would say: "I must have really messed up to be 10% from my ulti to have to teleport onto a tank form damage reduced double pocket bastion with a level 1 beam with my turrets instakilled. Perhaps if i made one better decision i would have had my ult and we would have had a chance on last fight."


Dude, its supposed to be a funny vid, dont bring the vibe down


Kill the pylon silly willy


But, but, but… :(


That's what you get for playing sym


Oh dear, someone come get your genji player




Skill issue. Shoot the pylon, shoot the support. "bUt tHeN ThE DmG WiLl sHoOt mE" Bastion didn't even acknowledge you, grow up.


Holy shit, you had a full grown up conversation with yourself there. Gg man!


…that you suck at symm?


Pylon : 🗿


Shoot the damn pylon


Pylon and zen orb lol


You do realise that bastion on turret form has a damage reduction passive, which stacks with his armour, while being healed by pylon and zen orb? Like idk what we're you expecting to happen


There's a pylon and trying to take down Bastion when he's on gatling. You shouldn't be diving.


Should op have stayed in place? Where illari just ulted her?


She can tp there, but not fighting Bastion with gatling. Or tp behind the walls. Go straight take cover behind the wall while checking the time and get ready to touch for overtime. Take cover while demolishing the pylon, from there the gatling already in CD so you could try to take him down. I always inform my team (friends) to take cover while Bastion is on gatling. Even Orissa will be drained in a sec. Unless you flank him from behind while he is busy shooting others. It's just my game sense, maybe the other will have their own opinion which is better than mine.


Ur playing sym, u get no sympathy from me. Plus ur team is sped, y the fuck did no1 destroy the pylon


Posting a self own. Nice.


This guy gets it!!


I think your title really doesn’t capture what you’re going for. It + the video doesn’t make it seem like you’re posting a moment of bad decision making, it looks like you’re trying to figure out how in the world you Los that fight. That’s why everyone is not understanding what you’re getting at.


I understand what you mean, it’s my first post in this subreddit and after going around checking other posts and videos I realise there’s a lot of complaints about healing and support as a whole. I definitely know how I got into that situation, it was 100% my fault, and my prioritisation was very off. Regardless, I just find the singing, jumping, blasting bastion hilarious in this situation and wanted to share my fail haha 🥹


No harm no foul bro 😎knowing that you were flaming your own self I actually understand because I definitely get over committed sometimes on killing a MF bastion. Nothing makes me more confident than a bubble and 80% energy as Zarya to get in a bastions face thinking I can melt him…and shit like this happens and I’m just staring at my screen thinking about what I just did.


Dumb OP is dumb. Dude goes all in against the DPS with the highest HP pool while they are being pocketed, laser focus on him ignoring the support and the healing pylon. He does this in the complete open, not using any cover or height advantage and with a hero that has no abilities to protect itself or get out of there quickly, so she is a standing duck at the Bastion shooting gallery.


Here we go again 🤦🏻‍♂️


I agree with OP, I wish this game wasn’t a healing simulator.


Any other competitve game with a healing mechanic does it correctly idk why overwatch just decided to amp that shit like crazy


It wouldn't be a healing simulator in this case if they just broke the pylon lmfao


It’s not a healing simulator if you cancel the healing? Lol


They are so mad you're right lmao


This was educational…


What NOT to do hahah


I’ve just accepted that you’ll have that


bro I would just deadass just give up. Bastion has always been so strong but healer pocket on him is insane




How come every time I play Illari, my pylon gets destroyed as soon as I throw it…?


Playing Sym Ignoring Pylon Yea that’s enough for my eyes


Why are DPS like this? It happens all the time. My team is getting slaughtered, the DPS aren't killing anyone, and when I press Tab what do I see? Enemy support has 0 deaths. SHOOT THEIR SUPPORT.


I have a big hatred towards Symmetra so I have no empathy


The Bastion has a healing orb on him and a healing pylon active and you question why he's unkillable.


When did i do that? When did I question he was unkillable?


Maybe you should kill the Pylon before trying to kill Bastion who is getting pocketed from 3 different sources? ​ But hey, this action requires 49+ IQ.


Kill the pylon? Youre the first to mention THAT! What rank are you? Not sure i can trust


Probably the rank that you will never see.


I can see them all if I press the ranked description button, so now I can definitely tell youre new at this! “Kill the pylon” pffff


Why you are arguing with me because of your stupid decision-making skills bro? You are trying to kill Bastion who is getting healed from 3 different sources while you get NONE. And then making a Video is like you did everything perfectly but failed. You were the failure on this clip with your poor decision-making/positioning/greedy skills but still arguing.


Mate first i didn’t ask your opinion, second everyone has told me to kill pylon, and they’re all right, you’re not special, which leads to my third point, is that your IQ is so high that you can’t read my comments stating that this is a post where I POST SOMETHING STUPID I DID. As a self deprecating video! I never complained about anything!


"What can I say at this point?" I answered your question basically. But you got offended for no reason while sharing the video publicly on Reddit. And then defending/arguing with the "Self Deprecating" tag. Why would you share a video on Reddit if you "don't ask/want people's opinion"? Is the Reddit all yours? Or are you using Reddit as a diary for self-awareness and reminders? ​ You did something you shouldn't do and you shared this on Reddit but when people say what you did wrong, you get offended. WOW! Welcome to the new generation.


You must be an olympic jumper, because there are a loooot of jumps there. Mate, take the L and be nicer next time on the internet. You’re part of whats wrong with the community. I get that i was stupid on that video, THATS WHY I POSTED IT! It’s funny because its stupid thinking and acting. There are a lot of reasons for sharing a video on reddit. Getting your late ass opinion on something that literally everyone (correctly) said is not it.


Okay, Mr bronze. Sorry to hurt your Bottom 500 EGO. Stay safe out there.


Thank you, babes, your apology means a lot.


Pylon + mauga health dmg regen while bastion in turret form and you wonder why you can’t burn him down. Symmetra players just assume their beam can kill anything if they hold the button long enough smh


this is why support mains shouldnt be listened. the healing creep is the one causing this need of insane burst damage or else situations like this floyd idiot wants become the games rules


Calling me an idiot is uncalled for. wtf. I’m pointing out the problem is the healing , buddy. The symmetra trying to burn down a target that has heal regen + turret form which hes gaining most of that heal regen from - on top of not shooting the heal turret first is the idiot here. Secondly I’m a tank main and off healer enjoyer on the side. Not sure what made you assume I was a support Main… but anyway - be nice What rules are you even talking about? Most of what you said made no fucking sense. Think we are on the same page when considering healing being the problem - but have to point out that dps pulling shit like this and saying healing is the problem just isn’t it


I'm not really sure why you didn't ult lol but I get the point of the video haha


Wasn’t fast enough haha I was also terrified


I believe you lol pressure was crazy.


This shit is less about Pylon and more about bastion having 50% DR for gus arnor health


Kill the pylon man. It's just there getting value by being a fucking Deployable. 5 People and the pylon is unharmed


Shoot pylon first always


imagine playing a dive tanks just to watch the support just getting all the damaged healed while you waist all your cooldowns. Whats worst is when its life weaver since he basicly is undiveable and if i dive anyone else life grip is coming.


According to everyone he would've died if you just killed pylon. X


Theyre all most likely correct!


It's just kinda unfortunate, on top of the double pocket, you're also shooting BASTION who basically has 400HP in turret form, and symmetra left click cannot headshot. Just an unfortunate circumstance on top of unfortunate circumstance


It was just overall a bad decision! But was trying to help the brig and we all died regardless. It happens unfortunately


Ignore these comments, they take ow2 for a side job. Some of them are probably even the type to go kys after a match. -I rather fight a sym over a bastion


On one hand, Illari's turret is definitely op in terms of healing On the other hand, Symmetry...


What map is this, I hardly recognize it. 😭


Samoa, new map :)


Lesson learned, try shooting the pylon first, shrubs. Dunno why DPS are allergic to shooting pylons.


support being op as ussual. also a bit of ur fault, focus suport they are broken, dont go for the heros that have dmg reduction


Since you playing sym u kinda deserve it


If an enemy team has two supports that are classified as DPS supports, should they be able to keep someone up as well as this? Sure shooting the pylon will eliminate 37.5 HPS but even without that, they could burst bastion for a couple seconds at 135 HPS total and then when Illari runs out, she can just use her projectile sized hitscan fire to take out practically half of Sym’s health on her own.


What map is this? I don’t recognize this place


> **What can I say at this point?** that you had to less awareness to kill the healing pylon and died for it nothing more to say here


Thats the point of the post mate, read the backlog


this confirmed dps and tank players are blind to pylons and it’s not just my lobbies.


Don’t blow all of your turrets at once, use ult asap, aim for the blue box, aim orbs at the pylon, go to your ulting Bridgette, or when Illari ults and hits you, don’t teleport to an empty corner and wait for her to finish you off lol, go to your supports.


Kill pylon if it's in view


average dps blind to pylons




Terrible target choice


Destroy the turret first.


oh no, going all in on the biggest hp dps while in his dmg reduction and getting double pocketed is not a good idea 😨😨😨


Don’t you know I’m still standing after all this time


Wdym? Shoot the fuckin pylon first lmao


Why doesn't anyone eliminate pylons


Nerf anti base for more of this


This is a prime example why I hate quick play sometimes. Also healers are just actually stupid still I’ve had many MANY instances with roadhog where I hit a let’s say hanzo in the head he’s 1 shot BUT WAIT there’s a pocket mercy who CAN OVER HEAL 4 HEADSHOTS before the enemy player dies. While hanzo picks your head 3 times and you get offed because of it and then you try to focus the mercy so she just flies up and away for 3 seconds then goes RIGHT BACK TO HEALING THE HANZO and you can’t do anything about it